Avatar of Filthy Mudblood
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  • Posts: 378 (0.13 / day)
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    1. Filthy Mudblood 8 yrs ago
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Current waking up and reading everyone in the status bar suggesting revenge plots for me is why I love this site :’)
4 yrs ago
annnd I’ve just found out my boyfriends been cheating on me. u win 2020.
4 yrs ago
sorry I haven’t been answering people recently, been pretty busy contemplating dropping out of uni
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oops it’s 2am
4 yrs ago
let’s talk about post malone. he is a yes.
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Alias(s) =+= Filthy, Mudblood, not much else lmao but I will respond to 'oi bitch'
Spirit Animal =+= Tom fucking Hardy
Timezone =+= GMT - Scotland... United Kingdom
Shiver board =+=

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<Snipped quote by Legion02>

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

I wouldn't say anything if that happened. O.O I mean, what?

Pfft like a bomb could kill Amaryllis. Seriously though, ngl I would have a lot to say if it did hehe, that death would be such an injustice - just as Margaery's was. At least allow for something a little more personal if need be xD

I do see where you're coming from when comparing Lissa to Margaery, though. Tbh Margaery was one of my fave characters so I'm not complaining ;D

also I'm v sorry for my delay in replying to some messages, I'll be getting straight back to them after work tomorrow <3

Location; Kingdom of Abhainn
Interacting With; King Maddox Auclair {@Scarlet Loup}, Prince Antoine {@vFear}, Prince William Pengrance {@Legion02} (mentioned)

Prince William's absence couldn't help but bring about a small frown to Amaryllis' features. They were supposed to be in this together and now he was away flirting with one of the future queen's servants. It was snooty of her, she supposed, and he was clearly uncomfortable with the presence of the Prince of Slibah, but it briefly distressed her nonetheless. Her anxiousness did not take long to melt away, however, when she heard the King address her once more with that voice she had treasured for so long. Her attention turned to Prince Antoine before her gazing seemed abnormal, however, to listen to him.

"it's a wonderful thing, rekindling friendships."

The words caused a small, coy smile to grace Lissa's features as she shared, what she hoped was, a secret smile with Maddox. She felt a blush heat her cheeks as he spoke of them catching up in the near future - apparently nearer than she had first assumed, she realised, as Antoine offered his farewells. She bowed her head to him with a polite smile, despite the fact that her heart was already beginning to thump at least twice it's usual speed.

"It was lovely to meet you, your highness. Have a wonderful night." The lady waited until Antoine had left, paying little mind to the words he murmured to the King for she had no interest in politics, before speaking once more.

"Hello, Madds."

Making sure to step slightly closer to him and lowering her voice to avoid any passer-by's from listening, Lissa allowed, for the first time in a long time, her lips to split into a genuine smile. She finally let her eyes fully survey him, taking in all of him - from his mask to his shoes.

"You seem older...In a good way, of course." She paused slightly, hesitating as she chose the right words to say, before finally settling with a simple: "It has been a very long time indeed." The tone she used - a stark contrast to her previous formal, guarded voice - was lilting with both compassion and excitement. Before she got too carried away, she dragged her eyes away from the King's, only to land on a beautiful figure obviously belonging to the future queen. The mere sight of the woman caused Lissa's reality to come crashing around her, and the bright smile soon slipped away from her features. Every bone in her body screamed at her to grab Maddox's hand and run away from this nightmare - anywhere would do. Just not here. Of course, she couldn't do that, so instead she regarded Julianna with a superior tilt to the head and the burning fire of jealousy in her eyes. Most unladylike.

"She's awfully pretty, don't you think?" The King had to agree with her - she wasn't sure what else she was really expecting from the statement. It was a reckless thing to say with such a look on her own face, but Lissa was already sick of hiding everything. She wasn't interested in the stupid alliance between kingdoms, and she was just not ready to see some woman take away everything that she had ever wanted just because she was born into some title.

She was getting worked up - losing control. She knew she was. And yet it still took every inch of her self-control to smooth out her features and turn back to Maddox with a warm, yet tired, smile. She had probably looked like a jealous madwoman for that brief moment, and was already considering leaving again - should she run? No, that would just make people stare and she would most likely fall. This encounter was definitely not going the way she had planned.

Location; Abhainn's Ballroom
Interacting With; King Maddox Auclair {@Scarlet Loup}, Prince William Pengrance {@Legion02}, Prince Antoine {@vFear}

Amaryllis was just beginning to relax, just starting to let herself melt into the beat of the music when a frighteningly familiar voice pulled her out of it. Why was it frightening? Because she had replayed that voice over and over in her head for the past six years, witnessing first hand how it faded away into a whisper of memory. But now it was here. And it belonged to someone standing right in front of her. And that someone was talking to her.

To be frank, Lissa had played this moment in her mind again and again, coming up with different scenarios of how they would meet, reunite and embrace. Of course, it would always end in the same thing, but it was only now that she realised that it was impossible for that to ever happen. Stupid. She had planned to be graceful, charming and, well, in control - but now all she could do was stand and stare at King Maddox, almost clinging on to William for dear life. It was after a few agonising moments that Amaryllis finally managed to pull herself out of the state of shock she had seemed to be frozen in, only to replace the silence with ridiculous stammering.

"I...um - well... I don't -" Thankfully, she cut herself off before she could do any more damage. If he didn't recognise her before, then what was he going to think now? This moment was supposed to be perfect - the reunion she had come all this way for! And now she was letting it slip through her fingers like sand. Maybe it was the mask? She should go somewhere, take it off and then come back. Start again. Yes, that was a good idea.

Standing up a little straighter, looking uncharacteristicly flustered, Lissa let out a deep sigh and finally looked him in the eyes while letting a small, embarrassed smile grace her features. She was just opening her mouth to excuse herself when another voice made itself known in what could now be identified as a group. Lissa almost sagged in relief as her gaze flitted away from the King to a vaguely familiar face addressing the circle one by one.

Her jaw involuntarily clenched at the mention of the marriage, but she replaced the grimace with a friendly smile aimed towards the Slibahan Prince in a mere moment. She had heard his name here and there during her time in Slibah, although he had never been a firm topic of conversation for any of the other nobles, so he had never particularly caught her eye. But now when she met the young man's eye, she felt herself relax more with his steady gaze. Lissa took a second to marvel at how much of a reassuring presence this boy seemed to possess despite him being so young, even moreso when he addressed her with impeccable manners that only a royal could ever possess.

The fleeting glimpse of tranquility was gone, however, by the time he reached for her hand as a gesture of greeting, she assumed. She was brought back to reality as her mind processed what was happening around her and, again, her heart began to hammer in her chest so loudly that she would not have been surprised if the men around her could hear it. Vaguely, she accepted the brief kiss on the knuckles with a gracious smile and a dainty blush as her mind whirled. Fortunately, her voice escaped from her lips as smoothly and as confidently as she was used to while she returned the greeting.

"The pleasure is all mine, your grace. I trust your journey here was pleasant enough? I'm sorry I couldn't join you - I left a few hours earlier to visit my family, you see." Upon waiting for an answer from the Prince and with a smooth tilt of the head, she then returned her gaze to that of Maddox's and swept down into a quick curtsy.

"It is wonderful to see your majesty again, and of course to be back in Abhainn." Her eyes sparked as she allowed them to sweep over the ballroom before meeting those of Maddox's, her once-lost composure now fully righted despite the near-hysteria she was feeling inside.

"It is quite enchanting. I find that so much has changed, yet some things have remained exactly the same after all this time." Like most of her words these days, it was disguised as a simple statement - yet, if the listener wanted, a whole new meaning could be struck away from the words. Without even having to introduce herself, she had confirmed to the King that it was indeed her, that she would be staying for at least a while, and that there was still some part of the old her in there somewhere that was still reminiscent of the good old days.

Location; Abhainn's Ballroom
Interacting With; Eachother

A ball, a celebration. Candles were lit, keeping the cold night beyond the windows. Food was being served at a constant pace. A great many people were dancing around. Others were laughing with a glass of wine in their hand. Instead of the common, harsh leathers and tunics mostly worn outside the castle people now wore colorful doubles and absolutely stunning dresses. Much like anything in the noble world, the celebration became a competition. Who could out-dance the other? Who could boast with the strongest story? Who could conquer a kiss from the most beautiful maiden? The mood was filled with happiness. Everyone was genuinely enjoying themselves. Even the musicians on their stage.

William had spent quite a bit of time in front of a mirror in his own room. He could easily hear the laughing and music from the hall. As he stood there, trying on doublet after doublet he quickly started to realize he disliked all of them. Hard leather and strong spun cotton were more his thing. The soft, red wool felt foreign. He could count the times he had to wear it on one hand. One, particular moment stood out. The funeral of his father. Now he had to wear it to celebrate his brother’s betrothal. And ‘had to’ was very much the word to be used if you asked him. If he could choose, he would just have jumped ship. Maybe go hunting again. He was toying with the idea for quite some time in his room, trying on different clothes. The stewards would be more than displeased for sure if he ran away that night. But displeasing the stewards was becoming a bit of a hobby these days. Then he thought of Amaryllis. It would be unfair for the girl, no woman, to leave her like that amongst the people. He reckoned he could ask her forgiveness with a fox-pelt cloak. But still, it would be unfair. The final reason was the one that made him stay though. His brother. He saw the look on Maddox’s face near the carriages. His outfit displeased his older brother. So here he was, standing in front of a mirror, looking like a fool. Looking like some minor noble. Hell, not even that. He was noticeably devoid of any gold or silver jewelry. Instead opting for a his wolf-fang necklace.

Then he went and waited in front of the great doors of the hall for Amaryllis. An awkward time for him. He never waited for anything. Mostly the wind carried him around. And now the wind wanted to carry him out beyond the castle walls. But he willed him to stay, to wait for Lady Amaryllis, holding his mask in hands. Some loved the idea of a masquerade. Being hidden in plain sight. But William had no intention to hide himself. In rebellious defiance he had made his mask a long time ago. It left the space around his mouth and chin open. The mask itself was made, outward, of harsh, crude bark. With even some moss still on it. The side of the mask were two, smaller antlers he found during one of his numerous hunts. All-in-all, he looked very much like a creature from the forest with it. Few who knew of him wouldn’t immediately realize it was William.

Getting ready had not been an easy task for Amaryllis. She had spent far too long hung up over which dress she should wear - if she were to follow the usual attire for such celebrations then she would opt for a delicate, full-skirted gown set with embroidery and jewels the like. But instead, she found her hands hovering over a silken black middle-Eastern dress. It had been a gift to her from some foreign lord, something that she had never cast a second glance towards, but now it called to her; the flowing skirt made it seem as if she were shrouded in midnight, and the golden pieces set in brightened her look from one of mourning to one of mystery. Some would say that the dress was somewhat revealing - that no lady would dare wear that to such a formal event, but it was Lissa's own small act of rebellion. She may not be able to openly express her distaste towards the marriage, but it was the small things like this that would make her opinion clear.

And so she allowed Clarice to tend to her hair and cosmetics - the final result was one she approved of greatly. She kept her face as bare from makeup as possible, bar the painting of black and gold around her eyes to create a cunning, feline look; and her hair was left loose and cascading down her back, adorned with a headpiece set with intricate gold medallions and an ivory veil. Lissa almost chuckled as she watched Clarice run her fingers over the material of the veil, the two taking a moment to marvel over the irony of it.

"It is perfect, Clarice. Thank you." It was rare for Amaryllis to thank anyone - never mind servants - so genuinely, so the maid's beaming smile surprised her little. The fleeting glimpse of her sentimentality was over in a matter of seconds, however, as she stood up from her vanity and walked to the door. She was already late, as was apparent in the loud music already playing in the hall that could be heard from all the way up in her room. It was fashionable to be late, she assured herself, as the door was opened for her by one of her guards. Offering him a small smile, she looked down at herself once more - ensuring that everything was perfect - before leaving her room, leaving nothing but the faint scent of her sweet perfume in her wake.

It was a relief to see that William was still waiting for her when she arrived at the doors, and Lissa allowed herself to relax. Her fluid composure righted itself, except for her hands which were now clasping and unclasping in a nervous gesture - through which anyone looking closely enough would realise that she was far more anxious than she would like anyone to think. Such was apparent in the tightness of her stomach, which she was now trying her best to ignore as she stopped a short distance away from the Prince and swept low into a graceful curtesy.

"Good evening your grace. I must apologise for my tardiness - on a night such as this, of course I have to be running late." She chuckled lightly, her eyes briefly running over what the prince was wearing before returning to his face with a warm smile. As handsome as he appeared, it seemed as if William was not as comfortable as he had been when they had first reunited - it was a feeling that she could not help but share with him.

She was taking her time, that William knew. There were few people in the castle William would wait for. But Amaryllis was now one of them. Even though he didn’t really like it. Every minute allowed his mind to wander further. It walked through the woods, yelled off the cliffs and showed him the world beyond the walls. Yet here he still was, waiting. Every now and then a couple passed him, entering the hall. Greeting him in a courteous manner before they continued on their way. But William knew that the courtesy was mostly a façade. He is not a part of them. He’s not like they are. After quite some time, William was on the edge of changing. Impatient as he was, he wouldn’t mind the evil eye he would get from Maddox. His brother probably knew by now. But then Amaryllis appeared.

There is very little in the world that could take away William’s breath. He thought that none of it could be found in the castle. But when he saw his childhood friend, dressed the way she was, he was absolutely stunned. So much even, that when she apologized for her lateness, William had to gather his thoughts before he could speak. She was beautiful, wonderful. Mysterious like the midnight sky and as enchanting as the full moon. It was then that William knew their joined plan would succeed. Maddox would not be able to take his eyes off Amaryllis. What man could!? She would make every lady inside look like a common fish-wife! Immediately William regretted not having anything to offer such a beautiful lady anything.

“My lady…” he had to take a moment still to choose the right words. “I-I assure you. You do not need to apologize.” He didn’t really know anything about being fashionably late.

William’s mind grasped for the few bits of socializing he knew. Most of it came from books. So not knowing any better, he took her left hand in his, lifted it up and gently kissed the back side. “With you, I now believe this celebration might even be pleasant.” He said with a smile, turning to stand next to her, hooking his arm in hers. “Shall we then?” He said, putting on his own mask.

Despite her composure, it still made Amaryliss flush to see William so flustered. What was wrong with her?! She was not a silly little girl anymore! She would show everyone that she was poised, composed and the true definition of a lady. No giggling or blushing and certainly no dancing.

Of course, when the Prince happened to take her hand to plant a gentle kiss on it, all of those rules flew out the window and she found herself dimpling. She had not been treated with this much affection since, well...since she first met her husband. He had showered her with gifts and he had been the true meaning of a gentleman - up until their wedding night.

Pushing back the dark thoughts, Amaryllis gladly took the Prince's arm and together they walked towards the hall. In all honesty, she despised masquerades. It was a celebration for fools, she had told herself many times. You didn't need to see someone's face in order to recognise them! You could easily do so with their clothing, with the way they were standing, or even the mask itself. Nevertheless, she still couldn't help but feel a thrill as she fit her own mask against her eyes and blinked a few times.

It was a simple thing - one that only covered the area around her eyes with gold, in a pattern that would only resemble dragon scales. Well, at least to her it could. She knew for a fact that she was still very much recognisable in the mask, but she would not have it any other way. She had been right when it came to knowing who people were despite the masks, of course. She could already spot a ridiculously stunning gown at the other end of the ballroom - one that made her look down at herself and frown - and didn't need to even guess who it belonged to. And the familiar figure next to the future queen had to be Lady Alice with her love for dramatic deep reds. Lissa almost stopped in a moment of confusion as she watched the two women converse - Alice had not been Julianna's chief admirer, that much was clear earlier on - so what had changed? The thoughts were simply brushed aside, however, as Lissa held onto William just a fraction tighter; a subconscious movement that went hand-in-hand with her twisting nerves.

Glancing sideways as they walked, Lissa finally registered the mask that the prince was wearing and allowed a brief smile to grace her features. Of course his would be from the forest, she didn't expect anything else. It was only as they came to a stop at the edge of the dance space that Amaryllis spoke, this time slightly leaning into William to ensure that he could hear her over the music.

"Your mask suits you, William." It was a simple compliment to anyone else that happened to be listening, but she hoped that he would see that it meant so much more. She approved of his rebellion and was there to stand with him against this marriage whenever he may need it.

A life without passion is a slow way to freeze to death.

lol it's yo' gurl Mudblood back at it again with the cringey af interest checks. Real talk though, what the hell was I thinking with my last one? *facepalms* anyhoo, I'm here to basically find a few possible partners for some future roleplaying endeavours (see? I can use big words too). Might as well introduce myself though, yeah?

I'm a student from sunny Scotland - which pretty much means I'm a pale, sassy little shit that swears like a sailor and uses a bunch of words people don't understand. Need an example? This is the type of language I tend to use when messaging my friends. The fact that I'm a student means that, on a typical day, I do not have a huge amount of spare time. Now, however, I am on my holi-bags so I have far too much spare time. Luckily for you, I have only a few weeks left of freedom before I return to hell so I won't be as needy as I am right now pretty soon.

Yassss, boring stuff! Bring it on bitches:
- I can tell you right now that I am, indeed, over the age of 18. I am not comfortable roleplaying with someone under the age of 18, mature themes or not. I'm not budging on this - sorry dudes.
- I will not be impressed if you PM me claiming that you're only interested in playing one gender. I'll probably still roleplay with you, but I won't be a happy bunny.
- When it comes to romantic pairings which, if I'm honest, is 90% of the time in these things, I'm only familiar with MxF pairings, really. I'm not saying I'm not willing to try new things - just bear with me please.
- I roleplay through PMs and threads only. I also have this thing where I'm only really comfortable roleplaying in threads if the posts look nice. More on that later if I remember.
- If I've ever 1x1 roleplayed with you in the past - let me be the first one to apologise for dropping off of the earth. Feel free to call me a massive hypocrite for my next rule, but I am sorry. If you feel we had something good going, then shoot me a PM!
- Last but not least, we both know that real life comes first, but so does common decency. Something pops up? Let me know. Not interested anymore? Let me know. We've all flaked - I've done it, you've done it...just don't be a bummer with me please.

Genres I enjoy include:
- Fantasy (most likely medieval)
- Horror *flashbacks to my last check*
- Superhero stuff (not fandom tho thx)
- Romance
- Crime
- Slice of life (to. an. extent)
- Western
- Court Drama stuff (!!! yes !!!)

Things in general that I enjoy:
- Dramaaaa
- Mystery/Suspense
- Character Building (!important!)
- Flawed characters
- Angst angst angst angst
- Aesthetics (take a look at this thread in general: gif's, word art, colours)
- New ideas! PM me if you have one!

Things in general that I do not enjoy:
- Fluffy stuff
- Close-mindedness (new things are great!)
- Mary-Sues
- Carrying the fudging plot
- Meh characters
- Anime/Manga ew no

- bad boy x popular girl
- criminal/gang member x good girl
- basically any kind of guy with angsty, emotional walls up x girl lol
- royalty x servant
- arranged marriage lol cringe
- any kind of forbidden romance kinda thing
- literally anything else, hit me up

hit me up if you like any of these:

if you're familiar with any of these, let me know. even if you don't wanna roleplay, I'd love to to just chat about them!

I have a few in-depth plots with these main ideas:
- Gangs
- Apocalypse
- Royalty
- Wild-west
- Star Wars hehe
- Slice-of-life

this bit will be updated in the near future. For now - PM ME IF YOU'RE INTERESTED YOU LOVELY PEOPLE. im kind of desperate
Collab smut? or hints of half-rape? I doubt the queen likes it when Jack goes down on her And AAAAAAND my character has a very large donger that it would normally hurt every woman, even the most trained whores....
I think I ruined any chance I had of a collab...sigh

@HushedWhispers would it be impatient of me to ask when this time skip will be posted? It's mainly because @Legion02 and I are writing a collab - just to gauge when it should be posted :))

EDIT: actually, ignore me - that was a stupid question xD


Location; Kingdom of Abhainn
Interacting With; Lady Alice Allaire {@Lionhearted}, Prince William Pengrance {@Legion02}

Lissa just stopped herself from breathing a deep sigh of relief as a familiar face appeared seemingly out of the blue. At first, she had no idea who this man was - blonde hair, sharp cheekbones, with hunting gear and the scent of the forest following him. It was only once she met his eyes that her brows lifted in an act of surprise. Prince William Pengrance had saved her from a painfully dull confrontation with Lady Alice and she was immeasurably grateful for that. She had said her piece to the girl and had no interest in continuing the conversation any further.

She paid no mind to the dirty looks she was recieving from the direction of Lady Alice as she openly stared at the man Prince William had become. He had been merely thirteen when she had left the kingdom of Abhainn to marry and, despite their age difference, the two had got along well. It was not his ascent into adulthood that had caused her to stare, however, it was the way he was looking at the future queen. It was almost as if he despised her. And his further comment even solidified this manner of distrust she couldn't help but share with him. It must be some sort of a trick, her mind whirled, a way for them to scope out whether she was a threat to Lady Julianna or not.

As her mind scrambled for a clever response, she was yet again saved from having to come up with something to say as Lady Alice excused herself. Of course, the girl couldn't help but make some comment at Amaryliss' expense, but Lissa did not give her the satisfaction of being embarrassed and merely raised a brow instead.

"It's a wonder that I have not been here in six years and some people still have not grown up." Her voice, addressed to no one in particular, followed Lady Alice as she retreated to God-knows-where. Taking another second to stare after her old friend, Amaryliss turned back to the Prince with a warm smile gracing her features.

"My apologies, your majesty. It is so wonderful to see you again." Her previously contempt tone had been switched for a more friendly, familiar one. Like William, she now kept her eyes focused on the Royals introducing themselves to each other, and would only every so often glance to the Prince by her side.

"How have you been? It's been an awfully long time, hasn't it?" She paused for a second, chewing her lip in a rare act of open vulnerability. The action was soon concealed, however, with a hand brushing a stray hair back to its place and a shift in expression. Nevertheless, she still paused slightly before adding; "And how is your brother? He makes a fine King if I have ever seen one."

Taking the time to allow the Prince to answer, Lissa's eyes darted between the two Kings in the courtyard. Both King Jack and Maddox were starkly different in almost every way, and soon the kingdom of Abhainn will too realise the extent of their contrast. While her time in Slibah had been pleasant enough bar the fact that her husband had been a drunken slob, there had always been a worrying feeling at the back of her mind stressing to her to watch out for the Black Jack. She trusted the fact that she was not alone in this feeling, however, yet no one would ever dare say it. It was the one thing Lissa pitied Julianna for - to have a brother like that would be exhausting, future queen or not, and she strongly believed that the trouble he would cause was far from over yet.

"Will you be attending the celebrations tonight, your grace?" Her next question was a daring one, to say the least, but it may just get her exactly what she wanted. "And I trust you will not be going alone - do you have someone to accompany you?"

Fully dragging her gaze away from the scene before them, she politely inclined her head towards the Prince before looking up at him with a small, shy smile. It was a surprise to see that he was now taller than her, after so many years of her towering over him.

"If not, I'd be honoured to accompany you, William. Not in a gesture of romance, of course, but perhaps for old time's sake? Of course, not only that, but you could reintroduce me to old friends, yes?" At that, she lowered her voice, glancing about them in a manner of conspiracy before speaking once more. "And, if you would like, I could act as an excuse for you to avoid our visitors just for tonight. We'll be too busy dancing under the stars, will we not?"

She ended the request with a lighter tone and a quiet chuckle, offering him the most delicate of winks before turning back to the King and future queen. It was a dangerous appeal, yet she hoped he would take her up on her offer - not only would it give her access to the court once more, but, on a more sentimental note, she could spend a night here as if she never left - as if nothing had ever went wrong.

Location; Kingdom of Abhainn
Interacting With; Lady Alice Allaire {@Lionhearted}

In all honesty, Amaryliss was not surprised at the nature of the Lady Alice's words - nor was she hurt by them. The two had been very close once, but Alice had put her feelings for King Maddox before their friendship, so it did not end well. At least, that's how it happened in Lissa's eyes, and that opinion was not about to change. It was clear that the root of Alice's hatred towards her was jealousy, as Lissa had taken away everything the girl had ever wanted with just a small smile and a fluttering of her lashes. She supposed that Alice was also the source of the gossip that had her sent away from Abhainn in the first place, and that made her contempt for the woman develop into a faint feeling of resentment.

Neither was Lissa phased by the brashness Alice displayed. Where Amaryliss had been sweet talk and clever words, Alice had always spoke her mind as if she expected the whole world to accept it as Law - which, of course, rarely happened. Allowing her eyes to lazily glide over the Lady, now displaying a clear expression of contempt, the only thing stopping her from firing back was the commotion that arose in the centre of the courtyard.

Now, Lissa had seen her fair share of blood - she had been invited to many a tournament in which something had went wrong; an eye lost or even the death of a horse. But this was the first time she had ever seen a man die and, in amongst her obvious disgust and shock, she experienced an odd feeling of disappointment. She had always thought that it was far more dramatic than that - the songs and stories always spoke of honourable knights dying with their true love's name on their lips, but this announcer had just spouted some blood and...died.

Gritting her teeth, not turning her head to look at Alice, and paying no mind to the fact that the only ones now speaking were the Royals, Amaryllis spoke in hushed tones.

"As you can see, my lady, both mine and the two kingdom's concerns expand far further than the pathetic pining you feel towards King Maddox." Tilting her head upwards in a manner of superiority, Lissa kept her voice haughty yet with a manner of intelligence that could only be of upmost genuity.

"It does not surprise me, however, that you still seem to believe that the whole kingdom revolves around you. Take a look at what's happening before you right now, Lady Alice; I see that he still does not return your affections? Am I wrong, or did he just comment on her majesty's beauty?"

Amaryllis may not have been fond of the future queen, but right now she was more interested in staying on her good side than Lady Alice's. True was the fact that the pretty flush that arose in Julianna's cheeks almost mustered up a sneer from the former mistress of the king, and true was the fact that it took every ounce of her self-control to offer a gracious smile when the future queen briefly turned around - but she knew that this woman was soon to be one of the most powerful women in the two kingdoms, and crossing her would very much be the equivalent of signing her own death certificate.
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