Avatar of FiroIV
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    1. FiroIV 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Hi all. Currently takibg care of a personal emergency. Will be back and online by the weekend. If you see me online its because i just leave my accpunt on.
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@Blue Demon Accepted. I actually pictured him as a little taller.... worked this up off a Clayface micro somebody else had done.


That is the dopiest looking clayface micro i've ever seen. XD It's downright cute.

As I will be home most of today I can probably finish up doing crowd control and help speed up stuff for Episode 2, wouldn't mind doing a collab for it if given the chance.
Tagging y'all here just because why not @Experiment 249@Afro Samurai@Archmage MC

EDIT: Archmage since we're gonna be in Episode 6, wanna talk about how Gypsy and Toon Girl's relationship will improve?
Just updated the Character tab with the captain, sorry for that delay.

As of right now both characters @Prewiga and @Ornatur are on NPC status. Prewiga mentioned of their absence and I will decide what to do with their character for the remainder of the arc, as of now Brinsley will be handled by me and depending on the outcome of the current arc. Ornatur has been absent for a while and inactive in the site as a whole. As there have been no instances of Brian being usedd at the moment the character will simply not be used, and will continue to do so until someone decides to use him or if Ornatur returns.

As mentioned prior there was also another person who applied for the Navigator position, but said person backed out. Not sure if this has been said before, but i figured might as well.

Since we are technically down two people I'm still letting the RP stay open to applications. @Unraveller@Vetis@Zero Hex If you are all still interested please let me know and i would be glad to have you.

Sounds good!
here you off to?
@PrewigaI am sorry to hear that, and i will do what's necessary. Best of luck in the event you drop completely.

@Jiatsu HoshidoI mean the crew is already at Twin Capes so its really up to there's no need to wait for us. Plus don't you still have find a way to separate Jiatsu from Ryoku.
There's nothing there of too importance really, just NPC's that i'll bring later once the midpoint of the story happens.
That's good to hear everyone! I'll be posting the Captain's CS tonight and finish up the rest of the Twin Capes info.

@VetisSounds good, run your ideas by me. Also check the CS rules and expectations in the first post to make sure that nothing is clashing with them.
@Member 00492Edited as request!
@Member 00492Thanks! See i knew there was something unique to the alan in this world
Episode 2 – Mad World

The world of heroes goes by fast. One moment you’re fighting civilians trying to save them from each other the next your supposed hero mentor was attacking you. It was evident that the Green Lantern was being manipulated. Brainwave’s persuasion and telepathic abilities are more formidable than expected Gypsy thought. The young hero also thought how bad this would reflect on the mentor’s hero. Gypsy hoped he would turn out okay, being manipulated was not fun on anyone.

The moment the Green Lanterns attacks made contact Gypsy made herself invisible as quick as possible. She was not good at dealing with such large scale battles. Her abilities made her good at stealth, hand to hand combat, infiltration, rescue, etc., but fighting the Green Lantern was beyond her, Gypsy thought.

Gypsy knew little of Toon Girl and the Captain, but based on what she’s heard the two were more than durable enough to handle the Green Lantern. She had to trust them to deal with the powerhouse on their own. She had to deal with the task that the Lantern was forced to abandon, saving the civilians from themselves.

Truthfully there was little that she could do in such a grand scale. Her abilities were useful for one on one situations, but handling a crowd was something else. Illusions worked best when Gypsy knew how and what to create for the individual, catering to their deepest desires and fears, but a mob didn't have such deepness to it. They didn’t think, they reacted. What she was doing was a gamble, but she had to believe that it would work.

Standing atop am abandoned car she directed her powers to the crowd. She needed to see the scale and scope of where to direct her powers. From the darkening skies fell small white powders of snow. The people in the street would see small balls of white ice gently falling down from the orange skies. In reality there was nothing, but the illusion worked. The people were fascinated and stunned by the bizarre illusory weather. Normally something like this wouldn’t work, but for an already controlled group of people visual illusions alone would be good enough. If her illusion couldn't tap into their fear or desires, their inner curiosity and wonder would do.

Once the people were in trance Gypsy jumped down from the car. At best she could keep up the illusion for a few more minutes, but it should be more than enough time to subdue the most dangerous ones in the group in front of her. She would be vulnerable to attacks, but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make. She just hoped that the rest of the team was making progress with Green Lantern or Brainwave.

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