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According to The Spreadsheet there are currently 4 unclaimed legions. Our GM is looking to get this started soon. Soo... yes? I think?
Maritza Verenna

Interactions: @VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze


...Revenge. That explains a thing or two... and also opens up a dozen more questions... The Naga thinks to herself with a wry grimace, having let the Nem up to write her message; though her tail remained loosely coiled around the would-be assassin to discourage them from doing anything foolish.

"Who here wanna bet that she's talking about the Princess?"

At Jarde's comment, Maritza suppressed a roll of her eyes; someone was going to need to teach that boy some tact. Resting one hand on the Nem's shoulder to make sure they wouldn't try to run, the Naga takes a brief glance up and around the hall. Beyond the wall of guards, carefully veiled gazes peered in on them, while rumors and questions spread like wildfire on whispered voices. ...The sooner we can get out of here, the better...

Taking a deep breath, Mari speaks up, slightly projecting her voice over murmuring din. "Idle theories will get us nowhere. What we need to do is to properly question the would-be assailant." Lowering her voice back to a quieter conversational tone, the naga redirects her attention. "Captain, Lady Tyaethe, You two are more familiar with Royal Castle than I am. I believe we should relocate to a more... secure location. One with fewer prying eyes and ears."
@Raineh Daze, Maritza has a few... theories as to what's going on and would like to run them past a more senior member of the order.
Maritza Verenna

Interactions: @VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze

Elwen walked over to the assassin and looked down at her, ignoring the naga for a moment. She pointed a finger at the Nem "Reveal" She casted a simple spell to detect magic. To which she found none. "No magic... you should squeeze her pinkie finger into itself. I have yet to meet even the toughest man who couldn't hold his tongue with that pain " She said simply as she looked to the Naga Knight. She looked to the other knights, talking to each other and not keeping their eyes open.

As the other knight steps away, Martiza fully returns her attention to the would-be assassin. "Alright little one, time for some answers. Fortunately for you, I'm not one to jump straight to torture." The Naga says, as she begins to search the Nem. ...Let's see, a knife, another knife, that's a set of thieves tools, even more knives; far more than any self-respecting professional would carry... What in the goddesses' names is an amateur doing going after the crown princess?.. Something's not right, This doesn't all add up... And why haven't they made a single noise yet?..

Frowning, Mari calls over her shoulder as she reaches to remove the scarf around the Nem's neck. "Tyaethe? A moment of your time, please." Underneath the scarf, the Nem's throat was covered in a perticularly nasty set of scars. "Well that complicates things."
Maritza searches the assassin. What does she find? (IDK how much you have planned out for them, so I don't want to go making shit up.)
Very tentative interest.

What kind of RP are we looking at here, what with all the stats. Will there be dice?
I've been thinking that she's a mute.
So, ah, interrogating the Nem. What can Mari find out?
We have a discord where all the bullshiting I mean discussion is happening.

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