Avatar of Garth


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I used to play on Roleplay Online (rpol.net) that site did more group games and not 1x1 games. Also a lot more 'rules game' like DnD, Pathfinder, ect
1 yr ago
Don't forget it's his first Mother's Day as your husband. Different families have different expectations. Maybe his family never did Mother Days/Father's day gifts. [/soap box]
1 yr ago
Of my current story partners, none of them are from the US. (and I'm impressed with all of their English)
1 yr ago
Stay Plucky
2 yrs ago
See? I'm smarter than I look.
1 like



I'm a long time RPer. I play group games and 1x1 games.

I only play MxF in my 1x1 games. Group games, doesn't matter.

I'm a guy and will only play 1x1 games with people 21 years or older. I'm trying to avoid going to jail.

I can't play fandom canon characters. I just don't know the characters well enough to do that. But love to play OCs in a fandom story.

I'm pretty flexible. I don't have any demands. Just have fun. One request, if you tire of the game or me, shoot me a PM and tell me. In your PM blame the game and not me ;P I'll let you know if I can't keep up with any game we are in.

I'll be honest, I enjoy romance and smut in my 1x1 games. I do enjoy the build up and plot.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you wanna play or just hang out and chat.

Most Recent Posts

Hmm, can you add a bit more detail on his personality? Also, I can't see your appearance picture. xD

Okay. I changed the picture in my post above and added to the personality. Let me know if other changes are needed.
@Neko Sensei Here is a short, simple CS. Please let me know if I need to put more meat on it.

Here is a short, simple CS. Please let me know if I need to put more meat on it.

Ooops... Posting now on the OOC thread.
Sounds fun. I'll complete a CS soon, but it will be a male human.
I'm sorry guys. Some RL issues have come up. I need to leave the game and site for a while.
I'm sorry everybody. Some RL issues have come up and I need to leave the site and game. Feel free to keep Rockmar around as an NPC if you like. Thank you everybody for being so fun and welcoming.
Rockmar heard Cedric coming. "Yes, the priest went to bed, leaving me to ponder his words. Let's get out of here and back to the hall." Once he was outside, Rockmar admitted, "What a waste of time for me. I hope you found something Felmer. I need at least a few hours of sleep. On the morrow we need to return to caves we found earlier. By the way, Felmar, Justicia is full of crap."
@Kelewen Sundos lost track of time with the priest. He really wasn't listening too closely. But he nodded and grunted positively at the right times. It sounded to Rockmar as if the Justice of the Goddess came quickly but her Mercy was slow in coming. Sundos thought he would like Justicia, she was a warrior. But after listening to the priest and seeing how much of a warrior he wasn't, Rockmar quickly lost interest.

But still he had a question for the priest, "Father, I have a question. I know this man who got himself into trouble and he has asked me for my help. Do I follow Justice and tell him that he got himself into trouble and he must get himself out. Or do I follow Mercy and help him out?"
Thanks. The Limperial Legions isn't as organized or fight as well as the as the Imperial Legions.

But I did fix it.
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