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    1. ghastlyInc 8 yrs ago
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”That seems unfair...” Naji pouted as Ash cast her gaze to the goblin corpse pile, obviously offended at the accusation of his clearly refined tastes. ”Eyes are nutrition and flavor dense. Second only to tongues.” He added from his perch atop Ash, but pushed it no further. If they ever got out of here, he’d have to get together some ingredients and see if he could replicate his mothers fish stew. If good old fashioned experiance had not taught these people the value of good meat, then being lured in with roasted fish in gravy with potatoes and other mixed veggies would.

A lull of silence fell over the group as they headed towards Ash’s camp, Naji silently taking the time to figure out how to navigate the menu. Firstly putting two points into iron gullet and putting the rest into Minor heal 1. With that out of the way, he tried to pull up any sort of options menu, somewhat hoping to find anything that could be called a language setting before giving up with a grumble.

The camp smelt of ash (the noun, not the pronoun he thought with a small chuckle) and faintly of Ash (Now the pronoun, not the noun)’s own lizardy....musk for lack of a better word. He hops off of Ash’s back with a dainty huff as the lizard settled into the small circle of dirt that comprised her sleeping quarters. He couldn’t stop himself from looking over the coals of the dying fire, sniffing experimentally at them. Acrid, woody, and the faint hue of burnt mold or lichen hit his nose. No good for hookahs, he noted almost automatically though he wasn’t sure why he even bothered checking. The likelyhood of anyone HAVING coconuts down here was slim enough that the idea of anyone burning their husks should have just been assumed to be impossible. Still, the smell of warmed over carbon drifting through the air was strangely comforting. All they needed now was the wafting tones of mint, mixed fruits, and cardamom and this cave would smell just like home.

Ash’s order for him to keep an eye on Colchian stirred him from his musings, causing him to pull back from the embers and back into the unreality of the cave-dream. ”Ah...uh...Sure.” He says, standing quickly before approaching the other lizard calmly. Col wouldn’t try anything with Ash around and, frankly, Naji wasn’t particularly worried if he did anyway. ”Hey buddy..” He says softly, tip toeing his way to the lizards face, hand out stretched to pet the scaled ball of muscle. ”You did good today pal. Whose is a good lizard?” He offers quietly, using a voice one might reserve for a small dog. Naji had no real idea how smart these lizards were generally, but he seemed a great deal less smart than Ash. So maybe the affectionate approach would be a good idea.

Your battles and experiences have culminated into new power! You are now Level 2! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please!

Unspent Skill Points:

Current Skills:
Shield I (1.3)
Minor Heal I (1.4)
Lesser Flight I (1.1)
Barter I (1.0)
Scribe (0.1)
Charisma (0.2)
Intimidate (0.1)
Iron Gullet (0.8)
Dextrous (0.1)
Taboo (0.4)
Monster Analysis (0.2)
Magic Analysis (0.1)
Throw Item (0.1)

”I could do with a rest...” Naji says, flitting over to Ash and landing comfortably on her back, careful to avoid landing on the sack covering her. There was probably nothing of interest in terms of loot on the slimes body and, frankly, he was not about to go slushing through its remains even if there WAS. ”Hmm...Anyone have an idea what Iron gullet does?” He asks, since it was the closet thing to a new skill he could afford. Taboo also looked interesting, though it was similarly light on details of what function it may serve if any.

There if a brief pause. ”Also what gullet means...Second language and all.” He rumbles from his perch atop Ash’s back. ”Reading all of this in English is really uncomfortable for me. Don’t suppose anyone has found an options menu with language settings?” He asks looking at the group. ”...unless all of you are American or something. Which would explain the english.” He adds, if for no other reason than to make a little small talk with his new friends while there was lull in the supposedly life threatening situation.
Kagan Galegar
Husband of Aubree Lamay@Ellion and Adorabella Orchard@eclecticwitch
Interacting with Ehkota@Ellion and Gaelnesh@WeepingLiberty

”...very well..” Kagan huffed, standing to follow the prince after being forced to sit through a rather long winded five point presentation of ”Fuck challenging my brother and the horse that very notion rode in on for this but do what I want anyway.”. Honestly, if it weren’t for the heavily pregnant gem shadowing the drakken, Kagan would have sworn that he only had romantic passions for his own verbal excretions. Still, that was as firm a ‘no’ as he’d been able to wrench from the princling and if humoring him a little longer meant he could take that no and walk the royal right to the hallowed gates of ”That sound like a YOU problem” then he’d happily do so.

Though...even he had to admit the princes congratulations on Aubree came as somewhat of a suprise. Well, two surprises, but right now Kagan could only deal with one at a time. ”...Did not take you for the type to wax poetic about children. Still, it is appreciated. Hopefully the same luck will bless your forth coming child.” He adds quietly, his stony expression not betraying the mental mathematics he was currently flipping through. Should not have bought those dogs...


The inner sanctum of the palace reeked of incense, the clouds ashen and so thick he could feel the smell clinging to his skin like a begger. That should have been Kagan’s firs real warning. It was the sort of mistake novice members of Krenta’s church made. Attempting to over power the stench of befouling flesh with anything possible. It never worked, the body was too keenly aware of the smell.Eventually most just gave up and accepted the smell of death which hung in the air, until it faded into the background of their mind. Suddenly he was glad that his gems were left behind. The redhead would have doubtlessly had some complaint. The small one probably would have just played with the smoke...which would have been an amusing distraction all things considered.

What he saw...Gods what he saw. Kagan had heard of the things GEMS did with their elderly. Homes designed specifically for their care. Herbs and medicenes ground tirelessly for the failing or half dead, all for a single day more of wasteful existance of lying in a bed stewing in ones own agony. But this? It was every obscene heresy the most creative Gem could conjure dialed up to the breaking point. He...(IT, he reminded himself.) IT was alive in the most mechanical sense possible.

Kagan was not prone to fits of religious delusion. He was orthodox, reserved, calm as the bodies he deal with. The notion of seeing spirits or even the gods was to be laughed away. But behind the lightless eyes of the corpse king in front of him, Kagan could HEAR Krenta scream. It was not a mournful scream either. It was a wrathful wail with the intensity to sunder a million worlds in but a second, and a fury that would kowtow Drun into a mewling pile of terrified flesh. All at the sheer mockery that was King Toran.

As Ehkota spoke (his words reaching nothing), Kagan wanted to scream. To rip the mace from his hip and transform the man into a wonderful smear on the carpet for even knowing about this. To burn this whole tainted city to its root and continue to the next. And the next.
Until a thousand millennia from now his bones finally gave way to time and the only thing keeping the rampage from stopping was the sheer momentum of wrath behind it and naught but ash and bone to tear further asunder.

But his body would not move. Instead, he stood there. Stance calm and expressionless as the gods raged and coward in his mind. Only now becoming dimly aware of the equally dumbfounded expression on the talkative prince, his gaze laser focused on the bed. Kagan lazily turned his gaze to match his compaions, greeted with the sight of another (this unfortunately alive) drakken.

I am the High Prince Gaelnesh, first born to the first king Toran and contender to the throne. With an official witness from the kinner’s Order, I hereby exercise my right as eldest son to challenge the king for his position as Drakka’s ruler. For the glory of Drakka.

As the knife dropped (he refused to call this a stabbing) into the heart of the former king, things began to click away in Kagan’s mind. Ehkota’s inelegant attempt to get him to perform an illegitimate kinning. The thing affronting all of existence. The sheer gall of calling this a challenge. All a part of some bulked up little noble child whose mother should have had the good sense to squeeze him back out the moment his father released into her’s little game of sibling dominance.

All at the expense of his domain.

And as Gaelnesh issued his victory speech to him and the now singular prince of Drakka, he felt something give...and began to smile. A smile of pure joy, as though he were a child again. He’d only felt this way once before. When Warlord Harin had him agaisnt the wall and death was a near certainty. And now, this beacon of glowing joy was directed solely on Gaelnesh. ”I, Kagan Galegar...” He says, voice silk smooth and sweeter than honey, ”As an official member of the High Church of Krenta decree that the formal challenge to former King Toran by Gaelnesh Toranson is complete with no challengers. Long live the King.” He finishes with a small bow before turning to Ehkota.

”Darling I think we should attend to your bride. Best not waste your brothers time for now.” He says, gently placing a hand on the hornless Drakkens shoulder which, despite the light tenderness of the touch, held the weight of a Nymurmuris’ break tearing into the poor princes shoulder. ”By your leave your highness.” Kagan adds with a chipper bob of the head to the elder prince turned king before heading back the way he came, using the sum total of his will power to force himself not to skip gaily. Suddenly he was somewhat glad for the over abundance of incense whirling about the room. It made sure the biting wrathful heat rolling off him in waves limited to Ehkota’s senses alone.

He rather looked forward to coming back to the palace in the future.


Naji couldn’t help but letting out a small, mischievous chuckle as the rat flailed about like...well, something that was just hit with a disembodied eyeball to be fair. Atleast Colchain seemed to be having fun as the lizard dived to the newly stunned rat. Good lizard, you kill that thing. He was...tempted to intervene when the second rat coiled around, turning on the currently preoccupied lizard. Thankfully, his new boss seemed to be the proactive type, deftly vomiting (Ew, he noted for later) something at Danny before moving to back up her new pet. She also screamed at everyone else to keep the slime busy while she did her thing.

Scott then decided, that 'everyone’, was to consist of the three least combat oriented members of the party and not the glowy glowy murder bubble that was Danny. He sighs but gently floats down to Scott as the third pixie (Who he didn’t exactly remember meeting or getting the name of at the moment) hefted the dead rat into the path of the slime before zipping back over to them, huffing hard from the apparent effort.

”...Also I’ve been trapped in a cave. I’ve literally not seen anything.” Naji thought, deciding it was probably better to save whatever snark he was accumulating for later. “so… uhh… what, what is this plan of yours now?” the as of yet named pixie gasped inbetween breaths. "I think we can deal with this thing. There's three of us, isn't there? Between us we could try and lift that slime off the ground and- " His breath caught, and for a moment, the light went out of his eyes. Naji chalked this up to ‘your brain is currently dying. Please hold'. A buffer for hallucinations of sorts. Given the complexity of this little mind show, he was not about to call out its need to occasionally buffer. "...Well, I was thinking we lift it into the air and, well... drop it. Maybe onto something sharp, I don't know." He added finally, voice softening.

Naji examined the area around the slime and it made its slow trudge towards them, trying to find a nice place to deposit evil snot. With no readily available tissues in sight, he settled on a broken crop of stalagmites (or...were they stalactites?), hefted into the air at a slight angle by a pair of rocks. Well...it LOOKED easier to ram it into that than lift it high enough to drop it on a stable one.

”...Yeah ok. That could work. Follow my lead and go straight once you get a hold of the gooy thing.” He blurts suddenly, taking flight again, angled slightly away from the slime for a few second before charging the entity. Hopefully with the other two pixies behind him, arms outstretch ready to grab hold of the first available inch of slime that came in reach. Hopefully. If they were lucky they might even actually slam it into the waiting spike of the stala....the pointy rock that he wasn't sure the name of.

Kagan Galegar
Husband of Aubree Lamay@Ellion and Adorabella Orchard@eclecticwitch
Interacting with Ehkota

Kagan remained silent as Ehkota waltzed his way through his thoughts, only emitting a brief and disinterested grunt at the offer to eat as he took the seat opposite to Ehkota. He laced his fingers tightly together, never once letting the sour grimace of priesthood fall while the young prince talked to himself. This was the third time the man had ‘spoken’ with him, and it was as one sided a conversation as ever. Finally he received permission to respond, the Prince cooing brightly as he spoke of ‘making history’ and eying the kinner like he was about achieve sexual congress. The sudden, but slight, shudder that reverberated through the prince really did not help the mental image.

Not wanting to let his chance to actually TALK go out the window, Kagan calmly sat up in his chair. ”With due respect your highness.” He starts, voice cutting calm and cold against the royals trill excitement. ”Neither the church nor myself have any interest in the politics of history. Modern or otherwise. I am only here because, based on analysis of your request and fringe instances of religious cannon, that you’ve some-” he pauses for a moment, leaning forward slowly and locking eyes with the prince.

”And do permit me to emphasize the fringe nature of that Some; legimate claim to our services.” He reaches behind himself slowly, eyes taking note as the guard’s muscles tensed tightly before his brain registered what the Kinner had grabbed for. Kagan places a small worn leather bound notebook on the table, opening to a dog eared page with fresh notes scrawled on it before slowly sliding it to Ehkota for inspection.

”To abridge the explanation: Within the canon there is the Case of the Brothers Harkim. Similar circumstances, Elder brother not permitting the kinning of his elderly mother due to an inability to let go, younger brother seeking to circumvent the direct heir requirement.” He says in a quick, almost pointedly disinterested voice. The actual story was, frankly, a lot more eloquent than Kagan was making it sound. But part of him was pretty sure the artistry of a five page explanation of the brothers heritage and upbringing would likely bore the prince.

”Eventually the younger Harkim did find a wandering Kinner willing to perform the ceremony for him, on the condition that the younger issue a formal challenge to claim his brothers position. The argument being that, during such challenges, neither son stands above the other until proven otherwise. However, it is notable that if the younger brother fails, the kinner promises that both he and his mother will be shamed in death. Their bones and blood used in macabre mockeries of their honor while their entrails are yadda yadda.” Kagan says, crossing his arms and leaning back into the chair.

”The shaming requirements actually go on for a couple of pages after that.” he shrugs, not really wanting to explain the violations of orifices, egregious amounts of blood, and or implications about what would be done with the brain. ”At any rate, the younger agrees and then succeeds in his challenge. Becoming the direct heir and saving his mothers dignity in death. Everyone enjoys a happy ending and we enjoy a parable stressing the importance of performing Kinnings on family to avoid unnecessary challenges and messy familial conflict.”

”In short sir…” Kagan says, locking eyes with Ehkota once more and attempting to glare a hole into the mans soul. ”Should you agree to the same terms, I will be obligated to perform the ceremony in the same fashion. However, I do encourage you consider this option with care. This is not an exception the church is going to take lightly, and a considerable schizm WILL be its result.”

Kagan waits a moment, allowing Ehkota to mull his choice over undisturbed or ask questions before moving onto the subject of payment. Frankly, he was hoping the Drakken would decide the risk is not worth his time and back away. He’d have to challenge his brother either way, so why run the risk of eternal shame on death? Maybe once his optimism would pay off….he doubted it. Never did.


Naji watched the dire rats swarm the slightly less than sentient lizard his new boss had acquired and said boss. Well, the melee both parties were currently in anyway. Spotting anything in the flurry of scales and brief haze of magic Scott was attempting was a little difficult. He took a moment to carefully eye Scotts movements while he attempted to cast, making sure to memorize the movements carefully. A lot easier to teach Ash magic when he had even a vague concept of how that worked.

Meanwhile he gawked silently at the battle, taking it in with a surprising calm. It was kind of like a bar fight really, and the chaos had a weird homey comfort to him. Danny, the poor bastard, seemed to be struggling with something before releasing a mighty shout of being short on the old magic triple A batteries. Couldn’t help him, since Naji was pretty sure he could only heal or shield things, if he had enough mana to do that at all. Scott was in the process of throwing shields on pretty much everything with a pulse, so that was probably also unnecessary on his part.

Taking comfort in the fact he was pretty much useless at the moment, Naji gave a small ”Nnnnnope!” Before giving his wings a hefty push. Launching himself into the air, albiet an alien sensation, put him hopefully high enough to be out of range of the rats, but hopefully close enough to swoop in provide support if needed. He did feel a little off kilter though, the eye he was currently holding onto perhaps being a little too much for him to fly with. With a shrug, he gripped the remaining optic nerve firmly before giving it an experimental swing....and chucked it with as much might as his tiny delicate body could muster at the nearest rat.

Kagan Galegar
Husband of Aubree Lamay@Ellion and Adorabella Orchard@eclecticwitch
Interacting with Aubree and Adorabella

The puppy happily accepted the petting given to it by Adora, back half wagging due to the dogs inexperience with its own bodily responses and the sheer momentum of its tail. Kagan sighed as Adora attempted to brush off her desire for the book, his ambient annoyance palpable enough to quell the excited pup at his heels enthusiasm for a moment (though, only a moment as it began to wag again as soon as the wave had escaped its tiny attention span.) "Its a gift. Not a test." He says, picking up the book with a small grimace of disgust, looking it over before finally spotting a price tag on its side and dropping the coins unceremoniously onto the stand. The keeper barely looked up at him before snatching the money away, just thankful than the agitated Drakken had decided he was no longer in the mood to haggle. With little cermony, he handed the book to Adora gingerly, glaring down at the girl as she took possession of her gift. "There. You are offically gifted. Many congratulations." He huffs, the tiny puppy yapping at his heels in agreement.

Kagan stared down at the dog before muttering. "Please try to conduct yourself with something approaching dignity..." He grumbled, the pup looking up and continuing to wag side to side, heedless of the order. Kagan sighs, grabbing Adora by the shoulder and turning to leave. Bree was dutifully close to his side, which had not been expected, and the Kinner had to stop abruptly to avoid from slamming into the gem. She was staring, eyes wide and arms tightened around her newly acquired pet in a death grip, into a lightly murmuring crowd not too far away. "...If you kill that dog, I'm not getting you another one." He said, more out of a need to break the girls fugue than actual concern for the animal.

There was a...cursory attempt to figure out what had the girl so transfixed, but there was little to Kagan that really seemed out of place. The slave market was many things, but an object of concern was hardly one of them. Though it did atleast seem a bit busy today, and possibly the warning he'd issue earlier was causing the delay. Either way, Kagan wasn't in the mood to deal with Bree's paranoia, cultural dissonance, or whatever else might have locked her in place.

"We're done here. Move." He grunts, pushing both gems towards a more cleared exit away from the market and trying not to be entangled by the variety of dog and gem leashes hanging off of him. The latter of which he achieved only with mixed success

Castle is generally a word which is synonymous with fortress with in Gem society, though generally considered a more refined wording. There is a preconceived notion that, amongst palisades, arrow slits, and barbicans there would be an equal, if not greater, presence of ornamentation, murals, carvings and other such minutiae of decor. Fine carpeted floors and arching fireplaces standing along side stalwart knights and bowmen. Drakken had missed this memo.

...Well, that was not entirely true. It was more apt to say that the Drakken had recieved this memo, read it. Read it again. Argued a great deal about the word ‘synonymous’. Engaged in a fist fight. Read it a third time. And then slaughtered the messenger and his family summarily because the meeting had run late and, frankly, everyone just needed the stress relief. After which, the adjourned for the evening (and then spent a long night arguing the definition of ‘adjourn’ because Drakken politics were basically a series of increasingly petty arguments).

And then the following morning all got up at the same time and decided, in a fit of celestial bodies aligning and no small amount of base instinct, proceeded to build battlements, barbicans, more battlements, enough arrow slits to constitute a ventilation systems, solid iron gates, and many many spikes. After which they would dig up the messenger, kill him again, and build yet more battlements. With flaming spikes this time so “they would go faster”.

In short, to call the royal palace a ‘castle’ would be insulting to castles everywhere. To call it a bastille would still come up short. It was a paranoid, blood soaked, war mongering races panicked fever dream of defensible ledges, sniping positions, choke points, and spikes that was held together through military superiority, liberal applications of iron, and sheer unassailable will.

Many in Drakka agreed it was probably the most beautiful building in the whole damned capital. Which, for any gem present, was not saying much. But Kagan probably would have agreed with them if it were not for the fact he and his gems were being ushered through a small side entrance to his (likely) unenjoyable meeting with one of the castles primary residence.

He was wearing his most priestly scowl, face resting somewhere between patronly disapproval and general piousness. He was going to deliver his assessment of Ehkota’s request plainly, elaborate on the potential consequences of going forward (good and bad) and hope to all the gods that the young prince had enough good sense to decide that dying like an idiot was simply not in his immeidate desires. As it stood? Kagan felt like it was a 50/50 shot....so by Drakken standards, things were going swell.


Naji stared blankly as Scott began to have a small break down before chuckling. ”Dont worry! I’m fine man, all this blood is the goblins. Sides..” He says, trailling off to take a small nibble of optic nerve. ”We’re all dead already. Or...dying probably. So it not like if I did it would matter at all right?” He asks with an...uncomfortably chipper tone. For all the starvation and exhaustion, Naji was still betting his bottom dollar that the whole world would melt away soon. As pre-brain death hallucinations are want to do, if TV had any truth in it anyway.

The amusement in his posture did not vanish as Ash turned her attention to him. He was about to introduce Danny when the wisp decided to do so himself, trying to calm the distressed Scott. ”...to be honest thought he was one of yours boss. So I just let him eat. Plus, kind of didn’t pose a threat to me getting my share while you were lizard taming sooo.....” He explains, allowing the rather plain logic to hang while he nibbled more optic nerve. Damn this stuff is actually half decent once you get used to it.

It was by this point he noticed the newest lizard (well, second newest), as had Ash, who whipped about to make sure her new pet was behaving itself before addressing the albino. ”....OH!” Naji says, popping up a little. ”Is this like, the ‘you all meet in the tavern’ situation?” He asks as the Lizard asks to join, begging for a little food as almost an after thought. There is a brief lull, the group either ignoring his outburst or not fully understanding it meaning. ”Ya know...the narrative contrivance that brings the players together for their first mission in a game?...Cause if so, Im cool with them joining and us heading back to camp. Unless your secretly a bad guy miss white lizard?” He asks, gore splattered form leaning out from behind Ash quietly and staring holes into the albino reptile. And incorrectly determining their sex, but that was neither here nor there at the moment.

”How do I insight check? You’ve got to tell me if your a bad guy if I insight you right?” He says, trying to read the newest persons body language for signs of obvious evil. Years of video game RPGs, and this is the spectacular display of genre savviness Naji could take pride in.

So I was asked to make a Gem. I made the lest gemmy Gem I could Gem in such a short Gem.
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