Avatar of GrizzTheMauler


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11 mos ago
Current I come and go like the wind.
3 yrs ago
Been a long while, huh...
5 yrs ago
Today's order: Neotokyo, The Tower, Tower Review
5 yrs ago
Feeling so tired that the coffee isn't working anymore e.e
5 yrs ago
Posts coming out slower than expected. But they'll be done by tonight e.e


So... I'm a writer... A gamer and an anime nerd... Uh... I love fantasy ans Sci-fi. And I have a weakness for romance. I'm also gay.... My best friend and I joke around and say that I caught the ghey. My best friend is also a trash talking dwarf. No lie. He's 4'9 has longer hair than most women and a beard. Anyways.... I ramble about stuff often... I'm pretty socially awkward but get me on a topic I like and I'll talk for days....


Grizz the Mauler

Most Recent Posts

Hmm, I like the Brod- Hiraga pairin, didn't know what other god to make as his father... Would make sense as they are both older Nature gods. I'll edit some of the punishment stuff and make it mild. Though I feel like the punishment for defiling her castle with dead frogs would slightly piss her off a bit XD
'Cause if yes, this is what I was thinking:


So, seeing as Stjerne is all alone I might make a second god to accompany him since.. he's an artist not a fighter. Would a Storm god fit as one of Hiraga's children?

Definitely interested!!

edit: changed Aetherious to a scrying bowl cuz that makes a bit more sense. lowkey forgot scrying was an actual thing XD
Stuck on what powers to give to this Stellar god... Any ideas? XD

mfw you give your best idea of a power to your weapon because "space gem"
hype hype hype hype

Super interested. Sounds like a fun rp. Might make a god of Stars
Calm Before the Storm

Travelling along an alley, Ferox wrapped his cloak closer about himself. While it wasn't odd to see elves or half elves in the city, he had a mission to complete. But he wanted to scope out the targets first. He made his way into the festival, blending in with the commoners and revelers. Ferox first found Ser Merek. The loud boisterous man was making some kind of commotion with a letter. Ferox drifted closer to take a look at what he was doing. 'So this is the Baron... Interesting... I thought he'd be taller. He is quite handsome... But looking at him you can see that he is too crafty for his own good.' After the thief steals the letter, Ferox sighs. 'That could be a problem... I'll bring it up with the guild later along with that strange mark. Looks like either Father's or Grandfather's work...'

Ferox shivered at the thought. No amount of dark magic or evil scared him as much as those two men. And he was rightly scared as his grandfather was a bit... Extreme. Father was no different. Ferox was a bit different. After all his forebears had done, he just wanted to do good to the world. Maybe one day learn about his family's hidden past and why he was often called by his grandfather as Veruun's gift.

Seeing movement in an alley he headed that way and spotted a drunk man being roughed up. "I'd advise you to leave him alone. I really don't have time to take out people today. I have other things I need to do." His voice was laced in ice, his stare hard and cold. Ferox was often told that he had inherited his grandfather's aura when he was serious. The way his dark eyes seemed to be void of any and all emotion, the way shadows seemed to reach for the man often drove people away. Luckily, for Ferox, this worked as they left the man alone and scrambled away. Ferox shakes his head and calms himself. He heads over to the drunkard and helps him to his feet then escorts him to a guard who tanks Ferox.

As he enters the main area again, he spies the thief from earlier. He moves swiftly and with a practiced ease of hours of training he snags the letter and coin pouch, and blends into the same crowd the man was trying to blend in with. With a satisfied smirk he heads back to his stash, as it was time for his mission. Heading to the docks he changes into his armor and tucks away the letter in one of his many pockets along with the coin pouch.
I'm still here, waiting to be introduced still XD
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