Avatar of Gunther


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1 yr ago
Current The dot over a lowercase i and j has a name! It's called a tittle, which is a noun meaning "a tiny amount or part of something". Like the dot over an i or a j.
2 yrs ago
Cows don't leave the slaughterhouse, steaks do.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water Put water into a cup, becomes the cup Put water into a teapot, becomes the teapot Water can flow or drip or crash Be water, my friend --Bruce Lee
3 yrs ago
The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don’t.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Mr. Clark, your daughter is a very good kisser.


I am a veteran of the United States Army and the US Army National Guard. I spent three years on Active Duty serving in the 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) at Ft. Carson, CO and 3rd Armor Division at Kirch Göns, West Germany. I spent 18 years in the Army National Guard with the 26th Infantry Division "Yankee" and 29th Infantry Division (Light), "The Blue and the Gray". I was deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina with the 29th ID (L) in 2001 - 2002. I have also been reading military history articles and books for over 49 years. I do prefer Military Role Plays over all other genres, primarily because I have a vast knowledge on the subject to include personal experiences. At the very least, my characters are always veterans.

I have been writing for pleasure for at least 35+ years, but only got into forum-based Role Playing about fifteen years ago. I do enjoy Nation Role Plays and get into minute detail when designing my military. The only reason I enjoy excruciating detail in my militaries is because for me, it is fun. My education and experience on this subject afford me the insight to see the depth of the structure. It is not just a General and a large pile of soldiers. If someone wants assistance in designing an army, navy, or air force, please send me a PM. I will help. Please specify what level (echelon) or depth you would like me to go. When I say echelon, I mean Army, Corps, Division, Brigade/Regiment, Battalion/Squadron, Company/Troop/Battery, Platoon, and Squad/Section.

When I was a student in High School, I used to play Dungeons & Dragons (Edition 1 & 2). Later editions came out after I quit that game. Recently, I have been DMing a 5e campaign of my creation for my son and his friends. 5e is so much less cumbersome than earlier editions of D&D. I do have an interest in Tolkien-esque fantasy-styled Role Plays as well. Time travel has always been a fun genre for me, but to do it well, one must have a firm grasp of historical facts. I love doing this form of role play, especially since I have a solid foundation on the past.

There are only a few fanfictions I will participate in; Star Wars and Star Trek are two of them. I want to do an exclusively Klingon RP one of these days. I also avoid Canon characters.

I have real-world martial arts experience. I would love to write an RP about hand-to-hand combat, no fantasy magic chit, just hands elbows, knees, and feet. Maybe the occasional head butt thrown in to mix things up. I trained in Krav Maga for six and a half years. I earned a first-degree black belt in Krav Maga on 3 June 2017.

Krav Maga is an Israeli martial art form that employs practical self-defense techniques drawing forms & techniques from Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Taekwando. It is very brutal, demanding, and aggressive. During the seven years I trained, I have bruised two ribs, sustained several muscle pulls, and various lacerations and bruises over my body. I have received a sprained ankle and a fractured wrist. Before the first black belt test, I received a bone bruise to my right shin; where my roundhouse kicks impact. Yet, I am stupid enough to continue training. [Regardless of the physical pain, it is more fun than any other physical activity I have engaged in. Fortunately, the bone bruise healed up prior to the third and final test. EDIT: I did leave the sport over four years ago. :(]

Almost two years ago I completed my first novel, a science fiction set in the 24th century. It focuses on a Private Military Corporation solely employed by the earth government. I started a second book in November 2022 and hope to work on that this summer when I have more time.

Send me a PM for a Role Play or if you would like to see what sort of an army I could build for you.

--Gunther (AKA: Old School)

Gunthers Cast of Hooligans

Most Recent Posts

I started a post this afternoon, but made a huge mistake. I was writing about an interaction between Jimmy Graham and his daughter, Adelaide. In the story, she was taking a karate class. Then I remembered, she was afflicted with CP and confined to a wheel chair. I had to delete it. Hopefully, I will have time to write something real. :(
When I was a teen, my mother worked for a company that returned magazine covers to the publishers once they were out of date in retail stores. The body of the magazines were discarded. Only the covers were accounted for. The stores received a credit if the covers were returned. The body of the magazines were tossed as trash. Note: this was before recycling. I used to ride my bike over to her workplace and sift through the debris, then ride away with a box filled with comics or any other magazine I might like (free). Read a lot of Marvel and D.C. in those days.
I enjoy Greek, Roman and Norse mythology.
Here is a headspace and timing check on the tactics I have written about in this most recent post.

In built up terrain, Light infantry or dismounted infantry (mech/motorized) is best suited to fight here. Built up or urban terrain has many great hiding places for an infantry soldier. Reinforcing a sniper position inside an attic with sandbags can create a wonderful hiding position and provide some cover from incoming fire. The earthlings are traveling in armored fighting vehicles. AFVs are best suited for open terrain or rolling hills and small copses of trees.

In our scenario, AFVs are leading with infantry, mounted. The assumption the leadership has taken to make this move is that the Salvesh are on the far side of the reconnaissance assets, like our squad. But since this is a MOUT environment it is quite possible they silently infiltrated behind the reconnaissance asset and established ambush sites along most major avenues of approach. The Salvesh are dismounted or light infantry and can hide just as easily as their human counterparts. Even if they are larger in size, they are still quite smaller than the AFVs they are targeting.

I recall once planning an area ambush employing depth using light infantry armed with anti armor weapons intent on taking out AFVs. There were several squad sized anti-armor kill teams established all over the place hoping to bag as many tanks and APCs as possible. They way I read this scenario, is one of these many ambushes was 800 meters to our front at 11 O'clock and one of these ambushes was set approximately one mile behind us along the main avenue of approach for Team Bravo, Task Force Cox which is advancing towards our position.

At this point in the story, Squad Park is cut off from friendly forces.
My favorite ice cream is Maple Walnut.
First Contact is First Contact

Park took a few shots at the drones, putting his sniper skills to good use. He was able to take one down, but he viewed his job more to watch what the squad was doing, insuring they were engaging the drones than actually providing fire alongside his men. Maybe make corrections or point out additional targets to engage or observe. These are traditional roles for a combat leader at the squad and platoon level. But with the high-tech gadgetry the Grathik have provided their human warriors, the job was made simpler with a device that allowed the leadership to highlight priority targets in bright red or orange. This could help the individual soldier focus on which targets needed to be engaged first. As squad leader, Park could designate targets for each person and for each weapon system. It aided in communicating intent and acquiring results into a more streamlined method. Even with the benefit of this technology, Brian Park still found himself going from position to position reassuring the men that they were doing a fantastic job! This aspect of leadership was lost on the Grathik, a race of lumbering intellects who shared not one clue with the humans on how to fight a war. Brian Park wondered how much advice or suggestions their overlords took from Brigadier General Guy Strafford, the US Army Ranger from Virginia and his staff.

One of the soldiers in the squad, the sniper named Robson called out, "Salvesh, 11 o'clock, down below. 800M. Heavy weapon." Park quickly checked his maps and identified the location on the map box. He then assumed that one Salvesh would not be alone; that he had several others following him. He wanted to give an update to his Platoon Commander, but also wanted to do something about the problem before reporting it. “Hotel Sierra Tree, this is Riddler, over.” Sergeant Park intended to call in some indirect fire on the target Robson called out. Hotel Sierra Tree stood for HS3 or the Fire Direction Center (FDC) for 2nd Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery, employing 155mm High Explosive munitions. The FDC could then prioritize what level of Indirect Fire would be used to deal with the problem. The Forward Observer needed to provide the FDC with a description of the target in order to determine whether he should use 155mm artillery or 120mm mortar fire.

“Riddler, this is Hotel Sierra Tree, go ahead over.” The response was curt. To the point.

“Hotel Sierra Tree, Riddler, adjust fire grid, Victor Romeo two-fife-six-fower-zero-zero, over.” The FDC radio-telephone operator (RTO) repeated the call for fire. The grid coordinate was given as VR256400.

Once the FDC calculated the necessary data to communicate to the firing battery to be used for this mission, they would wait for the round to leave the barrel and then tell the Forward Observer (FO), “Shot, over.”

Park heard the call and quickly responded with, “Shot, out.”

The Fire Direction Computer referred to the chart on time of flight (TOF) and knew when the round would impact. At five seconds to impact, the FDC RTO called the FO, “Splash, over.”

Upon hearing the message from the FDC, he raised his binoculars to observe the impact. Five seconds after the message, a 155mm HE round landed within ten meters of the target British Corporal Jake Robson had eliminated only twenty seconds earlier. The corpse was tossed another fifty meters through the air. Sergeant Park called the FDC back immediately, “Oscar Tango Tree One Zero, fire for effect, infantry in built up area, over.”

The Fire Direction Center recorded the Observer-Target (OT) direction at 310 degrees. This let them know along what direction the Forward Observer was looking at the target. Technically, this was a Danger Close mission, but Brian had faith in the Grathik technology and his own skills as an FO, he would not miss. The impact of the base round confirmed those beliefs. The FDC also knew the FO would like all guns from the firing battery to contribute to the target; which Brian neglected to mention.

The FDC was not overly concerned and did not ask Sergeant Park, identified as Riddler to identify the target with a more detailed description. Essentially because this was their first fire mission and they had a vested interest in performing their job. Park waited for the incoming rounds. When the customary, splash over rang out, he watched in anticipation. “Incoming rounds!” Brian wanted the squad to know hell was incoming. The fact it was only 800 meters to their front would make it so they could feel the concussive blast and increased temperatures of the impacting rounds. Sort of like a burst from a hair dryer; warm air hitting them in the face like a slap.

A battery of six 155mm howitzers can deliver a swath of killing hot steel that is two hundred fifty meters long by fifty meters wide. Each gun would deliver five rounds and then cease fire. Today, the FDC employed two batteries for effect. Instead of thirty rounds impacting in the 250x50 meters swatch, it was sixty rounds creating a wall of shooting flames, smoke and flying debris. If there were other Salvesh warriors behind the first, no one will ever know. If the humans killed more than one Salvesh, again, no one knew. Maybe it was a waste of resources or maybe the human artillery eliminated the majority of a platoon of Salvesh infantry.

“Riddler, this is Hotel Sierra Tree, Bravo Delta Alpha, over.” The fire direction center was asking for a Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) to record how effective their cannon fire was for this mission.

Brian knew they were going to ask and had to tell them something. He had only seen one Salvesh soldier and his own soldier, Corporal Robson had killed the...what word could he use...thing? “Hotel Sierra Tree, this is Riddler, Bravo Delta Alpha as follows, seven enemy Tangos Kilo India Alpha and ten Whiskey India Alpha, over.”

The FDC repeated what Sergeant Park lied into the radio. He knew it didn’t matter how many he told the FDC. Why not let them think they did a good job? “That’s a good copy, Riddler, out.”

Brian exchanged looks with Jacob Robson as if to say, ‘what’d you want me to say?’ When they were able to advance, he wanted to take a look. But he had more work to do.

“Butterfield, this is Riddler, over.”

“Riddler, this is Butterfield, go ahead, over.”

“Butterfield, this is Riddler, engaged enemy Tangos at Victor Romeo two-fife-six-fower-zero-zero. Engaged same with India Foxtrot, over.”

“Roger that, Riddler. Butterfield, out.” Lieutenant Butterfield would then pass this contact up the chain of command to his Company Commander, Captain Otto and then the CO would pass the information on to the Battalion Commander, LTC Cox. His radio traffic was monitored by the Battalion Task Force’s Tactical Operations Center (TOC) and recorded in a diary there. The Battalion Intelligence Officer (S2) would then make a notation on the intelligence map displaying the first identified location for Salvesh units in the Brigade’s Area of Operations (AO).

Once the contact was reported, Brian moved to the south side of the building, raised his glasses and could see the point team of TF Cox slowly plodding along. They were now just over a mile and a half away. ‘Boy they don’t want to get here too damn quickly, do they?’ Brian thought to himself.

Feldwebel Vogel leaned in to Frans Madsen, “das meine freunde,” he looked back at Sergeant Park with a smile, “is standard American overkill.” During training, Vogel and Madsen realized their families had vacationed in Gilleleje, Denmark at a beach resort, Gilleleje Badehotel. They shared a common language; both spoke German and Danish as well as English. Neither the German nor the Dane were annoyed by the use of artillery to engage one dead Salvesh or hte potential platoon following it. In fact, they were utterly ecstatic to witness the use of force, such that it was.

Within seconds of the words being uttered, an explosion ripped through the sky above the facility, followed immediately by the staccato of gunfire. Several members of the squad looked south in the direction of the advancing human formations. Their elation immediately quelled.

Lieutenant Jürgen Fischer of Cologne, Germany became one of the first human soldiers to be killed in action. A Rocket fired from a Salvesh ambush ripped through the lead hover-craft fashioned as an armored personnel carrier. All up and down the advance line of troops, The Salvesh staged squad and platoon sized ambush engaging the humans in close combat. Each battalion task force in the brigade started reporting casualties in to the Brigade TOC. radio chatter was just as loud as the cannon fire and machine guns ripping up Talra Station.

But the drones were still pushing in and needed to be dealt with. “Focus on the drones!” Park yelled to his squad. “Do not let them pass us! Forget about this!” He yelled pointing at the lead elements of TF 3-1. "Take down those drones!"
In the past year and a half, I have given out only one detention.
Someone suggested a colony of orcs or half-orcs where "all these" half orcs came from; I see only mine. I will work on a location stub to be posted at a later date.
@Count Cuddles Excellent characters. I love the combination of old nasty goblin and beautiful passive young woman to serve as his slave; genius. Suggestion regarding images: Copy the image to MS Paint or similar software. Save the image to an image app. I use Imgur. You can edit the size of the image to make it smaller. I try to keep images smaller than 600 or 700 pixels. Both of the images I used for this RP are no larger than 300 pixels for height. Barring that, placing them in hiders is the best option. Welcome! :)
You would be correct, @Gunther, although to me it is far, far more strange that people are not intrinsically aware of this.

Most are Sheople.
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