Avatar of Hazelrah


Recent Statuses

12 days ago
Current I feel deep grief for the people I have hurt in a variety of ways over the years -- I'm so sorry I had to disappear to find a way to stay alive.
3 yrs ago
"that time I thought I could not go any closer to grief without dying" ~mary oliver, heavy
4 yrs ago
I need more coffee
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I drink too much coffee. I love cats. I'm hella bisexual. I play a lot of D&D. I'm a full time student, future high school English teacher. My favorite shows are Teen Titans, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Code Lyoko....there's a definite pattern here. I read a lot. My username is from Watership Down, my favorite book of all time.

I used to RP all the time in middle school/high school, I won a few Fanfiction contests in my day, and am just getting back into roleplaying/writing. Fantasy, science fiction, modern, I'm game for pretty much anything. I love incorporating romance, definitely enjoy a little steam, open to any pairings (MxM, FxF, MxF) and can write any side.

Roleplay Interests:
-Modern Fantasy
-Modern Romance
-Medieval Fantasy
-Dragonriders of Pern
-Avatar: The Last Airbender
-Pretty much anything fantasy/science fiction

Most Recent Posts

Hi everyone!!! I'm Hazelrah, nice to meet you all (: I like MarshClan, SunClan and CaveClan as well! (:
Here are my first two CS applications, along with a couple of NPCs relevant to Hawk's backstory (: Let me know if there's anything I should modify!

Honeykit: WillowClan Camp

A small black and orange tortoiseshell she-cat slipped out of the nursery, feeling unsure. Fernstar had said all cats old enough to catch their own prey, and while she wasn't officially an Apprentice yet, Honeykit was the requisite 6 moons of age... Maybe this is it. Maybe I'll be named an Apprentice and begin my Warrior training. Maybe I'll finally start to belong. Honeykit trotted forward, glancing around at the other cats assembling before Fernstar, feeling small and out of place. She heard Fernstar and Sunfur discussing a patrol for Maplestream, and worry seeped into her. She didn't know Maplestream, she didn't really know anyone except for Blackpelt who checked on her and made sure she was fed, and Fernstar, but she still felt deep concern at the Warrior's absence. If a strong, brave Warrior like Maplestream can go missing...what's to keep a silly little kit like me safe? The anxious thoughts crept at Honeykit's mind, fighting to gain the center of her focus and attention.

Suddenly, the young she-cat straightened her head up, sticking her tail high in the air, forcing an air of nonchalance and courage even though she felt nothing like it. She belonged to WillowClan. The best Clan in the world! She was not going to let silly fearful thoughts get to her. She had no recollection of her life before the past moon -- all she knew was loneliness in the Nursery as she recovered, the only one currently staying there, and hazy vague memories of her life before she was found by Fernstar. I am going to make Fernstar proud. I am going to make WillowClan proud. Honeykit settled herself at the edge of the clearing, towards the center of camp, in full view of the Highstump but not immediately in the way. She curled her tail around her dainty paws and fixed her gaze on Fernstar, ears twitching, bright green eyes glittering with excitement, anticipation, and nerves.
Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself, Hazelrah, I'm a new member and really excited to be here (: I've been RPing Warriors on and off for years, can't wait to join in on the RP and get to know you all! I'll be reading what you all have so far to catch up (: have a great day!

Gender: Tom
Age: 32 Moons
Rank: Deputy
Personality: Stonefall is a genial, kind soul who is always willing to help out. He is fiercely loyal and a surprisingly vicious fighter for one so affable in nature. Stonefall has a kind word for everyone, respects his leader, and voices dissent or differing opinion very tactfully. While he may be a gentle spirit, soft-spoken and observant, Stonefall is also incredibly passionate and deeply articulate. He has a way of commanding the space around him even if he is speaking softly. His voice is naturally deep and warm to offset his piercing blue-green eyes.
Description: A sleekly muscled grey and black tabby, Stonefall’s fur is soft and dense, and has silver/white undertones. He is of medium build, not particularly long-legged or stout, but is pure muscle from moons of traveling and hunting and fighting. He has a scar along his left back hip from a particularly savage fight with a dog back in his village, just before he left. His eyes are piercing blue-green and expressive, and his tail transitions from grey tabby to a completely black tail-tip.
Backstory: Stonefall’s former life as a neighborhood stray lent itself to being a tom who loves adventure, craves purpose, and seeks companionship. He was born in a small two-leg village to a stray she-cat who called herself Faith; she named him Rocky, and his sisters were called Daisy and Lily. As they grew, their mother taught them how to beg from two-legs, how to hunt for mice in alleys, and how to stay safe from those who might try to catch them. But Rocky looked out beyond the village from atop the two-leg huts and saw miles and miles of trees, and yearned to see what they had in store for him. Soon after they turned 12 moons old, Daisy and Lily ended up becoming kittypets, opting to settle for a safe life inside a particularly cat-savvy two-leg who lured them in. But not Rocky. He alone stayed loyal to Faith, caring for her as she aged and eventually helping her to cross over into what he now knows as StarClan. As soon as he could, he journeyed into the forest. After many many moons of traveling, he met an exiled cat who simply went by Snow, who taught him all about Clan life. Snow tried to paint a picture of bureaucracy and trauma, but Rocky knew that Snow’s exile was justified, and was drawn to Clan life like moth to a flame. So he left Snow and continued to travel until he found fledgling WillowClan, at the age of 28 moons, where he was welcomed in as Warrior by Fernstar. After serving as Warrior for 3 moons, Fernstar promoted Stonefall to Deputy after Brambletail went missing and was not found.
Mate: None for now, major crush on Spidernose
Kits: None

Gender: She-cat
Age: 6 Moons
Rank: Apprentice
Personality: Honeypaw is pure sass and spirit. What she doesn’t know, she demands to learn, and when she fails, she gets up and tries again, and again, and again...even if she’s been told several times to stop. Determined to show that she is better than everyone around her, Honeypaw can come across as aggressive, rude, and downright annoying. But what takes time to realize is that Honeypaw’s tendency towards show-boating and attention-seeking stems from deep insecurity, as someone who doesn’t remember her family or origin. She has a deep attachment to Fernstar, who practically raised her as her own kit, and can often lash out when she feels that relationship is in jeopardy. She tries to make up for her insecurity by being impressive, particularly to impress Fernstar, by being beloved, by being treasured. She hates to be alone and is constantly pestering her mentor for attention, other warriors for attention, basically anyone who will give her the time of day….
Description: Short-haired black and orange tortoiseshell with light green eyes. One ear-tip is black and the other is orange, and her paws are all black.
Backstory: Honeypaw doesn’t remember much before she stumbled into WillowClan’s camp a few moons ago. She’s been told that she suffered memory loss of her life before likely due to a huge bump on the head she had when she arrived, and she has vague recollections of being soaking wet and cold, but that’s all she can actively recall. Fernstar took her in and raised her, bringing her back to life and taking good care of her, almost as her own kit. Honeypaw spends more time trying to remember than she ever lets on.
Mate: None
Kits: None

sorry I don't think I'll be able to commit to this after all, have fun!
Hi everyone! I'm new and excited to be here. My friend AutumnFrost told me about this site, I'm excited to be a member and join some roleplays!

A few facts about me:

-I drink too much coffee
-I love cats
-I'm hella bisexual
-I play a lot of D&D
-I'm a full time student, future high school English teacher
-My favorite shows are Teen Titans, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Code Lyoko....there's a definite pattern here
-I read a lot
-My username is from Watership Down, my favorite book of all time

I used to role-play all the time in middle school/high school, I won a few Fanfiction contests in my day, and am just getting back into roleplaying/writing. Fantasy, science fiction, modern, I'm game for pretty much anything. It's nice to meet you all!
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