Avatar of Hekazu
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Hekazu
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1802 (0.47 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Hekazu 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
And back I am. Exhausted, certainly, and may need a while for that to wear off, but I'm once more here to read and even write!
5 yrs ago
Won't be replying for a while. Am hiking.
5 yrs ago
My congratulations to the winners of TI9! Well played gentlemen, well played.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Should have been writing posts. Took part in D&D shenaniganry instead. Got to fix that tomorrow.
5 yrs ago
There's a lot of backlog here on my end. I'm trying my best to lessen it, but replies might be less frequent for a time. A welcome change from the nothing doing I went through though! Thanks partners!


I suppose it is about time for me to copypaste fill in some information about myself over here just as well. Only took me a few years to getting around to do it.

I am a married individual in my twenties from the country some people dare claim does not exist. The Finland conspiracy is an old joke, you can stop with it now. Not a native speaker of the English language by any means, though I did begin studying it exceptionally early for our country's standards. I suppose it was some sort of a test case. With that out of the way though, what more should I be saying here...
  • I like being nice to people. If one needs to ask why, well that alone is reason enough.
  • I play and Dungeon Master Dungeons and Dragons, both offline and in the past also over here.
  • I enjoy OOC chatter, be it planning the RP or a more casual exchange (not that RP'ing is that serious). I can make do without, but don't be afraid to talk to me.
  • Whatever the case, I'm here to have fun and hone my writing abilities!
I do think that should about cover it, yes.

Thanks for stopping by I suppose! I do also have a Discord account, but I prefer to start anything RP related on the site. At least with people I don't know from the past, that is! But hey, now if you are a longer time contact of mine and happened to read this, now you know and can ask!

Most Recent Posts

When addressed by Kyra, Edward replied in the form of a mumble. He raised his head and spoke in a clearer tone: "Positive. Someone has to." As he listened to what else the pink haired elf had to say, he nodded at some key points, but only opened his mouth after she asked about the future plan. "Are you asking this from a citizen of Greenest, or rather the guard sergeant Longwater? Well, whatever be the case, we'll do as the governor instructs." He kept a short pause as he scribbled something into his list and then continued: "Between you and me though, it doesn't seem the raiders are really trying to get in. We'd have had much bigger trouble if we had had to split the forces against the dragon. We didn't have to. Most likely they are only after loot. We'll be in relative safety. Now, if you'll excuse me..." he finished the conversation and continued his walk along the battlements, making notes onto his list.

Meanwhile inside the keep, a wounded figure with a certain aura of importance walked behind two armed men, with a third following behind him. Governor Nighthill believed this sort of escort to be absolutely ridiculous at a time like this, given the men could easily find other work to do if they just went looking. It was not like he was in any danger within these walls. Nevertheless, they were with him now and refused to leave his side, so it would probably be the easiest this way. The two guards before him cleared him some space for him and the governor stepped into the room where Brannor, Orchid, Torus and Parum were currently in. "Ah, you are here. I was considering to send someone looking for you. Come with me onto the roof of this tower, if you would. And if you know where to look for the cleric that was with you, they are welcome as well." With that, he and his bodyguards continued on, ascending the structure.
Thought I'd contribute some. In any case, Nighthill will be meeting up with you soon. Say, a post from @Norschtalen and/or @Gordian Nought should trigger the next event.
As Parum was, quite frankly speaking, causing a scene within the resting area, a sergeant of the guard approached her. "Excuse me", he said and sat down, leaning against the wall next to her, being remarkably better at keeping his composure. For a moment, he just sat there without saying or doing anything, but eventually the man spoke up: "Tough things, them dragons. Barely made it out from there myself. But this is what war is. It's hell, nothing but that. This is the war of Greenest. But do you know what loses a war faster than an attacking dragon? Loss of morale. If we don't do anything, we cannot win or even break even. The big lizards gone now though. Breathe. If it comes back, it's an issue of another time."

The man raised his gauntlet covered hand towards Parum's shoulder, but didn't know if it was appropriate so he withdrew the gesture. Again, a few moments passed without them saying anything, until they pulled out a parchment with a few names on it. "Hate to do this part of the job though..." he said, with his voice evidently breaking down towards the end as he started dragging a piece of charcoal over names. Once he was done, he sighed, rose onto his feet and remarked: "But we've got to learn to leave it behind us. I wish you best of luck in that. Can be tough." With that, the man that had not even introduced himself walked away with the list still in hand.

The door through which Derrick led his group opened into a dark room, in which seeing with ordinary eyes was rather difficult. He had noticed the keys in the dying light of the lantern before it had abandoned him, but now the darkness enveloped the room to a great degree. However, some light filtered in from under something that could only be presumed to be a curtain on the left side of the room. The light was blueish, as if daylight was shining through tinted glass.

Otherwise all they could see was what was illuminated by the light coming in from the doorway, two small gargoyle like sculptures laid on their side and face respectively on the floor at the back of the room and there was an old rug on the floor. Dust was nearly everywhere in sight, with the exception of a few large pawprints right next to the door: Wolfwing must have been using those keys recently. It only made sense, didn't it?

@Dusksong@LChris314@Lord of Evil
@The Harbinger of Ferocity
There is a reason why it has not come up yet, that being that I had thought not to include it in our game. Sure, Inspiration is a fine addition to the ruleset and I use it in my in-person games, but here in the forum medium I believe it might lead to more elaborate writers receiving it more easily, thus lending itself to favoritism which I would like to avoid.

I see how Orchid would be deserving, given the "never give up" attitude with the dragon and the sheer determination to slay it, but since I would not like to use the rule, I'll have to say no.
@Lord of EvilVery well. Expect me to have a reply up in the next 24 hours. It's too late to be writing now though.
@Lord of Evil
Check. Left or right? After all, the door opens to a T-junction. For reference, the keys were on the right.
I'm asking about the fact that the cell block did extend further down and had a corner at that end in addition due to having the door in the other. Thus I'll need to know which direction you pick, especially given the lack of external light sources.
Which direction were you heading again? To the hallway from which Derrick found the keys or the other way where a source of light illuminates the area?
@Gordian Nought
I am sorry for your loss. I lost my grandfather last summer and his funeral happened just a day before my wedding. We even had the same priest for both. Life goes on, as they say. At least in death none have to suffer.
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