Avatar of Hekazu
  • Last Seen: 5 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Hekazu
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1802 (0.47 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Hekazu 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
And back I am. Exhausted, certainly, and may need a while for that to wear off, but I'm once more here to read and even write!
5 yrs ago
Won't be replying for a while. Am hiking.
5 yrs ago
My congratulations to the winners of TI9! Well played gentlemen, well played.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Should have been writing posts. Took part in D&D shenaniganry instead. Got to fix that tomorrow.
5 yrs ago
There's a lot of backlog here on my end. I'm trying my best to lessen it, but replies might be less frequent for a time. A welcome change from the nothing doing I went through though! Thanks partners!


I suppose it is about time for me to copypaste fill in some information about myself over here just as well. Only took me a few years to getting around to do it.

I am a married individual in my twenties from the country some people dare claim does not exist. The Finland conspiracy is an old joke, you can stop with it now. Not a native speaker of the English language by any means, though I did begin studying it exceptionally early for our country's standards. I suppose it was some sort of a test case. With that out of the way though, what more should I be saying here...
  • I like being nice to people. If one needs to ask why, well that alone is reason enough.
  • I play and Dungeon Master Dungeons and Dragons, both offline and in the past also over here.
  • I enjoy OOC chatter, be it planning the RP or a more casual exchange (not that RP'ing is that serious). I can make do without, but don't be afraid to talk to me.
  • Whatever the case, I'm here to have fun and hone my writing abilities!
I do think that should about cover it, yes.

Thanks for stopping by I suppose! I do also have a Discord account, but I prefer to start anything RP related on the site. At least with people I don't know from the past, that is! But hey, now if you are a longer time contact of mine and happened to read this, now you know and can ask!

Most Recent Posts

Hm, those points are fair. Maybe we could arrange a three man collab, no? But let's give time for the others to chime in about their preferences too, lest we force them to group up in a way they'd rather not.

And when it comes to not calling him Lord, that may pass. But call him Cyrus and you've made him mad. He makes that clear when he introduces himself to people.
I had thought Lord Vensor and Raelynn would have found some common ground with how they both come from wealthy background, though Vensor is currently rather far from that. But I don't think he'd mix into your conversation with Skall particularly well, so my first post might well be a solo endeavour. A grumpy old man by thethe fireside, what's not to like?

@The Harbinger of Ferocity
Your attack finishes what Kyra started.

Next up would be @Gordian Nought, does Torus have anything specific planned?
That's a hit. Not a killing blow, but a hit.
Then my intent will be for Brannor to follow another thirty feet and fire on his turn, assuming we are still in initiative order, @Hekazu. I am unsure if @Norschtalen would as well or if I am alone, but either way the intent is to maybe incapacitate or kill at least one more.

Noted. Will await input from players willing to continue before breaking initiative order and addressing what those excluding themselves did.
On another note @Hekazu, would the fleeing men still be in bow range? I imagine so, but I wanted to be certain. I am under the assumption by their next turn they will be outside its effective range for all of us.

With a dash, they would have made it 60 feet away. That should be in bow range.

I think the way it works is that when the enemy attempts to leave your reach. I emphasis attempt because there's plenty of reasons why the enemy may not leave your reach, such as you tripling, grappeling, or killing them when they try. In this instance, the AoP, if taken, occurs before the escape attempt does. It's only when it fails to stop or does t occur is when the enemy is free to continue their movement.

To put it in another way, do we retcon Brannor's AoP because he effectively killed his guy, since he also didn't leave Brannor's reach?

Thing is, if somebody succeeds on their grapple, are they considered leaving the reach of others any longer? Or do all AoO's fire simultaneously? Best just consider it the latter, spares me the headache.
Ooookaaaay I've noticed a slight hiccup in grappling being used as an AoO... the target does not actually leave your reach if you do that and AoO's are only granted on leaving reach. How does this function with other character's AoO's? Now we are getting complex.
The scattering of their foes allowed ample opportunities for the heroes of Greenest to capitalise on their own advantage of being the attacking party. The humans chose to take their chances instead of retreating in a more organised manner... and in their minds it made perfect sense. They were more used to escaping from the occasional bigger beast, where if dropping dead was not the option you just ran. But against much more intelligent adversaries, that would prove to be the end for two of them.

While the two further away from the three-man spearhead of their attack made it away, the remaining half was not nearly as lucky. The first of them received some angry feedback toward their careless cowardice in the form of the heavy two-handed blade of Brannor, the overhead strike landing in their shoulder, cutting their arm off as cleanly as an instrument of its form could. The man fell to the ground, at least unconscious. It would not take a medical expert to tell they wouldn't live after such a hit though.

The remaining man was grabbed by the half-orc, but managed to avoid the attempted shove, instead locking themselves into hand-to-hand combat with the Berserker... or at least some variation of it. They knew they would not be able to fight the man down, not with all of his allies around him. Bartering was pretty much the only thing he could do now. To top it off, he could feel magical energies assault his mind, though he could luckily brush it off. "Hey, ceasefire? Ain't keen on tossin' me life away", he proposed while trying to hold off his brawling companion. They had even missed the attack made against them by the bear in the thick of things, probably to their own benefit.

While the heroes were more preoccupied with the humans, the kobolds made themselves scarce. They spoke among themselves in hurried draconic, incomprehensible to those that were within earshot. The apparent authority among them led their retreat, the pack of the little nuisances heading away from the attackers in a straight line. With how things were shaping now, they could pretty much call this fight a finished endeavour unless they desired to chase the fleeing opposition.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Norschtalen@Gordian Nought@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher
Their approach was proven to be cautious enough as no further shadow attacks were sprung on them before Katia returned to them. Her message was a positive change to the last fight too: This time they had seen the enemy first. According to her, there was a big group of the shades before them. He could have sworn the divine power granted to him would have been their first warning, but if they had chosen to send the warning through the tabaxi monk's eyes, he would accept it.

"Hold a second", he tried to silently get the attention of the others in the group. "In case you didn't hear what she just said, there's a group of shadows up there before us. Any plans on how to do this?" While he asked others for their opinions, he began formulating his own plan. If they knew more exactly where they were, he had the means of driving them away from a single point, though the point would have to be him. If nothing else, rushing straight in with others serving as a spearhead and then him using his unique ability... yes, that could work.

If that turned out not to do the trick, he would also have the latent luminescence within his very body that had awakened. While it was the most powerful instrument of cleansing light at his disposal, it would also serve to harm his allies. Hopefully there would be no need to go that far.

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