Avatar of HueMan
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    1. HueMan 8 yrs ago


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✧ DAY 11 - Unknown Location - 1:00AM ✧


The rustling of the leaves caused by gentle night winds was pleasant to hear. Valentine brushed his fingers across his silver hair, enjoying the sweet cooling sensations across his face. They weren't far from the city at the moment, as he could see its bright yellow lights in some distance. It was another beautiful night, the distance city lights competing with the bejeweled night sky. Behind him were 3 other figures, a Rogue, a Mage and a Swordsman.

"Shame the festival ended at midnight." Psych was the Rogue, armed with several exotic weapons and a thick shortsword. As far as Valentine could tell, he was the most "normal" one of the group, although that wasn't a fair comparision. "I like free stuff. Especially coins. There were too many sillies who decided to get drunk before they spent all their Renn." Psych had been pick-pocketing players all night, making nice profit through his Rogue Class abilities. Not that he was the type to share his wealth with rest of the group that called themselves "Destiny of Life is Death".

To be fair, Valentine didn't mind. The 4 weren't together through friendship or honor and he had a plan to kill every single one of them should he need to. And he was certain that the other 3 had similar plans of their own.

"......" The pale Swordsman silently stared at the fat bag of coins on Vincent's hips. It was impossible to tell what she was thinking, although most would be able to take a gander that it wasn't anything pleasant at any time. The pair of red, expressionless eyes coupled with a chalk-pale skin made her look... sickly. Valentine had already figured out that she was an albino. Thankfully for her, in this VR world her real-life conditions didn't apply, as she was able to walk around in full sunlight with no protections. As if to emphasize her physical appearance, she was wearing a pair of decorative bunny ears, making her look like a humanoid white rabbit. Even though Valentine wasn't quite into furries, he had to admit it was pretty cute. But her cute costume wasn't quite enough to mask her creepy, unnatural aura. The eternally blank face with a pair of soulless eyes that never seemed to blink.

"Hey hey~ Mr. ImSoEdge" Vincent called out to Valentine with a rude nickname. He let it slide, as he wasn't the type to get offended by something so trivial. "So when are we going to get more cute girls in the group~? Rain is cute and all but..." It was obvious to Valentine that Vincent would never break his eternally entertained facade, for he was the type to create his own entertainment if none existed. Vincent leaned in a little closer and pretended to whisper, although the volume was loud enough to obviously reach everyone. "I don't think she likes me." Vincent giggled as he saw the slightest little flinch from Rain in the corner of his eyes.

"Keep moving. We'll find more... to join us soon." Valentine shut down Vincent's attempt to start... something, whatever it was. He could hear a small but distinctively murderous mutter saying something along the lines of how those who doesn't like fun should be ripped. Valentine faintly smiled as he returned the hostile aura with his own. Vincent had his uses and they were cooperating... for now. But Valentine swore to himself that before the game was done he would see Vincent dead before his feet.

✧ DAY 12 - Entrance to "The Savage Fields" - 1:00PM ✧


The Savage Fields, true to its name, seems like a series of gentle hills and plains, very open and spacious. The entrance to the dungeon is marked out by a holographic light display that seemed to have no physical form but is instinctively visible to all players. You can't go beyond the boundaries without first accepting to enter the dungeon. The surrounding area seems to be relatively safe, as only low level critters occupy the the area.

The march from the city took only half a day as The Savage Fields was close to Genesis City and had no real terrain obstacles. Everyone arrives without fatiguing too much, all fresh and ready for some combat.

✧ Baron ✧

Baron knelt as Volaris appeared, stooping down to make his knee touch the floor. It wasn't difficult predicting his time of teleportation; Baron could sense Volaris' movements and their intentions a split second before he made them. Being the Guild Steward, Baron was privy to great deal of things happening within the walls of the Guild. He gave no word of affirmation regarding the Supreme Being's presence but it was clear that Baron was showing clear respect. Baron wasn't much of a talker if he could help it. "... Your will be done." He replied in a concise manner with his surprisingly normal voice. For a being literally made out of mystery, his voice was one thing that didn't seem so unnatural.
Baron knelt up only after Volaris had left his near vicinity, making sure to dust off his suit. His long limbs made it so that he had no need to bend himself down to reach his knees. Raising his left finger up into the air to cast the spell "Message", Baron took a split second considering what he wished to convey to his fellow Guildmates.

With his message finished and sent, Baron teleported instantaneously back to his assigned post, the Tower of Way. Although it was Colonel Stauffenberg's personal chambers which none had jurisdiction over save for him, Baron judged that with the Colonel's absence it was acceptable to trust Volaris' judgement and commands. Baron would accept the consequences gladly if he were to be proven wrong. He began to shift through the hundreds of items laid out in the gallery, activating several of them that may serve as defensive measures and using others in order to summon Monsters capable of buying time. He decided to summon 2, Level 50 Geists, due to the item being non-consumable in nature and reusable after a cooldown period. In the long-term, using the item temporarily like this will cause no permanent effects.
After placing down some additional defenses, Baron shifted through a few magic items, equipping himself with 2 of them; Ring of Absolution and Chronometer of Dyson. While the items didn't belong to him, for they all belonged to his Lord and creator Stauffenberg, these were specifically assigned to Baron often during various campaigns and Baron judged them to be useful in the current situation.


Ah, alright. Understood.

Alright, my bad about the confusion. Keep me informed.

Huh.... Achronum told me Fallen Kingdom was Professor's area.
✧ DAY 10 - Central Square of Genesis City - 8:00PM ✧


Solace Festival is only getting good as the sun went down over Genesis. Drinking and eating still continued, a few already too drunk to be conscious but the rest just getting buzzed up to the right level. Fireworks have started up in the nightsky, bright flashes of colorful explosions lighting up the evening as if were midday.
Hey everyone, I said I won't make announcement posts here anymore but for this type of post wall of text, I figured it'd be easier to read in the forum. I've looked over all the NPC CSs so far and made a list of all the notes for edits and such. But first, a couple of announcements...

- Let's attempt to start the RP by NEXT WEEKEND. Means I need finished CSs, everyone's contribution to the Guild Hall, etc etc.

- First come first serve for assignments and Guild Hall positions. I know I kinda screwed things over by taking things over from Achronum (like previously assigned roles) and I do apologize for that. But let's get things worked out sooner than later.

General things about NPC CS

- Non-humanoid (... anything that doesn't have 2 legs and 2 arms and looks human by default) will have 3 forms; near-human, humanoid and original.

- For the purposes of this RP there will be NO TIERS for Spells and Actions. Just Levels. For Tier 10, Level 100 will be equivalent.

- Remember that Species Trait is give-and-take. It should be balanced. If there are 2 medium good traits, there should be 2 medium bad traits or its equivalents. Essentially your character's species should be approximately equivalent to a trait-less being in balance.

- Try not to list 'obvious' Spells and Actions. Like "Low Tier Damage Immunity", "Message", "Break Item", etc etc. Applies to both PC and NPC CSs, the list of Spells and Actions should be a sample of the specialized abilities that demonstrates the character's playstyle, it should just be assumed the more universal abilities are all available.


- Just remember that once Volaris goes to Alrathi, his body will have literally changed to be that of a specter. Psychologically and physically.
- Cruel Jester's Dagger needs either a huge buff or a nerf in rarity. Ultimate Grade are... well Ultimate. Not quite Transcendent but still powerful nonetheless.
- Volaris is Priest -> Cultist, Anna is Wizard -> Cultist. Inconsistent Class and Subclass progression.


- Morningstar and Garlock need Attribute nerf. Their base stats aren't too bad but the adjusted stat is pretty high.
- Please list Item Rarity.
- Please list Skills.


- There is no Exotic item rarity, even if its custom crafted it will have an assigned rarity.


Let's finish our CSs.

Go ahead

Hey there, glad you are checking us out if you think this is a lot, should check out my other RP shot
It IS getting a little bit late to join but... if you can get a CS in SOON (they were due last weekend) I'll accept.


- You have the join and CHECK discord. This is likely going to be the LAST time I'll make an announcement on here or communicate, if you aren't on discord and communicating, I'll take it as you can't join the RP.
- You have to vote on the PC who gets to stay. It is under the "Votes" section of our Discord. If you don't vote, I'm going to have to kick you. Please vote by NEXT FRIDAY (7/20).
- Let us finish our NPCs and any contributions you would like to make to the Guild Hall also by Friday. If its not finished by then, it will not be accepted.
- PC and NPCs are only finished once you have GM's word of approval. I'll throw those out on discord after communicating.
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