Avatar of IceboundMemoire
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    1. IceboundMemoire 8 yrs ago


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Current A-Levels are fun!
8 yrs ago
Currently in hospital. Don't feel well enough to post to an acceptable standard.
8 yrs ago
Going off now. Won't be responding to posts until later.
8 yrs ago
Enjoying time here :D


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@Nikki Moonlight


Valerian was shocked. He hadn't truly believed what Lyn had said, since how would she know? But the proof was right in front of him. She hadn't died. She still had blue eyes. She was still human.

"I-it's me, Valerian..."

He staggered forward, ready to embrace her.

This can only end badly, Val. It's a shame you don't listen to me.
@Nikki Moonlight

"So, you say you're able to stealth me, Lyn?"
"Sure, for at least a few minutes. That should be enough to prove what I said, right?"
"I hope so. But then again, if what you've told me about Aya is true, then I'd wish it isn't."
"You're just going to have to kill her."
"I couldn't watch her die again, Lyn. Let alone kill her. If she's alive, she's going to stay that way."
"If she stays alive when you meet her, you won't be."
"Aya would never hurt us intentionally. I'm sure of it."

Lyn was a strange demon weapon. She claimed to actually want to kill vampires; Valerian hadn't even been through the test that the other demons had put the others through. She simply asked him if he would help her; Valerian accepted. Yet he didn't realise how much this weapon hungered for the culling of vampires. Sure, he could repress her easily; but he could feel her anger. A cold, harsh anger, that would never be nullified except when all the vampires were dead. But he didn't have to listen to her at all.

"It's strange that Guren chose me to be with you."
"Hmm. The buffoon probably thought it would be funny to put people who felt completely the opposite together. But don't worry; I'm sure you'll have vampires as much as I do soon enough."
"Revenge is a dirty thing. It corrupts and poisons your mind, causing you to make irrational decisions."
"Hmm. I'm already corrupted enough, aren't I? What I'm really wondering is why Guren sent you to get your demon weapon before your..." Lyn sniggered, "Friends."
"I wonder that too. I also wonder why he let us do as we pleased."
"Well, he's letting you do what you want. I'm being forced to tag along."

They soon reached the area that the barracks were in. Supposedly where Aya was.

"You've only got a few minutes of stealth. Go on."

He headed towards it, hoping that maybe Aya was the same as she was beforehand.

I almost feel bad for him.
@Nikki Moonlight@CriticalHit@Lady Athena

Thanks guys. I'll do some catch up reading and have a post up by tomorrow.
Sorry guys, lost two months of my life in hospital. I hope I didn't ruin your roleplay. I'm out of hospital now and feeling much better. I can understand of you're angry at me, but if you're not, I'd like to join back again.

Sorry again.
@Letmehaveone2@Nikki Moonlight@arowne97

A pool of blood would appear on the floor near them, then a girl would appear over the pool before it closed. She would walk towards Remus. "Hey! What do you think you're doing with my reserves of blood?" She half-smirked to show that she wasn't really mad and moreso inquisitive.


Parell was drained spiritually after his spirit link was shattered. "I can't fight them, sorry. It'll be a while before I can fight things again. I'll leave it to you guys and the Wonder Twins." He grinned.

"Well," he began, "This fist's for Ferid." He punched the bag with his right fist. "I plan to break all of his teeth."

He punched the bag with his left hand. "This one's for Guren."

Accepted. IC will be starting soon. Hopefully. If nothing bad happens.
Name: Brylle Nouin
Nickname: The Blood Mage
Age: "'tis impolite to ask a lady her age."
Gender: Female
Powers/skills: Haemomancy - can bend her blood to her will, harden it and shape it.
Bloody Love - If blood is exchanged through drinking her and the person she has exchanged blood with will become intertwined with her in fate.

Species: Human?
Crush: All Human males.
Relationship: None.
Appearance(s): TBA
Personality: Insane, but bubbly. Does not care much for others who don't meet her criteria.
Bio/history: Born to the same family as her younger brother, Brylle was always more distant. She came up with a criteria of suitable people, to which she found excluded her entire village, bar Parell. Thus she enlisted the help of darker forces to extinguish the village. She didn't know what had happened to her brother; thinking him dead, she manifested her innate power and destroyed the dark forces. Since then, she adopted Lago de Sangre Humana as her home and became its patron, extending its radius and adding to her own power.
Other: Parell's brother.
Working for Hunter or on your own?: Will meet with Hunter and ask to work with him.

@CreedTheChimera(I'll fix the colour later)

"It's like you've got some sort of death wish. Can't you see? I can create electricity with my hands. If I were to release it in an arc around me, I could fry all the cells in your body. Don't you understand?" He sighed. "I apologise for what I did, bit I don't see you as an enemy and I don't want to make you into one, if you aren't already.

"That also begs the question of why should I listen to the feelings I obtained from the shard?"

I'd like about 4 people to start.


Yeah it's still up, I've just been in hospital with appendicitis.
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