Avatar of imacamoprincess


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3 mos ago
Current Replies are a work in progress - work has been killer and I'm taking care of my horses while barn owner is out of town.
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3 mos ago
Replies coming slowly but surely.
4 mos ago
I'm personally stuck on the first word
4 mos ago
I'm back
4 yrs ago
Anyone want to role play? Check out my request thread. I'm bored.


I have a full time job, a serious dating relationship, a social life, and other hobbies besides role playing! So if I don't reply or I go MIA for a few days its just life taking over and me needing to deal with it. I also babysit my younger brother on my days off when my mom has to work, so I am usually on here when I babysit.

As for role playing...

Most Recent Posts

So I have returned from my disappearance due to working two jobs as well as some personal issues - as I said I have returned and I’m planning on staying since everything has calmed down. I maybe a little rusty at first, but I have been writing in my off time - just random things that I’d love to turn into role plays but that do require the perfect character and partner. However, I will try to get them up and running so you can apply to them and see if it’s a good fit! Please remember that I work full time, own two dogs, own a horse, and I’m engaged…so just because I read the reply or am messaging you doesn’t always mean I can reply. Some sites do not like my phone so I can only read messages and not reply, I normally can only reply when I’m home on my lap top. So please keep this in mind when role playing with me! I will also inform you if I have to be gone for a short period of time, I will normally be on Monday through Thursday 4PM to 10PM, Friday 4PM till whenever I fall asleep, Saturday whenever I’m not at the barn or shopping for food for the week, and Sundays pretty much all day until 10PM.

I normally reply with AT LEAST eight nice sized sentences to keep things going and interesting, though I normally will check things with my partner before making any big events happen in the role play - unless my partner prefers surprises. I have role played for at least twelve years, I’m a twenty-two year old female and prefer my partners to play males. Some role plays I like having the major events planned out, others it doesn’t really matter when they happen. But I do have ground rules that MUST be followed in order to role play with me are as follows: #1 - You MUST be AT LEAST 18 years or older, #2 - My partners must play a male, I am not comfortable playing males due to personal reasons, #3 - My partners must reply AT LEAST one nice sized paragraph, and #4 - Romance is a MUST! My role plays vary in time settings, ages of characters involved, characters involved, character personalities, plots, goals for the role play, etc. I do not require you to chat with me out of character, however it is always nice to have a little chat.

I will post my pairings that I am craving and if anyone is interested feel free to message me, please do not comment on the post - pretty please! I will post whether the pairings are open or taken, willing to have two separate role plays per pairing before I close it.
@The Author intered in Winter's War
The Rules

I play female characters only, so I’m looking for someone who is comfortable playing male characters that are for the most part dominant.
Please be eighteen years old or older since I’m in my early twenties.
I’m looking for people who can write roughly one to four paragraphs per reply with proper spelling.
I am not the grammar police, accidents happen - so don’t dare grammar police me, please.
DO NOT CONTROL MY CHARACTER - certain small reactions are fine, but just don’t get crazy.
Replies please AT LEAST once a day, however the more you can reply the better - I am normally fairly active.
I understand when life gets in the way, but you need to communicate that with me! I am working Monday through Saturday, if we role play - I can give you time frames as well if needed.
I really have a very small amounts of limits, but I will let you know what they are - it normally varies on the pairing.
I prefer either of description or realistic photos, not a huge fan of anime - but if that’s all you can find, it will work.
Certain topics do require some knowledge of said topic, research can help with that if you want to take that route.
Romance is a must for my role plays, however they have other themes mixed in with them.
Please message me if you are interested in role playing with me!
The Pairings & Plots

So the pairings and plots will be added in slowly using hiders to save some room and confusion.

The princess paused a moment as the prince practically asked her uncle to meet this fiance of hers, her uncle seemed to get rather annoyed as he seemed to try to think on his feet of who would dare to marry his niece. “I’m afraid that he is not currently here, I believe he went to get something’s for their wedding.” He pointed out, seeming rather unsure of his own words. The princess rolled her eyes, wanting to get as far from his uncle as possible as quickly as possible. Why did he have to do this? From what she knew of Keratia, they could easily defeat her kingdoms army and take over the ruling.

The princess glared at her uncle, he was such a liar - he was no ruler of hers or her kingdom. “And if he does not meet your standards? What business is this of yours? It’s not like you are going to marry her yourself, are you?” Her uncle muttered, his tone rather cold as someone suddenly called for him. It was another man, a lot larger than her uncle that made his way toward the group - placing himself between the prince and princess and the king. She felt the prince reach out and take her hand in his own as he pulled her along to follow beside him, unaware of where she was being led.

She followed the man, curious as to where he was leading her and why. She looked over at him, studying him a moment at his question of her uncle. At this point she noticed his red eyes, remembering her father mentioning something about only the royal family having red eyes when it came to Keratia. “To be quite honest that is a rather large understatement about him. He is much more than a mess, and in all honestly - the sooner he is no longer king…the better.” She commented, brushing her bangs out of her face with her free hand. She didn’t see why she couldn’t speak the truth around this man, he wanted the truth after all.
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