Avatar of ineffable
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    1. ineffable 8 yrs ago
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furiously looking for a slice of life rp...
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New member so bear with me :)
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Whelp, here's where you learn a little bit about me whether you like it or not.

Hi! You can call me Effie or ineffable or basically whatever you'd like but welcome to my little corner of the guild! I've been here for about 5 years, starting on my adventure in roleplaying in a free roleplay and moving my way up towards more high casual roleplays, which is what I'm working on right now. You can find me a lot in Slice of Life roleplays and every so often in Fantasy or Sci-fi. As for a little bit about me: I love 80s era movies and music and play an inhumane amount of video games. I am also kind of low key addicted to Dungeons and Dragons and a total bookworm with a favoring towards contemporary fiction.

Hit me up to talk about everything and anything!

Not currently roleplaying, but if you have any interesting roleplays or 1x1s please do DM me! (I check back on the site a lot)


And welcome to where I store all of the stuff that I don't need but turn out to need anyway.

Most Recent Posts

In Star Trader 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Oh hi! I'm so sorry for the short response I had to your long one. It would be a lot of thinking on Sofie's side and I didn't really want to do a whole chapter of that.
And Bergson was just a suggestion of his name, I didn't even know how I thought of it in the first place. Do change it to Justin if you'd like!
Ed seems very diplomatic and I think that'll be one of the things that draws Sofie to him. She's a mysterious character as of now but I do have a faint idea of her past and hopefully that should be revealed every so often.
In Star Trader 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sofie startled when the other boy sitting close by decided to intervene.
Thank the stars that it had happened when it did. She immediately relaxed herself and decided she would find another place to sit, even if she had to sit on the floor. As she made to get up she heard the other boy say something. He was asking for her name.
"I'm Sofie." She responded abruptly, halfway out of her seat. As she scanned the bleachers to see if she could get another seat she decided that leaving would be rude. Should she sit back down or...she shook her head. Why was she so indecisive? She had just been here for a few minutes and she was already creating trouble.

Sofie had wanted to start again at Purcell but look at what she was doing. She was not going to be weak and silent anymore. She'd had enough of that in her past. She would make good choices and she wouldn't care about what people thought of her. She nodded to herself and slowly sat back down. She's fought so much to get to this point nothing in hell was going to lose her chance at staying here.

She fell quiet and thought for a bit. She couldn't do it. She couldn't even look at both boys, choosing instead to glance at them every so often. She was so weak. She hated herself for it.
In Star Trader 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

Sofie settled down on one part of the isolated bleachers within the stadium, her small brown knit bag beside her and suitcase cradled between her knees. She sat with a certain nervousness, hugging her belongings in close and twitching every time someone sat down in her general vicinity.
"Lonely?" A smooth voice drifted down to her ears. She startled and whipped around to look at a boy around her age, arms crossed and smirking.
"I...No?" She responded. Her voice tinkled softly like chimes, almost seeming to silence the stadium racket for a millisecond.
"Bergson Somerset. It's nice to meet a pretty girl like you." He held out his hand.
Sofie quickly clasped his hands with her own, giving it a soft shake before letting her palms fall from his.
"I'm...Sofie." She cradled herself. He emanated a sort of danger, a sense of trouble that she had learned to detect before.
His hand reached out in the space between them before they made contact with a stray strand of blonde hair hanging in front of her eyes. He brushed it away while she stood stock still, afraid of any harm to come to her.

She needed help.

In Star Trader 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Sofie Heichenback

Sofie has a mysterious past with some associating her with rebel forces or the royal family. However, all suspicions have never been confirmed by Sofie herself. She's a soft spoken girl with a dangerous edge yet she looks innocent and sweet. People have never stuck by her side for long, always feeling that misfortune would strike if they got too close. She's a risky gamble but someone out there, she is sure, is willing to go all in.
In Star Trader 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I'm here! I'll add in my character and start writing ASAP.
Thanks for creating the thread! :)

Do you need one more person?
- ignore me here -
@Omega Man

Hey! If you still remember me I would love to join....LIKE REALLY REALLY WOULD LIKE TO JOIN
Interested however, can we do it outside of Google Docs? Maybe Pirate Pad or something
YAYYYYYYY. I was going to check on this thread but RP guild just went bleh on me so here I am, albeit a bit dazzled and confused about what I've posted or not.
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