Avatar of ineffable
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1350 (0.49 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. ineffable 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
furiously looking for a slice of life rp...
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
RIP Carrie Fisher
8 yrs ago
New member so bear with me :)
1 like


Whelp, here's where you learn a little bit about me whether you like it or not.

Hi! You can call me Effie or ineffable or basically whatever you'd like but welcome to my little corner of the guild! I've been here for about 5 years, starting on my adventure in roleplaying in a free roleplay and moving my way up towards more high casual roleplays, which is what I'm working on right now. You can find me a lot in Slice of Life roleplays and every so often in Fantasy or Sci-fi. As for a little bit about me: I love 80s era movies and music and play an inhumane amount of video games. I am also kind of low key addicted to Dungeons and Dragons and a total bookworm with a favoring towards contemporary fiction.

Hit me up to talk about everything and anything!

Not currently roleplaying, but if you have any interesting roleplays or 1x1s please do DM me! (I check back on the site a lot)


And welcome to where I store all of the stuff that I don't need but turn out to need anyway.

Most Recent Posts

@Dirty Pretty Lies

Hoping this is okay! And liking how you mentioned you make the aesthetics?

P.S: Acidentally posted this in the characters section. I have since redacted it...I'm sorry :(

OH FUNNN!!!! Lemme work on a character sheet :0
This might be a bit late but you guys still accepting?
IRL is killing me rn so I'm so sorry for the massive massive massive delay on the CS! If only I had enough inspiration and time! I'm still interested though and will try to get it done soon (if I can)

Oh please don't wait on me...go ahead!

Real life is just about starting to catch up to me so I definitely don't want to delay you guys if I don't finish my CS in a reasonable time :)
In Star Trader 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Hey there! Yeah...I don't do too well with science fiction so I'd just say we can try a different story? Something both of us can be more invested in.

P.S: How have you been?

Okay I'm giving up on the fancy pants format...hopefully it'll be up soon in a simple normal style :)
In Star Trader 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

Er... Thins?

Sorry the character sheet is taking a ton of time...trying to get the format right and everything :)
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