Avatar of iTem
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 243 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. iTem 7 yrs ago
    2. ██████████ 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current when will the holy taco god return to remove the banner i wonder
6 yrs ago
@POOHEAD189 didn't know it was your birthday. happy birthday, poo. :D
1 like
6 yrs ago
imagine a school RP but it's an actual school where you and your character needs to learn things or fail the next big test. nothing big, nothing cheesy. just good ol' boring school
6 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
a reality where dogs still love us but they can tell us about it by verbalizing it


Hi! I’m Mac!
…or Dmitri… or Die… or Slick… or Clover… or Trace…

…Obviously, none of these is my real name, (and by now you might have an inkling of an idea as to which fandom I came from before) so I don’t really mind being called using any of the names aforementioned above or by my character’s name when we talk in OOC. However, don’t mistake me or my character as the same entity. As I’ve said before “IC =/= OOC”

IRL, I am a 21 year old attending college as a 4th year an extendee Bachelor of Arts and Communication Student. I major in Speech Communication and minor in Broadcasting (journalism). Oh and I’m not a native English speaker so I might not catch some references, idioms, or metaphors. I will most likely ask you OOC for clarifications on some things because I sometimes misunderstand definitions despite being supposedly fluent in English.

Anyway, I’d like to think that I’m a fairly carefree person. It means that I’ll let us get away with doing a lot of shit (we’ll probably do a lot of crazy shit tbh), and my friends say that I’m pretty friendly too so I guess we can take their word for it. But, as all humans are bound to be, I do have my limits. With that, I wouldn’t say “tread lightly” with me. But I will say “let’s be decent” at least. Soo... Let’s just see where it goes, yeah?

Okay. Now for credibility.

I have been roleplaying on and off for... 5 or 6-ish years now. I used to roleplay in tumblr(dot)com for a couple of years before stopping for half a year, and then it became an on and off thing that ended up with me missing out on a lot of things IC and IRL. It became a nuisance and a source of frustration for me since I couldn’t keep up with my character’s life and my own life so I had to stop. I just didn’t have enough time to play as my characters (plural) on a regular basis while also balancing my social and college life so I had to stop doing it , kinda. So here I am, trying to get back at the swing of things since I would like to believe that I generally have my shit together now.

If you want to contact me, feel free to tag me in posts or send me a PM for more personal matters. But if you want to contact me regularly I suggest that you ask for my Discord account in private because I’m most often online there than here. Just don’t forget to introduce yourself and where we met though, okay?

So...... There we go. I felt like I’ve wanted to add something but I’m not quite sure what it was so let’s just awkwardly end this introduction here. I hope you have fun. Before you go, have my uwu face:

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Most Recent Posts

@Crossfire gotcha. i'll start writing him up now.
@Crossfire@Gardevoiran i should i not write up that engineer character?

ok but does amy not want the beby tho? because i think tia can offer some advice from old stripper friends
@superservo27 unless your character is an insomniac that's okay with barely sleeping next to the two noisiest people in the ship that barely sleeps, i suggest that action. but if you want a challenge and wanna torture them for the time being please, by all means, stay on room 3 or 6. room 5 has nightly ramblings and explosions, as well as scottish screaming, probably
@superservo27 hoho! bunking in next to one of the noisiest people at night? i hope your character's okay with hearing loud violin music or loud music in general at 2 in the morning, footsteps on the vents, and loud footsteps on walls
Grayson seemed to have easily carried over the little game that they’re playing. It was quite adorable, though not really for the Siren’s taste since it feels so sweet. So disgustingly sweet.

“I guess so, yeah,” the Siren would grin and raise her mug to Amy. Touché.

The comfortable silence of the galley settled yet again as the crew continued eating. Matija would settle back down next to her chubby companion and placed her arm on his shoulder as she sipped her coffee with the help of the other. It was odd, being back in this setting after being idle for such a long time. Or even eating with other people in general. She would usually sneak in to get her food and head out before anyone would notice so nobody would pin the loss of rations on her.

”I think that-“ Amy said before abruptly stopping and excusing herself while she held herself and ran out of the galley. She found it odd as she wasn’t the type to ditch conversations in that manner, at least with what she knew of her. She was more polite than that. Of course, Grayson followed after her and she couldn’t help but think of the possibilities for such actions.

Grayson would come back a little later, apologizing on Amy’s behalf and Matija squinted her blank eyes at him as he reasoned that it was probably the juice that she drank but otherwise she’s fine. His actions screamed otherwise. Grayson proceeded to dunk the thing down the drain and the Mecorian watched him by the corner of her vision before casually walking by box to inspect the accused box while nobody was looking to check it was the case. After checking the box, she would snort silently in amusement before throwing it in the trash and washing her hand so she could get started on cleaning the used utensils to pass the time. Behind her, Stryker spoke to the group and then to Grayson.

"So as I was going to say before, I've got the strangest feeling that we're going to be mobilized soon. I know that there's been no contact from the Alliance in weeks, but I don't know, I just can't shake it, so what I'm gonna propose is we keep our skills sharp. Feels like it's been months since I held a gun, much less fired one. They really neglected to outfit the ship with a firing range, but we can rig one together pretty easily, maybe pull all the equipment in the gym off to one side, weld a few layers of steel plating against the wall for targets, is that doable Grayson?"

"Yeah, wouldn't be any issue at all," responded Grayson and Matija took the mug when he placed it by the sink after he had finished.

"Ok, well after you check on Amy, maybe all of you guys can go down and get started on that? I'm gonna fix up a plate for the kid, see if he wants any," said Stryker. The Siren would perk to that, unaware that they had another member on board that she had yet to meet. But before she could ask, Stryker had already gone out of the galley to give food to what seems like a reclusive member.

Needless to say, she wasn’t happy with she wasn’t as informed as she thought so after she had quickly dealt with the dishes, the Siren would sit down and eye the quiet new girl. At least, new to her eyes. They said her name was Taleste or whatever. She couldn’t be assed to remember the light brunette’s name so she made a new one that would fit her.

“Hey there, Tailty, Tasty, Tailor Jonah? Ginger. Yeah, Ginger. What’re ya in this crew for?”

hm. do we still need a mechanic for the ship? because i have a character that might fit but i'm not quite sure if i should put him up here and i'm not sure how i'll play him within the setting
doesn't matter. someone appreciates them. bless your heart <3
@Shard is your profile KK?
i am dying from being deprived of my laptop and tablet but hey, i find this oddly adorable
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