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    1. Jeddaven 10 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
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she/her pronouns. I'm interested in a wide variety of roleplays, but I tend toward prefering High Fantasy and High Sci Fi settings (think Elder Scrolls or Warhammer 40k). Whether it's a Nation Roleplay (I love digging into fictional politics) something on a smaller, individual scale, or something in between, there's a good chance I might be interested! I especially enjoy fantasy setting with weird, esoteric fluff - up to and including the nonsense that happens in Elder Scrolls, or, occasionally, Age of Sigmar.

Fave settings /period/ are Warcraft, and Golarion. WH40k and AoS are close.

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Maybe? IDK. I don't really RP nation-style roleplays at all, and I've always been iffy on RPing canon characters because sometimes I feel I won't be able to properly portray the character(s) correctly. But I'm closing in on around a decade and a half-ish of playing WoW + some of the RTS so I might be able to work out something readable and not downright stupid.

Funnily enough, on the topic of WoW I was actually playing it the other day on a server a few friends and I have played sometimes (fuck the night elf barrow quest, I forgot how much I hated it) and this happens to drop today.

Feel free to ask for help, if you need it -- and remember that you don't necessarily *have* to play canon characters. Organizations are fine, too; i.e. the Scarlet Crusade.
Kinda interested, mulling over the idea of grabbing Dalaran/Kirin Tor, perhaps take it into a Magi-Tech direction (it seemed to already be going there with all the Dwarf tanks and copters there in the WC3 campaign) or alternatively a Stromgarde trying to retake its ancestral home and reform the Arathor Empire (admittedly map painty)

Either of those sound good to me -- I'm perfectly ok with the Stromgarde idea, too. When I talk abotu map-painting, I'm moreso talking about taking land just to 'win'; it's perfectly sensible for the Trollbanes to want their shit back. Danath can show up, too, what with the Portal being open.

Welcome to the Interest Check for Tales of Azeroth: Flames of Chaos, a roleplay set in another Azeroth -- yet one that is inexorably linked to the true reality we know. Many things are similar, but others are very different, all because a single Elf decided to right the suffering of her people.

There is, for example, no Burning Legion to invade Azeroth, for demons, as beings outside of time and space, can only exist in singularity; in other words, there was only one Kil'Jaeden, one Tichondrius, one Archimonde, one Sargeras...

Thus, those on Azeroth are disrupted and leaderless, left to run amok.

The Scourge, likewise, ails -- its back was broken by the offensive against Quel'thalas; met by constant Farstrider harassment, it was unable to penetrate deeply into the Eversong Woods, its rapid expansion turned into a brutal, gruelling quagmire at the impenetrable Elfgates and the incredible might of Silvermoon's Magisters. Deprived of Kel'thuzad, there was little they could do aside from shallowly penetrate into the Eversong before being forced to retreat and consolidate in Lordaeron.

The Old Gods, however, still threaten to awaken, separated from the Void Lords as they are. The titan watchers are thrown into chaos, granting them further opportunities to spread their admittedly weakened influence, this shard's Algalon quelled from purging the planet only by the fact that the true Azeroth exists elsewhere, thus making re-origination unecessary.

The Broken Isles -- and the Shal'dorei -- stand on a dangerous precipice, Elisande having potentially discovered through her time magics that her city is finally safe from the Legion, free to spread her influence without worry of being obliterated by the demons.

The Mists of Pandaria -- the final black mark on Emperor Shaohao's legacy -- have abruptly faded, blown apart by the enormous release of magic created by the violent discorporeation of the Legion's most powerful commanders, leaving Pandaria exposed to the rest of the world for the first time in ten thousand years.

The Dark Portal, exposed to the very same release of magic, has abruptly re-opened, wrenching an equally unintended fractured Draenor into being, offering whole Tempest Keep and its Draenei inhabitants an unexpected lease of life.

This Azeroth's Nozdormu, having realized the unintentional nature of this Azeroth's existence, wrestles with the reality of whether or not he can allow it to exist -- and the Dragon Aspects, still as powerful as they ever had been, return to the Dragon Isles decades early, convening on the nature of their duties, Malygos's role still in question, the Aspects grappling with their role in this false world.

Everything else (and the specifics of the above) are for the writers to decide, barring what I specify. In essence -- I'm providing a framework for the state of Azeroth, but only that -- a framework. Think of this as a pseudo-nation RP where you control organizations and nations through important people like Maxwell Tyrosus, Go'el, or people who might have taken their places. Multiple players can fit into a faction, of course, and are encouraged to do so -- Cairne and Thrall, for instance.

As such, while I intend to open things up more later on, initially at least, writers will be heavily encouraged to take on roles of great import, to fill out the essential spots in the world. Some -- even many -- will be canon characters, but you're more than encouraged to field proposals for OCs and where/how they'll be involved. Either way, I expect decently hogh-effort applications. This doesn't mean you need to give me an essay for each character (frankly, I'd prefer to not need to read a novel!), of course, but I reserve the right to reject applications when the time comes for the full RP. Currently, the plan is to start approximately four years and six months after the start of the first war, and about three and a half years after the Scourge was forced out of Quel'thalas by the High Elves, having failed to penetrate the first Elfgate.

Other major events to note -- everything up to Arthas's slaying of Terenas has happened as normal. It's around that time that Aranaeyl killed Dar'khan, creating this new timeline, and past that point when things can diverge. I'm hoping to help solidify some of these events in the process of setting up the interest check.

You know why this is here. I got obsessed with Azeroth again and decided to run an RP for the first time in eons. There's no need to be familiar with the franchise to join in -- I'm happy to discuss lore with people!

The vignettes I've included above are meant to provide some context and focus in on the events that lead us to where the RP's timeline started.
In testacles 1 yr ago Forum: Test Forum
Bumping. Int check going up.
I will do a thing.
In testacles 1 yr ago Forum: Test Forum

Welcome to the Interest Check for Tales of Azeroth: Flames of Chaos, a roleplay set in another Azeroth -- yet one that is inexorably linked to the true reality we know. Many things are similar, but others are very different.

There is, for example, no Burning Legion to invade Azeroth, for demons, as beings outside of time and space, can only exist in singularity; in other words, there was only one Kil'Jaeden, one Tichondrius, one Archimonde, one Sargeras...

Thus, those on Azeroth are disrupted and leaderless, left to run amok.

The Scourge, likewise, ails -- its back was broken by the offensive against Quel'thalas; met by constant Farstrider harassment, it was unable to penetrate deeply into the Eversong Woods, its rapid expansion turned into a brutal, gruelling quagmire at the impenetrable Elfgates and the incredible might of Silvermoon's Magisters. Deprived of Kel'thuzad, there was little they could do aside from shallowly penetrate into the Eversong before being forced to retreat and consolidate in Lordaeron.

The Old Gods, however, still threaten to awaken, separated from the Void Lords as they are. The titan watchers are thrown into chaos, granting them further opportunities to spread their admittedly weakened influence, this shard's Algalon quelled from purging the planet only by the fact that the true Azeroth exists elsewhere, thus making re-origination unecessary.

The Broken Isles -- and the Shal'dorei -- stand on a dangerous precipice, Elisande having potentially discovered through her time magics that her city is finally safe from the Legion, free to spread her influence without worry of being obliterated by the demons.

The Mists of Pandaria -- the final black mark on Emperor Shaohao's legacy -- have abruptly faded, blown apart by the enormous release of magic created by the violent discorporeation of the Legion's most powerful commanders, leaving Pandaria exposed to the rest of the world for the first time in ten thousand years.

The Dark Portal, exposed to the very same release of magic, has abruptly re-opened, wrenching an equally unintended fractured Draenor into being, offering whole Tempest Keep and its Draenei inhabitants an unexpected lease of life.

This Azeroth's Nozdormu, having realized the unintentional nature of this Azeroth's existence, wrestles with the reality of whether or not he can allow it to exist -- and the Dragon Aspects, still as powerful as they ever had been, return to the Dragon Isles decades early, convening on the nature of their duties, Malygos's role still in question, the Aspects grappling with their role in this false world.

Everything else (and the specifics of the above) are for the writers to decide, barring what I specify. In essence -- I'm providing a framework for the state of Azeroth, but only that -- a framework. Think of this as a pseudo-nation RP where you control organizations and nations through important people like Maxwell Tyrosus, Go'el, or people who might have taken their places. Multiple players can fit into a faction, of course, and are encouraged to do so -- Cairne and Thrall, for instance.

As such, while I intend to open things up more later on, initially at least, writers will be heavily encouraged to take on roles of great import, to fill out the essential spots in the world. Some -- even many -- will be canon characters, but you're more than encouraged to field proposals for OCs and where/how they'll be involved. Either way, I expect decently hogh-effort applications. This doesn't mean you need to give me an essay for each character (frankly, I'd prefer to not need to read a novel!), of course, but I reserve the right to reject applications when the time comes for the full RP. Currently, the plan is to start approximately four years and six months after the start of the first war, and about three and a half years after the Scourge was forced out of Quel'thalas by the High Elves, having failed to penetrate the first Elfgate.

Other major events to note -- everything up to Arthas's slaying of Terenas has happened as normal. It's around that time that Aranaeyl killed Dar'khan, creating this new timeline, and past that point when things can diverge. I'm hoping to help solidify some of these events in the process of setting up the interest check.

We didn't want this to die either...buuuuttt

Do dragons or I will

Day 1 of the First Galactic War
EUS Strasbourg
Officers and soldiers bustled about the Strasbourg’s mess hall as it barreled toward TRAPPIST-1's gate, carried onward by magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters, a buzzing swarm of ships surrounding it. Its arrival to the Solar System was announced unceremoniously, by little but the FEU’s unambiguous declaration of war against PUNT, simplying diverting around rather than stopping for anything that got in its way. That was how the Strasbourg’s primary Command AI, Ultima Verba, preferred it, after all -- there was little time for exchanging diplomatic pleasantries when they needed to prevent a genocide.

Still, it couldn’t help but divert some unused sectors of its unfathomably powerful quantum computers to watching the ship’s personnel in the mess hall, occasionally exchanging idle banter with them through the inbuilt PA system. They didn’t seem to mind the conversation, and neither did Ultima, a welcome distraction from relatively uneventful navigation -- most of which was delegated to its siblings in the first place.

Its cameras suddenly shifted focus, drawing in toward the squad of Strzyga waltzing in through the main doors. A handful of artificial eyes turned toward them, too, and Ultima noted a strange mix of both reverence and excitement in them.

Thinking quickly -- and hoping to catch their attention -- Ultima conjured one of its many avatars, a slim, tomboyish athlete clad in the garb of the seelie court, fluttering wings and pointed ears adorning its body. It was clad in practically nothing, a disheveled, half-worn naval uniform, bronze-toned skin on nearly-full display as its curious amber eyes stared at them. “Yoo-hoo!” Ultima hollered, waving daintily. “Over here, c’mon!”

Drazenka was the first one to respond, glancing first toward Commander Amenabar, then at Ultima’s avatar before promptly making her way over to the table, the rest of her five-man squad distantly in tow.

“Ultima! How’s it goin’? Anything interesting on your radar?” She asked enthusiastically, unceremoniously plopping herself down at one of the benches along either side of the small, rectangular table.

“Nothing yet,” Ultima sighed, its holographic leaping up from the table to hang upside-down from the light fixtures above. “Some annoyed complaints from other parts of the Solar System, confused transmissions, the works. I’ve given the agreed-on response, of course -- a polite way of saying ‘fuck off. We have work to do.’” It replied, shrugging lazily. “I suppose nothing is better than something right now, though, boring as it is. We still don’t know precisely what the PUNT ships are up to, or if we’re even going to beat them to the punch, but...”

“The sooner we act, the better.” Amenabar interjected, earning a curt nod from everyone present. “They may as well be Nazis. We can’t afford to pull punches, diplomatic protocol be damned. It’s a good thing that the General Assembly agrees. Not that I’d expect otherwise, I mean. They usually do.”

“It’s a good thing they do,” Leopard -- a towering, broad-shouldered, black-haired man -- interjected, briefly reaching up to scratch his bushy beard. “Because, I’ll be frank; I’m looking forward to pummeling these sons-of-bitches. Who in their right mind wouldn’t be?”

Suddenly, Ultima found its attention wrenched away from the mess hall, a transmission hammering into its processors.
[Emergency transmission received:]
”This is Admiral 1-103 Akari Stands Resolute Against The Dark. We have come under concerted assault by the forces of the People’s Union of New Terra. We have suffered direct strike by numerous nuclear weapons. Casualties unknown, but high. Requesting support against the aggressor. Heaven preserve us.”

“*Oh*. Oh, that’s...”

Without a moment of hesitation, Ultima re-routed the transmission to the command staff, cringing as the Strzyga turned to face it...

And then, a reply, as alarms began to blare, bathing the ship in angry red light. Instantly, the soldiers scattered about the mess hall began to rise to their feet, rushing out of the room, some with lunch trays carried in their arms, while others lay abandoned where they sat.

This is Admiral Briganto. Orders are to immediately divert toward Ishtar, maximum speed. Transmit an encrypted reply.

Thankfully, for a person with such enormous computational power at its disposal, rapid, robust encryption was practically effortless, requiring little more than the digital equivalent of a flick of the wrist.

This is Ultima Verba, transmitting as the primary controlling persona of "Strasbourg" and first through fourth of five Naval Action Forces. We are diverting toward your location; ETA in-system in approximately fourty-five minutes. Transmitting targeting datalink codes.
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