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7 mos ago
DM me for a 1x1 Yoshi roleplay. You can't be blue Yoshi I'm already blue Yoshi. Plot will explore an alternate universe apartheid Yoshis Island that has fallen under Wario's libertarian rule.
7 mos ago
starts beating the shit out of you
1 yr ago
I wish you all the type of cringe RP you still think about four years later in a cold sweat.


horny and mentally unstable

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Oh, something I should mention. I know not a lot of the characters so far actually use magic other than Arlo but it's something interesting to know regardless.

You can force your body to take in more mana than it can hold, but if you do it in excess you'll disintegrate.
While the people close to the king are awful dodgy about who comes into his court due to his old age I'm sure they'd be more welcoming to a knight than a mage. Yeah the king would accept an audience with him.
Cider isn't evil either but he's basically a wild animal with the intelligence of a human toddler. I was thinking about making him decide for himself that all people can't be digested because Kaite looks human and he had no success trying to eat him. So he'll just eat livestock and/or market food.

Headlines in Wanderneir

Three Men Victim to Gruesome Murder, Mage Suspected

Grape Jam Man Terrorizes Local Farmers

He could be following the most direct route and try to find a way through the drainage pipe. While working his way around in a direction he thought Kaite was going, he got schmoozed into an aquifer and then hoisted up bit by bit by Kaite in the efforts to refresh the inn's water supply after using a considerable bit to clean himself and the whole inn's stock of linen.

That is a great idea omg
<Snipped quote by Jojo>

Schmooze in through the sewers and be drawn to the blood and singing?

But is he smart enough to know to hide in the first place? I kind of want to have him inadvertently get in.
Also I'm trying to decide how Cider got into the city because he's decided to just kinda follow Kaite around. Kaite is a passable human but a 5 foot slime man is gonna have a harder time sneaking around in there lol

Fuckin dope. Can't wait for all the guards to be super on edge, especially mages. lol

I may just write in that Arlo is being accused of the killings
Maybe it's because I'm sick and can barely hold my eyes open but I'm not sure if Kaite just murdered three men that caught him stealing or if he killed 3 thieves.
Arlo woke to the loud sound of knocking on his door. He slowly peeled his face from his pillow and pushed himself up to a sitting position. He realized that sometime in the night he had completely disrobed down to his undergarments, a subconscious habit he could never really get out of when he had the leisure of his own private space. He looked the room over by the morning light to locate where he tossed his pants while he was sleeping. He found them at the foot of the bed and worked his legs into them before pulling them up to his waist and tying the belt that held them up. Deciding not to keep his guest waiting any longer while he looked for his other clothes he unlocked his door and pulled it open. Standing outside, the strange knight he had encountered before. It was the first time he saw the man off of his otherworldly horse, and the close proximity to the man intimidated Arlo a little bit but he held his composure.

"Oh, it's you." Arlo yawned, "I don't think I caught your name."
Oh btw does anyone want to volunteer to co-gm the roleplay for me so that when I'm at work or otherwise unavailable we can still maintain the roleplay?

You'd also get to help update the bestiary/points of interest.
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