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Super sorry for delays, got hit by family stuff and sickness in rapid succession and it's been a crazy week in general. Gonna finish up and post tomorrow morning so we can get moving again.
While Crim travels I'm pleased to announce I am not!

I shall try to post tonight ^^
@Esailia Sorry about that, things got crazy before my vacation and I couldnt get anything written. I cant write again til I get back so if you want to do something crazy for me to react to, go ahead and do it :p



And Hound goes the Dynamite

“...and ten blocks after that turn, the base should be around there,” the guard said timidly to the two heroes, wracking his brain to reproduce directions to the Hound base of operations.

”Where exactly ‘around here’?” Voyager questioned further, rubbing her chin thoughtfully.

“I dunno, they don’t let mooks like me near the place, but I know it’s there,” the guard said desperately. “Honest.”

”If there’s a base just under the pavement I’ll be able to spot it, it’ll be hard to house all those hotrods you guys have without leaving yourself a back door open, but hey I can find you again should we get the wrong directions.” The guard opened his mouth to protest his innocence, but was cut off when the superhero Icon rocketed into the sky, followed by Iron Knight calling out for everyone to invade the satellite. Upon hearing this, the color rapidly drained from the Hound soldier’s face, leaving him pale as a skeleton.


”What is wrong?” Voyager asked, hoping the answer she had in her head was wrong.

“The Finger of God,” the soldier said with a deadpan expression. “....fuck….they must be firing it right at you guys.” It was now Voyager’s turn to have the color drained from her face as she turned, wordlessly, to Hound Dog.

”It’s always something. Why can things never be the Mustang of doom, or hair gel of destruction. But you misunderstand, they’re not just firing it at us, they’re firing it at you too. So if your hard on for meta hating has subsided, I think now is the time to spill everything you know so we can better take your base before they shoot it off.”

“W-well, if they’re firing the freaking laser at us, they’re probably bugging out. You’ll be able to see them a mile away!” the guard said desperately, almost begging for the two heroes to believe him.

And that leaves us with one thing left to do.” Placing his hand on top of the goon’s head he gave him a simple shock, just enough to disrupt his consciousness.

”So...that big laser thing,” Voyager said, staring up at the sky in the direction Icon flew off in. A half-hearted Psi-Barrier charged around her hand at the thought of what the Finger of God was about to do.

Drawing a rough map of where the hound base should be Hound Dog chimed in. ”Doubt your psi barriers will stop it. Doubtful anyone could once it gets going. All I know is that there is a wicked powerful engine up there powering it and Icon might need more heavy hitters up there. You and Martel must have done some testing right? Seen the limits of what your barriers can do.”

Voyager shuffled nervously. ”Well...we did some tests in a vacuum chamber. I can keep space out no problem, but...that is a long way up...and I never tried it with...actual space...” A little bit of the lustre went out of her eyes at the thought of the monumental task before her

”If you could breathe in a vacuum you’ll be fine. But yeah that’s quite the distance. I could if these suits ran off electricity give it an overcharge or maybe shoot it out like a railgun whichever works. That would give you a nice bit of lift but I can’t go up there. Sure you can keep air in and space out, but that won’t be easy if you’re dragging me along.” Taking a look again at the rough map scribbled on napkin Hound Dog sighed. ”This is where the road splits for us, Icon will need the help if we can’t stop this on the ground; me I’ll get everyone else who isn’t going and breach that base of theirs. If you need a boost up there I can help. Just come back down in one piece Voyager. So you can boldly go again.”

”...where no one has gone before?” Voyager said eagerly, a bit of her brightness coming back.

”That’s it. Looking better. Remember we’re saving the world, not everyone gets to do that. Go up there and show them what a honorable warrior can do.”

"jaj vIghaj!" Voyager called out, rising into the air with renewed spirit. ”Then this honorable warrior will meet you after the fight for a delicious burger!”

”We’ll get burgers that are out of this world.”

Then with one last salute, Voyager flew off into the sky, trailing after Icon on her way, getting higher and higher in the sky as she made her way to the Finger of God.

”Space...” she said to herself excitedly. ”The final frontier…”

As Voyager took off, Hound Dog was a bit disappointed. So what am I doing with this mech suit. I could pilot it maybe. But man. It won’t be as fun.” Taking his fists he charged them and sent a bolt powerful enough to overload it’s systems. When in doubt blow it up. Righty-O then time to rally the heroes.”

I'm leaving for a week on Tuesday and may not have PC access, so I'll try to get a lil post out to tide us over on the Aamra front.

@Esailia Don't want you to wait for me to post to go next, mostly ^^
idk if it is or not, I didn't see this was necro'd when I posted.
This is interesting, I think I can come up with something for this. ^^
I DID post C:

Commander Aamra Tulez

"Entering through the escape pods," Aamra noted with muted irony, holstering the Longstrider as she stepped up to Kim and Thatcher to survey the situation. "The space rodents are nothing if not inventive, the wretched things."

"Pretty sneaky..." Johnson commented as well. "Tango, shut off all controls to the escape pods, help Johnson out in finding any other missing pods."

"Sound orders. Kim, Thatcher, repeat those orders on this deck and sweep the entire ship," the officer ordered curtly. Aamra distinctly remembered how those on the ship who knew her by reputation were surprised that Aamra had called the synthetic soldiers by name and not their designation number. Aamra never understood why exactly; they had every right to be called by their names the same as she did, machine or otherwise, and they had more then earned that right with how efficient they were.

The same couldn't be said for Robinson, who looked to be in bad shape from the alien rat's bite. Lowering her eyes, she prayed for the waters would carry him to health or to the seas beyond, whichever fate had decided for him.

"Aamara, make sure our other surprised guest doesn't go anywhere!"

"Surprised guest?" Aamra repeated. She thought it may have been the rat she threw across the room before she spotted the diminutive human that had popped out of a nearby crate. "Ah, this surprised guest," she remarked coolly, towering over the stowaway in a threatening manner. "Would you mind getting to your feet and placing your hands on your head?"
All good, I got sick this weekend and stalled on everything myself, so I'm a bit behind too. >.<

Clearly these marauders are plotting against us
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