Avatar of Kalas
  • Last Seen: 2 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: KalasAlseif
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 980 (0.26 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Kalas 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Just found out that I'm gonna be an uncle to twins! 😁
4 yrs ago
Ay, if you see me lurking on your profile, it's because there was drama on the status bar which I missed and I'm being nosey AF. Don't mind me.
5 yrs ago
There must be hundreds, if not thousands, of incredible RP ideas that are wasted every year, due simply to a poorly formatted Interest Check. Shit's gotta pop off the screen and punch you in the face!


Yo, I'm Kalas!

I been gone for like two years. I stop by every now and then to check if the site is still kicking. I can't remember the last time I wrote something.


Current Roleplays:

- None

Preferred Genres:

Sci-Fi: Fantasy: Anime: Other:
- Cyberpunk - Magical School - Naruto - Halo
- Space Opera - Superheroes/Villains - Bleach - WH40K
- Post-Apocalypse - Dungeons & Dragons - Sword Art Online
- Steampunk - Legend of the Five Rings - My Hero Academia
- Mecha - Gods & Deities
- Virtual Reality

Original Roleplays:

Here are some Roleplay Ideas that I have attempted to run in the past but which ultimately failed because I'm a trash GM. If any one of these ideas interest you i.e. You'd like to assist me in running one or you'd fancy trying to run a game yourself, please do not hesitate to contact me first. I don't mind you taking inspiration but don't blatantly rip my shit off. P.S. I have several old threads archived, as well as PMs to myself, in order to stake my claim to these Roleplay ideas.

NovaGames Studios Presents: Arcade All-Stars - Virtual Reality, Esports, Team-based, Small.

NovaStar Studios Presents: HeroTV - Superhero, Superpowers, Slice of Life, Comedy, Medium-Large.

Ocean Horizon: The Shardseeker Chronicles - Steam/Clockpunk, Minor Powers, Sky Pirates, Monsters, Medium.

Guildfall: City Under Siege - Post-Apocalypse, Horror-esque, Minor Powers, Missions/Quests, Large.

The End of Our Days - Post-Apocalypse, Military, Horror-esque, Missions/Quests, Large.

~04 June 2022

Most Recent Posts

@ZAVAZggg Maybe, but then Iori will have more important things to do than deal constantly with an insane sibling.

The Judicator | Lord of the Underworld

TIME: Present Day | LOCATION: Neberziel - Emerald Castle | INTERACTION: None

"Those fools..."

Azhriel stood in the Observation Hall of the Emerald Castle, his personal residence within his Realm. He was fully adorned in armour once more, his arms folded as he regarded the massive ethereal globe floating in the center of the massive room; it's glowing hue cast everything around it in a green light which seemed to ebb and fade as it slowly rotated. Upon it he could witness the Flow of Souls as each one traversed the Ether in order to await judgement within Neberziel. The God of Souls had referred to his siblings as he spoke aloud. Lyssa had afforded him some time alone after explaining Tabrasa's more recent events that had come to pass during his slumber. It was safe to say he was not at all impressed.

Selfishness and petty squabbles had led to a distinct increase in Deaths across the world. And with the Old God's untimely intervention, the Flow of Souls had been very much disturbed. There had even been a few instances of his siblings interfering with the Souls of recently deceased beings. Anu'Varr was one such culprit. The thought of his estranged sister working her devilish magics in an attempt to influence his Domain angered him profusely. This was a slight he would refuse to take lying down. Hyperion, Lord of Light, had also dipped a gauntleted hand into the Ether. The Crusader-God would likely have a better reason for doing so than Anu, he guessed. Besides, he was not yet back to his full strength, so confronting him would be an unwise move for now.

Then there was the matter of Oao and Iarus to consider. Lyssa had shown worry when detailing the events that had transpired but Azhriel remained unfazed. Oao, one of his eldest siblings, had always been a shy one. If this new transformation meant that she might show herself to the world a bit more, who was he to argue? Iarus seemed to have fallen silent since his re-imagining as a God of Fear. Could it be possible that he now feared his own power? Either way, Azhriel paid it no mind. However, the issue of the Divine Cords themselves intrigued him. Which is where the World Tree came in. Its sudden emergence had certainly caught him by surprise, a large influx of Souls had been the initial indication of its appearance. It had even sent him the very first Soul of a Dwarf; a creation of Brother-Ferron no less. His would be a Soul worth keeping in mind. It wasn't often that Azhriel was presented so easily with a bargaining chip of such potential.

"It's high time I pay the world another visit, so it seems." He declared.

Closing his eyes momentarily, Azhriel scoured the Realm for Thaddeus' Soul. The location became known to him within an instant. Spinning on his heel, the God of Souls began to leave the Observation Hall. He retrieved his staff from where he'd left it - standing unnaturally just a few feet into the room - as he exited through the stone arch-way. Lyssa had been standing outside the entire time, she was still concerned regarding his unexplained period of unconsciousness. And whilst Azhriel had commanded her to let it be, he knew that her mind would be thinking of nothing else. He startled her as he strode by, interrupting her thoughts.

"Have you decided on a course of action, my lord?" She inquired, struggling a little to keep up with his newfound pace.

"I'm going topside." He stated, a term he used whenever he meant to travel outside of the Realm.

"B-but, my lord? You are still not fully recovered!" She protested, like he knew she would.

"Hold the fort here, my child. I'll be taking our newest Ashen Guard to see the world through his new eyes." He turned to smile at her as he said so, choosing to ignore her protests of concern. He was still very much a God after all and he answered to no one. Not even a doting subordinate. Before she could speak any further, Azhriel summoned a portal to the inner gate; the entrance-way between Neberziel and Tabrasa. A bridge in sub-space that allowed him to enter and exit his Realm at will. Thaddeus would already be waiting there, having received his Lord's intentions upon his Soul being located.

The green-flamed portal dissipated almost as soon as he exited it, leaving no time for Lyssa to follow. No doubt she would be unhappy with his current actions but that was a problem for later. Nodding towards his newest subordinate, the half-dragon fell to one knee as he appeared.

"I am ready when you are, Master."

Azhriel said nothing as he passed by. He simply strode towards the dimension-gate with purpose, Thaddeus now barely a few steps behind.

"Let us see what place the world has become."
"He could quite easily be a consideration for one of the fastest gods of Tabrasa"

And here I am with the god of travel.

Which is why I was sure to put 'one of' instead of 'the'. ;)
After clearing things up with @A Lowly Wretch, here is the revised sheet for my new God.

Let me know what you all think! :)

P.S. I want the original idea for his Realm (Noretis, Tower of Penance) to be constructed IC. I'm not sure if anyone has actually done that yet, but I figured it would be fun to write out.
@Lmpkio I was unaware, but I guess I know now. Thanks 😊

I'll just keep him in storage for when it opens up again.
Disregard, he's a storage-boi now

The Judicator | Lord of the Underworld

TIME: Present Day | LOCATION: Neberziel - Unknown | INTERACTION: None

"So much death..."

The world was dark.

"So many Souls left to rot."

Azhriel couldn't tell if he was dreaming.

"The river flows verily, its' currents nigh unstoppable."

This voice, he recognised it but he couldn't remember from where.

"Such a delicacy, the Soul of a Mortal."

He struggled to see anything around him. What had happened?

"They possess so many stories, so many emotions, so much... power!"

Azhriel jolted himself back to consciousness, a deep and sudden gasp for air overcame him as he did so. He was drenched in sweat, yet his body remained cold to the touch. His mind still groggy, Azhriel attempted to gather his bearings. He was lying in his bed entirely naked. A thin duvet had been cast over him to protect his dignity. Instinctively, Azhriel rubbed his eyes using the palms of his hands, his eyesight was still hazy. Once he'd finished, his sight now cleared, he regarded his own hands and their pale-greyness. It had been a long time since he'd last removed his armour. No sooner than he had awoken did the door to his chambers burst open, startling the God.

"Lord Azhriel!" A female cried. The expression on her face was filled with emotion. The most he'd ever seen from her. She didn't stop at the door either, rushing to his bedside to kneel before him. "You've returned, finally." She said, almost in tears.

"L-Lyssa?!" He questioned, still unsure about his current situation. "What has happened to me?"

Lyssa's head slowly rose up to meet his oblivious expression.

"Y-you mean, you don't know?" He could sense the pain in her voice as she asked.

"I've been... asleep. For a long time, haven't I?" Azhriel's confusion only grew, he had no recollection of what or why; he couldn't even remember when he had fallen into slumber.

"Yes, my Lord." She confirmed. "But that's not all." Lyssa's face filled with sorrow as she recalled the events that had passed during his absence.

"What is it? What pains you, my child?"

Lyssa was silent for a while, tears beginning to well up in her eyes before she spoke, "It's the Old God... they've gone!"

The news hit him like a hammer, fear washed over him like a tsunami before transforming into rage. Azhriel launched himself from the bed until he stood above the Ashen Guard, his anger evident by the emerald flames around the room magnifying tremendously. Lyssa's gaze had dropped to the floor instantly.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS?!" He roared. Lyssa began to tremble visibly as his voice boomed.

"S-she was here! She sat in your throne! She looked just like-"

"Explain it to me fully." His initial rage had subsided, but an anger deep within him still burned as he spoke.

"It was after you recruited Thaddeus, my Lord. Your power seemed to have drained by a considerable amount more than usual. Before we knew anything, you were slumped in your throne and unconscious. That was when she appeared in front of us all. She tried to kill you, my Lord, but Gibari and the others fought against her whilst I brought you here. By the time I'd returned to the Canyon, the others they were defeated."

Azhriel processed the information quickly, though his anger still remained. It was only then that he noticed his nakedness, which was one of the reasons why Lyssa had refused to raise her head from the floor. He sobered himself slightly, amused by the situation. He needed to calm down, gather all the facts first and then make his move. He'd be swinging in the dark if all he did was attack things with rage. Intent on calming the atmosphere, the God of Souls reached for the duvet on his bed before wrapping it around himself. By his own will, the item quickly began to morph into a dark set of robes covering his modesty.

"My apologies, child. I lost myself to my rage. Come, tell me everything whilst we walk. I must see to the others."

"I am honoured, my Lord, but you do not need to apologise." She rose from the floor gracefully and began to lead the way out of the room. "Gibari and the others are fine now but there is still more bad news I'm afraid."

"Fear not, I am calm now." Lyssa remained tentative, though she eventually began to tell the rest.

"Once I'd returned, the Old God spoke to me. She said that it was her turn to rule, that you were... weak." Lyssa paused a little before continuing on, "She tried to summon a portal to the Pit in order to leave the realm but she failed. After which she grew angry, she started to rant and rave. Most of it was incomprehensible but she did mention something about the Souls, that they held untapped power. Power that you-"

"That's enough." Azhriel interrupted. "I want you to forget about her."

"W-what?! But how can I, after all that?!" Lyssa's protest was out of character, but she couldn't control herself. It took her a moment to realise that she'd spoken out against her God. Azhriel didn't blame her, but he did remain silent. Lyssa would punish herself for this outburst. "I'm sorry, my Lord, I spoke out of turn."

"No matter, it is done. However, I stand by what I said. Forget about the Old God. She is nothing more than a phantom." Lyssa didn't need to answer for him to know she'd comply with his wishes. "Now tell me of the mortal realm, what have I missed?"

The God of Souls walked down the corridor leading away from his bedchambers with his most-trusted disciple. Lyssa had taken him to his castle, far away from the Canyon. He would need to spend some time here to fully recover before attending to his domain. The Old God had finally made her move, after all this time. Now he would need to tread cautiously, lest his secret became known to his siblings.

@Kalas I'm happy you returned all the same. I can understand that might offer significant issue in responding back but it's good that you came back and let us know, even slightly belated as it was.

In any case Azhriel is still where you left him should you choose to return. We'd be happy to see you return but if you don't I understand. If you ever need a prolonged break from writing and don't wish to explain why that's fine. As long as you let us, or even just me, know then there's no harm in it.

Thank you for being so understanding, i'll be sure to try and keep you more informed from now on.

I think I'd be more than happy to return, considering I had something rather interesting planned for Azhriel. I've also just bought myself a Chromebook, which i'm planning to use solely for writing (my desktop offers far too many distractions), so it'd be nice to take it for a spin, so to speak. I'll try to get caught up on the currents events before I jump back in and then decide where to place Azhriel from there.

Thanks once again :)
Hey guys, I want to apologise for my prolonged absence.

I've been dealing with depression for a while now and things took a turn for the worst around 2 months ago. I don't really want to go into details but I wasn't able to be online much after that. I also felt bad for leaving you in the lurch and kinda hid myself away out of shame, I guess. I've only visited the site a handful of times since then but I've been talking things through with my therapist she advised me to come back and explain myself so that I might not feel so bad about it.

I'm glad to see you guys have still carried this on up until now and I'm still very much interested in the roleplay itself. I haven't decided whether it would be right for me to just come back after all this time, so I'd prefer to leave that decision to you.
Okay, just a heads-up that I'm probably not gonna be active much this weekend. I've had my GF over tonight and we're going to the theatre tomorrow afternoon. I might be able to get a quick post up when I get home, but I'm then going back out to watch the UFC at a friend's house. So if I don't post tomorrow, expect it on Sunday.
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