Avatar of KatKook


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Current im addicted to genshin sry
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hello i would to order one kiss from aubrey plaza for christmas
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I literally turned 28 just now and nothing has changed
4 yrs ago
I've done nothing but stare at my client's dog in the background in my online meeting


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Ah, thank you so much!
Oh hey, I forgot to subscribe to the interest check so I guess I missed out on all of this, may I still join? Try my hand on a male character.

"A belly full of trouble."

As Luna continued to eat her food, she was slowly enjoying it, especially since the chefs were adorable. Watching them waddle around while they have food trays over their head and watching them carry those said trays to hunters was quite amusing. This may be why Luna is a felyne type of person. I do miss my Palico. Luna thought.

But that same thought did lead to a PTSD sort of flashback on the horrors of watching her Palico get devoured by a Teostra and Lunastra as it sacrificed itself to save Luna. And since it was a whole episode, she accidentally knocked the bowl of soup on her table and smashed the bowl on the floor. "Ah... Gods save me." She muttered as she got off her chair and started picking up the shards of bowl while one of the chef felyne's helped her.

She continuously apologised as she gave the shards she had collected in the dust pan that the felyne was using to collect them in. She held her head was seemed to be receiving a small migraine. And when that Prick from earlier walked in, she swore it got worse.
Hey, put me on that interested list!

"Not what it used to be."

Luna clicked her tongue as she watched Devin walked towards the front of the ship, she definitely knew where not to go. She suddenly felt her stomach grumble, and she politely excused herself from everyone around her as she pulled herself away from the crowd. "I'm surprised I still have an appetite." Luna mumbled under her breath as moved towards where the food would be, and that's a quick walk down to the ship.

Luna ran her finger against the wooden wall of the ship as she went down to the area where there were tables and such, or where people eat, she needed to at least to fill up on food before she'd go down onto the island with that prick from earlier. Other than him calling her sunshine, there was just something about him that he didn't like, whatever it was, maybe there was a way to resolve this issue.

Here's a second character~

Didn't think I'd have another but here she is.
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