Avatar of KatKook


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hello i would to order one kiss from aubrey plaza for christmas
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I literally turned 28 just now and nothing has changed
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I've done nothing but stare at my client's dog in the background in my online meeting


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"The usual Khloe move is the best type of move."

Khloe woke up from her dorm, she got up from her bed and immediately walked to the odd note on the desk on the other side of the room. She read it while thinking What in the world- oh... OH! She then put the note down and made a run to her closet, finding something to wear and throwing on the bed. She grabbed some of her toiletries and sprinted out the door, she was sliding all over the place and people who she passed said she was just a streak of white in banana pajamas.

She did a quick shower while still maintaining the Korean face and body care, it wasn't easy but Khloe did her best and it worked out pretty well. She had learned to control her powers over this time and was sliding through the halls like Frozone, the ice would melt in seconds and it wouldn't even leave much water which was something she figured out she could do while in the training room. She then slipped back in her room and closed the door behind her.

She walked up to the bed, At least I still have my sense of fashion. She thought as she put on black shirt and over it was a red hoodie and over that was a black leather jacket, along with that she put on dark denim jeans and dark brown boots. She checked herself out in the mirror before putting on her favourite white cap and headed out to the hall of the girl's dorm. He spotted Una and another student walking towards her, she was still running at this point; she then stopped in front of una holding up her phone in front of her while panting and catching her breath, "아이구! 너무 늦어서 미안해.이 일이 벌어지고 있다는 것을 몰랐어. 'Aigoo!' (Aw Man! I'm sorry I came so late I didn't realise this was happening.)" In full threaded Korean, she didn't realise till seconds later that no one would have another stood her so she followed up with, "I mean, uh... I didn't realise... Ah, that ah... Phew... Th-there was... Man, I'm out of breath... There was this whole concert thing, and now shopping... Ah... am I late?" She asked as she continued to try and catch her breath.

Waayyy ahead of ya' hun.
I'm interested in this too, I'll take whatever role's available tho.
oooh, if sterling heights ever happened I'm down for that.

"하지 마 하지 마 'haji ma haji ma' (Stop it, stop it)"

Minhyuk barely made it and was covered in whatever weird substance that was being thrown at him during the whole challenge, well he slipped a few times but recovered by using his long arms to reach the supports. (Being tall has its benefits!) He ran in the house, and a shower to get all that weird slimy stuff off him, he definitely felt unclean during that whole thing but it was fine, it was over. He was pretty surprised that Elias got to the end pretty quickly, with barely any faults, while Minhyuk was slipping all over the gaff, Elias was already there. He was pretty happy for his team, but teams in these types of competitions don't last very long, maybe even shorter than he might think, but as long as the teams stay, he'll do his part.

He dressed himself in cleaner clothes, specifically a white shirt, black pants that look like skinny slacks and a pair of white sneakers. From the room he heard a faint voice somewhere in the “Who wants some Quesadillas?” and he wanted to be a part of that goodness. He then walked out the room and immediately saw two people along with Elias in the kitchen. One appeared to be Jake, a member of his and Elias' team, he was already teasing the girl with them, a member of the losing team, Jenna.

Minhyuk slowly walked up from behind them and satiated himself on the wooden floor, he lifted his leg and stopped on the ground really, *really* loudly while extending his hands out to his side. "하지 마 !'haji ma !" (Stop it !), you two, play nice, that's in the past now," His expression was quite serious, and with his face structure and general height he looked intimidating angry, "Why don't we all just enjoy some quesadillas, Hm?"" He added, immediately taking his serious face away and into what looked like a forced smile as almost another form of intimidation, he didn't mean to be intimidating on that second part, just when he wanted the two to stop. He then walked passed them and towards the cupboard, grabbing himself a glass and filling it up with water.

As he drank the water, he swallowed and was immediately hit with what he just did. Did I just-? 아이구 'Aigoo' (Aw, Man), I can't believe I did that! He exclaimed in his head as his leg shivered, at least he looked handsome while doing it. It was times like this where he wished he wasn't as extra as he is now. He leaned against the counter of the sink and just waited for everyone to look at him all weird.

"A piece of the past."

Junhoe smiled as his eyes glanced down to meet with the girl's eyes as he stood upright, he honestly never thought he would see this girl again after all that time, if he visited the coffee house at the same time as he did that day it would hit is work schedule pretty hard. He couldn't keep still, he was always fiddling with his fingers or shuffling his feet around. The girl then spoke, "So that was you huh? Nice to finally get your name, coffee man!" Junhoe smiled at the sudden nickname given to him, though he didn't seem to hate it; hell it even looked like he liked it. Coffee man? Well I do like my coffee. Junhoe thought, but then the girl continued. "I’m Victoria, though most call me Tori." And when she said that, he bowed again as another form of introduction, he would have said something but the girl was quite talkative and opened her mouth before he even had the chance to say something. "You teach at Silvervale? It’s surprising we haven’t crossed paths then. I’m a student there, as of the moment." Junhoe then nodded, before speaking, "Well, I teach one photography class in room 302 in the east wing, and I am relatively new to Silvervale, like new-new, like 2 weeks new."

Tori politely offered to help Junhoe retake the picture after apologising for messing it up the first time, but Junhoe was quite happy because he now had a subject to work with, he had taken hundreds of pictures of the city from this exact spot so it wouldn't be anything new. "Well, you could start by standing riii-" he then held her lightly on the sides of her shoulders and shuffled her in frame, somewhere around the rightmost part of the actual shot, "-iiight, here." Junhoe continued, he jogged back to his camera, moved the whole thing back a few inches and adjusted the camera setting. "Now you can pose for real this time." Junhoe said as he picked his head to the side of the camera, giving her a thumbs up as a go signal.

Whatever it was, he felt that this would the start of something or maybe it's because she's the first girl he's met so far in the city. That time they spent together in the coffee shop carries over to their time as friends now, it just had a slight pause when Junhoe forgot to give out his name.

"Life is what happens..."

Her sweat was dropping, her breaths were heavy and yet that didn't stop her from practicing the same routine for the past three hours. "You've had one water break throughout the entire session, you should probably go fix that." A voice said a few feet from her followed by discorded strums from the guitar that he was holding. She stopped as soon as the routine music started and walked over to the speakers and paused it. "Hyun-oppa-" said the girl but was cut off with "Don't call me oppa." The girl just chuckled and continued, "Hyun-ah, I don't want to get kicked out for a bad routine, I have to practice." Hyunjin sighed, his back against the wall and his feet straight on the floor as he sighed, "Yeah but that doesn't mean you have to overwork yourself, and hey! If our EXO-sunbaenims were here they'd love your cover." He added to at least brighten up the mood. "Okay okay! I'll take a break, but if I get kicked out, I'm blaming you." Jiwon replied with a laugh as she picked up the water bottle that was still quite full since she didn't really have any other water breaks earlier; she then moved over and sat next to Hyunjin, "Whatcha tweeting about?" She asked, at exactly the moment Hyunjin opened the twitter app on his phone, he then showed a photo of Jiwon making a really stupid face while she was dancing and said, "This. I'm going to caption it with the word 'mood', it's going to be great." And what followed was Jiwon's struggle to grab the phone from Hyunjin's hand followed by a bunch of name calling and laughter. In the end, the tweet gained over four-thousand (4000) likes and two-hundred-fifty plus (250+) retweets.

One of the supervisors of the two then came over to scold them for being so rowdy, even though that same supervisor liked and retweeted Hyunjin's tweet (Thanks supervisor Do, those extra 200 likes were from your followers.) (Ahhh! Supervisor Do is so mean!.) After being scolded, the two then went off to scan the room, eyeing the new guy that looked like he was going to sweat through out the entire performance. Hyunjin then smirked at Jiwon and she knew exactly what his plan was and she would love to put a stop to it, Hyunjin stood up and was immediately followed by, "All trainees, proceed to the basement. Please take your seats around the stage and wait to be called." Jiwon then grabbed Hyunjin by the ear and dragged him to a seat that was further away from the new guy. She then whispered at him, "Oi, Ahn Hyunjin-" Said Jiwon but was cut off again with, "Wow, no honourifics, rude much-" Hyunjin whispered back, Jiwon then slapped his wrists and whispered again "Shut up! You are not going to mess with the rookie, you got that?" Hyunjin took quite a pause before he replied, "Yeah I got that." Jiwon then tilted her head, "Why did you pause?" She loudly whispered, Hyunjin then took another pause which was slightly longer than the first, "... No reason." Jiwon was now visually annoyed loudly whispered again, "Why did you pause-" but she was cut off with the manager saying, "Kang Hanseul! Please come up on stage!" Jiwon then looked over at the stage and was looking over to see if anyone was walking towards there before turning back to where Hyunjin was; turns out, Hyunjin snuck away when Jiwon looked at the stage, he was already at the new guy.

Hyunjin then tapped on his shoulder, "Hey, Daehyun right? I just came here to tell you, that if you don't do well you won't be eating tonight." Jiwon then snuck up on Hyunjin and slapped him pretty hard on the head, Hyunjin held on his head and claimed that he felt his brain get dislodged when she did that. Jiwon looked at the trainee and bowed as a form of apology to him and said "Excuse my stupid-pabo-idiot-friend here, he loves scaring new trainees, you'll be eating just fine tonight." Jiwon then bowed again to really show that she was apologetic while Hyunjin was holding his head, he even added "But Manager took my pudding when I didn't do well." Said Hyunjin as he rubbed his head, "That was because you pinched his nose and said that it was a button to outer space!" Jiwon added to clear things up, "Okay I did do that." Jiwon then held her hand out for a handshake to Daehyun and smiled at him, Her smile hopefully doing it's job of brightening the mood of everyone whenever she did it. "Hi, I'm Kim Jiwon, and that's Ahn Hyunjin, we've been here for a few years already." Hyunjin just added a wave because he was still a little bit in pain.

"...When you're busy making other plans."

Aigoo~ I can’t post till Sunday night :(
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