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"I didn't realise that was the case."

Location: Song Residential Home.

"Well you gotta believe it, cause it is true." Sarah replied with a chuckle, visibly shrugging with her arms, she turned to Neeko who was laying on her stomach playing on Sarah's phone. "I did have my fair share of guys wanting to date me but I turned them all down... A few girls even tried, but come on, you expect me to have a boyfriend before Ahri does?" Sarah asked, turning to Xayah, she was smiling but her eyes said otherwise. "Maybe I'm waiting for someone to choose me, who knows right?" Sarah said, as she turned to the door, Neeko then immediately sat up and shuffled over to Sarah's side, holding her hands to her chest she said "Neeko will be Sarah's girlfriend! Or-" She immediately shape shifted into Ezreal, "Boyfriend!" Sarah then immediately had a disgusted look, "Ew, ew not the kid!" She exclaimed in laughter, as she placed her hand on Neeko's face to hide Ezreal's face. Neeko then turned back into herself and wrapped her arms around Sarah, nuzzling against her neck. "Okay okay, calm down." Sarah said, patting Neeko's head, "Neeko is now Sarah's girlfriend!" Sarah just laughed, and looked back at Xayah, "Ain't ready for that hun, let's calm down."

"I didn't realise that was the case."

Location: Song Residential Home.

Sarah immediately smiled at the sight of Xayah getting flustered, it wasn't a common sight so she didn't expect it at all. She then was ready to calm her down as soon as her feathers started to glow. "Whoa girl, let's calm down. Didn't realise you were the jealous type." Said Sarah as she raised her hands to try and keep her in check, if the girl does explode into a flash of pink and purple feathers Sarah was ready to calm her down by force! Or a stern talking to, "Rakan's a good guy, are you scared he'll leave you or somethin'?" Sarah asked, she may have been poking the bear too much with that question but these questions usually provide closure, and it is a sleep over after all so these types of questions are asked all the time. Sarah turned to her front, now steering clear from any further eye contact, "Then again, I wouldn't know anything about dating, or being in a relationship."

"I miss you..."

Location: Song Residential Home.

Ahri looked down at the photo she clutched in her hand, the picture was stained with dried tears and what appeared to be a mug ring that probably had coffee. Ahri ran her finger on the paper, but the sudden appearance of Xayah immediately snapped her out of the mood, causing her ears to stand fully straight instead of the sad drooped down. Xayah just came down to grab those crisps she bought earlier. Ahri then just shook her head and put the microwave popcorn in the microwave, and while that was popping in there, she grabbed a few bowls to fill up and just waited.

Back upstairs, Sarah was explaining to Neeko that the picture is one of Ahri's few reminders of her mother, and she hates people touching it because it is already pretty and could disintegrate at any moment. Sarah turned to the door to see Xayah walk in, she flaunted a a few bag of crisps in their way and Sarah immediately grew a smile, she needed to relax so she sat by the foot of the bed and asked Xayah. "So, Rakan huh?" Sarah said, raising her brows, a small smug smirk slowly formed on her face "Pretty crazy that you two ended up together."

"Pizza's late :("

Location: Song Residential Home.

"I'm not going to freak, it's defence and all that." Said Ahri, she raised her hands up to her chest, palms towards xayah in a defensive manor. "The only thing you did wrong was delay pizza, I was about to enjoy me some margarita pizza." Ahri then moved next to Xayah and wrapped one of her arms around her neck. "I trust your judgement, if it meant you had to defend yourself like that, then I don't see anything wrong with that... Well maybe you could turn down the brutal murder." Ahri said, she tried to lift up the spirits of the room with that joke. Ahri then moved away for a moment to grab the bag of crisps. "Don't beat yourself up over it, I've had my fair share of... Uh... Incidents." Ahri said with a shrug, she then grabbed Xayah's hand and started dragging her upstairs, "Come on, we're watching like an old movie called wind samurai, Sarah's movie choices are awesome."

As she walked upstairs, she was pretty chill about the situation and she was willing to forget it ever happened as long as it doesn't happen again. "So, Syndra's on her way?" Ahri asked, opening the door to her room, and the scene was Neeko on Sarah's lap, she looked like she tripped, and Sarah was holding the picture that Ahri told Sarah not to touch. "Sarah! What in the name of the stars are you doing?" Ahri exclaimed in an extremely angry tone, rushing over to Sarah to grab the picture. "Sarah, honestly I thought you knew-" Neeko then stopped Ahri "It was Neeko, Neeko is sorry..." Ahri then looked at Sarah then slowly calmed down. "I was just trying to stop her, sorry... So uhh... Wind Samurai?" Sarah asked, Ahri just nodded, then her smile came back on. "Yeah, yeah, I'll go make some popcorn." Said Ahri as she grabbed the butter flavoured one then made her way downstairs.

"A date? A date."

Location: Hyoon's apartment, Food festival

Interaction: @Pyxis


Aria was already half way through getting dressed, she had just slid her under-cover stockings on and was only two clothing items away from actually finishing getting dressed. Aria then decided if she was going to be a girl today, by that she meant deciding picking shorts or a skirt. Well, since she only ever rarely wears skirts and the occasion is pretty rare she had decided to go for skirts. She pulled up the dark gray skirt up to her waist, and tucked the front of her light gray long sleeved buttoned shirt into it. She grabbed her phone and there was already a text from Lilith asking where she was.

To: Lily Lily Lily Lily ith
From: Aria Hyoon

I'm about to head out, give me 5 minutes.

Immediately she slipped on her lucky pair of black boots, these boots were Hyoon's date boots, dates always went well whenever she wore these boots and she is not planning to break that trend this evening. She slipped them on, tied them well and grabbed her brown coat from the coat rack, slipping that on. Before she walked out the house, she looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like she was a star in Korean drama, except for her hair, which was all messy and bed head-y. She didn't mind though, she could just use the wind as an excuse if Lilith asks about it.

Before Hoon left the apartment, she slipped on her earphones and scrolled through her playlist, she ended picking Paris by the Chainsmokers since it was a good chill walk song. With that, she was off; head was slightly tilted down, music blasting in her ears and boy she was overthinking the date like crazy. She didn't want to embarrass herself. The air was cold, again; she let out a sigh and continued to walk, she eventually ended up at the same street they were on the last time, except it wasn't as night lifey as it was back then. The first thing she was Lilith standing there with a really colourful outfit. Aria looked down at her own and saw the contrast between the two. She walked up to her back, and just let out a quick, "Hey," She looked Lilith up and down and decided to apologise for her clothing choice, "Sorry I'm not as colourful, if I'd had known that you were going to be wearing something nice and pretty, I would have worn something more... Uh... Colourful? I only own maroon tops so I doubt it would change if I swapped to maroon." With that long stutter filled explanation, Aria felt like she was already failing at the whole talking and socialising thing.

Are these how dates are supposed to go? It's been like, six years.

"A class S sleep over."

Location: Valoran Academy, Song Residential Home.

Ahri heard the doorbell ring from upstairs, before then she was watching Neeko and Sarah argue over bejewled moves and what flavour of popcorn they should pick first. Though the argument ended in Sarah's favour of saving Sour Cream for the last because it is the best flavour. Ahri slipped on her slippers and hurried downstairs. "Coming!" Ahri called out, she opened the door to see Xayah standing there with some food of her own. She looked Xayah up and down, and said "Food, upstairs, room on the right." She then walked over to the kitchen and felt that Xayah may or may not have shown some star guardian prowess within the past twenty minutes. Since this was a relationship built on trust, Ahri needed to ask. "You had to go guardian? Something come up?" Ahri asked, though Ahri could read some nervousness in her eyes, it definitely wasn't because of the question, it was because of the party. The landline then rang, "Actually hold that thought for a sec," Ahri picked up the phone and heard that it was the pizza place, Ahri and the pizza guy started arguing, saying that her pizza is going to be another 20 minutes because the main path to the house was blocked by a crime scene. After that Ahri understood, "Well, Pizza's late, so... Well... Uh... We can eat your crisps for the time being."

Ahri kept her emotions at bay, she wasn't going to let anything out until Xayah spilled some beans. "You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with why the pizza's late? Please tell me that wasn't you." Said Ahri, she was pleading Xayah would tell her the truth.

"Let's get this party started!"

Location: Valoran Academy, Song Residential Home.

Ahri raised her brow, and looked back at the cafeteria, seeing the table they were sat at earlier still empty. Ahri's ears raised up as she bounced in place. "You guys haven't eaten yet? Don't get the cheese pasta, it's like cold pasta with milk, trust me you don't want to eat that." Said Ahri with a laugh.

Time jumps to later at seven, her father was out of town, and she was setting up the house so nothing gets destroyed. She then heard a knock on the door, and it was no surprise that the first person to arrive was Sarah, though right beside her was Neeko since she didn't know where she was going. "You practically live here, don't you." Sarah then just walked in with no warning and dropped a paper bag in Ahri's hands, "Popcorn?" Ahri asked, Sarah was already walking towards Ahri's room. "You know it, I'll be in your room." Sarah said, she had already taken off her shoes before entering the main part of the house. "Don't touch the-" Sarah had already cut her off, "The photo, I know I know." Ahri then turned back to Neeko, "Neeko got colourful bubble drinks!" She exclaimed, holding up a plastic bag of soft drinks. "Just put it on the table upstairs, and take your shoes off." Ahri said pointing towards the stairs behind her, party should start as soon and she is pretty excited. She lead Neeko upstairs and as soon as they entered the room, Sarah was already wrapped in Ahri's covers with Boki and Baki summoned on the bed. "Sup, we watching Wind Samurai tonight, disc is already in your player." Said Sarah as she pointed at the TV across from the bed. "Sarah lives here?" Neeko asked, and simultaneously, Ahri answered "No." And Sarah answered Hah, yeah." which confused Neeko more than it should.

"A starry convergence."

Location: Valoran Academy

"Syndra... You honestly have to announce your arrival or something, my ears are going to be stiff from your surprises." Said Ahri, her ears did flinch when Sydnra arrived, Sarah then interjected after the two vastayans finished their ramblings. "Well she did say she was actively searching for Ahri, so she probably enrolled specificly because of that, guardians are stronger together after all." Ahri smiled after hearing Sarah say that, she was her second in command for a reason and being both a hard headed commander and good friend were two of them. Ahri's ears then drooped down a bit as she said "I'm expecting more info soon... I invited her to the sleep over-" Her ears then went back up as she peaked pass Xayah and Rakan to look at syndra and quickly added, "You can come if you want-" she then continued her thought "Anyway, As much as I want you to come, girls only." Ahri said to Rakan, stiffening her ears to show some authority. She gets slightly taller than Xayah once her ears are fully erect.

"Though if you have any more questions, you're always free to ask her yourself, Neeko doesn't bite-" Said Ahri but speak of the devil, Neeko arrived holding Sarah's phone with both of her hands, "Neeko loses..." She said, offering the phone back to Sarah, Sarah just smiled and patted her head, wrapping her arm around her. "Well, now's the time to ask." Said Srah as she gestured at Neeko.
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