Avatar of Kefka Palazzo


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6 yrs ago
Current I resist all status changes...
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8 yrs ago
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. -- Hemingway
9 yrs ago
I resist all status changes...


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@Carantathraiel Yes, well, over exaggerations of truth are often comical!

but alas, I have to be heading home here soon. I'll catch you later!!
@Carantathraiel that's a load of horseshit right there. I'm pretty sure it would have been you that outclassed me! In the world of roleplay, I am but a penniless beggar, and you some rich nobility with more money than god.
did I? -tilt- Sorry about that. Totally understandable then. I wont press. Did I ever apologize? Well, if I did, or not, sorry about that. I'm sort of a prick sometimes. I don't know what gets into me. Terribly sorry.

alright STOP!!

@Carantathraiel Sounds nice. I'd love to see it when you are done.

One of these days, we should play something. Take the time, build a world. Could be fun. Obviously not right now, because I lack all sense of originality, but soon.
@Carantathraiel What are you drawing?
Really, really liking the idea of a fantasy story right now. Something that develops a romance, and then turns in such a way that puts the lovers on the opposite side of something big, to such a degree that they doubt each other. It's something of a current longing.

Give me a span of posts, freedom to develop, and I promise I can make you feel it. That's a promise.
That's my plan as well. But I don't have the time to do it. So I play, to kinda keep myself sharp. It's not working, ofcourse, because I'm not finding anything. but that was the idea.
write your own fantasy book? or roleplay?
@Carantathraiel Nobody has come to meet me. I'm working. and yeah. Been listening to this book by Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of The Wind. It's an awesome book. Very different take on fantasy, but wonderfully involving.

I've been trying to find a play, but no luck. I think I have a reputation.
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