Avatar of KillamriX88


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5 mos ago
Current *Cthulu will remember this*
1 yr ago
If you're buying "health food bars" make sure you check the sugar content. A little natural sugar is normal, but it ain't heathy if it has 20g added sugar.
1 yr ago
Being a small pepper.
1 yr ago
Just shout to the heavens "UWOH SEGGS" and wait for divine inspiration. Or your family's disapproval. Whichever gets there first.
1 like
1 yr ago
I love when I shovel myself out, drive through a snowstorm to get to work on time... and then my boss calls me 5 minutes after when I was supposed to arrive that he's not coming in and to go home...


Facts about me:
1. I like writing.
2. I like cats.
3. I like RWBY. (#Yangbestgril)
4. I am 30 years old...
5. I have graduated college.
6. I'm trying to get better at drawing.
7. I'm a dude.
8. I eat far too much cheese.
9. I watched a Markiplier video once. Now I have a crippling Taki addiction. Don't send help, just more Takis.

Various, relevant links:

Most Recent Posts

I would argue that Rurik's abilities are somewhat heat related (energizes/excites things to the point that they explode), but not in a way that would clash with something intended to be directly heat based. I only mention this so that it doesn't become a point of contention later.

Basically I'm trying to say "sounds good, please don't be upset later when you see my guy's powers in action." XD

Am I making sense at all, I don'tevenknowkthxbye...
OK, this is a work in progress, but I wanna put it out there for thoughts and criticism.
And @hammerman, as far as relationships go, I could see my character and yours being a hilarious couple, romantic or not, due to them being polar (kek) opposites in both personality and especially abilities. And no I didn't do it on purpose.

Question, @RoflsMazoy: In your example sheet, is his child of light his one main power and those other things his three abilities or just examples of what he can do with his power?

I ask because the power/3 abilities thing is the one part that I was unsure of when thinking up my character. Wanna make sure I know how to do it properly.
powerful shapeshifters that don the appearance of a large wolf

I'm potentially interested in this RP, but when you say that are we talking the big, scary bipedal werewolves or literally just a giant (admittedly probably still scary) wolf?
This looks like it could be really fun! I'll edit this into a character sheet soon, though I'll probably wait for you to give a bit more info before I complete it.
@Zhaliora Joining a group RP is a terrible idea for me. Color me interested, lol.
Not Currently Accepting - 2/9/18



I'm a little, err, jaded at this point, but I'm nothing if not persistent, so here we are again.

About me:
- I'm a guy.
- I'm in my twenties.
- I'm a writer by hobby, and I've done my best to become good at it.
- I work two jobs, but I can probably manage 1 or 2 posts a day.

Things to expect in an RP with me:
- Violence
- Blood
- Lots of side characters
- Drama
- Romance
- Witty banter

Things that I can make optional:
- Sexual themes
- Coarse language (I mean if for some strange reason THAT bothers you, I can go without I suppose)
- Romance between the main characters (I can make it work...)
- Let me know any other limits you might have.

Things that WON'T happen:
- Incest
There's more, but this part of the list would get obscenely long... Let's just avoid the really creepy stuff, a'ight?

What I'm looking for:
- Preferably a female counterpart. If you're a guy and you wanna give my ideas a shot... impress me?
- Competent writing. High on quality and at least decent on quantity. I'm not gonna be a jerk about it, but you know... get on my level, scrubs. Kidding, kidding... about the scrubs part anyway.
- Being that I'm an adult, you probably should be too.
- Please don't leave me!!! No, but really, I'm starting to get self conscious. Please restore my faith in both myself and the RP community... Or, you know, just let me know you want out. I really won't get mad. Just disappointed. And sad... so very sad... (jk... maybe)

Anyway, in the interest of trying to have more concrete ideas to avoid burnouts, I'mma lay down two plots. There's plenty of flexibility though, so fear not.

Anyway, to be as inconvenient as possible, I'm going to bed the second I post this. If you want in, I'd prefer a PM, but I guess I can check for posts as well. I'll get back to you as soon as I can, but probably not as soon as you or I would like. Looking forward to working with you... you rascal you... whoever you are.
Bumped and updated slightly.

I'll edit this post when I find a taker, so if you don't see an edit I'm still looking.

Edit: Well, that didn't fucking take long! Closed til' further notice.
Well damn. Not sure I should really be looking for another rp right now, but I'm weak for werewolves... I'd prefer to take the role of the werewolf though. So yeah, I'm down for that. Let me know if you think we can work something out and get a story going.
"That's an old one," Maedoc said. It was a sonic grenade. Something fancy like that wasn't made anymore. Too delicate and costly. The military had a stash of them, of course, so it wasn't like they were missing out anyway. Every time one burned out, though, they got a little rarer. "Pretty nasty little things. Prolonged exposure can make you go deaf. Permanently. They're reusable, but they burn out after a while. Or just put it to full power and it'll basically explode and knock out anyone in the room, ear protection or not. Only seen them a few times, and only got to use them once."

They'd basically just emit a loud noise for as long as you set it for, unless set to detonate, and they were quite capable of shattering glass and eardrums alike.

"Let's hope we don't have to use this one any time soon. It's not exactly fun for anyone involved and draws too much attention," he told her. The last thing they needed while thieving were incredibly loud noises. "Anyway, pack up whatever gear you want to bring. Once we rob the salvagers, we shouldn't stick around. I want to be on the move immediately. We can risk showing our faces around here again after we pull this off..."

If everything went well, no one would care what he stole. Or at least they wouldn't dare do anything about it. But that would only be after they succeeded. If her stealth skills didn't pan out... they'd care plenty.
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