Avatar of Urizen


Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current New GM Approach, share the ability to review OC apps with your members, saves time if neither you or Co-GMs are around, for that to work, either me or a Co-GM can do the review with said member.
1 like
6 days ago
When you know what you want, do it properly.
1 like
1 mo ago
I love Emilia
1 like
2 mos ago
In the end, the only one who liberates you from your mental demons is you. You must not succumb to your darkness but acknowledge it to become a better person.
2 mos ago
I miss my friend Hebigami Shiho.


You Will Know As You Watch Me...

I recognize what I can control and cannot in a situation but that doesn't mean I'll be easily giving up.

In doing so, I determine my reaction to crises including others, so I may display objectivity and compassion.

I may ignore people, dominated by their negativity but not fully, I extend compassion to those who badly needs it, carefully at the same time.

I continuously master myself to be virtuous.

Learning to move on may be tough but it's a necessity to be the storm that approaches!

To the people I've worked with, good or bad:
I was Masaki Haruna and Floch, I'm not gonna be ashamed for who I was.

Everything will be in Keikaku.

Most Recent Posts

@Dragonfly 9 @King Kindred @Izurich Any help needed?


Discussion is open.
@Aku the Samurai embrace the power of feelings xD
@King Kindred Thanks man.

I look forward to it.

As for the rest, I look forward for y'all and please timely check the Rules because all the useful links and systems are going to be there, Rules 3 onwards will be power system based.
@Rune_Alchemistyes we do, you're welcome to join!
Awaken my Masters!

This is headcount checking xD

Shown Interests via DMs cuz homies
@Sho Minazuki

Interests via thread
@Dragonfly 9

Invited by me
@Polaris North
I'll set the record straight here.

If anyone has questions, just ask me.

If anyone wants a Slayer Magic, ask me.

There's only gonna be three forms of Slayer Magic.

God, Devil and Dragon Slayer Magic.
@Letter Bee You're welcome to discard it.
OOC is out.
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