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"Fly you fools!"
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To everyone waiting on replies. They most likely will be out tomorrow or Saterday. I need to get a part for my computer!
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Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Ryssa gapped at Amentuankh's mockery of her. It wasn't that he was wrong, or that it was bad advice. But rather she was fighting back the heating of her cheeks at the irritation of being so shamed. "I'd discuss my past, but I don't have much of one." The 'man' muttered in disgust as Amen moved off to join the older Epizelos. Rubbing her shoulder, and Ryssa noted Ahirom monkeying up and down the mast to prepare the sails. As much as she would wish to help the pale figure was certain she'd only make a fool of herself or reveal herself as a woman. Both were problematic. A sly look at Neriad and the brothers only urged her towards the mast to try her hand at helping. Better the mast than to get a lot of warriors insistent at dragging her out to drink. Something that would only make keeping her secret harder.

Moving towards the mast, the supposed man eyed how Ahirom was climbing. It looked doable with her own lithe form. Keeping a ear on the conversations she could possibly catch, the woman in disguise clambered up the mast. Copying Ahirom's movements as she observed him, trying to aid him best she could. Often keeping one hand to catch herself, making her slower at the tasks though no less proficient. Amentuankh was a decent person for a pirate 'captain'. He kept gold flowing and gave sound advice. But it was irritating at how close he kept getting! More than irritating it was dangerous!
Alice flinched as the revealed Liam's hand tightened on hers. For all she was also a vampire, no thanks to him, she wasn't immune to the bone crushing strength they shared. Baring her teeth in what would be seen as a sweet smile, Alice purred in a velvet tone of womanly scorn at the now clued in Liam. "Me. Please to see you again, Mister." Alice replied as she tugged at her imprisoned hand. Tactful as ever, Alice avoided using his name. Not wanting to risk being ousted.

Unaware her own eyes were gleaming red with their fury, Alice stepped closer to the vampire that turned her. Her hand wrapping about his waist in almost a hug. If it weren't for the anger in her stiffened spine, it would seem friendly. "You owe me my shop." The tailor growled at Liam. "You took my life's work from me and I want it back!" The woman half pulled, half pushed Liam towards the balcony. "But let's discuss this outside. Before I tap dance on your toes some more!" The tailor snapped in a no nonsense tone.
Ryssa sighed as she walked through the throng of people, irritated at the two facts that were plaguing her. One, they still were not even close to Egypt her mother's home and the land she longed to return to. For while she had grown up in Rome and learn the tongue of the people there, her mother had despised the city and it's people. Though it was not fault of hers. Bet'anya had not come to Rome willingly. Rather she had been sent there as part of a marriage deal that had fallen apart and left the young woman a widow on the streets. Ryssa's birth had come not long after and the girl had spent her life being taught by her mother how to not be the gender she was or how to manipulate men. But that led her to the second reason she was irritated.

The loud and overly elaborate captain slapped an arm around Ryssa's shoulders. The woman was decently taller than most of her gender and her build was a good deal more athletic. Sliding out from under the arm, before the captain got any ideas the supposed 'man' gave a blank look at the leader of the pirates. Dressed in breeches made of a wrap around, and the same for her upperhalf. There were enough layers of bindings to hide the obvious and enough layers over that to hide the bindings. With slightly higher collar on her makeshift hood, and her lean features. Her face was rather asexual. Neither looking like a man's nor woman's. Her silvery hair had gone grey at a young age. Most likely due to the stress of life, though others had called it a curse and shoved her from their presence. Letting it fall wild and long about her, she looked like a half mad individual but few came near.

Few, sadly, not including the captain who was so jovial. "Home is sand." Rys the bloodthirsty marauder grunted in a monotone voice. Hoping her thin shoulders had not been noticed. Or if they had, he would merely be listed off as fragile or younger than he appeared. Which slightly worked. Rys had killed a man when he first came aboard, the bastard having caught sight of the woman's little truth. Rys had played it off as her own bloodthirsty nature, but it had been to close. So the lass had taken to clostier herself in shadowy parts of the ship when she wasn't needed elsewhere.
@Belle @Fallenreaper

I'll be amping things up for you guys in a bit. I just saw that you were heading to the same location so I let things be this past post.
Alice blinked her tear filled eyes as she had been thinking of her shop as she moved towards the elegant balcony. Looking back at Alex she shook her head in the negative. "Not really. I'm terribly sorry but I'm not very good company right now." She answered honestly, her hand brushing at the stain as the man reacted to it. "Unsalvageable I'm afraid. Nothing ruins a good gown like red wine. I've worked long enough in fashion to know that much." The tailor stated with a harshness in her timid voice that was aimed at more than the dress. There were better ways for Aleera to nab her than by doing that! What was it with vampire ruining their clothing and others' on a regular basis?!

Leaning into the very touch that repulsed her, Alice gave Alex a pleading look. "Perhaps we can talk more on the balcony? I need some air." She pleaded as she move towards her destination. A hand wrapping about Alex's as she pulled him along, urging him towards that private spot. "It's been a hard week for me. Perhaps coming to this party was a mistake." Alice sighed, lifting a hand to pat at her bun which was lucky to stay dry despite having wine flung at her. Her nails curving in towards her palm as she pinched. A slight cut appearing as she had planned, easy enough to blame a pin that was not closed properly.

Rhys Asher

Location: Wizard Way

Rhys ignored Ernie's words, stalking through the crowd as he resisted the urge to turn around and gut the wizard. Doing so here, would not bode well at all. Though it was sorely tempting. However, his urge quickly turned into outright frustration and fury. A woman stood before in a fit of tears and terror. But a concerned frown formed on Rhys's face as a cruel smile formed in his mind, as the rogue wizard listened to the blabbering of the hysterical woman.

So the ExtraOdrinary Wizard's Apprentice had been eaten in a cloak shop? That he highly doubted, but the thought pleased him. Perhaps that would be the end of the next wizard he killed. To dump them into a chamber with some deadly creature, then when the creature had killed the wizard... Why not let it lose on the populace? He held no love of the people of this city. In fact he loathed most of them, just having them around meant he had plenty of entertainment when he got bored. Deciding to not interfere with this brewing trouble, Rhys traced his steps towards the coronation with a 'excited' air about him. Excited at the thought of Arya Rincewind's body in the maws of some creature or other, that was.
Alice blinked, lifting her mask enough to dab at the wetness with a tissue she had procured from the sink. Slowly listening to Aleera as she explained the predicament. Her memories of that night still haunted her, which led to the past few days when she had worked late into the daylight hours. A attempt to make her sleep more restful or dreamless at least. The drown out the memories she did not wish for. But now perhaps they would be of some use. Taking a steadying breathe, Alice's eyes darken with rage at the fact Liam was in fact at the ball which was suppose to be safe.

"I will help you, but- I need your help in return." The newly made vampire whispered. "I know I can't fight you and you could just make me. But if you could get my shop back for me. Make all this drama about my turning go away. Or die down enough I could start my business back up. Go back to what I love. To making beautiful things." Alice gave a shuddering breath. "I'd do practically anything. Include tell you that Liam enjoyed my blood enough he turned me." Her voice was harsh with rage as she closed her eyes. "An ambrosia of the human heart, he called it." Looking at Aleera, she nodded slowly. "I won't need to remove my mask. I merely will have to go off alone after mentioning I work in fashion and enjoy jazz. Perhaps a cut from a wine glass to lure him all the more." She closed her eyes, moving to the door the tailor looked back with a sorrowful gleam in her eyes. "He turned me for my blood. He cannot resist it, not when he tried to remain despite two Inquisitors." She had been barely conscious, but the sounds had come back during her time at the hospital before she had fled. If they were so dangerous and he had not cared would he not have fled first?

"I will get him alone or bring him to you if you signal me, but please. I want the ability to make people beautiful again. It is my only request." She unlocked the door and swept from the room. Moving towards the balcony, and making sure she caught Alex's eye if he was there. Giving him a small apologetic smile as she kept her course. Ignoring the words of others as she kept her head down. Looking for all the world like she indeed wished to separate from the crowd. In fact, she did. She wanted to catch the bastard who had harmed her so!
Alice gapped in open mouthed horror at the woman. She wanted the tailor to remove her mask?! And risk being recognized and reported to the authorities? Terror flooded Alice as she raised a hand to the delicate mask she had taken such time to make sure didn't come off. "I can't." Tears were leaking down her cheeks from under the black lace. Her slim fingers trembling. "I can't. You're a- you're the same as me." Alice whispered desperately, her eyes pleading that Aleera would understand.

"If I remove this mask, I'll have everyone after me to throw me in a loony bin or something!" Her voice cracking in fright. "I can't do that to myself, let alone what would happen to the woman I owe my life to. I've lost my business, and all my life's work because of some bastard. I'm pleading, do not make me do this." Alice gripped Aleera's hands in one of her own as her other hand moved up to protect the mask. "I don't know what opportunity you speak of. Please, explain what you can and perhaps I can help without removing my mask." Alice was outright weeping in panic at the thought of removing such a flimsy shield but it had given her the confidence to step beyond Liza's protection. To go with someone she had thought of a friend and wasn't so sure of any more. "Please."
@Deos Morran @Torack

Post is up. I'm leaving where you all are up to you!
Blood's Jewels

“Terreille in Trouble”

Faeril Ashkevron

Location - Ashkevron Residence in Askavi

Slim fingers wove the spider silk about the wooden frame used by the Black Widows of the Hourglass. Ruby drops of blood slipping along the strands as the hands moved absently, unaware of the damage that was being done. The Black Widow that sat before the tangled web that was being woven had a vacant look in her icy blue eyes. Her gaze far off in the strands of the web, and the strands of time itself. Faeril Ashkevron had felt the call to weave like she never had before and the Eyrien heeded it.

Far off, yet so near, the blue eyed woman watched a map of the Realm of Terreille splay out before her like a great tapestry. However, there was a wrongness to it. The blood red that slowly seeped off of Dhemlan, the Territory to the south of Askavi, was thick and the Healer within Faeril could feel the draw to go. To heal the wounded and ill. But this was not such a place as she could do so. Here she was an observer. To see what the twisted kingdom that laid dormant in the dreams of the Blood showed her. Looking to the east of Dhemlan, the woman brushed her hand across the territory of Hyall and recoiled at the sickening feel and the sight of the tapestry rotting away slowly where she had touched. Smaller points of rot began in Pruul and Raej as well, though they were not so quick. With horror, the Widow watched as the map slowly rotted away. Revealing the Shadow Realm of Kaeleer beneath it. The rot slowly infesting the second of the living realms. But there was another darkness here as well, one that shielded the land from the destruction of Terreille and it was black as night.

Tearing herself away from the vision, the Healer and Widow gave a cry as she collapsed at her work table. Her eyes staring blankly at her bleeding hands as a thundering came from the stairs that led up to the rest of the eyrie and her ancestral home. The home of Ashkevron Black Widows in general, as it had been passed from mother to daughter, or teacher to student, but always within the blood of her kin. ”Ashke! Ashke-! Oh, Mother Night.” The Eyrien woman felt her hands being yanked away as another examined them, her gaze still fastened on the triangle that had shielded and slowed the rot within her vison.

”Destroy it.” Gen Saroth, the escort to Healer Faeril Ashkevron and the guard of Black Widow Faeril Ashkevron, looked up sharply into the icy eyes of his long time friend. Her hands were lacerated with scraps and lines where the spider silk had cut through flesh due to the tightness of her grip. It wouldn’t take much to heal them, aside from Ashke taking it easy for a few days which was another problem within itself. ”Destroy the web, Gen.” The voice that normally barked sharp commands and snapped far quicker than any lash, was shaking and soft. A plea. It scared the Hell out of Gen. Faeril never spoke softly unless it was deadly serious. Nodding his square jaw, the Warlord left her hands to lie while he reached for the web. The threads no use to another as they were tangled and the reek of Faeril’s psychic power stemmed from it like she had set it ablaze by power alone.

Which, she probably did. Faeril over did things from time to time for better or worse. But more often for the betterment of others, nevermind herself. It was part of being a Healer. To think yourself expendable while you really were no such thing. But Gen crushed the wooden frame and the web in his massive hands before letting the ruined mess fall into the brazier Faeril kept in her workroom for just that reason and to provide a little heat to the cool underground. He could never understand why she would enjoy it down here, so far from the sky, but the need for secrecy was great these days. Black Widows were being hunted down for being ‘unnatural’ and ‘dangerous’.

Opening his mouth to ask what she had seen, Gen didn’t get the chance as the oldest of those Black Widows in Terreille that remained faithful to the Hourglass Coven spoke. ”The poison that we have watch twist the Blood from the proper ways of Protocol is spreading far wider and faster than I had thought possible.” Faeril’s eyes were distant but this time the Ice Healer was deep in thought. Considering the vision she had witnessed. For such things were tricky and all too often misinterpreted wrongly. The Black Widow seeing what she wanted instead of what was shown. Perhaps that and their reputation for dealing in poisons and underhand schemes is what really caused the decline of her sisters and not just the bribes and temptations of the twisted Queens that now were slowly gaining power? As a mug was shoved into her hands, the woman flinched at the pain. Listening to Gen putter about her workroom. He was hardly the first allowed down here, but he was the only one she allowed down in this hidden space. Friends for all her long years, they had enjoyed a fast partnership that was more akin to cousins. Save for the whole friends with benefits things they had done for a time, but even that had been for her sake. A outlet to keep her from stressing, a possibility for a child to further her line. Sipping at the brew, Faeril gave her ‘friend’ a sharp look. ”Calming brew? Really? As if I need such a thing!”

Gen’s chuckle was a deep and reassuring thing as he looked over at the woman he considered family. ”Well your snapping again, so I’m doing something right.” His cheeky grin was contagious to many but Faeril was immune as she shook her head of black hair typical of their race.

”Hmph. Gen, I must go to Helios. I will need aid to find and forge the shield that will stop the rot of Dorothea from spreading. Perhaps then we shall find time to find ourselves the sword to cut the rot out completely.” Standing the woman made it all of three steps before she found herself over a muscular shoulder. A snarl ripping from her throat as the cheap pottery cup shattered on the flagstones below. ”I can walk up a flight of damn stairs!” The infamous Faeril temper blooming as she spat a few curses against Gen’s back. His wing draping over her head and muffling her cries much to her annoyance.

Gen nodded sagely as he hauled the woman to the thick door at the base of the stairs, then up said stairway. Faeril in this state wouldn’t have made it to the first step and they both knew it. He had seen the jewel she was wearing was not her jewel of rank, the Red, but her birthright Blood-Opal. A darker version of the Opal gem and the same as he had when he was first presented at the altar. ”And tell them what? That you’re a Widow with some vision of darkness and rot that stems from one of the most influential people in the realm? Not to mention you’d be doing so while wearing your birthright.” The muffled protest was ignored. For nearly a thousand years the two had watched the Courts about the realm of Terreille fall into disarray as Queens who cared more for their gowns, riches and own pleasure took control. They had watched the rivals to these queens disappear or die off. The Black Widows doing much the same unless they aided the twisted Queens who made little to no effort to care for the land they were attached to. Gen’s golden eyes turned sorrowful as he thought of the parched and dry feel of Hyall. He had only been there once, long ago and that had been to collect a debt owed to himself, his brothers and Faeril. A debt owed by his own father, who had paid the price. For while there was no law against murder for the Blood, they was generally always a price.

Setting Faeril down on the large bed that made up her private quarters, and not the rooms she used for her clients, Gen brushed away the straight black hair. A few waves in the inky depths that hinted at her blood not being wholly Eyrien, as if the eyes were not clue enough! The Ashkevron eyes- that stunning, icy blue. They had been a trademark in the family for generations, at least one child of the next generation being born with them. Perhaps it was from the sheer love that it had taken to marry outside of the race all those eons ago? Gen was a romantic, but his taste was for another warrior and to dance on and off the killing field with them. Shaking his head at Faeril the Warlord chuckled slightly at the mulish set of her mouth as he wrapped her hands. After a time, he felt the woman relent her anger, or rather, her irritability at him. ”I shall rest and recover my strength and then we shall pack and go. There is not time to be lost!” The Black Widow declared, making Gen only smile sweetly.

”Shall I get my brothers to help with the packing while you rest til your hands are healed?” The following curse from the Healer, was met with a male roar of laughter.

Saetan Sa Diablo

Location - Draega, Capital of Hyall

Draega was a city of towering stone buildings that shadowed the cobbled streets below. Theaters, music halls, eateries that offered all sorts of food and the many galleries of artists. Not to mention more… salacious halls for those who liked that sort of entertainment that the Queen of Hyall, Dorothea, cared to enjoy as well. The tight city had parks- what city didn’t?- but they were filled with grass that had lost the sheen of good health and trees that were stunted and sickly. Oh it was all glorious to those who willed their long lives with too many hours and pleasure at their fingertips, but Saetan Sa Diablo could feel the illness that infected the Territory of Hyall, the place he was born over two thousand years ago.

Once the Queens have given back to the land, and the land had returned with bounty and life. Now Dorothea had risen to take what she desired and gave nothing but the broken husks of life back. The land returning the favor quid pro quo. Staring absently from his seat on the patio of one of the gardens that surrounded the great building that was by all accounts more than a mere ‘manor’. It rivaled Sa Diablo Hall in size, though the taste was horrendous according to more than a few standards. This particular garden sported a series of pillars and weaving paths between them, but the true treat or ‘show’ was the man who was being untied from one pillar and led away. For some reason or another, a actual or perceived slight, Dorothea had seen fit to turn the man into entertainment for the day. One that he had been forced to watch with a few other key political ‘guests’ who were now pale and trying desperately to avoid giving any reason to be the next one she invited to perform.

Saetan tapped his long tinted black nails on the arm of his chair absently, giving cold smiles to the women that fluttered their eyes at him as they crooned to Dorothea about the latest gossip. Servants who barely hid shaking hands and nervous glances moved about the group offering refreshment and choice pieces to the Ladies first before the guest and then finally him. The official Prisoner of War. He had been tricked into a peace talk that had pulled him away from defending Terreille Dhemlan leaving the territory open for attack from Pruul and Raej. The queens of those territories greedy for a piece of sweeter riches than what they were getting from their salt mines and other resources. Eager at the promise of labor where kindness was optional. Both lands were harsh and while the resources were well needed and desired bringing in a fair amount of trade, why pay for labor? This thought had been urged by Heketah and Dorothea. Two women who had started the entire mess by crossing the lines of Protocol, the Code that guided the Blood, to begin with! The black nails scraped against the wood of the chair threatening to shatter it as old rage boiled with the Black Jeweled Warlord Prince’s veins.

He could kill them all right here. Just by unleashing the Black and wytchfire he could burn them out of existence! A jolt of agony, however, shocked him from his thoughts of revenge. Drawing in a sharp breathe, Saetan leveled a golden glare at Dorothea who looked at him with a smug expression. Her fingers playing with the damned ring the controlled the band of compliance. It wasn't bad enough the thing was degrading, but that it would send whatever degree of pain Dorothea saw fit made him want to strangle her. If he could fight past the amount of pain the woman could, and would, level at him if he even tried to attempt it. If… If he hadn’t gone to that meeting at Heketah’s request. If he hadn’t agreed to take food or drink at that ‘peace’ meeting. If he had prepared Dhemlan for such an ambush as those two snakes set against the territory he defended. ”Saetan, darling!” Dorothea’s voice had enough false sweetness in it and real desire to curdle milk beyond its years. Saetan wanted to throw the wine his nursed in one hand in her overly elaborate face. ”We were just discussing the upcoming ball tonight, and my dear Alanya is in need of an escort! We hope you would be so kind as to see that she has a splendid time.”

Saetan’s golden orbs flickered over to the slightly pale woman who looked at him like a rabid dog at a piece of meat. A likeness that was not far off the mark. Giving a charming smiled as frost lightly coated the glass he was holding, Saetan ignored the shivers of those about him. His anger making the air grow cold. ”It would be a pleasure to see her to the ball, but surely you need your own escort, Oh tyrant?” He nearly doubled over by the jolt of pain and in laughter that he held back while Dorothea sent a poisonous glare at him. The mocking comments, the underhanded funding of rebels, the slaughter of her pet Queens. He was waging his own war against the twisted woman, but it wasn’t enough. Terreille was falling into her hands as it had been for centuries. Dorothea’s pet Queens were taking over bit by bit and as much as he tried, Saetan could only slow the tide of rot.

”I believe I will enjoy Prince Darrel’s company, tonight.” A sickening smile from those overly red lips at the pale Warlord Prince of Challiot. His psychic scent reeking of fear at what he had witnessed. Challiot was the latest territory to fall to Dorothea’s little game leaving only Dene Nehele free and slowly falling. Several rogue camps of males also plagued her across the Realm. Camps that she tried to send Saetan to ‘wipe out’. The Black Jeweled Warlord Prince instead suffering punishments as he made the plans loudly and widely known so the rogue males could relocate. Saetan’s lips thinned on his handsome profile. It seemed he had little to no choice then but to play the escort. Though the man would admit he was curious as to how this ‘Alanya’ would try to seduce him. They always did after all. Eager to get a child of the Black Jewel. Something which Saetan did not permit to happen. Ever. If Dorothea got a child of his, he would never see the babe and it would be raised merely to another shackle or another tool under the twisted Priestess-Queen. Neither of which the Warlord Prince wanted for his offspring.

”Then I have the utter delight to join you this evening.” Rising from the dark chair, the man did not wait for a dismissal nor bow. Instead he braced himself against the pain that shot through him as the band of compliance burned in agony. Gritting his teeth he walked away from the gathering. Enduring each step of torture as he made his way to his room. His sanctuary and hoping it had not been violated in his absence as it had so many times before. Saetan doubted he would be able to stop himself from leaving the guilty woman who had done so as a visible message for the others. It would not be the first time he had done so, nor would it be the first time he had born the punishments that Dorothea heaped upon him. The only good coming from that would be the banishment from court. For while Dorothea loathed and fought to keep control over the Black Jeweled Warlord Prince, she did not dare kill him. The Hundred Families of Hyall, the aristo class or nobles, were failing in their dark bloodlines. Few offsprings wearing dark jewels and most far too light and weak in their psychic power. Dorothea needed Saetan, the only male to wear the Black. She needed him as a symbol and as a potential father to powerful children. The latter of which Saetan would not give her. He had fought for over a thousand years, and the man would fight til he became a Whisper in the Darkness to make sure that the bitch didn’t get what she desired.
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