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    1. Leah 10 yrs ago
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Current Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. - John Lennon
6 yrs ago
Not all those who wander are lost.


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Old man Wu was just a janitor, thank you very much. He didn't mind those benders with their flashy moves, but he was perfectly comfortable not having any crazy powers. It was hard to argue with someone who looked as satisfied as Old Man Wu.

He had been working as the gym's janitor for nearly six decades now. He had seen it all, from the legends of Probending to the washouts. He was a walking memorabilia. His probending cap was given to him by none other than Bolin. Even his broom had Shun-Li, the great Firebending probender, inscribe upon it. Everyone in the gym knew old man Wu. And to them, he was as unchangeable as the pillars that held up the great gym and arena.

He was nearing 80 - a sprightly, wiry old man with a twinkle in his grey eyes and a spring in his step. That was most days. Today, however, something was bothering him.

He shuffled along the corridor, making sure to catch every spot on the floor in his methodical way. He reached the water bending area and heard grunts and breaths. He peeked in to see Eska training rigorously. Wu smiled. Say what you will about these benders, but they were a determined lot. And he liked Eska. The girl always had a smile for him, and seemed genuinely interested in his life. Perhaps, she could help him with his problem?

He coughed conspicuously as he entered the room, making sure Eska heard him come in. The last thing he wanted was some jumpy bender to send a wave of water towards him.

"Isn't it way too late to work up a sweat?" he asked Eska, walking closer to her, holding his broom.
So I am currently craving for some mature RP with liberal doses of smut. Cliche. I know.

But for a change, I have a few plots in mind that I want to play out. Needless to say, these plots are geared towards a more... steamy play. So, proceed no more if you are not 18+.

(***) indicate ideas that I am currently very interested in trying out.

Plot 1: The Remote Control

We are two friends who chance upon a magical artifact. The ancients called it the Cupid's Bow. We call it the Remote Control, because we find out what it does. Point the device at any person and you can control their desires. With it, we can make the docile man a raging libidinous lunatic. We can coax people to be attracted to each other sexually. With such great power at our fingertips, will we lose our minds in this new world of desire? Will the rightful owners of the artifact return with vengeance upon us?

Plot 2: Pleasure Island

Off the coast of Thailand, there is an archipelago of many tropical islands. The smallest of them all is Isla Lujuria - the island of lust. Owned by an eccentric billionaire playboy, the island is a haven of all forms of debauchery, open only to the ultra rich and powerful. Right from the minute you board Lujuria Airlines bound for the island, you begin a vacation of lust. You are one of the select few - an uber rich scion of a massive business empire here for a month-long vacation. Every perverted desire of yours can come true in this island. But there are other forces at work, watching your every move, waiting for the right moment to strike and stake a claim to your vast fortune. Can you evade them while sinking lower into the pleasure pots of this tropical island paradise?

Plot 3: The Concubines

They once called us the Sisters of Death. We are not related by blood, but you and I have bonds stronger than family. Together, we infiltrated the Empire's forces, sabotaged numerous plans, killed a hundred adversaries, only to fall side-by-side in the great battle. Today, our mother nation lies in ruins, subjugated by the Empire. And both of us have assumed new lives. Given a choice between a life in exile wandering the sands of the outside and a life in stealth, we chose the latter. We willingly became concubines of the insatiable Emperor and his coterie. We were admitted into the very chambers of the man we detest. But the time is not right. We have to wait and watch, and plan the ultimate destruction of the Empire from within. But the going will be tough. We are mere playthings in the hands of these powerful emperors and kings. We are guarded day and night, and there are some how suspect our true origins. But if we can put up with the perversions and the doubts, we might just get the chance to deal a crippling blow to the entire Empire.

Plot 4: Other Life ***

In the future, revolutionary VR technology has paved the way for new and improved games. Other Life is a massively multiplayer RPG focused on the player character's sexual adventures through a virtual world. During gameplay, the player is hooked to the VR console that stimulates all the senses. Other morphable 'appendages' and 'orifices' allow for more realistic experience of the sex scenes in-game. The game's developers have become some of the richest people in the world thanks to the popularity of their game. But a new threat has cropped up. A virus has invaded the game, in the guise of an NPC. Someone somewhere wants the game to fail. Fearing the worst, the developers have hired the best hacker in the world - you - to find and destroy this virus. But the only catch - you have to play the game to beat the virus.

I am open to all sorts of gender pairings. We can discuss the level of maturity in PMs. Please PM me if you are interested.
@Ithradine - I hope you saw your cue too.

@Skai - I will have a suitable challenge for you too in a short while. ^_^

@BuzzKill - Feel free to either cling on to my OC or Ithradine during your follow up posts. I will have a new post for Yun Song up soon.

@Double - Even I had a problem with your character's many aliases. I suggest you stick with Xun as the name you give to the club. And the Beast can be your moniker that you use during matches.
@Double - I took the liberty of taking control of your Master NPC. If you think you should control the Master exclusively, let me know and I will edit my post accordingly.

Detective Chen was having a very satisfactory day. He had been sitting in his office without being bothered for two hours now. The fact that he had disconnected his office phone may have had something to do with it. He had used the time alone to sort his In-tray. He had basically glanced at all the paperwork, stamped some seals, and moved them to his Out-tray. There. His In-tray was completely empty but for a nagging piece of paper. He tried to ignore it as he pondered on what else he could do till it was time to go home.

When you have been a detective for thirteen years without going up or down, you learn to enjoy these mini-victories. Chen had lost all ambition somewhere along the way, and now came to work only to collect the paycheck. His superiors would have loved to see him take an early retirement, but the department was already so under-staffed they couldn't afford to. But the trade-off was that Chen was now assigned to all the cases that no one else wanted. In his floor, a 'Chen case' is a name people give to such files.

One such file was sitting there on the in-tray. A rumour about a possible suspect in last month's Equalist attack that had claimed 200 lives. There were no dearths of leads and rumours in such a case. But this particular lead was particularly terrible. A baggy old lady living near the Spirit wilds claimed that she saw a goat-headed man run away from the scene of the blast while breathing blue fire through his nostrils. The lead was automatically a 'Chen lead'. The more hotshot detectives were busy pursuing real suspects, sniffing out real terrorist cells within the city. But the Chief had decreed that every lead must be chased down. Chen really had no choice.

He continued ignoring it when, suddenly, the secretary burst in unannounced. She wasn't his secretary, technically. She handled the entire floor's secretarial work. But still she could show more respect, he thought angrily as the woman glanced at him disdainfully.

"There's some guy over there, looking for a job?" She was one of those young women who always ended every sentence with an interrogative question mark. "Very persistent. Think you could handle something like that?"

"What do you mean if I can- Of course. Send him in. And please, try knocking next time," he called after her.

"Sure. Wouldn't want to wake you up," she quipped as she went to fetch the man. Chen shook his head in resignation, metal bent the door shut and waited for this latest brand of fool who seemed to want a job in the most dangerous place to work. Idiots get born every minute, Chen thought.

"Xun! Xun! Xun!"

The crowd chanted like a many-headed beast, and the atmosphere in the arena was electric. But Shiban did not pay attention to the distracting sounds. He pulled his probending cap lower over his forehead. His powerful forearm was briefly visible as he adjusted his cap, displaying raw muscles rippling in the light. And also a red tattoo the encircled it. Though none could make it out, it was the thorny stem of a red lotus that coiled around his left forearm like an angry serpent.

Shiban stood up from his seat, towering over most men. His eyes narrowed as he spotted the lone fighter in the middle of the arena. They called him Xun. Shiban grimaced. This Xun could prove to be the answer to his problems, Shiban thought. But first, he had to be really sure.

He buttoned up his collar and approached the Red Room. A young man blocked his path nonchalantly, a flame dancing on his palm.

"Sorry. Fighters only," he said.

"I am here to fight," Shiban replied as he pushed him aside. The sight of the towering man made the youth rethink.

"You will find the Master there," he whimpered. Shiban continued walking in.

"So you wanna fight?" the Master asked, looking him up and down after Shiban had explained his wish. "What're you? Muscle bender or something?"

Shiban further pulled his cap down, hiding his forehead.

"Something like that," he replied. "And I want to fight him." He pointed back at the ring, at Xun.

"Oh not so fast, rookie," the Master replied. "You don't get to fight the Beast straightaway. Prove your mettle with someone else before you challenge him."

Shiban sighed in frustration. He hated subterfuge. But he had to apply to this man's baser instincts.

"I will wager a thousand that I can take your Beast down. I lose, you get to make a lot of money. Besides, I am the underdog here. If I win, I am sure your bookies will be very happy with the odds they make."

The Master's eyes gleamed. No matter the man's allegiances, it was clear he respected money. "What're you, some kind of millionaire nut with a death wish?" he asked rhetorically. He then shook his head.

"I don't know. Gotta ask the kid first. If he says no, it's a no."

"I am waiting," Shiban replied, folding his hand and standing his ground. The manager sighed and then walked into the ring to talk to Xun.
@vancexentan - I leave the first post completely up to you. You can either be a part of someone else's opening setting (@Ithradine or @Double's come readily to mind), or you can open with your own smashing first post in Republic City.

My apologies for the delay in posting. I will soon have worthy challenges for you all by tonight.
@vancexentan - I do expect it to pick up speed. Naturally, our first establishing posts will always take time as they should. Once our characters start interacting, I believe we will have a bit more pace.

@Exit's character sheet and biography is intentionally vague for reasons they have discussed over PM. Therefore, I welcome you, @Exit, to the RP. I like this Lois Lane of yours. ^_^

@BuzzKill, I really love your character's speech pattern. This will make things interesting when trying to get information out of him.

@Ithradine - dangerous opening move. Let's see if that doesn't come back to bite you.

@Skai - The post reads really good. I like the focus and her vague fears. It will be interesting to see her character arc.

@Double - What can I say? Very action packed opening. But, just so you know, you won't leave that arena till you face your next opponent - controlled by me. Let's extend this fight scene a bit. Please wait for my GM-colored post before proceeding.
The White Lotus Prophecy

An Avatarverse RP


Yun Song ... @Leah
Eska ... @Skai
Shao Jin-Hwan ... @Ithradine
Jun-He Tung ... @BuzzKill
Shu Yang ... @Double
Gao Xiang ... @vancexentan
Lunara Edsell ... @Exit


Barka (Yun Song's mute assistant, controlled by @Leah)
Police Chief Kobashi Nakamura (Free-to-control NPC)
Fight Club Master (Free-to-control NPC)
Shiban (Mysterious fighter, controlled by @Leah)
Detective Chen (Washed out police detective, controlled by @Leah)
Maika (Equalist terrorist, controlled by @Leah)
Yun Song, Chief of Security of His Excellency the Prime Minister of the United Earthen States, was scrubbing between her toes diligently, dressed only in her bathrobe, fuming at the lack of competent hygienists in the Four Seasons. Yun was always fuming at something or the other these days - the Prime Minister, the Avatar and the President of Republic City being the main subjects of her ire. Lee Beifong, the Prime Minister of UES, was increasingly becoming an irrational man, demanding her to accomplish everything from rounding up the Earth Liberation Front to 'securing' the Avatar. The President of Republic City, on the other hand, was an adamant woman, incapable of sensing anything beyond the borders of her own tiny city. The Avatar, however, was proving to be more difficult to locate than what she had assumed at first.

All because of the White Lotus, she thought with surprising vehemence, accidentally stubbing her toe against the chair leg. She swore quite loudly, picking up the upturned vase, and taking a deep breath to calm herself. The White Lotus always got her blood boiling. As a young woman, she had always wanted to be a part of the secretive, elite organization. She knew they were always watching with their vast network of spies and informants, many of whom had no idea who they were spying for. She had heard of fake Paisho games that the Lotus members used to recruit or communicate. She also knew they would reveal themselves to any prospective applicant. But Yun never was graced with a visit from them. She refused to admit that the White Lotus did not consider her worthy of a membership. They can stuff their exclusive Self-help Group into their own glorified pie holes, she thought.

And that brought her to the reason for her visit to this cesspool of a city. She shrugged out of her bathrobe and momentarily appraised her taut frame in the full-length mirror. Her muscles still rippled and stood firm and her face seemed chiseled of stone. The metallic left arm caught the neon light from outside and shone, reminding her of the things she had lost to get to where she was. She had long passed the age where men would consider her beautiful. Now, they only saw an Enforcer - and that's just what she wanted. Especially when dealing with some truly hard-assed men.

Like the Chief of Police, Kobashi Nakamura, for instance. A fire-bender and one of the youngest men to assume the post, Kobashi was a tough negotiator who did not readily divulge sensitive informant information. And Yun desperately needed him to, if she had any hopes of sniffing out the nonexistent trail of the White Lotus. In an earlier time, when she still was a young woman with undeniably good looks, she would have tried to seduce the Police Chief. But while her body was still good enough to fight, its flirting days were over. Besides, she had heard rumours that Kobashi preferred men. And moreover, she did not really expect the tough-as-nails Kobashi to just fall for the oldest tricks in the book.

She would have to do this the hard way, she thought as she got dressed for her meeting with the Chief. She would have to bring to bear the full weight of her authority and the authority of her boss. She would have to dominate the conversation somehow - find some leverage she could use against Chief Nakamura.

She put on her pale-yellow blouse and a dark-green formal jacket that brought out the green in her eyes. She checked her belt to make sure the metal string was in there - for emergencies. As an added precaution, she also carried a handful of dirt in her elegant leather purse. Her heels clipped and clopped as she made her way across the plush hotel lobby, not bothering to return the receptionist's friendly nod. Barka, her large and mute bodyguard/assistant, folded the newspaper he was reading and got up from his seat in the lobby, wordlessly falling in step with her. His subtle nod, she returned.

As she stepped out of the hotel, the breeze whipped at her collar and she squinted her eyes against the bright glare of the lamps as the sun set over Republic City. She felt dwarfed as monstrous skyscrapers towered over her like admonishing giants. Here and there, among the endless throng of people, she could see shining glimmers of spirits going about their lives as well. Republic City - truly the nexus of the worlds.

She refused to ride in the city's taxis. Those were filthy things with the seats full of Raava knows what! To her assistant Barka's questioning look, she said, "The hotel is giving us a Futuron limousine." Barka smiled. He hated walking. And like his mistress, he too loved the comforts of life. As a long and sleek limousine pulled up outside right on cue, he quickly ran to sit in the front seat while Yun eased herself into the back. Despite her cool exterior, she was beginning to feel the nerves. This was supposed to be a routine negotiation with a policeman. Then why did she feel as if she was just about jump headlong into a mysterious abyss? With her anxieties circling her, the limousine peeled off the hotel entrance and made its way to the Police Headquarters.
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