Avatar of Leaves
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1131 (0.33 / day)
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    1. Leaves 9 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current It's been a while since I roleplay'ed. With filing for unemployment, a lot of free time has opened up. I hope I can join despite the rep sheet I have for being inactive for some time.
6 yrs ago
I'm just going to drop this. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
Is there someway that I can report the person below me?
6 yrs ago
This roleplay gives out free cookies. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
Trapped in TV Land Cliche roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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Roman particularly showed a happy attitude along the way to his home. His arms swayed eagerly as he kept walking. Looking behind, he flashed multiple smiles at the rest of the party. Despite the population at Pallet Town, it proved a difficult challenge in finding friends. The whole incident of zombies and robots really changed people for the worse. Roman lacked the social aspect of friends. More than likely, the other three individuals probably wouldn't have agreed to enter his home if they weren't forced to work together.

Maybe Nunchuks did something good for a change. Roman looked up at the sky with much optimism. Taking another look behind him, he started thinking about his new comrades. They had their quirks yet they seemed like good company. Roman couldn't be too picky in this world. Jonathan was the first person that the kid met. Overall, his addiction to radioactive puddles was weird, but his other qualities made up for it. He does initiate action before thought as seen by his execution on the zombie. There was a lack of facial expressions because of the mask thus Roman identities him as calm and collected. Through his mannerisms, it does showcase that he has dealt with more dangerous situations. Like the guy did not even flinch at the sight of a dead body. Roman was overall fortunate that he wasn't hostile.

Roman met Honey during the zombie/kitchen incident. From what he heard, she was the newest resident of Pallet Town. Like she literally just entered the gates about a few hours early apparently. This did bring up a lot of questions once Roman began daydreaming. Who exactly was she? Her small stature did not stop her from speaking her mind. When Roman referred to her ass, she really made it clear that she was going to kick his ass. That's kind of hot, sort of. Honey already started calling the shots after Nunchuks left the scene. More than likely, the woman was going to be more serious and no play.

The last one was the most eye-catching. Radioactivity caused many deformations and mutations in certain individuals. Sometimes it proved to be a blessing and others a curse. Roman peered over his shoulder and turned back around once he saw Catherine. He already knew her. It was hard not to considering a spider-lady was a conversation starter for the town. This was one of the few times he was in close vicinity of the woman. Despite how everyone was scared of her appearance, she appeared tame. Like almost as scared of everyone else. Catherine proved polite and understanding of human life. Though she did have a few outbursts that were contradicting. It was perplexing yet overall she seemed cool to hang out with. Even then, Roman would probably still...

"Bang! We're here!" Roman shouted once they came to his hut. The building itself was constructed from various metals. It did not look homely if presented before the apocalypse. Nowadays, anyone would be happy with this structure. The door was just an easy turn on the doorknob. It was a narrow and tall frame. Opening the door revealed a thin red curtain, probably acting as a screen door. Walking inside, everything was on clear notice.

The mattress that Roman lied in was near the wall with a few pillows and sheets piled. Another mattress laid on the other side of the room. A coffee table stayed in the middle of the room. Various chairs surrounded the table such as a lawn chair, a stool, and a beanbag chair. "That bean bag chair was a great find!" Roman announced proudly.

Something then caught his eye. There were a few reading materials on the corner of the bed. He awkwardly yet attempting to be stealthy walked over to them. He quickly grabbed the magazines and stuffed them under his mattress. He looked back at the group as if nothing had happened. Roman even tried to start a conversation on the matter of hand. "So what is the plan guys? How are we going to catch this criminal?
Fitness Feya

Enjoy the Sights

Interacting with: @ProPro@Old Amsterdam

Feya's nose whistled as she breathed through it. She observed the navy soldiers and how they proceeded to argue amongst themselves. She crossed her arms, looking at them with a disappointed gaze. "Well, this did not lead to anything productive," she complained. Her plans of possibly participating in a workout regimen compromised of Navy techniques had been blown out of the water.

It appeared that the Navy had strange characters as well. She tilted her head to look at her mink crewmate. "I might just explore the sights a bit. Maybe I'll find something to increase my strength, if not, I"ll just head back to the ship. I'm not planning to stick around with this constant bickering. It looks like I won't be able to get a word in. The nerve of that guy..."

Feya Fitness referred to the lazy approach by the more lenient individual. Shaking her head, she continued to shrug her shoulders. Not sure if she could convince him otherwise. She saluted Caesar as she began jogging down the road.

Health: 800/800 >> 600/800
Mana: 900/1200 >> 200/1200
Renn: 8 >> 368 Renn
STATs Tree:

Health: 640/700 >> 440/700
Mana: 000
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp gritted his teeth, his mouth formed an awkward smile. He was expecting something much larger for a dungeon boss. He shook his head in disappointment. The musician began to eat his words when the creature began to howl. Taking a glimpse at his mana, he noticed he took a heavy hit. Dubstepp was starting to lose precious points; he is going to have take into consideration how to spend the last 200 of his magic.

Dubstepp readied himself, taking more of his time into observing the three enemies. They weren't wolves technically. Well, if anything, the creatures appeared as wolf hybrids. They all stood on their hind legs and walked like man. Most likely, their concept art must have been inspired by werewolves. Looking over to his Totoro, he wondered if his pet could withstand them. Dubstepp couldn't hear anything for a moment. His heartbeat raced as he tried to think.

He wasn't sure what to think about. Dubstepp might have just been worried. He whistled for his pet's attention and directed him to the minion on the left. The musician was not about to send his first monster to fight a dungeon boss especially at the health Totoro was at. The rabbit beast immediately followed his master's directions. Sighing, Dubstepp then turned his attention to the boss. Given how he was behind everyone, the beast tamer decided to help damage the boss.

Dubstepp began chucking a couple of darts at the dungeon wolf boss.


Totoro attacks Wolfkin Guard [Left].
-Punches Once
-Punches Twice

Dubstepp throws darts at Fenrir's Herald.
-Throws One Dart
-Throws Two Darts
-Throws Three Darts
-Throws Four Darts

- 4 darts lost from inventory

Interacting with:

Fitness Feya

Hold on-What?

Interacting with: @ProPro@Old Amsterdam

Feya tilted her head back, not sure what was transpiring in front of her. She did not expect to have an opinion on the possible training routine of the navy. She observed how both lieutenants acted. Even then, she witnessed how the grunts reacted to both workouts. She responded with an awkward smile; she only wanted to participate and see if anything could be added to her "Workout Guide," but it seemed she would have to settle an argument first.

She chuckled because she knew the best decision for building a toned body. She placed her hands on her hips. A breath of air came out of her lungs as she began to speak; however, Caesar spoke first. She expected him to answer in a way that would complement the more active lieutenant. He did not.

"This is not happening right now. There is no way you think this is exceptional!" The fitness woman shouted at Caesar. Feya threw her hands at the minions who swept the floors nonchalantly. "Listen to me! The way you are training these men is unacceptable! They are not going to flourish! Muscles need active movement! You need to break down your muscles so new muscles fibers can be made!" She informed the lazy lieutenant.

Roman Martin nodded his head enthusiastically. He practically found happiness that the group trusted him and his home. He thought it over and found that they might be too trusting. Hell, Roman could be a murderer and lead them straight to a murder sex dungeon. The kid snapped out of his negative scenarios. Having actual guests in his small home is a really a step up in his social skills.

"Yeah, we can go right now," Roman shook his head to the right, basically showing the direction of his home. He glanced at Jonathan and rolled his eyes to the ceiling to begin thinking. Pallet Town was fairly large enough to hide possible murderers. Roman did spend his time hiding and snooping around. He frequently participated in trouble. "Well, I guess if we combine both of our knowledge of this place, we may be able to create a map."

Roman shrugged his shoulders toward Jonathan. He then blew some air and whistled. "We might as well start going. The more planning we have, probably the more of a chance we have of finding the person." Roman then suggested they go out the back door as to not draw any attention to themselves. He proceeded to the kitchen, exiting out the back door.

Nunchucks was in the middle of speaking to some of the citizens of Pallet Town. Most of them came curiously to find out what happened. By observation, the sheriff could see some concerned faces. He began his elaborate lie that he shared with the group he accused of being murderers. The townsfolk kept their ears open with their heads nodding simultaneously. Almost as if they were completely brainwashed, they ate up everything that the sheriff said.

The sheriff then felt a strong tug on his shoulder. He peered over his arm and noticed the tall, ravishing woman from before. The authoritative figure rolled his eyes, putting a finger out to the crowd as he asked for a quick pause. His eyes showed annoyance given his entire explanation was interrupted. He pulled himself away from the populace to speak to Olive. He gritted his teeth, "First of all, I don't know who you are to be speaking to me like this. This is not the way how shit works. Secondly, I never said anything of the sort."

The sheriff tapped his temple. "Use that shiny brain of yours and remember my words exactly. I said if you do a few things for me that I might think about letting you go out. The most important thing you should acknowledge is the fact that you have not done shit for me."

The sheriff looked out into the crowd, hoping they weren't getting impatient. "You know a waitress position just opened up in the restaurant. You want to apply for the postiion?" He snarkily said.

In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>> Dick Grants skips over to B21.

Health: 800
Mana: 900
Renn: 8
STATs Tree:

Health: 640
Mana: 000
STATs Tree:

"Whoa, these wolves are stronger than the others one," Dubstepp stated the obvious. The phantom wolves had survived the first onslaught of attacks from the party. Occasionally, some of them would have died by now; however, this was different. Now the party had to make another attempt at their next turn of actions. The musician tapped his chin with his finger. He wondered if this was some foreshadowing toward something more dangerous.

He removed the thought from his head with a simple head shake. Dubstepp needed full concentration and needed to rid all of the negative scenarios in his mind. Looking at the rest of the wolves, the musician tried to see what was the best course of action. He heard Reylan speak, but that really didn't give him anything to lean on. Dubstepp recently lost his magic lightning spell due to one of the new patches. There was not enough Renn in his pocket for him to purchase new spells for his disciple.

Dubstepp bit his lower lip. With a calm motion, he ordered Totoro to keep punching the wolf in the center. Afterwards, Dubstepp tossed a series of darts at both the left and right wolf.

Totoro hits Center Phantom Wolf.
Totoro hits Center Phantom Wolf.
Dubstepp throws dart at Right Phantom Wolf.
Dubstepp throws dart at Right Phantom Wolf.
Dubstepp throws dart at Left Phantom Wolf.
Dubstepp throws dart at Left Phantom Wolf.
Loses -4 Dart from inventory.

Interacting with:

In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Leaves Dick Grant moves up. He has 3 movement left this turn.

You have enough movement to get to B3 where you can take a shot from, if you'd like :D

>> Moves to B3
In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
>> Dick Grant scoffs.

>> He moves to A11.
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