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<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>
Not intentionally. I just... i fear the concept of living forever. I dont necessarily have a way of doing so anyways. Where I come from, everyone eventually ages and dies. Not many live past the age of 100. I am majorly an exception to that. I have nanites in my body that regenerate dead tissue to a certain extent.

Why are you less afraid of death?
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>
Yes. The age old quest of life to build something memorable and pass it on to future generations to handle from there on out. Something to be remembered for when I eventually do pass. I don't plan on living forever.

You're going to leave me?
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>
Future leaders. The future presidents of the EDB.

You want to build an empire, and then hand it over?
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

Well.. yes. But I don't want it to be me. I want my vision to live on within future generations.

Future generations?
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>
It would take a very, very long time. But I'm sure it could be achieved.

Do you still want to? Someday?
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

They told me that I shouldnt. That there would be lasting consequences and that it wouldnt work, essentially. That they would basically intervene.

Do you think you could do it?
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>
I wish they'd leave the both of us alone. They treat me like a child who can't care for themselves. All because of what I strive to accomplish with the EDB. A unified existence under a mutual and diversified banner. A place where dimensions are connected in a safe manner.

Really? What did they do?
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>
I wish I knew. It irks me that they treat you like an enemy. I wasn't around during the time of Tier Five's hieght, the Great War, any of that. All I know is that Black Paper Moon was a thing, and no one has any information on it.

That's not even around anymore. Tier Five won—I wish they would just leave me alone.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

They.. they dont like the idea of us being a thing. They told me that at the start. But... I just knew we were to perfect to pass up. Something just felt right. And I was right, of course. They'll just have to deal.

Why am I being punished just for being alive? I don't understand.
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>
In my opinion? From what you've told me you've done nothing wrong. But the Tier Five are full of secrets. I just wish there was a much simpler path. One were all those close to me could just get along. Its whatever though, I'm used to my friends in the Tier Five disagreeing with my actions. They've done it since I've known them....

What does Tier Five have to do with me? What did I do to them?
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