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I love how everyone who dislikes the marriage arrangements is literally lining up in a distance.

William Pengrance

Location; Kingdom of Abhainn
Interacting With; Amaryliss Ward@Pundii and Lady Alice@Lionhearted

With wind blowing through his hairs, William sped through the forest to eventually reach the clearing. In the distance he already saw them. The carriages bringing his future queen. One forced upon him through some peace treaty. William had no quarrels with his father. But the peace was a foolish choice. Even with the best intentions, William could not understand why his old man chose that fate for his kingdom. The kingdom of Henry the Conqueror. So many generations ago a man built himself a kingdom and took half of Slibah. Now here they stood, trying to erase that conquest, as well as generations of Abhainn blood spilled on the battlefield with a thin wedding veil. If it was William’s choice, he’d reject the peace and the wedding. He’d rally the lords and knights once more and charge for his king. But it wasn’t William’s choice. It would never be his choice and he had resigned himself to that fate a long time ago.

Still, that didn’t mean he had to appear to be appeased by it. Quite the contrary, William chose to be rebellious. He left the castle a few days ago to go hunting. Giving the steward quite a headache. Or so he’d like. Of course, not showing up at all to great the many lords and ladies of Slibah would be an offense he could not make. Still, he made other choices. Like arriving drenched in sweat, smelling rather earthly for days in the woods. His hair was an absolute mess and to the side of his horse he strapped 3 dead rabbits. Small spots of blood visible on their fur. They’d make wonderful mittens for the winter. William arrived just after King Jack murdered his announcer. Still, he noticed the body being dragged away from the place, which earned a raised eye brow. It wasn’t someone from Abhainn. Or at least nobody he knew, so why care? As he looked back up towards the crowd, one of the stewards approached.

“My prince, you can’t!” He pleaded, almost desperate. “You must understand. There are other lords here. And ladies.” The way he said ladies disturbed William. “You must bathe. Or at least change your clothes. I insist.” The steward could insist all he wanted. Will didn’t care. In fact, he chose the outfit many days ago precisely because he know how his older half-brother went. Regal in deep red and royal gold. A true king greeting his queen. Will also knew how Julianna would look. Or at least, he took a guess. Long dress, a beautiful crown. Rings. Jewels. But on the opposite of all that, William would stand. Dressed in mud-brown with green. More like a huntsman than a prince. Even with the bow still strapped on his back. He had considered to offer her the slain rabbits as a gift. But he’d probably earn a scolding from his brother for that one and he could do with one now.

Still, not caring at all for the stewards pleads, William moved himself through the crowd. Until he spotted a rather surprising beauty: Lady Amaryllis. William barely recognized her. He was far too young when she left. Only after then did he start to hear the gossips about her. Right to the point where they absolutely ran wild. Was there truth to them? William couldn’t say. But as he strode straight towards her, he hoped some of it was. But then he saw Lady Alice, as well. Another admirer. Of course, the old flames came to see what replaced them. It was a bit of a crude thought, William knew. But why else would someone like Lady Alice stand here, outside? William knew of the lady’s hunger for power.

He approached both women from behind, looking over them to see his Queen in waiting: Julianna. Stunning, but Slibah. Which made his stomach clench. How could his brother even stand the sight of her? “Lady Amaryllis. What a pleasant surprise.” He came to stand next to her, not taking his gaze off Julianna. She was far too close to his brother. “What a beauty.” He said, though there was something off in his voice. A tone that sound a bit wrong. “How many days do you think it will hold?” That was straight out of line. And he knew it. But right now he was amongst, what he hoped he could consider, someone with an equal goal. He barely could stand the sight alone.
Looks interesting.
@HushedWhispers I've finished my prince of Abhainn! I hope you (and everyone else) like him.

@HushedWhispers I'd take the Prince of Abhainn spot if that's still possible.

EDIT: Just noticed a prince can't be older than 17. Which is a bit of a shame. I was hoping to make a brother to Maddox (half-brother, technically). Would that still be accepted?
Hi! I read this RP's character sheets need to be done by 27/07. Can I still join in or am I too late?
Alexis Farreacher

Location: Callie's Car
Interacting with: Callie Lenson@Caits

“We can shapeshift!?” There was clear excitement in her voice. She knew magic was powerful, but that powerful!? It felt like a whole new world of possibilities opened up to her. Could she be a bird!? Or a wolf! Maybe she could transform into a cat! She wanted to try it soon enough. Maybe Callie would teach her. Or the Grimoire. Then again, maybe neither would deem her read for it yet. Never the less, she would have a lot of fun with that one soon enough.

When Callie stept in the car, she had some sort of look on her face. Something of powerless worry. A look most adults often describe as ‘nothing’. But Alexis wasn’t a just a child anymore and she had used ‘nothing’ far too often in the past. Of course, right now Alexis knew full well what the problem was. The tension was almost sensible inside. She guessed Sombra’s mother would arrive soon enough. Another reason to get out as quickly as possible. But Callie probably wouldn’t want her place to get thrown up. Would Sombra even be capable of that? Or Myra. Alexis didn’t even know them all that well. But Sombra certainly did have an intensity about her. And she was a werewolf. Right now, Alexis sort of shared Callie’s concern.

The talk returned to the wolf again. It had often been the subject of a lot of discussion in the last 24 hours. “Do you really think he –it, is so dangerous?” Alexis asked. Swiftly realizing she actually didn’t know anything about werewolves in the first place. “I mean, do werewolves do that often?” She might as well learn a thing or two about those beats. “Because I’d like to learn a thing or two about them.” Not just for her own good. “It might come in handy in school. I mean, half my class is probably going to be a supernatural at this rate.” She chuckled at her own remark. “Maybe someday I can help them like you’re helping me.” As she buckled her seatbelt, she realized that this was her life now. It had changed literally over day. Yesterday she would have gone to school. Now she would learn magic from an actual witch.
I'd claim the following land (the big, ugly, purple blob) in the east for my faction if that's okay with everyone:

Are there any Justinian factions yet? I want to make a Yuwanist faction though it would seem we have a few of those already.
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