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@Aleranicus I wouldn't mind being "That Country". The Asrians are already the reason why the Haradoni used the Luciferian virus. Might as well go all in. (From the backstory i'm typing for the Haradoni, my guys are not good guys during the Great War. They were drunk on Psionic power...)
I agree with Clocktower on the discord thing. I also vote for Sigma for Co-GM.
@Willy Vereb It's a can of worms and I'm not entirely against it but maybe we could use volume or tonnage instead of size? My ships are rarely of the long cigar shapes so that wouldn't really be fair.

Alternatively, if nobody specifies the sizes then we can just adhere to the hierarchy and people whose ships are "treaty breaking" would have to specify so. (Or, when skirting, say what they skirt.) That way we can leave the technicallities behind while maintaining a semblance of powerlevels. As I assume most ships would also have a specified weakness.
<Snipped quote by Romero>
I may not be the GM, but I can certainly say that your idea definitely sounds pretty good to me, and funny thing, someone else was planning a similar faction but unfortunallty couldn't join due to IRL reasons.

Edit: Your an Ascendancy too @Legion02? Best buds :P

Less of a theological Ascendancy :p More of a "lets combine technology and psionics (which we don't really understand as well as we wish)" and use all that to make ourselves better!
Heavy WIP, even the name is still up for change.

Yes, Yes, Yes. The Infestation does not care about their diplomatic stance. They have no use for allies and, if they cannot be trusted anymore, some infested will allow themselves to get captured. Later on in prison/lab/ship, they break out and infest it too, continuing its spread. They could not care less for their temporary allies and may abandon them in the middle of battle and make believable excuses to prolong their "alliance". In addition, they may Infest important people in a nation and pretend like everything is fine while the infested person changes things in law/military/information in negative ways. Basically political sabotage.

That's a fast way to antagonize every other faction... It will turn your infestation into something hunted across the galaxy and shown little mercy. As for your infection being able to reach the higher-ups, I very much doubt any player will willingly just give up their key figures of their faction. It will be an uphill battle on all fronts.
@Sigma An Ashtari cult would certainly be a possibility as the Asrians (name of my faction, they're all humans though) see themselves as an Apprentice faction of the Ashtar. Though they generally don't crack down religion, most don't believe the Ashtar are gods (this is more on account of their own arrogance than believing the Ashtar were great enough to be gods). So a Sect certainly could have formed and all cultists from Asra (the home planet) would have at the very least some latent psionic powers (though it would generally have to be aided by technology to be viable).

However, if they chose to act during the Great War through terrorism inflicted upon any of the Crown Worlds (Asra, the homeworld) or Noble worlds (Worlds meant mostly for the advancement of culture and science), the sect would be hunted down. So any missionaries would be politely but firmly asked to leave.
Okay so just the short blurb of what I'm making:

Basically, a human faction that was JUST small enough to be crushed by the Ashtar. They have a substance on their homeworld that reacts with psionic powers. At first, they only had latent psionic powers and had to enhance them through technology. Though it did allow each person to control several drones in the field. The result is that almost their entire army and navy depends on psionics. So yeah, the Ashtar crushed them but after that they sort of got a bit of help with the psionics to even out the field. So long story short, they mix technology and psionics to give me an excuse to use magitech stuff.

However, quite obviously they are a minor belligerent faction so if anyone is interested in writing some shared history, hit me up!
Guess I'll throw in my interest as well then. I'll probably end up making a warlock though I have no idea about his personality yet.
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