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2 yrs ago
Current The longer you spend awake the less time you spend asleep.
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4 yrs ago
Every hour spent not eating is an hour spent getting hungrier.
5 yrs ago
Cats are like dogs. Except dogs are better.
5 yrs ago
Oh boy! Oh BOY! It's almost time for MHW: Iceborne.
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5 yrs ago
Fresh and juicy


I'm just some filthy Australian.

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Sarah smiled at her teammates as her bird got the reaction she was expecting, "Yeah Flaxen is my girl, you don't have to worry she's nice!" Sarah then bent down and placed Flaxen on the floor. Flaxen then looked up at her and tilted her head, Sarah in turn tilted her head back then nodded towards her bed. Flaxen then hopped across the floor and with a small flap of her wings got onto Sarah's bed, "See she's a good girl, though I don't know how she'll react to your tail Lucas. I'd say as long as you don't wave it in her face it'll be fine, another cool thing is we don't even need to buy her food. She'll go catch her own when she's hungry." Sarah said with a smile as she took a seat on her bed and scratched the underside of Flaxen's beak, Flaxen again made happy chirps and moved closer to Sarah rubbing her head against her arm.

Koharu shook her head, "We all get our own rooms Hikari, unless you want to bunk with me? I-I wouldn't recommend it though. I take up a lot of space..." Koharu said as she walked with Hikari towards the dorms, she sounded a little embarrassed. Mostly because Hikari would easily be able to look up her skirt, Koharu tried to cover herself with the short skirt but it was ultimately useless. She would hold the door to the class 1-A dorms open so that Hikari could go in, there would be a note on the wall telling the students of how floor 1 was for the boys and floor 2 was for the girls. Along with other rules like keeping the community spaces clean, respecting other students privacy and keeping quiet past 6PM.

Jerome Winchester

Jerome frowned and watched Raven leave the classroom. He took her threat with a grain of salt, she was distressed he would understand her defensiveness. He then walked out of the empty classroom and headed towards the principles office with the intent of informing him about Raven's quirk.
@Blueflame Everyone gets their own room. If you want to pair with someone just ask them.

Catherine remained standing there with he hands up the few weapons that were pointed at her did make her slightly concerned but Aranea seemed more annoyed then worried. Catherine could hardly hear anything over the roar of the many soldiers, then she froze as yet again she was near Nunchucks, though this wasn't surprising considering the situation that didn't help to calm her nerves. She winced at the loud whistle her hands lowering slightly partly out of wanting to cover her ears and partly out of fear.Then the man with the pipe started explaining what had happened, the zombie had come from the kitchen. But that wasn't the worst part, that honour was taken by the fact that two people had been killed by someone who was alive. What kind of person would kill their fellow citizens of Pallet Town? The though was chilling to say the very least, she knew that life outside the walls could be this inhospitable. But inside the walls, it was just as unthinkable as a zombie getting in and twice as frightening. Shit just got real.

Koharu smiled at Hikari trying to look reassuring. "Don't say that, you won't get kicked out. Those tests weren't getting marked remember! You'll be fine!" Koharu was still slightly pink but was more concerned for Hikari, she wanted to make sure that she was alright. "B-besides we haven't even gone all out with our quirks yet, I'm sure you'll blow Mr Winchester away with your quirk!" Koharu picked up her bag and stood up almost able to touch the roof with her head. "I guess it's time to check out our rooms." Koharu said with a slightly excited tone, she then carefully made her way out of the classroom.
Don't worry about it. Things happen, and life comes first.

Sarah looked at Bizz and figured it was pro a good idea to get ready for class. She went into her bag and got out her uniform,
she then looked over at Lucas, "You have no idea how hard it was to get one of these in my size." she smirked and headed for the bathroom to get changed. She fought with the uniform for a little bit, she always had a problem with uniforms. Short skirts didn't work well with her body shape (or do they work too well?). She eventually gave up knowing it wasn't going to go down much further, she let out a sigh as she changed her shirt, then she heard something. Her face lit up as she heard and eagle's high pitch screech. She quickly finished getting changed and ran out of the bathroom. "Flaxen!" Sarah called out as ran up to the window and held her arm out.

Within mere moments of her putting her arm out the window a massive Flax coloured raptor bird landed on her arm, Sarah grunted upon impact but that didn't stop her smile. it was a humongous bird with a wingspan easily exceeding 8 feet, it hard sharp black eyes and a curved brown beak. It also had seeds strapped to its massive talons, Sarah gently removed the seed packets and pulled her arm with a massive 2'6 foot tall bird on it into the room. She smiled "Meet Flaxen! She's my eagle!" Flaxen then tilted her head and looked around the room. Sarah then ruffled her chest feathers and Flaxen made a soft chirping sound.
Jerome Winchester

Jerome followed Raven into the empty classroom, There really are less heroes now these days... he thought to himself as he slid the door closed. He could tell whatever she was going to say she wanted to keep private, she was either ashamed or afraid of it preferring to keep it under the rug. "So miss Krioshi, what is it you wish to tell me?" Jerome asked before Rave began explain the reason behind her outburst. Her quirk was bizarre to be sure and incredibly unique, being able to contact spirits. It was almost preposterous. But the emotion on her face and in her words were enough to convince the sceptic insect, he may have to talk about this with her more, she had indeed withheld information from the school but she seemed to be willing to talk about it. Albeit only in a secluded space with a person who she probably need to tell eventually anyway.

"I must say I am disappointed you did not disclose this information to the school, but I can understand why. This will remain between us if you so wish..." Jerome sighed not wanting to lie to one of his students. "Us and one other. Unfortunately I will at the very least I tell the principle about this... If you need help with dealing with these, spirits just notify me. I'll work something out where you can catch up on work outside of class. I don't want to throw information at someone who won't be able to properly receive it." Jerome's antenna twitched and he looked back at the door then back at Raven. "Is this acceptable?"

Koharu watched as things started to get a little hectic. She felt a tingle from somewhere but couldn't place where it made her a little uneasy, she didn't like the argument that had just happened school would be much easier if everyone just got along. Then Rave yelled at what appeared to be nothing and bolted out of the room, this was shortly followed by Akagane face planting in the doorway. This class was nuts! Koharu was lost for words... Then she noticed Hikari was sparking a little and talking to herself, Koharu then slowly went to pat her shoulder, "A-are you alright?" Koharu asked quietly, not wanting to startle Hikari.

Jerome Winchester

Jerome was immensely frustrated with this class currently, though you wouldn't be able to tell from his features. He went to shout at the class but Raven beat him to it, this rather then angering him more actually concerned him then she sprinted out of the class and Jerome had moved to stop her but then he noticed Koharu going to touch the sparking Hikari and he paused, he knew she would be fine after a brief moment of thought. Then Akagane stumbled into the room face first, Jerome let out a sigh and looked down at Akagane. "Yes you are indeed late. But don't bother sitting down, class is dismissed." He then looked back at the rest of the class, "All of you pack up your things and go to your class dorm..." he then pointed at Karen "You get off with a warning, you act up again and I'll be sending you to the counsellor." his then shifted his finger towards Edith tho much less aggressively "And Edith you need to deliver a note explaining your absence to the office... That is all."

The class was getting let out a full 15 minuets early and Jerome wasn't pleased about that, he still needed to explain about how as heroes they needed to be able to function in public without creating a disturbance, people would get concerned if a flaming woman or a jello monster was running around the street. Not to mention the damage that could be caused by a giant walking around or psychic force being used to jet yourself around. They needed to be able to get around quickly, the shot put was used to break up the other tests and give the legs a little brake as well as make it harder to figure out that the tests were all about mobility. That and a few other reasons.

Jerome left the classroom bolting after Raven easily catching up to her, he would cut her off and stand in front of her blocking her path with his intimidating stature. He would let out a soft sigh, "Pleas explain yourself, running out of my class without a valid reason is not something I can accept." his tone carried a hint of worry to it but that was ultimately drowned out by his choice of words.

Travis was still washing out his eyes as Alice gave him new orders, he mumbled to himself "I wasn't planning on leaving this gunk in my eyes..." he continued his work at removing the stuff from his eyes and his efforts eventually paid off. He was free from the pain that had plagued him, although he wouldn't admit it this wasn't the first time it'd happened. He looked at the bandages on the bench, he sighed and picked them up before walking over to Mika. He seemed indifferent now that the pepper was out of his eyes and he looked at the blood soiled shoulder and sighed. He got a few napkins to start cleaning up the shoulder.
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