Avatar of Letmehaveone2


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Hi, Welcome to my profile.

Type of genres I like to rp are mostly anything involving Supernatural beings with some fantasy. Maybe a bit of action every now and then, if you have something funny to post, go right ahead, make me laugh (it's not hard).

I still love crossovers, I just don't do them as much as I used to. (I will join one if it's free roam for the most part and I am allowed OCs)

I do animal rps sometimes (mostly wolves or lions)

Check out all my characters here.

Things I like to do outside of RPG: Play games, watch YouTube or Take a nap. My type of games are MMORPGs(like Everquest or Wizard101), Sims(2, 3 and 4), pretty much stuff like that as long as said game allows for character creation with a variety of options. (I'm a creative person)

My favorite genre of music is mostly rock and anything I can dance and sing along to.

I love all animals but my most favorites are dogs and elephants.

Here's my discord: Tifa's Group

I am an old time rper. I was on the old guild and did a lot of GMing. It's just been awhile since I've been on here.

That's it for now :)

Most Recent Posts

I was trying to make it look like he figured that out without it seeming as if he was reading minds. Looks like there is no such way, so I erased that part and kept the rest.

And unless I read wrong, I pretty sure the part about the demon was out loud.
No, he just figured she was blind a while ago.
Price followed from behind the human wizard, but still made sure to keep a good distance at the same time.

Juno smiled back before shifting into his cat form and hopped up on Price's shoulder.

Tyler didn't having to talk back to customers, but this blind girl was not making it easy. "Summon a demon and I'll leave you with you no help at all." He was getting a little frustrated with her, but did his best not to say anything more. Like she can actually do that.

Ky had heard it too, but he wasn't one to get in the middle someone else's business unless it was a crime. A quarrel didn't seem to fall into that category. He turned attention back to girl. "Alright, see ya later." He had not realized how hungry he was till after she left. Welp, might as well leave here and get something to eat then. He went towards the exit and left the bookstore. He began looking at all the restaurants, fast food and he saw coffee shops or anything similar as places to snack. He wanted a meal though.

Alexander's shark side suddenly got hungry and ran into an alleyway. Probably not the best place to hide, but it'll do. He saw some dumpsters in the back and hid behind those.
@Rodiak @Scarifar
I'm working on replies too.

But looks like I can start adding things to Tyler's CS now.
@King Tai
@King Tai
Then go right ahead. :)
I can, but unless a thought is about me, I try not to do that. I really only use this power for communication since I am mute in reality. Juno stated through his telepathy. And I'm Juno.

Price had been secretly worried about the human part of this guy, but then he was also a wizard. Maybe things won't be all bad. "I'm Price and I have telepathy too, but I don't use it much. Also, I can fly, but I haven't done that in a while. And I've been in the sun many times, so no. I don't glow either."

Tyler apparently never dealt with a blind person before, but he felt that was no excuse for her to be rude. "You're lucky I'm working." That was all he said to her first statement. He then went silent after that before leading her to where the journals are. He just hoped she followed him. When I get off work today, I'm gonna have to look up ways to help disabled if possible. He thought as he arrived at the aisle of journals.
Ky wasn't sure how to answer the question at first, so he thought it over for a few minutes before something finally came to mind. "Well, I like animals or anything else having to do with nature and I just came here to look around, don't know if I'll be buying anything or not though."
"Well, I can't really taste it due to being a vampire and all, but I can pretend if that's alright." Price said as he stood up, but made sure to keep a good distance between himself and the human.

Juno also stood up, but walked beside the man. Coffee sounds great and since my friend said what he is, I'll say what I am as well. I'm a Neko. He said in telepathy to Alekis.

Tyler wondered if she would be able to follow his finger even without being able to see and pointed to a particular aisle where the journals would be. "Right over there."
Looks good

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