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    1. Lionhearted 7 yrs ago
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If it'll make things easier, then I'm all for it!

I think doing separate RPs and then having a conjoined RP tab would be extremely fun though! But what would be the reason for these two groups to be separate?

I think it's a cool idea to have both groups get close and become allies within their group, and then have two groups roleplay with eachother, but still find home within their given group. (this is so wordy, idk if any of it makes sense.)

Short answer -- I'm perfectly fine with migrating!
Hmmm. It'd be cool if we could do two different IC's for each group, but I'm not sure if there's anything that will permit something like that on this site. How big are you aiming to have one party be?

EDIT: I added a theme song for my character and I love it and it's her theme song and it's such a great song AHHH
Hey all, sorry for another notification, lol. The party is pretty hefty right now. I've been thinking that it may be a good idea to split the parties into two and RP on a specific schedule. Is that something people would want or would we rather just RP as a full party?

I'm fine with either, but I want to gauge where everyone is at. There are a lot of amazing characters, and I don't want anyone to think this is me trying to push people out of the main party. I'm really enjoying all of the ideas coming my way!

As in one party RPs and then the next party would RP after that party finishes their quest/RPing?

Also, would both parties ever join together to form one big party RP?! :D
Ooo I'm very interested!
Brilliant, thank you so much! I'll work on an IC post soon. Also, I hope you have room for one more - like I said, when my friend gets back from work he'll be working on the sheet for Brooks.

We do! Sounds good!

Hey there! I hope you don't mind, but I altered an old character from a previously shut-down RP for this one. My friend DinoNuts should start working on his CS when he comes back from work tonight, but since I'm about to go on holiday I wanted to post mine up to make any alterations before things get busy. I look forward to RPing with you all.

Yay! I'm excited that this roleplay is growing to become as big as I hoped it would be! :) I do like her and she's a great fit! But, as @ihinka mentioned, you can alter her to be Blaine's long-lost daughter from New Orleans if you're interested. If not, then she's accepted!

I got a post in to respond to those that are interacting with Ambrosia! :)

Still waiting on posts from a few of you, but I understand that this is a very busy time of year, so don't stress! At this point in the roleplay, it's free posting for interactions before I alter the setting again!

Location; Washington Square
Interacting With; Aimee Du'désir @Hero, 'Cain' @Syn

The woman nearly left without taking any care to notice, which Ambrosia was thankful for to save from a rather tedious fight to kill off whatever threat she could've been. Just as she gave up the defensive stance, she was halted by a familiar face. Aimee -- a beautiful, blonde babe turned into a vampire to create your cliche vixen that doesn't require any use of her compelling powers to draw in any individual. She was alluring and seductive, almost reminding Ambrosia of her days prior to meeting John and turning into a vampire. They have opposing views on many topics, but Ambrosia happily took her into the coven and accepted her in as her own. Although she could be considered a sight for sore eyes in this moment, Ambrosia was eager to leave the square and get the wounded girl back to her chambers to figure out what to do with her. Just like any member of Ambrosia's coven, she would stress over Aimee's wellbeing and to see her in this setting of alarm and shock worried her.

"Aimee --," Ambrosia furrowed her brows in pain, struggling to hide the affects of holy enchantment that was draining her incredibly, "What are you doing here?". While it was a dumb question, it was all Ambrosia was able to come up with in an attempt to portray her worry for her safety. Ambrosia rested her hand against Aimee's arm as a comforting gesture while she eyed her body up and down to make sure she was clear of any wounds -- she continued hesitantly, "Who else is here? Leave the site immediately, grab whoever else is here, and meet me back at the mansion. The wolves won't enter the square, so wait until the wolves are cleared out enough to make an escape. Don't go out of your way to help those that can't be helped anymore, and don't reveal your identity either, there should be some hunters that are --."

To add to the many interruptions, a sizable man stood before the three of them, bringing forth a peculiar presence that matched no other supernatural that Ambrosia has ever encountered before. It wasn't just the words he spoke, but the change within the atmosphere is what also caused a cold chill to crawl up her spine. Ambrosia readjusted her posture, and it was as if a second wind was hitting her for the sake of survival purposes, as she was faced with an obvious, powerful force that shouldn't be mistaken for as an ally, nor as a surgeon like he explains. As a defensive tactic, Ambrosia would subdue all the pain to show that she would be a woman that shouldn't be messed with.

She's never seen him before, and even though she had decades of memories to flip through, this eery presence would never be forgotten had she felt it beaming out of an individual before. Matching her own dark presence, it was as if there was a subtle war between the two auras, both trying to conquer the atmosphere and overpower the other. The scent of his blood caused her to cringe, but perhaps it was the joining devilish smile that he expressed that added to the thought of him being an enemy at first sight.

Ambrosia sighed deeply, trying to dismiss the negative assumptions that were drawn upon from the continuously irritable encounters. Perhaps it was all in her head that this man was another potential threat. She couldn't move past the sinister presence that rushed in like the winds of a forming tornado. As their eyes met, Ambrosia struggled to keep her eyes from looking astray. Despite her talent with stare-downs, this man was a challenging contender, but Ambrosia still kept her gaze fixated on his.

Ambrosia looked back to the girl who has clearly lost a good amount of blood from stalling so much, but she still declined his offer since she had her own plans for the girl, "It's quite all right, we're taking her to an ambulance that's parked up the street. They're waiting up there to keep the paramedics safe from the bloodshed before all these strange wolves are wiped out. I thank you for your offered assistance, but we can manage." At the end of her comment, she would reveal the gun at her side discreetly, but more obvious to Cain, not to prove that they weren't in need of his assistance, but moreover, to prove that she is capable of defending herself if things were to go wrong between the two of them. Ambrosia would save her compelling ability for if she really needed it, using a lot of her mental capacity to keep her conscious from the piercing enchantment. If Aimee would choose to stay for this ominous scene, she would ask her to do it.
Tore myself away from wrapping to post, but it is done at least lol

And a glorious post, it is! I think I may have time to post tonight~! We're all snowed in here, so there's nothing for me to do really.
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