Avatar of Lolita Complex
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    1. Lolita Complex 8 yrs ago


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EDIT: I just realized we all forgot about @Lolita Complex's Character. She's kind of important considering shes the Boss Monster. Assuming Loli is still interested, that is.

I was feeling like mentioning this sometime soon, so I'm glad somebody mentioned it for me.

J-Just because I'm short, doesn't mean you can just overlook me like that!
@BCTheEntity Please don't shoot the skeletons.

It doesn't work.
@Eviledd1984 I feel like you haven't read the thread. Not sure why.
@Ogobrogo I thought I'd tell you that your Human sheet is lacking a Personality section.
I think we should all take a moment of silence for this familiar's entire career.

It was going at its top speed, AND had a significant head start, probably feeling like it would take some actual effort to catch up to it.

Little did it know, we have Megumi, the God of Running on our side.

Why did she even need to take a plane to Poland? She could have just ran there and she would have arrived in twenty minutes, flat.
@Lolita Complex
Skim the rules again?

My bad. Got rather enveloped in the thrills of creating a character.


Name: K

Personality: K is a mischievous and downright annoying monster, who is nonetheless charming in her own unique way. A good source of japes.


Bio: K is one of the last remaining Boss Monsters in the Underground, having been essentially adopted by the land's inhabitants after the untimely death of her two parents. As a Boss Monster whose parents died before she was mature, K has never grown past her child state, and will likely remain small and frail until the end of time.

Despite this, she has sworn to destroy anything that threatens her and her new family's peaceful existence. Even if that something might be the thing to free them. And even if she's only up to their knees in height.

Did I mention she's short?

Relations: Her family is all of the Underground. They are all her friends.
Skill: Legendary reaction time. Good at running away.
Weapon: Her fists.
Armour: N/A

Fight: K is a fast, frantic fighter who overwhelms opponents with a barrage of lightning-quick and hard-to-dodge attacks. Her signature K-O Punch can defeat enemies in a single hit. Her gimmick is that she can accelerate and decelerate speed of battle. Her magic is Red.

*K 99 ATK 0 DEF
*Punches in spurts.
*If she hits you, it's going to hurt.

(Depends on your relationship level with K.)

(Different effects based on amount paid. If greater than 20 Gold, K will flee. Usually.)
(If you give her exactly one gold, the battle gets harder.)

(Different effects based on what items you give. Improves your relationship with K.)

Mercy: Can only be spared when fighting alone. Requires all other Monsters to be spared first. Wants to see your DETERMINATION.

(If the opponent has killed a Monster, she will not accept their Mercy.)

(Tends to run away if she's the only enemy remaining.)

(Secret Mercy Methods: "World Domination", "I Dated The Goblin", "Fight Club".)

In an instant, innumerable shells pierce through the walls of the Familiar's feeble barrier, flying towards its general location and crashing to the ground explosively. It was in the familiar's nature to run away, and so that was what it did. Its exact location hidden by the unusual dimensions within its Labyrinth, it squeals some strangled sort of cry, bounding away in a completely different direction from where it was headed before.

Monika, who had visual confirmation on the creature, could probably gain a loose understanding of its form if she bothered to look. It was a queer, floating thing, bloated and heavy-looking like it had just eaten a big meal. Its entire body seemed to be covered in dandelion fluff, and it had a long, skinny tail trailing far behind it. In its panic to escape harm, it was throwing school supplies everywhere, sending small erasers, paper clips and wads of paper flying all over the place. Some of them even came close to hitting Monika.

It was leaving the confines of the abandoned back alleys, and was heading for one of the main streets.

The chase was on.

---The Familiar


Run run run away, leave your problems for another day.

Eat sweets, eat sweets, eat eat the day away.

Sweets? See, see, sweets this way.

Come, come! Come and play!


With a high, piercing laugh, the Familiar continues its flight, bounding chaotically between the walls and rapidly widening the distance between it and the girls who were chasing it. As it made its escape, the girls who were paying attention would notice the magic of its barrier fluctuating, growing more solid in places and wavering in others.

It was on the move, creating an altered region of space around itself as it ran. This space expanded, twisting and warping with each passing second. Only now that the familiar picked up its pace was Monika, who had been tagging along in its barrier, left behind. She would probably stumble as she slipped through a crack in convoluted space. The air becomes more breathable, and the colours of her surroundings return to normal.

She was out.


In Minerva's eyes, the situation was rapidly barreling out of control. The two of them seemed to be communicating, at least, but she had a sneaking suspicion that they weren't about to get to hunting any time soon.

"I only just made my contract last night. Judging by your attitude, you must be my senior in this whole Magical Girl business? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, but I definitely found this one first. At the speed you were going, you should have already caught it if you started before me. This is my first fight, so..."

She stops, frowning at another newcomer who seemed to just phase into existence a few feet away from them. It was a clear, sunlit day, even in the dark, abandoned alleyways. It was inconceivable that they could have not noticed the girl approaching at this distance. For that reason, Minerva's quick assumption was that the girl must have some sort of special ability to make herself hidden.

She would have to be careful around these... other Magical Girls. She didn't know any of their abilities, so she couldn't afford to take it easy for now. And just as she was thinking this-

"Ah- what?" She steps back, just in time to see a girl crash in from above, landing roughly on the first girl to arrive, the red one. Almost at the exact same moment, she hears a deafening blast from the direction of the Familiar, as well as a terrible high-pitched laugh of some sort. She had to act quickly, the time they wasted arguing had given the Familiar more than enough of a head start, and that explosion... Minerva could only imagine.

She backs up a little and turns, shouting back at the girls behind her. "We have to hurry, it's getting away! Familiar... Witch, whatever it is, I'm taking it down. With, or without your help." And so, she runs off towards their prey, as quick as her magically enhanced body could handle. She almost forgot about the small creature on her shoulder, who was being unusually quiet throughout all of this.

And she wondered, offhandedly and without very much thought, what he could be thinking about at a time like this.
@Vocab Just because you teleported in and checked the familiar's facebook status, doesn't mean you know any more than the other characters. If it were possible to distinguish this familiar from a witch, I would have said so in my first post, before other characters sensed it in the first place.

Because it's not, I only mentioned it afterwards.

Does this make sense? I'm trying to stay concise instead of ranting.
@PlatinumSkink you know it's a familiar because of its magic patterns.

As seen when Kyoko goes to fight Octavia, she says it has a similar magic pattern to the Witch at the train station, and she could tell by using her soul gem.

We can assume then, that all Witches and Familiars (being split parts of a Witch) all have a certain magical patterns as well.

Given this, and that Familiars are weaker than Witches, we can guess that the magical pattern will be weaker as well.

This is actually wrong. You just metagamed the information that nobody else had by posting later, so you could look cool.

Looking cool is important, though. So I forgive you~

To clarify: I clearly specified what was distinguishable about this "Witch" in my post. I did not mention that its magical signature was different, because it isn't.
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