Avatar of Love Dove


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Reject humanity, become a swamp witch
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2 yrs ago
Sometimes my phone freezes up and I accidentally end up on a strangers profile
2 yrs ago
The urge to not exist anymore gets stronger and stronger everyday man
2 yrs ago
Gonna be a busy weekend with birthdays and the Mothman festival. Replies might be a bit slower sorry
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2 yrs ago
Holy shit did I make through this week yet it's been a year at this point


About The Dove:


Let's see what else? I usually go by Love or Dove. I have been writing off and on, for at least twelve years. I'm a gamer, so feel free to talk to me about games. If I know them we can talk eachother's ears off. Especially Dragon Age. Or really anything, However, have issues playin fandoms sorry. I can be a bit of a chatty Cathy. I write for what I would call low to middle advanced. Post length is 3-6 paragraphs on average, but I've been known to post more though. It really depends on my level of interest. I usually stay to 1x1's because I like the level of connection, and can play both males and females.

Want to know something else about me? Pm me and ask, my darlings.

My Roleplays

My Universe
Save Me|Save Yourself|Save Us All, Just Give Me A Sign, Still Worth Fighting For, It Has Begun, Show Me The Truth

Other Rps:
This Fire Burns, Always| Bloodlines

My Favorite Peoples

These people are awesome and I love them so much. I would write with them anyday.

@SirensCall: This girl right here is so freaking awesome! Someone who I have written with for years, and has really became a true bff. She a wonderful writer. She always has a way to keep me on my toes with her twists and her characters witty come backs. Sometimes I don't know which I look forward to more, our chats or her replies to our roleplays. I love all of you, but if anyone deserves to be first, it's her

@POOHEAD189: Aww my sweet Poo. This man right here is a sweetheart ladies and gentlemen ❤. I really enjoy talking to him. He is funny, has awesome tastes in games, and likes talking to me even when I poof for a little while when busy. He always makes me happy. I'm lucky to have him as a friend, and that a stupid pun joke, got us talking.

Extra Stuffs

My Tictok

Most Recent Posts


Soraya Zahan - Greed

Pryce Mason - Gluttony


Lilalocha “Lila” Crowley - Envy


Zarach "Zar" Landow - Pride

Oliver sighed a little as he looked down at the small protection mark that was on his wrist slightly covered by both the sleeve of his dark blue suit and black under shirt. The mark hadn’t really been his choice as much as the leader of his and the other groups. Both a stipulation of going with his “crazy” plan, and a way to keep the track of the humans. A message that had been sent out to the humans on the guest list, along with a temporary version of the mark. Claiming they had been given the special chance to win a prize after the party. With the rule they weren’t to tell the other party guests. Intel had told them the other races that couldn’t tell through smell had systems in place.

Still it didn’t make him feel it was an less ridiculous. Oliver shook his head a little bit as he looked down at the silver, black, and blue mask, maybe that was the best thing about having a mask. If it looked as stupid as he thought, not everyone could tell who he was. Tying the mask on, he strapped his gun to his ankle before getting the rest of the way dressed and heading to the mansion. A few other hunters slowly started to catch and soon there was a small group walking with him. “So Oliver, since you’re in charge of this whole idea. What is our escape with our fellow humans if shit goes south?” The blonde huntress ask who took her place keeping pace with him.

Oliver looked at her and smiled. “Didn’t realize you were going to join us Cammie.” Only to get a small nod in return.

“Only for the night, I’m wanting to see how well this plan of peace goes seeing that there are going to be witches there.” She said making a disgusted look on her face as she said the word witches. “Have to head North in the morning though. Anyway the plan?”

Oliver nodded a bit not even bothering to to ask why she and her group where heading North, it would just get him a dirty look. “If shit hits the fan, we have the marks so that we can gather the humans quickly and protect them as a group. If we are attacked we fight back.” He sighed slightly. “If not, then let the other races protect themselves. It’s not our job.”

“And if all the humans die because of your beyond stupid plan doesn’t work?” The annoyed voice came from the raven haired woman behind him.

Oliver rolled his eyes as he looked straight again. “Then you can fucking shot me Helen. Better?”

“Oh, my apologies. I didn’t realize your name was Cammie too.” Camilla shot out as she looked back at Helen, who opened her mouth to answer before being cut off. “Oh it isn’t? Then bud out of our conversion, cause that’s rude yeah. That’s sweetie.”

The group started laughing quietly as Helen closed her mouth, and though it was quiet, it drew some attention to the small group and Oliver sighed. “We’ll talk about this more at the party, we’re drawing too much attention.” He said and got a small nod from the others. Slowly the group started to separate as they got to the mansion.


“I don’t know how you could manage to do your hair so well by yourself. It’s so pretty.” The redhead said to Tabitha as she looked in the mirror. Her long black hair in a elegant braided ponytail, purple flowers waved through in certain spots. The flowers the same color of her black and purple dress.

Tabby smiled slightly as she continued working on the red heads hair. “Why thank you, t’is something you learn when you dislike most people messing with your hair.”

Ember nodded a bit still smiling a bit. “I’ll have to teach me some time. When my arm isn’t broken.” She said, getting a hum of agreement from Tabby. “I really appreciate your help because of my arm, hopefully I will be able to find someone to still dance with me.”

“T’is no problem, after all you helped me so much today. And if you can’t doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the party.”

Ember nodded. “You you plan on dancing tonight?”

“I do, will a very tall friend of mine.”

“Is that why you’re wearing stilettos?” Ember asked with a chuckle before looking back as her hair was pulled roughly. “Ouch!”

“Oh sorry darling, tangle. And yes.” Tabby said before letting go of the girls hair. Which the girl thanked her again she nodded, and once the girl left the room Tabby wrapped the strand of hair she had pulled out around a small ring in her desk muttering a spell. Slipping the ring in her bra she straightened up her hair up a little bit before slighting and taking up her butterfly mask, which went from black to a light purple, and tying it on before heading downstairs. Once she was downstairs she was tasked with helping set up the food and drinks. Like a servant. Until they had to clear out of the main ballroom so that Selma and Shayne could set the protection spells. And they could finish decorating the rest of the bottom floor. Her eyes lingering for a few moments to watch where the spells were being placed.


Shortly after the word had been sent that the protection spells had been placed on the mansion floors Kiara made her way down to talk to Elder Selma, that was she believed her name was after all. Witches really had so many elders it was hard to remember which one was in change. As she made her way down the steps she feel the stares she was receiving. After all it wasn’t hard when it wasn’t suddenly so quiet that her older yet still beautiful dress was making sound as she made her way down the stairs. Truthfully though, it wasn’t something she was unused to, and it didn’t bother her any. Though even she could feel the tenseness of the red head walking behind her. Glancing back to see the uncomfortable look on her face. “Are you alright dear?” She questioned, only getting a tense nod in return.

Once they were in the still mostly empty ballroom though she could feel the angel relax slightly and smiled at the elder and other witch she didn’t know as they walked towards them. “Elder Selma. I really must thank you and your coven for how wonder my mansion looks. I apologize that I couldn’t be more help. Gathering people is quite tiring.” She said with a small chuckle before her pale blue eyes looked at Shay. The cooper and gold mask made to take the most attention. Her hair in a neat bun, other than the two strands of white hair the hung down in contrast to the brown.

When Selma introduced her as Shayne, Kiara smiled, giving a small curtsy before offering a hand. “A pleasure Shayne, I’m Kiara Marcia. I hope you have enjoyed your stay at my home. This is Dawn Hassinger, our angel guest of honor.” She said, and when there was no response she glanced back to see the red head frowning as she pulled at the one long sleeve of her dress. Her hair in a simple ponytail, her mask her and black to match the dress, with red beads hanging down from it. “I apologize, she’s more the fighter than the fancy dresser.” She said before clearing her throat, and hearing Dawn mutter in Scottish. Sighing she turned and pushing Dawn’s hand away, before adjusting the sleeve. “You’re going to rip it and being rude.” Kiara said her tone going a touch whiny.

Dawn sighed softly, before looking at the two witches. “Sorry, it’s nice to meet you, I’m just not used to dresses.” She said, offering her hand. Her voice a bit rough but still kind, a slight Scottish accent peeking through. “This place looks very nice."
Edit: Oh shit. Like I said so tired haha
Eli couldn't help but make a slight face as Rhi said something about Chester liking when girls were rough with him. Though...he kind of couldn't say nothing about that. It was still disgusting to think about Chester liking it, he shuddered a bit himself. “That's a little more than I wanted to know about this guy honestly.” He said taking the last drink from his glass with a small chuckle.

He gave a small nod, it was no wonder that she was upset if her brother and his friend had almost went with the group. It was a good thing that they hadn't though, though he doubted that this was a good time to bring that up. Instead he decided that comment on the other part of the conversation. “How many were in the group? Because if it was a large group there had to be a powerful, whatever they were hunting.”

When the topic changed to his bullets, he was happy to see her smiling a bit. Giggling even. Eli chuckled a bit and shook his head. “Alright Madam McDanger. But I still haven't tested how it held up at high speed and these are toxic to us humans too. So please be careful, and with a gun that's not yours. I remember last time I ruined your gun. I thought you were gonna shoot me.”

Eli couldn't help but be a little fascinated by this wedding Rhi had gotten information about. Especially after what she said about the all of the vampires coven leaders being there. He nodded at bit at her words, this was definitely something that they would have to get more information to plan out and it would have to be a solid plan. “Do you think that was what the southern council member that we found at the mall was here for? Because if so we will have to be extra careful checking these points and our information out.” He frowned a little as he thought for a moment. “If this is a vampire wedding, we should at least check out those places once in the morning just to safely check the vantage points.” He said before he got distracted by Taylor’s texts and he chuckled as he watched Rhi make her own list. “I’m guessing so, he usually only messages me list of my people.” He nodded a bit and replied to Taylor telling him that Rhi said hi and that she would give him her number tomorrow.

Eli couldn't help the fact he tensed up when the blonde guy just came over and pinched Rhi. Especially with the tense feeling in the air, but once Rhi laughed and started drinking the wine, he relaxed a bit. He nodded to Wes as he introduced himself, giving a small smile. “Oh you're the one I haven't met yet. Eli Harris.”

For the few moments he sat back half listening to them talk about Wes’ car, half in his own now slightly blurry thoughts. The fire demon information peaked his interest a little more and absentmindedly walked Rhi walk away. His eyes looked back to Wes when he apologized again for freaking him out. Eli just shook his head a little. “You don't really freak me out, as much as caught me ready to get protective.” He chuckled before shaking his head again. “I had the pleasure of meeting Chester.”

Eli smiled a little bit at the offer for a ride. “I appreciate it, but I already have someone coming to give me a ride.”

“And he would be really pissed if he came all the way out here. Just to find out you left with someone with a nicer truck.” Taylor’s amused voice came from behind Eli, making Eli chuckle. Taylor smiled a bit towards the guy on the other side of the table before offering him a hand. “Taylor Bishop.” He introduced himself before looking around. “This place is fancy, no bar fights, graffiti, or” Taylor made a sight face “naked ladies dancing on things.” Taylor took a seat on the other side of Eli, letting himself check out Wes a bit as he sat down. “Where's Rhi?”


“Mason decided that they needed a few more hunters in their group and asked me to go with them. We’d been following for about two hours before the explosion. Then the girl pulled the guys into the woods, and they had me and one of the other guys” He gestured back towards the people working on the bodies. “watch for any reinforcements. We could hear the fighting and then all the sudden everything got kind of quiet. So we went to go see if they had killed the demons. We made it just into the trees only to see the bodies of our friends laying on the ground. Mason, just laying there with his head…….”

Jeffrey shook his head a bit as if it would make the scene in his head disappear, he was clearly trying to fight back tears. “I'm sorry other than a couple voices, two female one male, and some kind of weird smoke signal. I didn't see or hear anything else. I was a bit of a wrack about my little brother.” Tara patted his back a little.

“Thanks Jeffrey, this was more help then you know.” She said giving her best sympathetic look. Before she left him she offered to drive him home, which he shook his head.

“Thanks Tara, but I have a car parked not far from here.” He answered not even bothering to look at her and for a moment she wasn't sure if she should leave him or not. But she couldn't very well tell a grown man that he wasn't allowed to drive himself home.

“Alright, be careful though okay. And if you need anything at all, you know Taylor and Eli’s number.” That got her a simple nod and she frowned a bit and left the man alone to go looking for Kyp and Sergo. “Hey guys...so um we have kind of a witness. He didn't know what demons they were hunting, because he and his brother…” She gestured to the covered body towards the front of the woods. “Were covering for a couple guys that couldn't show up. There must have been someone waiting in the woods because he said they were after two of them but there was three voices.” She explained before tell them the rest of what he had told her.
Heather couldn't help but wonder what was causing Clary to be so late for their early lunch, it wasn't really like Clary to be late unless something was going on. Though the longer it took the more Heather started to wonder if maybe she had just gotten really excited about something and forgot about it. Frowning a bit at her thoughts Heather started to pick at the bread of her sandwich. After a few more moments Heather sighed, decided that clearly Clary had gotten distracted and she should probably at least find her. If nothing else to give her, her nachos.

She turned to get her bag, to see Clary waving at her and she smiled a bit waving back to her. Heather shook her head, waving a hand at Clary’s question. “You don't owe me, love. Just get me next time we have lunch.” She said with a small chuckle, she didn't mind buying lunch for her friends from time to time. What were friends for? She couldn't help but smile as Clary talked a mile a minute before chuckling. “You're fine, love. I thought maybe you got excited about something and forgot. Was the new guy at least cute?”

When asked how her day had been Heather rolled her eyes a bit. “Well coexistence with humans is sooooo boring. I swear I'm going to end up falling asleep and failing it again.” She said before shaking her head and taking a sip of her drink. “Oh, and I embarrassed the shit out of myself and hurt my ass at the same time.” She said rolling her eyes a little as she laughed. “My two guys in Shifting didn't save me seat so I had to sit with some cute guy in the back. I think he said his name was Cain or something.” She waved her hand a bit stopping from her story to take a bite of her sandwich and swallow it. “My chair was crappy and couldn't handle being on two legs and tipped on me and it hurt like hell. I kind of have a headache from it. But the cute guy gave me his chair.” She ended the story smiling a little.

“You know we should totally make time to hang out this year still even though we only have like two classes together and I'm not dating Logan.” Heather said before offering Clary one of her chips.


Jo couldn't help but give a small frown at Alex’s reason for why he was sorry, she shook her head slightly. “It wouldn't have affected it if you hadn't taken so long though babe. My class let out early anyway so I was already on my way here when you got out.” She said trying to be reassuring. She didn't blame him, even if he felt like it was his fault it really wasn't. Jordyn smiled a bit when he nodded at her staying she still wanted to work on studying. One of the things she had figured out when she started coming here, if her brain was screaming because of studying to much. It blocked out whatever was bugging her at the time.

So yeah, maybe she shouldn't have told him about what Devin had said to her. More or less it had came out without her really thinking about how mad it would make him. However, she quickly worked to trying to calm him down with a little trick that nymphs could do, and do to being half of one she could do. She smiled a bit as it calmed him down, the smile only widening a bit as Alex placed a kiss to her temple. “You're welcome. That is the quiet relaxing thing I was telling you about either.”

Jo nodded her head a bit when he asked if she was ready. “I got a B on the paper from last night by the way.” She said proudly before looking through the book trying to find the parts she was having trouble on.


“Seriously, Professor Kane, thank you for talking to Professor Wilson and Long for me about switching class periods. I mean I feel like Wilson likes me enough, but like he would think I was just trying to get out of classes.” Iris said with a small laugh as she started to fix a stack of books in Kane’s office.

“Honestly he might have thought that. Though it's really no problem, Wilson owes me a few favors.” Kane said as she was looking through the papers from her first class of students, there was simply to much go over in her little bit of free time between classes. Though if she let it wait she would be up half of the night. “I appreciate you switching periods so that Melody can have next period with her sister. Just be sure to get your make up work from Wilson and let Long know who you are, in gym.”

“I won't.”

Kane heard Iris say before the loud crashing sound of books falling filled her office, and she looked up to see Iris surrounded by books. Blinking a bit before chuckling Kane snapped her fingers muttering, the books stacking themselves. “Are you alright there Cormac?”

Iris frowned a bit rubbing her wrist, before nodding a bit. “Yes, sorry professor. I tried to catch them. You know, if you have some of those little dividers for notebooks. I could organize this by race like your other shelves and then label them for you better.” She suggested before looking at Kane was quietly looking at her. “Or not, I mean it's just an idea.”

“No, that is actually very clever.” Kane said glancing down at the papers before setting them aside inside her desk. “I think that I might have a few in the room. I’ll be right back.” She said before leaving to head to her class leaving Iris in her office to finish sorting the books. It didn't take her very long to get to her classroom, finding the dividers in her mix of a classroom closet was a whole different matter. After a moment she frowned and made things move themselves around until she found the stack of them. As she locked her classroom up she saw Aren walking towards his office and stopped and waited for him.

“Aren.” She smiled a bit as he stopped and looked at her. “Sorry I know that you're busy. I just really wanted to apologize for losing my temper yesterday. I was just upset to think straight at that moment. Sore subject and everything.”
Ciara couldn't help but smirk at the fact she had pulled a moan from him as she bit a pulled at his bottom lip as she broke the kiss. A weird sense for cocky pride that she wasn't very accustomed to filling her. Adam revealed in making her blush. Maybe she revealed in leaving him breathless she was finding. Still she couldn't help the wow that came from her lips as the kiss ended. To say that he was a good kisser might just be an understatement. She grinned as she felt his lips kiss her forehead. Chuckling at his words.

It wasn't right though, as much as she wished that it was, and oh how much she wished it was. He was still getting married soon. Granted she don't deserve Adam, he didn't deserve to have a wife that took pleasure in hurting him. This wasn't the type of girl she was, she wasn't a homewrecker. Maybe the type of girls in his coven didn't care, but she did. Even if it wasn't fair that she enjoyed his kissing her, touching her, and being pinned against that wall….Why wasn't it right again? No, she knew why. She told him it wasn't right to, something that he should know, about to be married.

His words pulled her attention back to him, and she gave him a dirty look. Clearly he wasn't used to not getting his way with girls, and with an attitude like that, it was a wonder why. “Oh look, Prickdam is back. Don't worry sweetie, I know you can kill a mood. You don't have to prove it to me.” She said frowning at his smirk before rolling her eyes. However, she attention was drawn away from as she stepped away from him and focused on the area surrounding them. Nothing but darkness, the concrete, and the wall she had been up against. Though as she took a step the ground around them turned to lush grass, somehow that seemed so much relaxing and she smiled a little.

This was really interesting and she couldn't help but wonder what was the cause of this as she took another step forward into the grass and the clearing widened slightly. Interesting how far would it spread? Her thoughts were interrupted by Adam stepping in front of her asking what this was, she opened her mouth only to close it and give him a look at his next question. “No, I already told you that my powers are fire and a shield. I have no idea what is going on.” Ciara said before looking around her. “It's really interesting though.” She looked at him, still looking like he was blaming her.

“Think about Adam, if wanted to take you some weird place. Would I put myself there so I had to deal with you mad at me for yet another reason?” She said hand patting his arm softly, only to wince at the starp shock and she rubbed her hand on her shirt. “Damn it ouch! So annoying I swear.” Frowning down at her now red hand before shaking it. Crouching down she felt the grass around them, it was real and if this was some weird illustration it had to be strong magic. “Is this what being in your cloak is like?”

Her fingers dug into the dirt for a moment before the grass turned lighter, sprouting flowers. Ciara couldn't help but let out a surprised noise as she pulled her fingers out and stood. The clearing around them turning into a meadow of flowers of different colors. She looked at Adam. “I swear I don't know what this is. You try something. See what happens.”
Hoyt couldn't help but smile a bit at his paper. Good, I'm hoping for that. He wrote before tapping his own paper to get Adrian's attention. He was actually pleased with what Adrian said, as weird as it might have sounded. He had worked hard not to show signs of what he was. His long term goal was to learn to avoid shifting all together. Though it was more likely that he still was and Adrian didn't see it. He probably wouldn't have any idea what he should be looking for. Really though, either way it was good.

He barely heard the question Adrian was asked either, mostly because he was in his own mind. Though the answer to the question was an interesting one, and he couldn't help but sit up a bit watching what Ezria was doing. It was really impressive and he wished there was a way to do something like that, though it would probably be more pain than it was worth.

Kajun couldn't help but smile as he watched the pretty TA girl’s arm turn scaley. It was definitely interesting that she could do that, he wouldn't be able to. Hell, he couldn't even keep himself from purring like a idiot. He actually liked the dragons though, they pretty nice, even if they a little easy to offend. He raised his hand at the question, though the teacher didn't call on him, picking someone closer to the front.

The girl she picked was, kind of right, the parts were part of the body. Raising his hand again he smiled as he was picked this time. “Shifting affects your bones, skin, and brain. Namely the left hemisphere, which handles language.” When she said he was right he smiled purring a bit as he wrote down what had been written on board.


Devin rolled his eyes as the professor said the next time he was late, he would get detention. Like he gave a fuck what the professor of the most useless class in the school thought. He frowned a bit as he took his seat in front the bitch Martins. Everyone seemed to like the little one, he didn't see why. She was just as much worthless trash as her older sister.

Randa whispered in his ear, and he hissed at the feeling of her breathe on his neck. Great, he would have to shower after gym to get that filth off of him. He was trying his best to ignore the little bitches behind him, when he felt something hit him in the back of the head, he rolled his eyes imagining it. Though he saw the piece of paper get kicked into his eyesight.

DuPage was to busy talking about the stupid wars to pay attention as he bent down to pick it up and look at it, just to frown at the paper. You need some nuts to replace yours? Glenn might have some, a little big for you though. Yeah? When DuPage turned to write something on the board, Devin tore the paper up turning and flipping the scraps at her. “Why don't you use them to go fuck yourself trash.” He hissed quietly at her.


Jo nodded a bit though her hand stayed on her side. “Thank you, but I'll be fine.” She said reassuringly, it wasn't like it hurt as badly as yesterday, it was just still really sore. Honestly she didn't think about the fact that Devin wasn't following them as weird. Why would he? He had just got punched in the face. Still she was happy when Joe said he would stay with her, and she smiled a bit at him before setting her stuff out.

Though it wasn't long until Alex got there and she went straight to him, unable to keep herself from crying anymore. Just having his arms around her made her safer, and calmed her a little bit. She didn't have a chance to answer before Joe did. She able to stop the little bit of crying she was doing as Alex rubbed her back calming her down. It wasn't really that she was hurting other than her side. It was the shock of being grabbed by the neck.

She managed a small forced smile at Joe as he spoke again and she nodded. “Thank you Joe, so much.” She said before he slipped into the shadow and she blinked a bit as he was just gone. Alex walked her towards the table and she sat at the table and looked at him as he spoke. “Why are you sorry? It's not your fault.” The thought of not doing her class was tempting, she couldn't lie. All the while she didn't want to think about what happened anymore.

“No, I still want to do it. It will get my mind off what happened. Let me just calm down a bit more.” She said looking at him for a moment before leaning her head against his shoulder. She just….she needed him right now. He whistled and she smiled a bit at the sight of Blaze, petting her after her nuzzled her hand, head still on Alex’s shoulder. This was helping a lot, she was calming down and didn't feel like she was going to start crying anymore.

She moved her head and looked at him when he apologized again. Gently she put her hand through his hair getting him to look at her. “This isn't your fault Alex, he is a gross prev. If anything I should have known better than to think he would take long to recover.” She said frowning and as she looked down at Blaze. “He said something about showing me a real man. Like he half the guy you are. And then tried to bite me. So I kicked him between the legs, and I thought it would hurt him more it did.”

When she looked at Alex, she was able to see him getting mad, she frowned a bit lacing her fingers through his, thumb rubbing his wrist as a yellow light shot up his arm almost like her dust. It was a nymph trick to calm people and ease their muscles. What she had been planning on showing Alex anyway.
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