Avatar of Love Dove


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Reject humanity, become a swamp witch
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2 yrs ago
Sometimes my phone freezes up and I accidentally end up on a strangers profile
2 yrs ago
The urge to not exist anymore gets stronger and stronger everyday man
2 yrs ago
Gonna be a busy weekend with birthdays and the Mothman festival. Replies might be a bit slower sorry
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2 yrs ago
Holy shit did I make through this week yet it's been a year at this point


About The Dove:


Let's see what else? I usually go by Love or Dove. I have been writing off and on, for at least twelve years. I'm a gamer, so feel free to talk to me about games. If I know them we can talk eachother's ears off. Especially Dragon Age. Or really anything, However, have issues playin fandoms sorry. I can be a bit of a chatty Cathy. I write for what I would call low to middle advanced. Post length is 3-6 paragraphs on average, but I've been known to post more though. It really depends on my level of interest. I usually stay to 1x1's because I like the level of connection, and can play both males and females.

Want to know something else about me? Pm me and ask, my darlings.

My Roleplays

My Universe
Save Me|Save Yourself|Save Us All, Just Give Me A Sign, Still Worth Fighting For, It Has Begun, Show Me The Truth

Other Rps:
This Fire Burns, Always| Bloodlines

My Favorite Peoples

These people are awesome and I love them so much. I would write with them anyday.

@SirensCall: This girl right here is so freaking awesome! Someone who I have written with for years, and has really became a true bff. She a wonderful writer. She always has a way to keep me on my toes with her twists and her characters witty come backs. Sometimes I don't know which I look forward to more, our chats or her replies to our roleplays. I love all of you, but if anyone deserves to be first, it's her

@POOHEAD189: Aww my sweet Poo. This man right here is a sweetheart ladies and gentlemen ❤. I really enjoy talking to him. He is funny, has awesome tastes in games, and likes talking to me even when I poof for a little while when busy. He always makes me happy. I'm lucky to have him as a friend, and that a stupid pun joke, got us talking.

Extra Stuffs

My Tictok

Most Recent Posts

Adira Malette

135|Witch|Balanced Soul|The Follower

March 30th, Aries

A very elegant, confident, and determined tone about her, Adira has an air about her of a well to do woman. One that if you didn't know her well, would make you think she wasn't the type to work well with others. A cover she hides herself behind well. In truth she is actually quite unsure of herself. Given some of the best education in the south, while she was growing up, Adira is very intelligent.Yet the smart ideas she has are usually spoken in the form of a question. Most of her attitude comes from the fact that she works so closely with Sybil, and knowing she is untouchable by anyone but Sybil herself. Though despite how powerful she is, she is more likely to cower if she does something she was told by Sybil wrong.

A mixture of respect of the woman who gave her everything and slight fear of Sybil is one of the reasons she is so loyal to her and will do whatever she is asked. No matter if she sometimes questions it. The Malette family themselves having been a very powerful family from the south, known for dabbling in blood magic and for following Sybil when she ran the South Covern. Adira has known Sybil since she was born and Sybil has been almost like a mother to her her whole life. Her mother dying when she was very young, leaving her to her grandfather as her father was not in the picture. When the chance to leave came up, she couldn't do it.

Adira herself is very versed in both her dark and old magic, though her old magic is used more for personal uses. Just like her mother and grandfather, Adira is a very strong blood witch. Which in truth works well with her ability to cut things and people without touching them. Which keeps it from affecting her soul and mind as it does some, something that makes her far less crazy than her family members. She still does suffer from affliction, and can hear voices, not only from her own head, but being born with it she has learned ways to handle it.

Ciara rolled her eyes at his words as she moved past him. “Shakiness, the want to hit you. Whatever you want to call it.” Soon her attention was drawn more to the darkness around her though, or what was darkness. Now it was a beautiful lush meadow. Was she doing this? Adam had seemed to think so. He kept asking her if this was her power, it wasn’t, she had never done anything like this before. Adam’s next words made her look up at him and frown despite the fact her face turned a deep red. “You started kissing me first. And you're getting married. It's not going to happen again.” She said before she patted his arm. The shock that came from it was likely the worst one yet, and she shook her hand. ”I don't know, I'm sorry.”

Not even Ciara expected the flowers, sure she had thought the meadow would be prettier with flowers. Even still, she didn't expect to make them grow. Pulling her hand from the ground, she sat Indian style enjoying the flowers as Adam tried something. Sticking his hand into the dirt as she did. Ciara looked around waiting for something to happen. Only to roll her eyes when he said it must be her doing because he got nothing. ”I already told you it isn't.”

When he turned to look at her there was a flash of light that even had her shielding her eyes. When she unshielded her eyes, Adam was spinning around looking at the sky. It was kind of adorable really, and she smiled before looking up at the stars and taking them in, as well as the way it made the flowers itself glow with it. It was so beautiful, as surprising as it was this would be something he did.

Still looking at the stars, Ciara slowly stood and moved slowly to where she was a little closer to Adam. ”Okay, yours is prettier.” She said softly once she was a little closer, her eyes still on the stars as they started making what she guessed was their own constellations. Then suddenly the stars disappeared, she flashed Adam a confused look. Why did he take the stars away? It was then that she realized the grass and and flowers were gone too. ”What the hell?”

Ciara couldn't really explain it, there was a slight tingly feeling throughout her body. Almost like when they fought the first time. ”Cover your eyes.” She said reaching out and taking the hem of his shirt before the whole area was covered in light. It only took her a few moments for her eyes to adjust, but as she started to pull Adam closer it was like she was hit by a ton of bricks as darkness overwhelmed everything. Hitting Ciara enough to kick the wind out of her. She felt the bricks against her back as she struggled to catch her breath. The whole world spinning back to her, Adam's arm around her waist. There was a different light lighting up the alley as she opened her eyes and the sound of voices came to her stopping her from speaking.

”It isn't a solution! Its being lazy and pretending this isn't real. But news flash its real, you die and I die or the other way around! What do you think will happen to not only me if your coven takes over mine, but you when I'm dead?" The fire lighting the alleyway spread along the walls flickering from her anger, the light it was putting off fading just feet from where they were now standing. Adam standing perfectly still as Ciara walked towards him shaking it anger. ”Lastly I know you aren't my black knight, what you are is a egotistical bipolar mistreated insanely unfairly handsome prick!"

The flames died out as Adam let out a cruel laugh. “What the fuck did you expect me to say?” Then he started walking towards her and forcing her back. “Did you think I would join you in this fantasy world you are painting for yourself? Did you think I would come willingly participate in some secret training? You naïve pathetic little girl!” His fists hit the side of the walls on either side of Ciara’s head. You live in a fantasy world where everyone is good and perfect! I do not fit into you rainbow picture, bitch! I am evil, I am darkness, and I am death! I tried to kill you, and I would try again if it did not mean killing myself! So, yes! I will come meet you once every three days to shake your fucking hand to stay alive. And yes, that is my solid plan. And when, not if, my coven takes over yours, I will save your pathetic worm of a life and throw you in the dungeon where I will continue to visit you every three days to stay alive.” The soft, actually scared whisper of Ciara. ”Please don't put me in the dungeon, Adam."

Then Adam started kissing her, and as Ciara clearly started to getting into the kissing too. The alley was pulled into darkness. Before a flash of bright light filled it.

Ciara was forced to cover her eyes, and once the light stopped blinding her. She looked and they were just…..gone. ”What the FUCK just happened?!” She said looking at Adam.
Tara listened to the guys as they started trying to figure out what creature the other two had with them. It felt like they were overlooking a few and when Serg said something about Reapers she sighed thinking a bit. “I mean he never said if the other creature actually attacked or not. Guys you are overlooking the fact we are in the middle of the woods. If the other thing was a simply a get away it could have been a fae or nymph some go through trees.” She said looking at both of them.

Tara smiled a bit when Kyp said they weren't good at talking to people like that and nodded. “No problem, I have to for Eli all the time.” She glanced back at where he had been sitting and shrugged a bit. “Sure, I'm sure Tali would appreciate it.” When he asked if she wanted to help them some more she smiled and nodded again. “Sure what can I do?”


Eli chuckled a bit and shook his head. “Sure, because I don't remember you almost blowing up a coffee shop before getting the people out.” He couldn't help but make a face at her next words. “So someone used the bombs to cover up killing one of their elders to blame it on us.” He shook his head. “I mean, I don't care but grow a pair.” The subject changed again to this wedding and he nodded a bit. He had no doubt Kyp would look into it. Hell, he had a habit of looking into details that he didn't even think of. But still that didn't mean there wasn't some risk. “That's true, but doesn't mean they won't have the witches helping them set it up during the day.”

Once Wes joined them and Rhi left the table, the conversation switched to Chester. He dealt with quite a few scam of the earth, but it took a lot to make his skin crawl like that guy. He shook his head a little when Wes said that Chester had good information. “I would hope so, he makes the assholes I get information from look like saints.” Eli just shaked his head a little bit at what Wes said about him trying things when Serg wasn’t around. He fully intended to keep his promise about having his balls cut off. He chuckled slightly. “Oh yeah? What did you do when you met him?”

“Nice to meet you Wes.” Taylor said as he sat down, before nodding a bit about Rhi knowing the owner and bartenders. “You need to start having meetings here too Eli.”

Eli chuckled “I think my meeting place is pretty nice, considering.”

“Yeah, no, it's not.” Taylor said giving Eli a look, to which he just shrugged off. Taylor gave a sad look when Wes said that Rhi’s brother knew the hunting group that was killed. “How is she taking it?” When Rhi came back to the table Taylor smiled at her and nodded a bit. “Hey Rhi. Yeah, and he didn’t run away like you said he might.” He said with a slight laugh.


Willow smiled and stretched her body the best she could, despite the fact she couldn’t really move very well. Looking down she softly put her hand on the top of Sal’s head, who was half cuddling, half laying on top of her. It took her a few minutes to get out of bed, but it was something she both loved and was used to so she couldn’t complain. Walking into the the kitchen she sighed to herself, cleaning her dishes from the night before and started maybe breakfast for everyone. Some leftover steak, eggs, hashbrowns, and coffee.

Off in her own little world she barely even noticed other people coming into the kitchen until Tiff peeked over her shoulder and asked what she was doing. “Well, I didn’t get to make you dinner last night so I thought I would make breakfast.” She answered with a smile before she started making plates as the others came in.


The whole world sucked! The light sucked! She never hated the sound of birds outside of her window so freaking much. With a groan Jo turned away from the light from the window, cursing the fact that she had drunk the whole rest of the half of a bottle left over from Alex. Now she had a hangover, a boyfriend that was mad at her, and her sisters were waiting to bitch her out too. All she wanted was to cuddle Alex, he made things better.

Finally after laying there for a few hours she got out of bed and went into the kitchen to find everyone already there eating breakfast. Willow was nice enough to make her plate, and smiled a bit thanking her, before eating. After a few moments of silence eating she looked over to Drake. “Do you think you would have time to go to town with me later? I need to get something for Alex.”


It wasn’t very often when he stayed over that her alarm woke him, but the night before had been such a eventful one that he had actually had trouble sleeping. Feeling the movement on the bed, Logan groaned his arms wrapping around Billie’s body and pulled him closer to him cuddling her against him. “No, you aren’t allowed to go for your run yet.” He mumbled in her ear sleepily, feeling her chuckle a little against him.

He didn’t after falling asleep again but woke up alone an hour later and sighed to himself as he got up and got dressed again. If nothing else at least he would have time to get a shower and relax a little bit for his day off. He made sure to lock the door behind him as he left and headed to his house. As soon as he opened the door, he found himself smiling at the fact Clary was curled up still on the couch. Following the smell of food cooking, Logan headed into the kitchen to find Cole. “Hey, what you making?” He asked leaning against the door frame.
Kat smiled a bit to herself as she sat beside Atty. As weird as it might sound to people, she knew that Lia wasn’t near as hard as she acted. It was one of those things that you actually had to live with her to pick up on. Also she gave really good hugs actually. Then Atty said that he would tell her the story again from the beginning, and smiled a little bit more. “That would be really great. Just from what I heard it was going to be a good story.” She said before she started picking at her muffin. Kat was trying really hard not to let on that she was feeling off, but it was making her less hungry than usual. She was really glad that it most not have been noticeable.

Kat was in her own little world has she ate it, barely noticing that Atty had gotten up to make himself some tea. Though her thoughts were pulled back to the room when Lia said the seamstresswas coming later, and she smiled a bit. “Oh okay….oh this is going to take some thought!” She said feeling herself get a bit excited, her first time going to a ball with a dress made just for her. It would definitely have to be pretty, and lots of color. Well maybe not lots of color, then it would look tacky. Oh maybe blues and greens….wait did she have any green or blue heels?

Once again she found herself staring off in thought. She frowned to herself a bit before shaking her head as if it would help. Then Edger wobbled his cute little butt over to her, and she started feeding him bits of muffin before Mitch finally came in. The half asleep train wreck he was. She nodded a bit to what Atticus said before whispering back. “If she does, I'm gonna stay in the castle for a few days.”

When Mitch reacted to her good morning she couldn't help but giggle, and it didn't help that Atty almost shot tea out if his nose beside her, before burning himself. It was turning into a fun morning all around. “Thanks Atty.” She said before pulling it apart and letting it cool as she picked at the bit from her last one.

Kat was really looking forward to not having a lesson today. It would be fun to have the whole day to herself. To relax and hang out with Atty. “That sounds really good. I wanna try a piece of the pie.” She said when Lia talked about making s'mores pie. Because who wouldn't want a pie with chocolate and marshmallows.


He really didn't want to be awake right now. If Edger hadn't woke him up, he would have probably slept until Lia woke him up. Because he was extremely tired. At the moment he was barely functioning, and didn't care how he looked. He heard the three of him laugh at his reaction to Kat. Mitch couldn't help it though, she was extremely loud first thing in the morning. And then seeing the kitchen filled with muffins. Last time it had been cupcakes.

Mitch smiled a bit and nodded when Lia said she was going to make cookies soon, and he looked at Atty and nodded To him. “Thanks man.” He said before looking back to Lia. “I can get it down for you in a minute.” He added before he started drinking his coffee. It still surprised him that Lia could make some of the best coffee, and he sighed a bit happily as he drank his.

Mitch's eyes followed Lia as she headed out of the door with Edgar, before looking at the others. “So, if you don't have lessons today. What you guys going to get into?”

“Well I might try to practice some from yesterday but not sure yet. And Atty was going to tell the story he started last night. Other than that, I don't really know.” Kat answered.

Mitch chuckled a bit. “The one about the hunters?” When Atty shot him a look and told him which one she was talking about he nodded a bit before drinking on his coffee.

“What hunter one? I want to hear about the hunter one too.” She said and when Atty replied she nodded a bit and started picking at her muffin again.

Mitch watched her pick at her muffin for a moment. “You alright?”

Kat sighed a bit looking at what was left. “Yeah, I'm just not that hungry this morning.” Mitch raised a brow and gave Atticus a look as she wrapped up her over half a muffin and said she would just take it with her, because Kat was probably the biggest breakfast person that he knew. “I'm gonna go get dressed so we can go.” She said before heading back upstairs.

Autumn Anderson

105|Witch - Werewolf Hybrid|Against The War|The Dead

"Call me a coward, but maybe its better for my family to think I'm gone."


-Autumn is believed dead by all of her family. Surely you know the story about the girl that caused the last Werewolf and Vampire war, in the far West. That would be Autumn. She ran to the vampires hoping to be protected from her father because she was a witch, but they tried to use her against him. Afraid for her mother she ran instead.

-Autumn is a very powerful witch, product of both a strong magical family and a family of Alpha wolves. She specializes in a type of magic that is close to Natural magic that effects sound waves. She is also a Alpha wolf.

-At the moment she is hiding in the same pack as Arik, she has held the rank of beta or The Omega tightly for the last five years. Thankfully so even, she doesn't care about titles in the least. She craves friendship and safety after the time she spent alone.

-Autumn is completely colorblind, due to a birth defect of being a hybrid. This is also the reason that while in wolf form her eyes appear a light blue instead of yellow.
1. Pride - American Authors
2. She's So Mean - Matchbox 20
3. Oh Lord - In This Moment
4. Monster - Meg Myers
5. Dark Horse - Katy Perry
6. Bad Religion - Godsmack
7. Thunder - Imagine Dragons
8. My Demons - Starset
9. I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic At The Disco
10. Victorious - Panic At The Disco

Vera Palash

Age Unknown|UnSeelie Fae|Wings|UnSeelie Queen

"I'm not heartless, I have a heart....oh. Well excuse the fuck out of my not wanting my people insulted. Fucking Da'lamra"


-Vera has been the Queen of the UnSeelie for hundreds of years. Not because no one has tried to take her place, but because no one has beating her yet. That said, not to many have tried. Compared to the last queen, she is a Mothersent.

-Being a royal she has some special advantages. She has met Mother Nature and often gets to speak with her. She also mentally knows where each of her people are. As well as were they are reborn. Which can get to be a headache at times.

-While having more contact with the other races then some of her people. Vera still takes words quite literal.
1. Beth Crowley - Battle Cry
2. Jennifer Nettles - That Girl
3. Maroon 5 - Misery
4. Jo Dee Messia - My Give A Damns Busted
5. The Chainsmokers - Paris
6. Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care
7. Jon Bellion - All Time Low
8. Lorde - Royals
9. Selena Gomez - Fetish
10. Eric Church - Creepin
1. Halestorm - Mz Hyde
2. Melanie Martinez - Nightcore Version - Dollhouse
3. Theory Of A Deadman - Stright Jacket
4. Maroon 5 - This Love
5. Pan!c At The Disco - This Is Gospel
6. Pan!c At The Disco - Miss Jackson
7. Carter's Chord - Different Breed
8. Alanis Morrisette - You Oughta Know
9. Nicki Minaj - Stupid Hoe
10. Shinedown - Asking For It

Ryder Parker

196|Seelie Fae|Wings|The Provider

"I really don't care for politics. I'm to busy actually getting my hands dirty for my people to give a shit who is right or wrong."


-While not the most important in his tribe, Ryder does play an important role. He is a farmer, mostly because his element is nature. He also takes care of the Halla, and leads one of the hunting parties for his tribe.

-Ryder is more likely to be in the woods in or around his tribe. He finds it much more soothing. It helps the fact that he tends to get more uncomfortable and frustrated around a lot of people.

-He has a long time on and off boyfriend, Swayer. Honestly, he is well aware that he is often the reason for the brake ups. Unlike his boyfriend, he isn't as content with his sexuality and it causes him to be self damaging. Which can cause him to sometimes be a little harsh.
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