Avatar of Lurking Shadow


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1 yr ago
Current I love hunt showdown. nothing like talking shit in prox chat while having a friendly cowboy shootout over a bayou bounty. Now I just need to acquire skill over ungodly amount of hours playing the game
1 yr ago
It's crazy to see another furry in the wild. Well, back to my hidey-hole.
1 yr ago
Angus McSix and the Sword of Power is a pretty damn good album. I was hesitant about Thomas Winkler's new band after being booted from Gloryhammer but my worry was unfounded. He is def back one better
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3 yrs ago
What's all this about DnD, where my CoC bois at who enjoy the game where every encounter can be a TPK, never use magic unless you want to die, and where you never save the day but delay the inevitable
4 yrs ago
Kane Lives
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Name: S’Hraa
Time of Day: Morning
Location: Outside, then the kitchen
Interacting with: @Shard@CaptainMarvel

That’s it… just a little clossser… S’Hraa thought, concealed partially in the ground a few feet from an oblivious fawn. A few feet from breakfast… and lunch and dinner for the next two weeks. Normally S’Hraa would elect to spend the morning resting on a rock, relaxing and absorbing the heat rocks tend to store from the sun, but he spied on a heard of deer. One of his favored prey. For one as experience as he, it was simple to get the fawn separated from the rest, and to lure it towards him. Coiled tight like a spring, he waited on the fawn. 30 feet. 20 feet. 8 feet, when suddenly the fawn showed a change in it’s movements and S’Hraa’s senses were assaulted by a familiar and beloved smell. Fear. Wasting no time he sprung forth opening his maw and in one fluid motion wrapped tightly around the fawn and bit into it’s flesh, injecting his venom into the fawn and crippling it within minutes. Knowing the fawn would attempt to wrestle free he loosened his grip slightly letting the fawn move around more, pump blood faster, and accelerate the effects of the poison. Within seconds the fawn stopped moving altogether and S’Hraa adjusted to ingest it whole. Until it exploded and put S'Hraa's sleep to an abrupt end.

Awakened by what sounded like an explosion, S’Hraa was confused and a little bit upset over being awakened from his nap on the roof and elected to go find the source of the noise. Slithering along the ground silently and cloaking himself with illusion magic, a precaution in case the source of the noise proved hostile, he saw one of the smooth skins carelessly run past. A large specimen with green skin who was caked in fear. Still a little confused, the intoxicating aroma lured him. Remembering that he has not eaten in nearly a month (having spent most of that time getting to the guild), S’Hraa switched gears from an irate reptile to a hungry one and followed the green one to his destination.

Hiding just beyond the threshold, S’Hraa detected several within the area and waited …observing as he always does. Though he is unable to hear most of what is being said within the kitchen, he could sense the movements they make. The green skin grabbed something before bolting out of the kitchen with such speed that S’Hraa felt unable to match.

Tricky smooth skin, speed will be difficult to match. Incapacitation necessary to catch. Perhaps a poison to cripple movements or a hallucinogen to distract…. S’Hraa thought, before having a moment of clarity.

Wait…no. Need to find alternative source of food. Can’t let hunger get control of me, plus harming another guild member will make studies…. difficult. Perhaps one of the others may be able to accommodate me.

Dispelling his invisibility he walked in the kitchen and noticed two Enuri and a wolf. Noticing that the smaller one was preparing a dish, he might be the one to ask. Hopefully there would be a deer or something around. Moving towards Willow, and lowering himself to eye level and stared with a hungry look in his eye for a moment.

”Need meat, preferably alive. I have not eaten in nearly a month and it is starting to get problematic. I considered eating that smooth skin that just left, the fear he emitted was intoxicating and I momentarily lost my senses to my hunger. Do you happen to have any live animals around? Preferably not something like that, S’Hraa said, gesturing towards the wolf too much fur, hard to digest and it messes up my digestive tract."
I'm indifferent about uniforms though S'Hraa might object if it is constricting in movement as he switches regularly between walking upright and slithering on the ground.

Well, this took me a bit longer as I was doing some research on snakes but I finally finished. Somehow it still ended up Herbert West-y as I was writing it so I think I got that cheeky reference in.


I'll probably go with that for the sake of simplicity as long as you are fine with me having a few things different about the culture which I'll justify them by maybe being separate from any 'main' tribe, . I'm at a convention right now so I prob won't get a sheet filled in till early next week after I get ba k home on Sunday.
Also, I'm glad that you like the idea of healing magic being able to animate objects. :D It always seemed to be a natural way to extend the idea of healing magic to me....

having an occupation of animating things makes kind of makes me want to name my character after a certain scientist *cough cough*
but that wouldn't really fit the nomenclature I've been sticking to so far among a few other reasons. A good lesson in 'Just because we can, does not mean we should' though.

You did not really specify what details you need (physiology? culture? a brief history of thier existance and what they as a race have accomplished?) So I'll just have a quick summary of a few of the things I think would be important in no particular order. I am willing to budge a bit on anything to make it fit better for the RP if needed.

Serpent people are essentially very large snakes with limbs and share many traits including venomous fangs and a keen sense of 'smell'. Culturally they are fond of alchemy and have crafted all sorts of manner of potions and poisons for nearly any purpose. They are carnivorous and, only possessing fangs, are incapable of chewing and swallow prey whole to digest over several days. Normally they eat something nearly as large as they are and can go a few weeks before requiring any more sustenance. As a society they value hunting above nearly all else and are all taught to abide by a set of ethics valuing stealth and a clean kill. They are generally friendly to those of other races and may help others if they are able to.

That's all I can really think of right now, if I missed something let me know.

I'm cool with beast races, especially as I was going to use one I prototyped a bit from the Serpent People in Lovecraftian mythos. Anatomically they are essentially the same but I do differ on the society and culture. Still working on the character but am thinking going with an Animancer would be fun. Was wanting to do something with healing and the added bonus of animating things allows for some interesting writing. If you'd like a quick overview of the race's physiology, culture, etc let me know. They look like this and average slightly taller than the average human


I'm interested in the mage guild, I have a custom race I might use that might fit in a guild setting.
While Nuthrix awaited their response, he noticed that one of the pair seemed agitated while the other seemed to be calm. They both had weapons ready, but decided aggression was not a viable choice and holstered their weapons.

This pleased Nuthrix and allowed some new thoughts. Not all of the humans were incapable of realizing the best course of action. Nuthrix was aware of some sort of conflict between major factions, conflict means a reliable source of biomass to assimilate. Perhaps after he amasses enough power and territory, he can come to a mutual arrangement with one of the factions. If not, he will make it so through force or perhaps other, subtler, forms of manipulation.

"Our choice is we go on our own way… But uhm, may I ask what you are doing... and hmm... why you need them sacrifices.”

A good choice, your health will benefit from it. As for your question, I was merely performing a ritual with my priests. You can see how that ended. I hold no malice for others, but any action taken against the Hive will be reciprocated. A few moments of interference will delay me a week, more humans will need to be provided and the process of preparing them for a ritual is time consuming.

As for the why… it is simply what fuels our magik. When we bargain for power, something must be offered, something must bleed. My offer stands, if you are willing to bring victims, you will be compensated. The only catch is that they must be alive. Beyond that their state of health does not concern me. If you are unwilling, it would be best to forget what you saw as you leave, you won’t benefit from knowing of me. If you need to, you may find me here for the time being. At least until I can expand my influence further. My minions will await your return…

Having said that, Nuthrix retreated into the woods with the Hive Priests back to the cavern further in. The aura of dread seeming to leave with him. The Ghasts followed shortly after, having picked the clearing free of any human remains. The only indicator of the even happening would be the stone monoliths and the faint smell of blood.

Nuthrix thought, sensing some humans approaching.

They can’t interfere now, if the ritual were to be interrupted at this stage…

But before finishing his thought, he directed his Ghasts to incapacitate them without bloodshed as their unpurified blood may taint the spell. Well, at least that was the plan before one of them left the camera flash on. While a flash is merely annoying to most, to the Hive Priests (which are adapted for dark environments) this sudden change in light is painful causing one of them to fumble and miss the sacrifice. This would prove disastrous, and with Nuthrix and the Hive Priests briefly were at varying degrees of shock.

The red mist in the center, which have been feeding off of the essence of the sacrifices, was now interrupted much like a blood vessel clotting and the heart is unable to pump blood. After a brief period of inactivity, the mist began to fluctuate wildly before condensing into a miniature storm with blood red clouds. While it lasted briefly, it was no less terrible and electrocuted the remaining sacrifices and a Hive Priest to death rather painfully before dissipating.

You ignorant humans made a mistake coming here…

Nuthrix communicated mentally

Interrupting a uln’vulgtm as demanding as this has dangerous effects, it was fortunate that it was relatively harmless this time around. Not that it matters much as I don’t intend for you to leave.

Sensing a change in Nuthrix's mood, the Ghasts altered their gait. Switching from intimidating (like a beast growling) to a more offensive charge. While the humans had the advantage of range, they did not get to make much use of it due to a combination of being outnumbered and fear. In the chaos, it was clear they needed to choose either fight or flight but the result was the same. After a few minutes it was still 15 Ghasts but the Humans fared poorly, being reduced to little more than several piles of discarded limbs and organs, some even being chewed on by a Ghast. Although one of them managed to elude his pursuers presumably with the camera as well. Time would tell is this would amount to anything...
Meanwhile two other humans approached from the other side of the clearing, arriving just near the conclusion. The Ghasts moved to intercept with the same ferocity that doomed the earlier group before being stopped by Nuthrix.

They had only just arrived and have not done anything yet, plus he could sense… some sort of aura about them that gave him pause. He saw no reason to be aggressive at this time despite his bitter mood. He allowed the humans the chance to leave, but they foolishly interrupted the ritual and ruined a week of preparation. He will offer these humans a similar choice.

What do you hope to gain approaching this slaughter? There is little more here than death.

Nuthrix communicated, gesturing to the grisly remains of the soldiers.

These fools interrupted a ritual and paid for it with their flesh and blood. As long as you don’t repeat their mistake I won’t seek you any harm and you may proceed elsewhere. Now, unless you can offer me some humans to sacrifice I suggest you leave unless you would like to feel the strength in our bite...

Nuthrix then gestured to the Ghasts covered in gore. Most of them were waiting impatiently at his side, waiting for the command to attack. A few of them were hungrily gnawing on the marrow and sinews on human bones and fighting amongst each other for the scraps. While technically Ghasts did not need to eat, He felt it would help to sell the trouble they would face.

So? make your choice, anything to say?

Nuthrix waited for a reply
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