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It's your local steamed bun. Nice to meet you! I go by Mantou or Mant-- whatever you want, really.

You can usually find me playing Casual, and sometimes I'll dabble in Advanced if I have the time. While I'm not the best at writing, I definitely enjoy learning as I go. It's a big reason I stick around.

As a student, I always try to find time to reply. With that said, time management can be difficult, so I don't sign up for over 4 RPs at a time. Other than fandoms (that I'm not a part of), I can generally enjoy any genre of roleplay. So far, I've played in fantasy, supernatural, slice of life, horror, and wuxia (discord) settings.

Additionally, I live in the Philippines, and so I follow the (GMT +8:00) timezone.

That should be about it for important details.

Feel free to message me if you'd like to talk or discuss RP concerns!

Credits to owner:Mantou How-To
Bio photo credits to video creator above.

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collab w/ @ERode & @Mantou

Fuck the Fritz and fuck GEMINI. Could never trust the government to keep their word…even if all the money that they said they were going to pay her did, indeed, make it to her bank account. Good times, then. Back in her comfy jumpsuit and intent on not doing any more labour for them, despite the whole scenario of how there were still tons of rats scurrying about in and around the precinct, Klava pushed her bike out the back of one of the APCs, prepared to pig out at a breakfast buffet.

But there was a pause, however slight, when her eyes caught the untransformed visage of Protector’s. She scratched her head, mentally tossed a ball of paper into a mental recycling bin, and called out, “Hey, lets grab breakfast together. I know a cute place.”

“You do?” Klava’s magic words made Aria do a little hop. In an instant, the disappointment plastered all over her face vanished. Initially, the esper in question was filling herself with minor complaints… because it was one thing to get paid for risking their lives on the frontlines, but it was another thing entirely to be indirectly denied valuable sustenance. In her mind, a tear rolled down her face as she thought about the donuts and coffee that could’ve been. The fourth floor was too much work to get up to, anyways.

So with giddy steps, she scurried over to Klava’s bike and gently lifted her skirt. “...May I?” An odd time to ask for permission, perhaps– the two fought together, after all. Still, it had been a while since she’d been invited to eat out by anyone other than her nursery colleagues.

“No prob.”

It was just a regular bike, the sort that used good ol’ human strength and a pedal-chain configuration to manage movement, but Klava wasn’t going to complain about it. After all, her Esper body and human body were separate things. Even if she totally gassed herself out with kicking a gang’s ass as an Esper, she still needed to get in her daily exercise as a human. How else would she be able to keep in shape?

So, hunching her shoulders and switching her gears to a lower setting, the white-haired woman began to pedal away, chains creaking from the additional strain of an extra 110 lbs of weight that it had to handle. With all human transportation, however, momentum and continual effort made it easier, gradually, and after the initial huffing and puffing, Klava regained enough of her breath to start speaking.

“Whatcha think about the mission anyhow? Found it sus myself.”

"It was dangerous, to say the very least. I know it would have been easy for us to get wiped out… So I can't believe they intended to start the mission with only one other freelancer." With hands clasped firmly around the white-haired woman's waist, the esper behind her concentrated on maintaining balance with her center of mass so as not to interrupt the biker's efforts. This became more difficult as she continued to think back. "Like that host in butler's uniform really was some work, too. Do we even know where he is?" Aria shared her concern, her native accent revealing itself the more she spoke.

“Lol nope,” Klava grunted, her midriff heaving against Aria’s hands. “But he’s a freelancer. Real weird though.” Just a little more, and they’d hit the top of the slope. She brushed her shoulder against her right eye, wiping some sweat off. “Hiring freelancers for guard work’s expensive. Think they’d be around if GEMINI hadn’t advertised their operation on SHIMR?”

"They probably wouldn't have, huh? You're right about that..." Aria considered the amount that they themselves were paid for these missions. "Makes me wonder what they wanted this… "Servant Sofron" around for. And considering how fast into the fight he disappeared, it couldn't have been for King Cobra. Could it? Wait, I have a handkerchief." The backrider reached into her breast pocket and proceeded to dab the sweat forming on the sides of her rider's temple.

Klava snapped her head to the side, her bike creaking erratically as well. “Don’t,” she snapped, a little more harshly than she intended. “This isn’t a car.” This wasn’t a leisurely bike ride along a nice countryside trail, after all. Pax Septimus was a hive of scum and villainy, and the same applied to its ill-maintained roads. With two bodies on a single bike and the general uncertainty that accompanied a colleague touching her face, the pale-skinned girl didn’t want to risk anything, especially not as they sped down hill, dodging potholes and avoiding odd taxis.

“Figure that VIP guards would actually guard their VIPs, yup.” They were getting closer now. She leaned forward slightly so Aria wouldn’t get a faceful of her hair. “Guess they were just there to fight GEMINI.” But honestly, they were outnumbered like hell. Would’ve had a much better chance if they just booked it.

"Ah, sorry, Klava-san." Aria neatly stuffed the hanky back into her pocket, feeling the need to add honorifics this time. It was for the better that she listened, especially considering she hadn't been in Pax Septimus for much longer than a year-- Klava was simply looking out for their safety. Not to mention, doing her best to navigate these strange roads. "Mhm, maybe. A strange plan, if you could call it one-- speaking of which, what made you find the GEMINI's task suspicious?" Aria asked, a question mixed in both curiosity and naivety.

“Huh? I mean, it’s obvious, isn’t it?” Klava skidded to a stop, rubber brakes screeching against stained steel as the bike vibrated underneath the two ladies. Turning to face Aria, she continued, “One: we were tasked with taking advantage of the frontline distraction of GEMINI…but between causing a distraction and actual infiltration, what’s more important? Two: we were the ones that like, actually fought through all the serious threats in the end. Like, Viper was a magical bitch too, or her head should’ve gone missing after my first spell. Then Sofron, then Cobra. Three: that creepy assassin dude? If it was just about killing the head honcho, he could’ve done that solo at night with his skill set. Would’ve made it way more effective to launch an attack after the snake lost its head, yeah?”

Klava may have been a bit salty, but on the other hand, maybe she was just hungry. Swinging off her bike, she motioned towards the restaurant that the two of them had arrived at. Takis Taverna, a family-run Greek restaurant hailing from the early 20th century, now run by the fourth generation of chefs and waiters. It was a bit of a dingy place, of course, with the blue and white paint having faded over time, but it was pleasant too. Cozy and a good bit quieter than the normal haunt of freelancers.

“Like, while we were doing all the heavy lifting, what were they doing?”

Aria knew well enough where Klava was coming from. It had been her most dangerous mission yet, and by then she had only tackled enough to count on one hand. In the end, her question made Aria wonder for a bit. What were they doing?

"You know what, I'm not quite sure myself. At the end of it all, I didn't even get to see the rest of the GEMINI agents we started the mission with-- Wow." The foreign esper looked at the restaurant up and down, then closed her eyes to inhale the goodness of its menu from where they stood as Klava parked her bike. "That smells too good." Aria smiled and clasped her hands together, her eyes forming strong crescents. "Let's have our well-deserved meal. My treat, for you providing transport?"

A meaty sound cut through the frigid air as Klava slapped the outside of her thigh. “Naw, I’m good. Just exercise.” And with that, she locked up her bike against a miserable little tree, before coming in.

The interior of Takis Taverna was open and airy yet intense at the same time. Sparse fluorescent lighting gave the restaurant a weirdly murderous aesthetic, like a horror movie set in a hospital, but the walls were plastered with newspaper clippings that dated back all the way to the end of the Second World War, featuring editorials, interest pieces, and reviews of the restaurant. Photos too, of celebrities visiting the place, some of them more recognizable than others (who was that weird ass chick with the aquamarine twintails?), as well as family photos of generations of restaurant staff. There was a wiry elegance to the way that the tables and chairs were arranged around the dark timber floorboard, while the counter was helmed by a bearded fellow with a bulbous nose and a balding head. Upon Klava’s entrance, he broke out into a grin.

“Oy, Klava! It’s been too long! Got tired o’ pigging out at Wing’s place yet?” His voice drew the attention of a couple other patrons, but they soon turned their attention back to their own food or phones.

“Shush,” Klava snapped back. “On a date here, y’see?”

“In those clothes? Phah, you’re not that cool an operator. Whatcha getting today?” He scratched a wart on his neck. “Got a shipment of tomatoes recently. Real fancy stuff. Organic and everything.”

She smirked. “Right, right, from Costco?”

“From Rosemary Dale Greenhouse. But ey, you here to ruin my reputable business, or you here to eat?”

“Yeah, let’s see…gimme an omelette, a pizza, and some bagels.”

“Omeletta, ladenia, and koulouri coming right up! Y’heard that, kids?”

From the closed door of the kitchen came a unified “Yes sir!”

Klava sighed, picking out a seat in the back of the restaurant. She reclined against it, enjoyed a moment of relative peace and quiet, before swearing. “Shit, you don’t have any allergies, do you?”

“Other than pollen? I’m pretty much good to go.” From the seat opposite, Aria affirmed with a thumbs-up, taking a moment to gently swing her arm around the chair to pivot and get a good look at the restaurant. From the bearded host to the kitchen chorus, there was a homey charm that came with the unrestrained friendliness of its staff and its cozy interior. And while it certainly wasn’t a place her own students would call “cute”, Aria herself ate it all up quite easily. Eyes glancing here and there, she hummed contentedly, inhaling the scents of their soon-to-be meal before turning back, a hand on her stomach in an effort to soothe its grumbling.

“Do you come here a lot? You knew exactly what to order and everything.” Aria was a little starry-eyed, both out of hunger and awe in light of Klava’s urban prowess. From the fighting, to the biking, to the picking-out-cute-restaurants in a city like this. If her newly-learned slang didn’t fail her, it was all… pretty rad.

“Yes and no?” Klava shrugged. “It’s easy to order if you know what you like to eat. And money’s always tight, so I don’t really want to waste it on something that I might not like.” Not a very bold way of living, undoubtedly. “You eat out often? Strike me as the home chef type.”

“Ah, I see… I understand now.” Aria did not understand. The woman shifted awkwardly in her seat, clearly suffering the street-smartless consequences of living a comfortable life during her childhood. “I am, actually… I mostly order my ingredients and groceries online, you see. It’s a hassle going out to get anything I want to eat if I’m alone and not in my esper form.” She explained. “I’ve only been here a year, but I will admit it’s a bit hard to adjust.”

“Oh, seriously?” The white-haired girl let out a low whistle. “Shit, so when you do want to eat out, you just roll up in that hunk o metal of yours? Could do a whole Tiktok account outta that premise.”

“Perhaps, if people would enjoy watching me stuff takeout bags into the empty spaces of my armor. The extra transformation height has been pretty useful like that.” Aria considered the thought and chuckled a little in response.

As the conversation steered towards histories however, Klava looked off to the side, across the room, through the window, to the seething city beyond. “It’s a ‘been here my whole life’ sorta deal. Parents moved out, I stayed behind. Can’t imagine what it’s like to come to Pax Sept as an outsider, really.”

Klava tapped her fingers against the table, her eyes settling back onto Aria’s. “You started freelancing a year ago too?”

“I received my grimoire shortly after I found a job I liked, so I’d say I’ve been freelancing for about… half a year now?” Aria explained, seeming a little solemn as she leaned in. “I’m sorry, I feel like it must have been difficult for you.”

“It’s not really all that bad,” Klava said, shrugging again. “Don’t really gotta rent, so it’s just paying for food and internet. And well, don’t look like it right now, but I’ve got a diploma for graphic design at PSU. Freelancing’s more affordable time-wise than getting some cashier job, y’know? And with that extra time I can work on my portfolio or manage my social media.”

Well, these days it was definitely more the former than the latter. “Crazy though. You saying that working in Pax Sept was your preference? Sheeeesh, what sorta niche work is it that you do?”

“I’m training for my teacher’s licence working as an assistant at the Rising Hope Nursery! My parents let me choose this city myself. It was the cheapest ticket I could afford on my own, and looked like it needed some community help according to the news articles I’ve read… Oh, and if you like children, perhaps you could drop by and I could introduce you to our kids!”

“That’s some movie shit, for sure.” Rising Hope Nursery, was it? One of the rare spots in the city that wasn’t filled to the brim with depraved lunatics or wannabe depraved lunatics. Klava chuckled to herself, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Got a real set o balls on ya, Protector. Gonna quit this business once you get the whole teacher package?”

“Honestly… it depends. The more I sign up for these missions, the more I feel the need to participate in these battles. For the children’s safety.” Aria sighed lightly, then nodded with resolve as she looked at Klava. “Perhaps if things become more dangerous, I’ll quit teaching and support Rising Hope from the sidelines instead. Oddly enough, it was one of my students I received my grimoire from.” The nursery assistant lifted her handbag with a jingle, presenting the tiny suit of armor keychain to her newly-made friend.

“Oh! I’d also like to see your portfolio if ever– and perhaps maybe I could follow your work?” Aria then excitedly brings up her phone to display a preview of her profile with what looks to be a whopping total of three photos all in all, before retracting her hand in embarrassment. “Ah, that is, if it’s okay with you– this is my first time getting to know another esper this well, you see.”

Klava pulled out her own phone, thumb pressed against the ‘home’ button to unlock it, before opening up the Shimr app. “I don’t really want to build a follower base that know me as an Esper or anything, but if you wanna add me on Shimr, I can DM you some of my works after this. Lemme eat your food sometime in exchange.”

“Consider it a “done deal!” That friend request was sent to Klava faster than the bullet trains you could find in Tokyo. “I’m looking forward to seeing your designs. In exchange… I’ll send you a DM with my address on it. Send me a text anytime you’d like a meal– how do you feel about Japanese cuisine?”

“I’m half-Japanese on my mother’s side, so gimme your specialist stuff,” Klava said. “And yeah, grimoires have a weird way of popping up into your life.”

Before she could continue, however, the bulbous-nosed owner of Takis Taverna strolled up once more, his arms laden with a variety of breakfast items. For appetizers, there were wheat-based rings of bread, coated in sesame seeds and still steaming from their time in the oven. There was a reasonably-sized pan of flatbread too, with thin slices of charred tomato and onions over top, and glistening olive oil drizzled over the entire dish. A folded omelette looked to be the primary stomach-filler of the dish though, loaded with peppers, potatoes, and sausage, with a couple lemon wedges on the side to counter the heaviness of the dish. And for dessert? Two cups of creamy, thick rice pudding, with cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Klava blinked. “This one’s free, yeah?”

“Of course, of course!” He boomed. “Gotta up our customer retention ratio with freebies, after all.”

“Cool. Thanks.”

The man smiled, made to leave, and then said over his shoulder, “Oh, but make sure to tip, yes? Amount equal to the pudding?”

Klava rolled her eyes, then turned her attention back to Aria. “Well, where were we again? General Pax Sept conspiracies?”

“Thank you for this!” Aria called out to the owner as she left her food-stunned daze. “Klava, this looks amazing.” If the lights were bright enough, one could be able to tell that her eyes were dilated to match the size of the omelette still steaming in front of them. However, it seemed she would deign not to touch any of the food before the host of the meal. “Right! In regards to Pax Septimus, how long do you also plan on working as an esper yourself?” She asked, standing to fill their mugs with water.

Klava had no such interest in waiting. With the knife and fork that were provided, she began to methodically divvy up the half-moon omeletta into smaller portions, steam rising from every cut she made. There was some feta cheese on the inside too, the aroma hitting with all the subtlety of a horse’s kick. She wrinkled her nose slightly, but proceeded to eat, motioning with her eyes that Aria ought to do the same.

“Dunno really,” she spoke after a moment. “The money’s good and I keep hearing how bad it is to make your passion into your job. Guess the best measurement of retirement is like…how long would it take for this place not to be shit.” A pause, a small nod. “Y’know about Penny?’

“Sadly, I don’t. I think I’ve done a little too much of that… “making-my-passion-into-my-job” thing, and always left for my shift before I could get to know other espers.” Aria smiled apologetically before clasping her hands together and whispering a quiet, “Itadakimasu”. With the cutlery, she picked up a portion of the omelette and placed them onto her plate, generously helping herself to the foreign cheese and its distinct flavor, enjoying every moment of it. “Who is Penny, anyways?” She asked after finishing her first bite.

“Ah…figures.” Klava smiled, taking a sip of water. “So, prior to GEMINI coming here, the entirety of Pax Sept was ruled by this lady called Penny. Real badass, y’see. Whole ass walking calamity that mades like, Elroy, strongest freelancer around these parts, look like peanuts. Now, despite all that ruling, Pax Sept was still shit, so obviously there’s something fundamentally broken about the city to begin with. Too much bad vibes or something.”

She tore off a piece of the tomato-onion flatbread, rolled it up, and then tossed it into her mouth, enjoying the mixture of textures before continuing. “Anyhow, only reason GEMINI wanted in on Pax Sept now is because word on the street’s that Penny’s dead. So now, you’ve got relative order getting tossed into even more chaos, and you have all these big ass gangs and factions and the goddamn government all throwing down…and ya see how things are probably gonna get worse, ye? Like, that freaky shadow dude would probably have to build a whole mountain of corpses before things start calming down again.”

“Which brings up the question again.” The white haired girl pulled out one of the koulouris, looking at her breakfasting partner through the hole. “Like, what the hell’s GEMINI doing here? They’re both too damn early and too damn late, if ya catch what I’m putting down.”

“Oh… I’ve never looked at it that way. I didn’t even have an idea that things were heading that direction.” Aria paused her eating to speak in a hushed tone, leaning further onto the table. “According to what you said, it seems to me that they’re somehow trying… to take her place? Maybe gain the upper hand, for power, like in those political war movies. But could there be a chance that they’re only trying to take initiative and assume responsibility for Pax Septimus…?” She thought out loud, looking around her before settling back in her seat with crossed arms, utensils still in hand. “But even then, the idea of using freelancers as pawns during their missions doesn’t sit too well with me. Perhaps Sofron was in the same position as us too. Do we know of how Penny supposedly died?”

“Naw, all we know is that she’s gone. Might’ve been something like her getting banished somewhere that she can’t escape. Otherwise whoever did it would probably like, be parading her corpse around.” Had to establish dominance, after all, if the killer’s goal was power or reputation. But in absence of all this, it had to be for fomenting chaos. Klava chewed on her food thoughtfully. “Well, freelancing means that we’d be pawns regardless. I just think it’s sus that they weren’t upfront about it. Which, well, brings shit up.”

She leaned in closer, conspiratorially.

“Did you notice anything off while you were with shadow man, or anything at all during the whole operation?”

"Shadow ma-- Sir Agent, Silhouette?" Aria felt shivers up her spine when she recalled his spooky esper form and equally chilling voice. "Other than the fact that he was a little late, nothing felt strange with him. He did his best with us, I feel… However," Crossed arms once again found their place on the table, the dark-haired girl resuming her hushed tone. "...We never did get to see the upper floors of that building, nor the basement. Perhaps there was no need to, but weren't there supposed to be inmates being taken out in handcuffs in a line, or at least something like that? Adding on to that, a good portion of the GEMINI agents we started the mission off with weren't anywhere to be seen, at all. In fact, Agent Silhouette and Valkyrie were the only ones who sent us off. Though maybe that's a little less strange, and more rude, for me at least." The girl shook her head, taking a disappointed bite out of the flatbread on her fork.

“Makes one think, yeah?” Klava nodded, leaning back against her chair. She stared at the lights for a moment, recalling the flame-wreathed hallways, the smoke that surged all about. The other precincts, would they have also been taken over by GEMINI over the next couple of days? Would the inmates be transferred? She frowned, then sat up abruptly. “Wait, why were there still inmates anyhow?” She tilted her head to the side. “Like, you see where I’m going with this, Pro?”

“Yes, I think I do…” Aria nodded, her brows furrowing as she focused a hole into the table, twirling the fork in her hand. “The inmates– I wonder what they did with them. Both the mob group then and now… the GEMINI.” The woman pondered some more before taking another mindful bite of the divvied-up omeletta. “Perhaps if there is another mission at another precinct… it wouldn’t be too bad of an idea to explore a little more, would it?” The newfound concern was clear on the nursery assistant’s face, eager to make sure that nothing was indeed as shady as they were speculating.

“Yeah, that would be nice. Who watches the watchmen, yeah?”

“En. Nobody.” Aria nodded with the eagerness of a fellow budding conspiracy theorist. “Now that we’re friends on Shimr, if we’re not together on the same mission, I’ll be sure to update you should I find anything out on my side!”

“Freelancers gotta stick together, after all!” Klava raised her glass of water for a toast, before downing it in one gulp. “Now let’s finish this before it gets stale, eh?”

“Yes ma’am!” Aria excitedly raised her own glass to Klava’s for a quick clink, and then eagerly pumped her fists as if to say “let’s do it”. There was a new sense of motivation and camaraderie in the air, and the nursery teacher ate it all up as easily as she did her own delicious portions of breakfast. “Thanks for inviting me here, Klava-san.”

ON-SITE: G.E.M.I.N.I. Assignment - @ERode@FamishedPants[OwO]@BrokenPromise

After what seemed like a split-second, the Protector released a breath it had no idea it was holding until then. Truth be told, it had its eyes closed while the whole thing went down. From the moment the detonator flew into the air to the minute Cobra had taken his last breath... it was all such a blur, but thankfully, it was over. The hulking titan slumped in its posture, its spear grazing lightly along the ground and its shield finally dimming down as the mana around it flowed back into the tired esper's body.

While Sir Agent Silhouette immediately went off to take care of his teammate, and Apollo took some time to heal the injured Klava, the Protector transformed out of its... work attire. After looking for the nearest women's bathroom, it began by lifting its spear into the air, leading to its entire suit of armor to be enveloped in a pulsating blue light. Each wave took away a part of the esper's armor first, then its weapon and shield, and finally, a good portion of its height.

What remained was now... Aria. A petite and delicate (if not frail) individual-- and a nursery teacher in a rush to get home after a long workday. The tiny figure darted from outside of the cubicle and into the lobby once again to avoid getting in the way of Agent Silhouette's cleanup. Along the way, the esper attempted to wave at Valkyrie as she was escorted down, but after considering the state the gunner was in, she simply decided to save it for another day.

After all, right now Aria was... hungry. Her stomach grumbled shockingly loud-- a voracious appetite fueled by the mission. After seeing Klava head off in the direction of the food trucks, Aria gunned it right after her.

A few seconds later, she doubled back to ask Apollo if he would... perhaps... maybe... want to, like... join them.

ON-SITE: G.E.M.I.N.I. Assignment - @ERode@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise

The giant rectangular box on Cobra was completely unfamiliar to the Protector, and the sentinel simply tilted its head from behind its shield to visibly question what it was. Either way, it was sure that the thing spewing flaming bullets at it was in no way good for the team-- let alone for a single freelancer such as itself. In that moment, all the mana around the sentinel's shield pulsed repeatedly as if being hit by hard, fiery, lead rain. Perhaps it was not that great of an idea charging in head-first like this...

As if its thoughts were the cue, Klava and then Sir Agent Silhouette made their entrance. The Protector took a moment to thank all the gods that heard its concerns before beginning to right itself. The yuki-onna was a welcome sight, and so was a frozen Cobra arm, and most especially one less opponent to worry about. As expected from a professional G.E.M.I.N.I. Agent!

However, it needed to make a move quickly. By then, Cobra had seemingly pulled out his trump card... and getting blown out of the city didn't seem like a good option. The Protector was afraid of heights, you see. However, if they were to do nothing, they'd have to face him again in another mission-- and this was the last time it needed to be bothered over an opponent's well-muscled chests!

With the ice still encasing his arm, the Protector inhaled a deep breath. It looked directly at Cobra, and made a show of lowering its head as if to concede.

However, after a couple of seconds, it shot up once again, this time focused on the detonator. It sent a thrust forward with its spear and brought it back in a wide arc, sending a rush of gravity to meet with the detonator in question, and if it worked, would yank it right out of Cobra's grasp in time.

ON-SITE: G.E.M.I.N.I. Assignment - w/ @FamishedPants@BrokenPromise

With Kumambamon out of the way, the Protector turned to Sir Agent and gave him a thumbs-up before focusing its attention on the gaping hole in the floor. A few steps forward brought into earshot the voices of a couple from the floor below them-- Perhaps more mascots? How many kumamons did these people have ready? The Protector thought to itself. Along with this, they were seemingly the ones to blame for the smoke that inched closer and closer to them. The yellow smoke looked threatening, and with no idea of how it could affect them in their esper form, the Protector decided not to risk it. Even as their perpetrators shot through the hole, it did not want to see the situation escalating-- it had to move fast.

"There are more of them downstairs-- I will try to take care of them." The Protector hurriedly readied itself a simple prayer and formed a pulsating blue dome around its already-armored body. With a little more protective insurance, the sentinel took a few steps into a running leap, effectively hopping into the man-made hole and landing on whoever was unlucky enough to be standing in its way. It readied itself to begin its attacks before coming to a pause.

Before it stood one kumamon, looking only a little different from the first one she'd met, save for the pretty hair, and beside them...

Was this... the King it heard of? Where were his buttons? No, scratch that, where was his whole dang shirt? The Protector could only feel its cheeks blush furiously once more. It was always like this, damn it! The fewer clothes people wore, the more indecent it felt to the Protector. Still, it could not help the raging warmth spreading beneath its helmet. A string of helpless rationalizations flew into the titan's head at that moment - surely it was reasonable to admire beautiful bodies, was it not? It was. Surely! HOWEVER! These were their opponents! And no good looks or exposed muscley chests nor abdomens could sway the sentinel-- at least not too much before it came to its senses. The Protector raised its spear arm and gave itself a slap, and then attempted to focus on the task at hand.

Perhaps these were the voices they'd heard earlier on the stairs. At once, it will begin to swing and thrust its straight-headed spear at the two Kumamons, willing its long reach to attempt to strike at their critical points.

"P-please cover yourself up, at least!" The Protector would shout, disregarding the fact that a change of clothes in the midst of battle would be silly.

ON-SITE: G.E.M.I.N.I. Assignment - Stairs+Landing w/ @FamishedPants@BrokenPromise

The first thing The Protector thought of was the safety of its allies further away. It overflowed with the desire to assist them, but they were on the other side of the hallway, across the expanse that now almost looked like the inside of a microwave, with those strange, curvy lines floating in the air that indicated its quickly-rising temperature. The smell of singed carpeting and slightly burnt flesh from the fallen bodies caught in the heat was unbearable-- and if that was the barbeque this disrespectful, nonsense-speaking Kumambamon was referring to, then the Protector felt it had all the right to slightly lose its patience with the dark mascot. It would help Sir Agent Silhouette take care of this delinquent before anything else.

The Protector glanced down before moving, taking note of the yellow smoke that seemed dangerous enough to keep the first-floor dwellers at bay for now.

So as Kumambamon began to charge, the Protector did the same, half out of irritation, and a half to direct the attention away from Sir Agent Silhouette. It mentally prepared a prayer in the form of a melody, tucked its shield out of the way, and then swung its spear towards Kumambamon to send forth a commanding bout of energy aiming to keep him locked in place. "I did not give you permission to move!" The Protector's deep voice rumbled from within the armor, fueled by the self-righteous passion of a teacher disciplining a misbehaving student. This was new and oddly invigorating. It kind of felt like a movie. Perhaps it was enjoying its power a little too much-- but who would want to take disrespect sitting down, anyway? The Protector nodded, successful in its rationalization. It made a mental note, for after this task was over, to emphasize the importance of respect to its students tomorrow morning. Maybe even put together a cute little presentation based on tonight's mission.

"Sir Agent Silhouette," The Protector inquired politely, holding its concentration on restraining the mascot. "Perhaps we could teach him a lesson?"

Dropping some interest for this for the survival horror! I'm not too well-versed in the American history but I'm down for the research.
ON-SITE: G.E.M.I.N.I. Assignment - Fighting all sides w/ @ERode@OwO@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise

The Protector thought for a moment that the pain in its legs radiated all the way to its tush. It struggled hard to suppress a yelp upon realizing that that was not the case after looking back to see Apollo's hand grab its metallic rear. Why? Why? What is he-- The confusion didn't have enough time to settle in as a comforting glow washed over the two of them, all of a sudden feeling the pain leave its legs.

Embarrassed that it took some time to piece together what was happening, the giant metal suit of armor bowed its head to Apollo in shy thanks, suddenly feeling awkward holding its spear and shield. "T-thank you..." Its deep voice rang out from within.

Then, a loud *CRUNCH* sounded through the air, along with a chorus of "holy shit"s and "what the hell"s. The Protector sighed a breath of relief when it realized it was the work of Agent Silhouette, who looked doubly terrifying in action. Despite his horrifying guise and equally ghastly voice that surpassed even the creepiest urban legends in Japan to date, he worked for the greater good nonetheless.

"Servant Sofron, at your services!" The Protector turned its attention to the butler who... unfortunately did not seem so out of place anymore-- and for good reason. A flaming skull flew towards them and then dipped into the ground, scorching the area around them. Within a metal suit, it was guaranteed to be cooked before it could do anything, and thus made a quick decision.

"Let's go!" The Protector's gravelly voice called out to the remaining Apollo before following Agent Silhouette to move away from the zone of burning ash. It coughed as the smoke began to fill its helmet and obscure its vision, but not enough to get it to curse. Even still, it held a vigilance that was far from new to nursery teachers watching out for their class, and successfully spotted a person in black armor aiming to harm its ally.

In turn, the Protector noticed itself weakening-- the bright blue glow around its armor and especially its shield noticeably dimmer than before. This was not right. This melody was... strong.

...and so the Protector had to be stronger. Perhaps this was what one of its students would say.

With Agent Silhouette attempting to direct his work towards another man, the Protector opted to take on Kumambamon with as much strength as it could muster. Two seconds was all it needed as it thrust forward its spear towards the black suit, sending forth a melody that would keep Kumambamon from moving... for the time being, at least.

ON-SITE: G.E.M.I.N.I. Assignment - Clearing the Staircase and Heading Up the Landing w/ @ERode@OwO@FamishedPants@BrokenPromise

“Ah…!” The red hot searing pain of the bullets grazing past its legs didn’t come immediately, but when it did, it burned. Growing up sheltered and never having had to suffer bruises and scratches before was a thing, along with the fact that she hadn’t been an esper on the field for a long time. Whenever she got hurt, it wasn’t something she could easily ignore.

But she was committed. If she had scars, maybe her students would find them cool. She could tell them stories. And besides, Apollo stood behind her doing his best, and the thought of being the one to protect him almost made the metal suit of armor blush had it not been for the anticipation of being shot at again.

“Sending down a gift. Could you make sure the three lvl 10 goons stay where they are?” The Protector nodded as if Klava could see. Right on cue, it looked up to see a motionless body explode into ice-- once again, it was a beautiful sight, and perhaps a little grizzly. The Protector didn’t mind, it was simply thankful. However, Kumamon and his men began to head back up the stairs, their attention seemingly turned to Klava. The bullets still came, but this time, only from Kumamon’s men. The Protector felt a surge of worry for their ally above them, but not after hearing: “Sayonara, suckers!”

“Welcome back, Klava-san.” The Protector waved at the yuki-onna when she came back around. In the time it took for her to encase their new target, it had prepared a melody. “I shall begin the... hustle.” It rushed to the bottom of the stairs, hobbling slightly. Its speed was no good, but thanks to Klava, the men were trapped and it didn’t matter.

It forced a charge up the stairs, sending a powerful thrust forward with its spear, effectively slicing through the jugular of one of Kumamon’s men and impaling the man encased in the ice behind him. The Protector leaned its weight into the spear, then pulled it back to shatter the ice and release the men, letting their bodies fall down the stairs. Strange how it felt a little pleased with this. Two down, Kumamon left, and more to come!

The Protector proceeded to bash through the ice with its shield, the hobble in its legs somewhat evident as it crashed through. When it reached the landing, it raised its shield in response to the spray of bullet fire, and from behind it cast a melody.

A strong magnetic pull erupted from the shield as it violently pulsed a bright blue, snatching the guns away from their aggressors and hauling them over to the Protector's side. Perhaps the other espers would find this handy, and at least for now, the men were weaponless.

"Ugh-- I have all their guns." The deep, gravelly voice spoke into the earpiece, a little bothered by the stinging in its legs.

ON-SITE: G.E.M.I.N.I. Assignment - Currently getting shot at!

Was there an earthquake just now? It did not bring up good memories, definitely not. The sentinel had half a mind to run and duck for cover before realizing it was at the frontline for a good reason. Keeping this in mind, it stood its ground against the men.

The Protector's struggles were soon cut short as a mobster shooting beyond its reach suddenly froze over, resembling an almost splendid ice sculpture. Had it not been for their current circumstances, the Protector would have pulled out its cellphone to take a quick photo, but alas, this was not the time nor place, and so the titan kept its shield raised. Quietly, the sentinel gave thanks to the woman with a cute toque in its mind.

A few seconds later, the beautiful ice sculpture suddenly exploded into a magnificent display of lights. Dazzling as it was, the Protector did not blink so as to take in the view and be able to recount it for the kindergarteners later on. It lowered its shield to get a good view; it was not every day that you could get to safely view fireworks at such a short distance. Surely, they would enjoy hearing about this! The Protector promptly raised its shield up again once the blinding light caused the ice sculpture to violently explode, bringing with it shards of ice that it could only hope didn't pass through its guard and accidentally hit its allies further behind.

The Protector heard thumps of hurried footsteps next, and before it realized, the haphazard spray of bullets from behind it let loose. Upon realizing it was Apollo, the sentinel felt grateful for a moment before realizing that across the hall was their employers' team. It intended to call out to him before it was subjected to a violent bodily shudder-- which was absolutely strange, given that this esper's body was simply a metallic vessel...

"G.E.M.I.N.I Agent Silhouette has arrived, I will make use of the opportunities you provide me with to the best of my ability."

The fact that this "voice" was accompanied by what sounded like a hundred more, while also seeming to come from within the sentinel's head instead of the earpiece... was straight up horrifying, it was simply glad that they were on the same side! This was not something the sentinel would be mentioning to the kids. Nope. It was not a nursery teacher's job to give their kids nightmares, after all.

Suddenly, the floor shook, and from the top floor emerged a fully-armored person. Thanks to the many cartoon re-runs it watched with its students during their downtime, the sentinel couldn't help but think its stature was similar to Kumamon. However, things took a more serious turn once two body-length shields appeared on either side of Kumamon.

”Well I’ll be! If it isn’t the watchmen rejects!”

The Protector moved as soon as Kumamon raised his shotgun. With a side sweep, it unleashed a melody with its spear-- the note caught the buckshot in midair, suspending it harmlessly as the sentinel took a step forward and swung down, forcing the pellets into the ground.

As the rooks around the shotgun-wielder got ready to contribute their own share of bullets, the Protector brought itself in front of Apollo, raising its vibrant mana-brimming shield in order to provide them both with cover in the meantime.

Reporting to: G.E.M.I.N.I. Agents

The Protector waved at the sunny woman with the green hair named Binky as she extended her greetings back. And in response to the Breacher asking for a picture, the Protector gave her a solid thumbs-up. It did not know what for, but the kind woman seemed excited about it, and to that, it would happily oblige.

Then, it proceeded to bump fists with the very tall man who called himself Apollo. The Protector was thankful it was not in its human form, otherwise, perhaps the blush on her face would’ve been obvious. After the bumping of the fists, the deep, gravelly voice uttered a simple, “Hello, Apollo--” then it turned away almost immediately to greet the next newcomer, seemingly a little flustered.

“--good evening, miss Klava,” The Protector said to the woman with the cute hat. With much thanks to her queries, they now knew that snacks were kept in another vehicle. Perhaps it would come around after the mission was over. The armored titan nodded to itself, a little bit hopeful about the ice cream.

It was not long before it noticed the presence of the lavender-haired woman. A sudden appearance for sure-- if it had not been for her preschoolers pulling varying degrees of pranks on her day in and day out, she would have probably jumped a little from the fright.

From then on, the Protector stood upright in respect to Veronica, listening to her plan of action. It gestured a small wave to Binky as she apologized in the middle, understanding the pain of being new to the Shimr app. As the preparation continued, it noted the important names: potential hostage situation, basement prison, King Cobra, the Rottweiler, and… spit roast? The Protector nodded at the end, satisfied at having understood at least 99.9% of the plan.

“Get into positions everyone. Daylight is about to fade.”

The Protector made its way around the back with Binky, Klava, and Apollo.

"Understood, miss, I will go first." The deep voice spoke.

Noting its cue, it uncurled itself out of the vehicle and raised its spear and shield. First, it started in a march, and then it ran. Three members lounging around the back entrance-- probably on break. Heavy thumps sounded as it carried itself over to the windows while its shield openly welcomed a round of bullets. The sentinel thrust its spear through the window, its tip finding its home inside the neck of an unfortunate gang member. With a gentle kick, it freed its weapon of the bleeding man and threw itself over the window and into the building's entrance.

Then it raised its shield high in the air, a bright blue shining iridescence flowing around its frame. In an instant, a shockwave erupted from the object, and with a sharp jerk, a couple of men were helplessly pulled towards the shield, one unlucky fellow skewering himself on the Protector’s outstretched spear. Another gentle kick freed the body, while the other man simply rammed into its shield. A simple stab-through made short work of him.

Upon clearing the back entrance floor, it would wait for its allies to advance up to the staircase.

20 | Female | The Freelancers | Guardian
Protector's Treaty | Spear, Shield | Arcane | Aegis
Protector's Stronghold | Shelter
Protector's Mandate | Gravity | Fortification
[Weightless (4), Suspend X (4)], Blink (4), Restrain (4), Pull (2), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Shield (4)]


[Bronze Touch][Pull][AoE]= -40 Mana


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