Avatar of Melkor
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Melkor
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1843 (0.49 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Melkor 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I'm about to enter my senior year. So close to that astro degreeeeee
2 yrs ago
Act two of the original three is done. It is about 100 pages and 23k words. I'll be merging the first two acts into one and the book will end up being about twice as long as originally projected.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Act 1 of 3 is done. It’s about 100 pages and 23k words and has a prelude, 8 chapters, and an interlude. I’m looking at 100k words as an approximate goal.
2 yrs ago
Progress on draft 2: 8200 words and 32 pages.
3 yrs ago
96000 words, 330 pages, 45 chapters, 8 viewpoints. First novel, done.


Thrawn: "I have read about the nightswan. Have you?"

Nightswan: "You refer to the fact that it sings only as night is falling?"

Thrawn: "Yes. You do not expect your stand to succeed, do you?"

Nightswan: "I know that it won't succeed."

Thrawn: "That does not necessarily mean the end. I can give orders for you to be taken unharmed."

Nightswan: "They will be ignored. Half the troops here are Batonn Defense and Restos is determined to get rid of me."

Thrawn: "Then come with me now!"

Nightswan: "A man must do what he must, Admiral Thrawn. Even if his stand is against the fall of eternal night."

Most Recent Posts

Diagon Alley

The day to collect their wands and other important magical items was at hand. At this point, most, if not all, of the Hogwarts’ incoming first-years found themselves in Diagon Alley with their parents or some other chaperone, checking items off of their list of necessary equipment.


  • Three sets of plain black work robes
  • One plain black pointed hat
  • One pair of dragon hide (or similar) protective gloves
  • One black winter cloak with silver fastenings
  • Please note that all student’s clothes should carry name-tags at all times


  • The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk
  • A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
  • Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch
  • One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
  • Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
  • The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble

Other Equipment

  • 1 Wand
  • 1 Pewter cauldron
  • 1 Set of glass or crystal phials
  • 1 Telescope
  • 1 Set of brass scales
  • Students may also bring an Owl, a Cat or a Toad


No, it's fine. Just wasn't showing up for me - I assumed that you didn't have one.
@ineffable -- Looks good, though you may want to find a new picture. Other than that, approved.

EDIT: The picture wasn't showing for me.
@WanderingSpirit Approved.
Before I start posting approvals or disapprovals, I should point out that the co-GMs have just as much say as I do. So if Kahleen or Bishop criticize your character then you should make it a point to fix it.

@ineffable -- As a GM, I don't like to levy restrictions on players but the age is one that I'm not allowing acceptions to. You may play as a teacher if you wish, but know that they logically wouldn't take part in many of the adventures of first-years.

@WanderingSpirit -- I agree with Kahleen's criticisms. Once those are rectified I'll approve the character.
Sorry about the wait. Here's the OOC - I'll get started on an IC post.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Whatever your background may be, all of you received a letter in the mail. This may have come as a surprise of you and/or your family hadn't been introduced to the Magical World. Otherwise your family should be extremely proud; their child was accepted to the best school for Witchcraft and Wizardry in the World.

The idea here is that the RP will follow a group a students through their years in Hogwarts; Fighting off monsters, dealing with class and school-related drama and other such things. If you've always wanted to live in the Harry Potter universe but were confined by reality, then you've come to the right place. Just make sure you follow the rules and fill out the information in the Character Sheet. Sorting will be done IC based on the personality section. As a side note, it's important to say that you should follow whatever personality you set for your character.


  • GMs run the show
  • Regarding Godmodding and Metagaming: Godmodding will only happen in two instances: 1.) Things need to be moved along; 2.) With a player's permission. Do not, under any circumstances, take control of a person's character (this includes NPCs/Monsters) without written consent from the controller. As for metagaming, not a chance. When/if it comes to fighting each other, it can get boring to "leave it open" so if there is a clear winner then you can win. Killing is with GM approval.
  • No spamming.
  • Characters Make them realistic. Everyone has flaws. I want well thought out characters, please. Flaws make for interesting roleplays and allows every character to have a moment to shine as well as fall.
  • Character Sheets The Character Sheet is placed here as well as within the Character Tab. I want to see detail within your character sheets. As far as pictures are concerned; if it fits your character, use it.
  • RP-Specific Anything goes in this RP. Gore, violence, swearing, etc. But moderation is key to making it have weight so keep that in mind. Please only post pictures with a post if it's really necessary.
  • Posting This is a High Casual RP so I'd like to see development in each post, unless you've run out of what you can do (i.e. a conversation). If you and another character plan on having a long interaction, please work out a collab post in OOC or PM.
  • Realism This is a realistic RP, besides....the magic, monsters, etc, so keep it realistic. If your character is injured, they can't heal in thirty minutes (unless GM says otherwise). Nor can they fight in a battle for five hours without collapsing. Keep things realistic, it honestly makes it that much more interesting.
  • Rule Breaking I understand there are slip-ups. Every now and then, a rule breaking post is allowed. However, repeat offenders shouldn't happen.
  • Drama Keep it in PMs or the OOC thread if it's OOC, if it's IC it's totally fine.


@Nuriko I'm sorry to see you go. You're welcome if you have a change of mind.

@All - I started working on the OOC last night but fell asleep at my computer. I'll finish it up today.
@mskennedy615@FreeElk Both accepted.

@Nuriko Sure, just know that it would be unreasonable to assume a prof would take part in the adventures of first years - I wouldn't recommend it, but I won't tell you "No".

@All - I've got a while of free time now that I'm done with my work-project. I'll definitely have an OOC up tonight.
@KahleenCuthald@MissCapnCrunch I'll go ahead and say that both of yours are approved. So when I get around to getting the OOC up I'll go ahead and add them to the character section. I'm kinda swamped with work for the next day or two so I'll get around to it when I'm able.
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