Avatar of MikkishtheLeprechaun


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4 yrs ago
Current I’m also on RPnation and roleplay.me/join/AndrewRyan93
7 yrs ago
We are born of the Blood, made men by the Blood, undone by the Blood. Our eyes have yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD!
7 yrs ago
If anyone wants to be part of an rp skype chat, hmu on skype. My username there is mikkishtheleprechaun. Or you can give me your username and I can find you.
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8 yrs ago
MAn, this place has changed. Wonder if anyone else is here from way back in 2012
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8 yrs ago
I am the one once known as TheApprentice on here.


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Most Recent Posts

@MajorGremlin@Kenshi@Dark Cloud@ZAVAZggg Jesse scowled at Elvis' song "Hounds are noble creatures. In many ways far more respectable than men." He said "So you're the king? This is your territory? Are you the reason I am here?"

Jesse had read bits of various history books, but none that mentioned Presley; the King of rock and roll. Due to his experiences, Jesse was automatically disdainful of Elvis.
@ZAVAZggg Go ahead
@ZAVAZggg Sure

Also I am going to edit that post
@Dark Cloud@ZAVAZggg@MajorGremlin "I'm one of the smarter and better educated people where I'm from." Jesse said defensively, as he awkwardly went up the escalator. Escalators may have seemed rather benign to someone from this world, but it was a surreal experience for Jesse. He felt relieved when the escalator seemed to end at the second floor...only to notice there were more escalators to get to the top.

"Whatever happened to normal stairs?" He asked as he got on the next escalators reluctantly.

They eventually arrived at an office area, with silent miserable zombie-like humans getting through their work day staring at their computers as if they were terminally ill and on death's doorstep. Even in Jesse's apocalypse world where it was common to be torturously executed or eaten by mountain lions, Jesse had never seen this level of misery from so many people.

"Whats wrong with them?" He whispered to anyone who would answer.
@Kenshi Well...don't count your chickens before they hatch. I would bet on Rick destroying Jason XD.

But there is a pit of molten metal in that foundry Morty ran into...
@Kenshi See where this is going?
@Kenshi Morty's eyes bulged with horror "Oh god oh man! Murder robots!" He yelled "RIIICCKKK!"

He fled the scene into a metal foundry, hoping his grandfather would show up and save the day.
@Kenshi "Oh man." Morty said to himself as he walked nervously around the industrial part of the city "Maybe I should have stayed with that Jesse guy. Maybe he could have found Rick by now. Ugh why am I always so stupid?" He complained, before noticing a SWAT van speed down the road and stop near some creepy metal guy.

The van opened up and seven SWAT members open fire on Uber Jason with their SMGs. Morty freaked out.

"Oh man what have I gotten myself into?"
@Kenshi The lady stood watching in horror as Elvis beat up her coworkers. First the gang assaulting her workplace, then kung fu Elvis. What the hell is going on?

@MajorGremlin@ZAVAZggg@Dark Cloud
Jesse looked around for stairs, holding his gun ready as people either froze in terror or ducked behind their desks. He didn't understand how elevators worked or really what they were. Then he spotted a staircase. Two, in fact. But they were...moving. He had never seen working escalators before either.
@MajorGremlin@ZAVAZggg@Dark Cloud Jesse turned around and leered at the small man in a labcoat. The man was small enough to be a child, but it wasn't much weirder than anything else that was happening.

"Come." He said simply, as he walked in with his gun drawn, ready for anything. Jesse thought he could be storming the stronghold of some warlord. In truth, all he would be doing is terrorizing a bunch of office drones.


"Yeah." The manager said with a cruel smirk "Security is coming real soon, and then some nice men in white coats will take you right home to the happy house."

The elevator opened again and a woman walked up to the manager frantically.

"Sir, we have an active assailant situation. It looks like theres three of them. They killed the security guards." She said

"Ah christ." The manager huffed.
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