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Current How do I relearn this craft? I'm so discouraged at myself.


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I ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ʙᴜᴍ sɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ ᴄᴏᴅᴇɪɴᴇ & ᴄᴏᴄᴀ ᴄᴏʟᴀ.

I ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ɢᴇᴛ ᴀ ᴊᴏʙ sᴏ I ʟɪᴠᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍʏ ᴍᴏᴍ

|| NAME ||
Molly Rossi, nicknamed Momo by some.

|| GENDER ||

|| AGE ||

|| GRADE ||



Molly is petite standing at exactly 5 feet tall and around 104 lbs. She has fair skin that she cakes in makeup when she wakes up for school, or left on from the previous night. She has doe eyes of brown, and originally brown hair to match. She prefers her hair blonde, because they supposedly have more fun and Madonna has blonde hair, she's pretty neat. She has a scar along her thigh from where her skin got caught on a fence post. Her ears single lobed pierced. Molly has five tattoos: a cross on her arm, a tear drop on her finger, two fangs on her fingers, and a small star on her neck. All of them were done by a "friend" in her grandma's basement, thankfully they aren't too badly done.

I ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ʜᴇʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛ's ɴᴏᴛ ǫᴜɪᴛᴇ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ

Fun. Carefree. Outgoing. Irresponsible. Unreliable. Passionate.

Molly is someone that would see you eating lunch by yourself and not hesitate to walk over and keep you company. Granted, she might sit down and end up eating half of your food while she explains to you why she thinks it'd be a good idea for you to go to the movies with her that night to see some new cheesy horror flick- but she means well. She is not dumb, but can often appear air-headed and aloof based on her social activities (drinking, smoking, drug use) and her tendency to go off on a tangent of something that she is passionate about or something that didn't really happen. Mo just wants the best for everyone and herself.

|| QUIRKS ||
Doesn't know how to ride a bike
Chews her nails when she is nervous
Always has a lighter not belonging to her in her backpack

Smoking cigarettes
Listening to loud music
Avoiding being grounded
Doodling on her legs with pen

+ Art
+ Spending time with her friends
+ Dancing until her legs ache
+ Taking naps during all times of the day
+ Polaroids

- Carrying a purse or bag
- When people don't know how to relax
- Early mornings for school when she hasn't slept at all
- Hangovers that can't be cured with french fries or pizza
- People who have their parent's answer their phone calls first

Molly is the only daughter of Nicole Rossi; a bar "musician" by night and a custodian at Craft High School by day. Which is one of the many reasons why Molly attends Craft in the first place, for her mom to keep a watchful eye on her. Plus, because her grandmother's home is in the very small school district.

Having only lived with her overprotective mother and grandmother her whole life Molly tends to go wild whenever she can spare the time. This includes, smoking, drinking, and partying with other seniors and even college freshman when she is given the chance. Though these actions have given her a little bit of a reputation, she tries to remain under the radar in school- maintaining relatively average grades and even landing a spot on the varsity volleyball team.

I ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍʏ ᴏᴡɴ ꜰᴜɴ ɪɴ ɢʀᴀɴᴅᴍᴀᴍᴀ's ʙᴀsᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ

Dad - David Rossi - Unknown
Mom - Nicole Rossi - Musician/Janitor
Grandma - Linda Davis - Retired Teacher

The Rossi's live in a single family split home not too far from the school. Molly's grandma takes pride in the front yard and makes sure it's mowed, edged, and filled with flowers, often. The house has only two bedrooms, so Molly has to sleep on the couch in the basement. It's definitely a well used and worn home. It was kind of the only thing the two could do, after Molly's dad left.

No car yet, walks to school.

Moments - Tove Lo
I'm not the prettiest you've ever seen
But I have my moments, I have my moments
Not the flawless one, I've never been
But I have my moments, I have my moments
I can get a little drunk, I get into all the don'ts
But on good days I am charming as fuck

Varsity volleyball team

Sʜᴇ sᴀɪᴅ I ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴍᴀᴅ, sʜᴇ sᴀɪᴅ I ʟᴏᴏᴋ ᴡᴀsᴛᴇᴅ
Ask any questions you have @Triage
I've been in a very very... long time and can answer most if not anything.

You were on the right track by making an interest check- thats first step
Next comes a thread that contains the
- IC

OOC is out of character information, this is where all the chatter happens, and where information about the plot happens or what is to come. Think of it as a general chat too- where people can throw ideas off one another and also just chat about what is going on.

IC is the actual good stuff- its us, being in character- crafting a work of art together. Usually ;)

Character bin is where to put the finished characters so people can look at them and be like "oh yeah, thats who this person is"

If Lord is going to take your GM position you don't have to worry about too much, as a co-gm you are second in command and will be helping move plot lines along if you don't want this to be a total sandbox (which I recommend against because they lose interest pretty fast)
Thank you Default!

Also- yes I am here to answer any questions, concerns, and take any compliments too ;)
@T Risket Is it okay if I put Molly in the character bin?
^ This. It could be a Camelot in Star Trek mode for all we know.
I'd love to join in your group :)

Aᴍᴀʟɪᴇ Wʀɪɢʜᴛ

Amalie Wright


Canine. English Cocker Spaniel.

Playful. Affectionate. Friendly. Reserved. Faithful.

Amalie was born to two police officers in the heat of summer to a family of five. Her parent's wanted all of their children to succeed in Zootopia. They encouraged law enforcement for all of their children in which none of them really wanted. Amalie, felt strongly against the motion and went out of her way to not have anything to do with the path her parents wanted for her. Going to school to become a beautician, Amalie found herself having a fun time and displaying her skills at the local bar on the weekends. She met Travis, a tall dark and handsome Doberman who she fell in love with and he, with her almost instantaneous.

A few years went by and the two were married and had their one and only daughter Winnie. The two had quite the basic, happy life in Zootopia. It wasn't until the crime rate began to increase and the murders began popping up left and right that Amalie began to worry. Travis was mugged and killed one night and Amalie's life was turned upside down. She could no longer sit back and watch her slice of heaven turn into hell much longer. Beginning her parent's original dream for her, she started in the police force and worked her way up into the special tasks where she now currently employed under.

Amalie specializes in interrogating. She may seem like a sweetheart but can bite hard when she needs to.

Has a daughter named Winnie.
Please don't be intimidated by my post sizes (it will vary greatly!)
I just have a lot more character and setting/plot to set up for everyone so my posts will seem large.
Evening Before The Darkness

A four note tune chimed through out every hallway through the Begich towers signaling the start of an announcement.

Margorie Bouvier's petite and faint giggle came over the speakers. She had been sitting on the lap of the mayor after a few drinks and was trying hard to keep her composure. "Oh stop.." she insisted, pushing his hands off her and she cleared her throat. "Good evening residents!" she exclaimed, her voice cracking at the end, with the familiar chuckle of the mayor heard in the background.

Margorie continued, "As you all may know, tonight is the last day of the month. Tomorrow marks the start of the annual month of no sunlight that we have all encountered while living her in Whittier." she continued, "We'd like to invite every one up to the 14th floor into the meeting room where we have set up a little banquet of sorts for us to enjoy the company of one another before the hard, cold month ahead. There will be food and drink provided.." her voice traveled off as she thought of anything else to add. "See you soon!"

Slowly but surely the residents of the tower made their way up the stair case or elevator up to the 14th floor.

"How quaint." A sarcastic titter was drawn from Margorie's lips as she watched the trail of people come in for the banquet. "You don't have to be so cruel Margie." the mayor replied with his lips pressed to her ear, trying not to draw attention- but their affair had been not secret. He was old enough to be her father, but that didn't seem to bother them much.

Several round tables we're arranged around the room for people to sit and chat at. The food table was not as magnificent as imagined, containing only servings of herring, asparagus, and mashed potatoes. It wasn't the most generous offer but at least it was free.

Dave and Jenny Warbler had brought their selections of whiskey and vodka from their bar to share, propping it on the table next to the food. It too was lacking much excitement, but again- most things in Whittier were just that:

Lacking in excitement.

As most of the residents arrived, the mayor cleared his throat at the front of the room to begin his welcoming speech. "Good evening my neighbors and my friends." a wicked smile drawn across his face, "I'm so thankful you all have made it and we are blessed and delighted for such.." he paused looking at the sparse table, "fantastic food, and even better company." he looked towards every one to see their reactions before continuing. "I don't tend to keep you much longer now, but some of our leaders have some announcements to make...so don't go anywhere!" he exclaimed, trying to be humorous. Margorie laughed alone, as the mayor and her quickly scattered to a seat.

Derek Yates and Daryl Davis both nodded at one another as they stood up and approached the front of the room together. They we're the head of the police department and fire station within the towers and fairly respected members of the community. Derek took lead in the announcement as he spoke with a slight commanding tone as he would to his officers, "As we all know, tomorrow is the start of our annual month of darkness. These are hard times for us all. Please be aware of any suspicious activity in our premises and report them immediately. Thank you." he nodded and stepped away leaving Daryl on the floor.

A warm smile swept along his face before speaking, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I won't keep you long from one another, but I just wanted to give you a friendly reminder that because of the increase of fireplace usage in the building during this next month to be extra cautious of your surroundings. We don't want another incident of last year do we Hubert?!" the man chuckled and a few of the residents laughed at the old man's expense as well. Even Hubert gave a faint smile as he remembered setting his apartment a blaze when he had left his fur coat too close to the flame and fell asleep. "Anyway." Daryl continued as the crowd settled back down, "Let's have a nice night, and a good, safe, and easy month here..Cheers!" he too then scurried away.

Rosemary Adams, the pastors wife and one of the two teachers in the towers piped up cheerfully, "I also made my famous apple crumble cake for everyone to eat for dessert!" setting the pan down next to the food.

Residents began helping themselves to the food and drink that had been provided.

I'll get the first IC post up here in a minute then. Just filling in rooms with my NPCS
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