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Sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛs ᴏғ Sᴛᴇʀʟɪɴɢ Hᴇɪɢʜᴛs

Secret Reveal 4.

Everyone that would be attending the dance was inside the gymnasium at this point. The teacher's after a certain time were only letting people in if they had to go use the bathroom or something along those lines- if you were coming too late, you wouldn't be let in at all. The football team (as well as the remaining cheer team) had recently been dismissed and were all showered off and inside the dance, schmoozing up the ladies and taking advantage of the pizza that the cafeteria had just brought in. It was only a dollar a slice and all of the proceeds would be going to the junior/senior prom later in the year.

The Sinners were taking a dance break to grab something to eat, and some punch to sip on to regain their energy. Bernie had offered to pay for everyone to have a slice of pizza, or two if they wanted. She was happy to treat, since she had gained a little extra income recently. "It's on me guys, I've been doing so much shoveling lately in the neighborhood. Want to use it for good things, or i'll just spend it on makeup I never use." she said as they stood around a high top table.

One of Augie's songs came through the sound system [Led Zeppelin - Dazed & Confused]. The soulful music put a confused face on several teen's faces and even the person running the booth was trying to figure out why his phone was disconnected and outside source was connected. The electric guitar rolled and filled the room, some people rocked out through it- other's took the moment to take a bathroom break or other means of filling time.

You hurt and abused tellin' all of your lies
Run around sweet baby, Lord how they hypnotize
Sweet little baby I don't know where you've been
Gonna love you baby, here I come again.

The lyrics were loud and clear as one of their classmates named Trevor Rogers came up to the table and shoved Robert's shoulder. He was laughing and cheerful, his thin stature and long hair resembling Rob's. Trevor smiled, "You're a fucking dog dude. Just saw the site." he looked over at Ara with a devilish smile, before placing his phone in the middle of the table for the group to look at:

Robert Cadogan is a such a nice guy.
Robert Cadogan hates to see people cry.
Robert Cadogan has a secret he wants to bury.
Robert Cadogan took the head cheerleaders cherry.

Bernadette raised her eyebrows as her mouth parted into an audible gasp. Arabella was her best friend, and she had never told her that. She remembered the several times she had seen Ara coming from Rob's house and just figured they had to do work on a project. They had been working on a project alright. Bernie looked up to Ara, with a bit of disappointment. She wished she would have told her. Then she looked to her next door neighbor, and hoped that he had treated her right.

Julius APPARENTLY preferred his chicken not to be kissed.

Lou knew that it was only because he hadn't tried this method out yet. Hadn't he ever heard that if you make love to your food it tasted better? Or maybe it was that if you loved to make food it tasted better? Regardless, the way he did it worked great so far and there were never any complaints prior to this. Clearing his throat uncomfortably, he could only sit and listen to Julius yell at both him and Lilly. At least he had the decency to apologize to Lilly about his outburst, and he did end up wishing them a good time- so perhaps he was still a good candidate for being his best friend.

When Lilly made her comment about her level of trust, Lou just gave her a quick nod- "I think he is just upset, and speaking crazy." he brought up his finger and twirled it around in the air to signal that Julius was crazy. Her hand reached up to his shoulder and patted it, letting him know that Seoyeon enjoyed his wings. He looked over to her, recalling that she had exclaimed something about the wings earlier but he hadn't gone to thank her. Following after Lilly like a puppy, he would soon get his chance.

He stood idle by as the two women talked to one another. Lou made note of how to pronounce Seoyeon's name so that he could refer to her properly when they crossed paths next. When Lilly and Seo properly introduced each other, Lou found it a good time to introduce himself to Seoyeon, as well get into the conversation. "HELLO." he said loudly, and a bit abrasive as he went from Lilly's backside to her direct side. "I'm Lou, and I made the wings that you thought were delicious! I added you, but you probably just haven't had time to accept it I guess." he gushed, happy that she had enjoyed the food. He finished off his vodka. He then took a few samples of his wings and other foods that a new person had placed on the counter. He proceeded to drop them into his cup.

He did not want to waste the rare plate and would use this cup for everything for the rest of the night and perhaps the day after.

The loud voice of the man calling next to him made his attention shoot directly to him. He was awfully loud, but it seemed that he had brought a lot of offerings to the party and that was a kind thing to do. Turning his body slightly to look into the wagon a beautiful young woman with bright blue eyes covered in sunglasses and shockingly bright blonde hair stared back at him. Her skin was flawless, her breasts perky and her body extremely petite. Her lips were nothing like he had never seen, as if they were surprised to see Lou's gaze as he was to see that she was stark naked. Lou's cheeks turned a heavy shade of pink, "You are a bit under dressed for the party miss." he spoke quietly between his giggles.

Lou had never seen a naked woman in all of his life, let alone one that was made of plastic.

He turned his attention away from her, she was far too much into getting people's attention and that is not the type of woman Lou would want to have a serious relationship with. Plus it was clear that she was Buford's girl as they had arrived together and she hadn't made any attempt to speak to anyone else since they arrived. He raised his hand to block his eyes and mouth as he spoke to both Lilly and Seoyeon trying to hide his voice and mouth from Buford; "I'm glad she's not from our floor- she seems like a lot of trouble, and we don't need that." Lou shook his head, reaching into his cup to snack on some of the goodies he had dropped in there earlier.

As the group came together, Bernie's excitement for the dance grew. The group joked with one another, talking shit and laughing with one another. Things felt like old times, and it was good, it was a good feeling. Meeting her gaze with Isaac, she heard him speak but it didn't quite register in her head at first. Glancing over at Arabella real quick, she raised her eyebrow in curiosity. "Um, yeah- of course. Do you wanna go outside or something?" she questioned, in a meek voice. Something quieter than her usual peppy and excited tone.

Isaac hadn't been expecting any kind of showy response or vehement refusal, but something about the way she replied made his knees wobble. Too late now. Had to act.

"Um, yeah. Outside is good. Or just around the corner. Just... someplace at least a little private." Isaac lead the way towards the door that lead out to the parking lot, stopping just short of it.

"Okay. I'm sorry if I say too much. I'm just nervous. Um. I like you." Well. Straight to the point. Why give himself time to chicken out, right? "I really like you. And when we went for shakes I... I said some stuff I've been regretting for months. I do wanna date you, Berns. You're amazing. You're beautiful. You're so far out of my league you might as well be playing a whole different sport. But... I wanna try anyways. I'll fly as close to the sun as I can and try to take it in my hand... even I fall out of the sky, it would be worth it. Just to have known what it was like to be with you.

Isaac flushed. He'd not expected to wax poetic like that. He hoped he hadn't gone too far off into the weird with that.

"Um. Long story short I kinda wanna be your boyfriend. If that's ok with you."

The cold air was harsh on Bernie's warm cheeks, a bit of relief in the moment as listened to what Isaac had to say. She recalled fondly the few times she had asked Isaac for a ride home from the grocery store that Isaac and her older brother worked at. It wasn't long until she had developed a crush on him- and then when she had asked him out on a date the first week of school- he had politely turned her down.

It had pissed her off, and frankly made her want him more- but she didn't pursue it afterwards. She left it at that. She was still friendly to him, and continued to do things with him while they were in a group, but the mood shift from the days leading up to going out for lunch after school and the days afterwards had a very different tone.

"You're an IDIOT!"

She exclaimed, the eyes of a few classmates turning to look at them as they headed indoors for the dance. She lowered her voice, stepping towards him. "Yes, that is okay with me." a devious smile spreading across her lips, before she delivered a small peck on his. "But, this was my idea first. Just so you know."

Isaac flinched when she called him an idiot, his blush burning all the hotter as he braced himself for rejection.

But it didn't arrive.

Instead, she stepped closer and said it was alright, with that impish grin she would get any time she was about to do something clever. Isaac expected a oneliner. Maybe a "Just kidding, loser!" What he hadn't expected was a kiss. His first, actually, as potentially shameful a fact as that was. He almost didn't register her next sentence as he was too busy standing there and being dazed.

"I... yeah. You were right. I've been a fucking idiot for months and... damn, can I kiss you again?" As soon as indication came that she was alright with the idea, Isaac had his arms around her waist and pulled her in to kiss her, a little more fully and a little slower, but still a far cry from making out. "Holy shit... Bernadette is my girlfriend... BERNS IS MY GIRLFRIEND!" He covered his mouth. That was probably loud enough for the others to hear. But... he really didn't care.

Watching Isaac cover his mouth with his hand as his voice thundered outside, Bernadette giggled. "Okay, that is enough celebrating, it's fucking cold outside- let's go in." she stated, turning back to go inside to her friends. She couldn't wait to tell Ara and Alice about what had happened. Looking back, she grabbed Isaac's hand as she led him back inside and to the group.

A few moments later, the doors would open and the dance would start!
Finally, procrastinator mode was turned off!

Looking up from her phone, Bernadette looked Alice up and down, and offered her a soft smile. She liked the black dress, it was simple but beautiful. The splash of glitter was confusing, but Bernie did not think too much more of it. Alice had a unique style, so it must have been on purpose, unless she rubbed up against some of the directions on the way over. When Alice questioned her about the decorations she shook her head, "It's definitely better than I could do, but hopefully Prom will be better. I heard we're having it on a Riverboat!" The idea had only be a rumor at the moment, heard from a friend of a friend who was on the student council

Ara's comment could be heard as Bernie glanced at her. She was happy that Ara had gotten back to her normal self, the last couple weeks had been hard on- and Bernie had tried her best to be a good friend. However, when someone is going through a bad break up, and the emotions are on a roller coaster ride from hell.. well, sometimes all you can do is just hang on tight and smile for the camera. Bernie took a look at Arabella's outfit next. She too was dressed head to toe in black. Bernie squinted her eyes, for a moment. Did she not get the memo to dress in all black? Was Alice her new BFF and they had matched for the dance? Bernie shook her head, no- it was most likely just a coincidence.

Laughing at Ara's comments about the decorations, she nodded, "I was just telling Alice that I hope Prom is better. This is kind of... tacky, but at least we get a dance. Which with how bad the game is going outside, I'm thankful for." Bernie nodded, catching sight of Augie as he approached the group. He gushed about music as the girl giggled to herself. She hoped Augie would not get caught. His music taste was not in par with Bernie's but she could get down to really anything, if she tried hard enough. "Student council wouldn't let Ara be in their group cause they know she's got expensive taste, and they only have a budget of ten dollars and about thirty cents, which Ara spends on the freshman who carries her books to class." Bernie added to the teasing with a small smirk. She loved Ara, and knew that she would be able to take the joke as she was in a good mood tonight.

Bernie looked to the doors, watching the other students rush about. "I hope they open the doors soon, I am actually kind of excited to dance this year." she commented, as she watched a person wheel in the old fashioned popcorn machine the school used for every event. Hopefully the rest of the boys wouldn't be too long at Rob's house, but knowing Rob he had something extra up his sleeve and would get anyone who followed him home involved.

When Lilly complimented his food, Lou beamed! After he swallowed his drink, a smile spread across his mouth as his teeth showed with an overwhelming amount of pride. "Thank you so much Lilly!" When the follow up question happened Lou stared at her for a moment, his eyes becoming wide. "HUH?" he questioned, as if she was speaking to him another dialect. On the contrary he had heard what she had to say loud and clear. However, it was not something he wanted to answer. When something came up that Lou did not want to answer, he avoided it.

Lou did not want Lilly to worry though, and he very desperately wanted her to try his food so she could compliment him even more. "Oh, I waited it to cool before I picked it up to try one. Last time I was too quick to eat them, and it burned me all the way down to my tummy mc tum tums. It was very unfortunate." the man said this in a very serious tone, as if he had not just called his stomach a "tummy mc tum tums." he nodded. This was not actually a lie, Lou had often ate food before it cooled- but it definitely was not what he had almost said through a slip of tongue.

Looking to the voice who called for Lilly's attention Lou looked to find his room mate and very best friend to be Julius. Julius was very studious and this was a good trait. When he had asked him earlier if he would like to borrow one of his hats for the party tonight, he had declined but Lou knew only because the man needed his very own hat! Lou planned to order him one for the second week anniversary of since becoming room mates. He hoped he would be happy.

Lou sat idle for a moment listening to the two talk back and forth for a moment, before speaking up himself, "Julius!" he exclaimed as if the man had just appeared and not been complaining about the noise. "You shouldn't be worried about tonight, you can have some fun. There won't be parties like this one every week." he said, taking his hat off his head and giving his head a healthy scratch. He brought his hand to his nose and took a small whiff. It was pleasant.

"The wings I made earlier today are over there, you should have some Julius."

Location: Ares Colosseum.
Interactions: @NeoAC Kelsey
@Rockette Avem

Ms. Fart Joke?

Who this man think he was!? Dustyn's mouth curved into a devious smile, she liked this Avem already. He was unique in a mysterious way. He could take a jab, and deal them back just as quickly. Learning that this was Kelsey's room mate- Dustyn could not help but feel a tinge of excitement for her friend- the troubles she- THEY could get him into... Hopefully he knew what he was getting into. Hopefully he could keep up.

A friendly hip check from Kelsey meant to turn down the antics slightly as they figured the boy out, she nodded and smiled as he offered the helping hand to move in his room mates items. Dusty laughed, "She's right you know, I had to bury the last person who took her shit." she leaned in closer and made her voice close to a whisper, "I might show you where that is, if you can show that you hang with us." she winked pulling back to line up her body with Kelsey's, slightly nudging her with her elbow. Kelsey had several inches Dustyn, as she rest her head on her arm for a moment, her eyes looking up with a slight tilt of her chin. "That's if K doesn't kill me too." she puckered her lips and making a playful kissing noise towards Kelsey.

Straightening up for a moment, Dusty made another comment, "Plus once you help her, then both of you will be free to help me move MY things in." she joked, she would not most likely be bringing anything in to her room, unless her room mate turned out to be good pick. She might even like to be in her dorm room now and again if that was the case. Speaking of which, which one of these characters were meant to be hers? She looked in front of her, from face to face- as people matched to their new friends and caught up with old friends alike.
Ooh, can't wait to revise my cs and get to playing :)

You people are so fucking weird. In the best kind of ways.
I truly love you all, and I even sometimes like you too. Let's enjoy the guild together ❤
seasonal and tasteful nudes for everyone involved

x x
Miss Mills in the ballroom with the screwdriver. The drink that is.

After the sample collection had gone through, Barbara was overly excited to find the ornate invitation at her door step. She read over it several times, and placed it into a keepsake box where all her other treasures were stored. She sent back the RSVP card within the same day marking chicken as her meal of choice. She almost put fish, but figured that having a fishy breath during the course of a dating match up might lower her chances in the long run. A taxi voucher was given, which after a few transfers later eventually got her to the plaza in one piece.

Stepping out on lookers would see that she was adorned in a fur coat, the nicest clothing item that she could borrow from her mother. Underneath was an elegant floor length black dress which was probably not very age appropriate. The rhinestoned fabric was form fitting and long sleeved. It was another thing borrowed from her mother, who insisted that it would "turn heads". Barbara was not one for high heels, but she would not be caught dead in her normal working boots at the event. Those were hers, but her baby deer legs would tell otherwise. Another thing she had opted for today was not wearing her glasses. She had made sure to pack them in the black clutch she gripped in her hand, but would try to go without them as long as she could.

Striding a little slower than usual (mostly due to the heels, and not being able to see well) the young woman was escorted to the elevator and brought up to the ballroom. A little knot could be felt as the elevator lifted her higher, the doors opening to reveal the grand architecture and well thought out planning that had been put into this event. "Do I belong here?" she questioned in a hushed whisper. A man took her jacket, as she searched the table for her name and her assigned seat number. Everything was terribly blurry. Cussing under her breath, she took her glasses out of her clutch and placed them on to her face. Finding her name and number almost instantly after the improvement. She made mental note to herself for later use as she walked over to the bar where a few other participants seemed to have gathered.

Nodding to the other participants, she laughed nervously and pushed her glasses up higher onto the bridge of her nose but without missing a beat, "Hope I'm not the only one with knees shaking here." she took a seat at the bar, thankful for a rest before she ordered a screwdriver. The drink wasn't very fancy, but it sounded a lot more complicated than it really was. She took a small sip not to ruin the lipstick she had applied just hours before in the ride over. She prayed she didn't have any on her teeth, as she looked to the other participants studying their faces to try to match names with appearances once she got a hang of it.
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