Avatar of Moonshadow


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Shiii~ was gone *WAY* longer than anticipated. Unintentional ghosting occurred & now I'm anxious about even trying to check in :<
2 yrs ago
After nearly 2 grueling weeks of nonstop work stress, I finally have the next 2 days off!!
2 yrs ago
Career changes happening, exciting yet time consuming. Life has been a continuous series of strange situations lately
2 yrs ago
Stay-in date night. Replies shall happen tomorrow after work
2 yrs ago
._. Medication changes disrupting brain power. I promise that I'm working on replies for everyone. It's just going a lot slower than anticipated.


5/2022: [Explicitive language] What I thought would be a week or two long phase of AFK-ness turned into two [almost three] months. Totally my bad for this happening. If you are reading this and have/had an RP going which still interests you, please let me know.

3/2022: Barely treading the waters of life right now - Replies will be much slower than usual. I'm extremely sorry and appreciate any patience and understanding offered from my RP Partners.

Welcome! I'm a girl who has been RPing and doing a lot of other nerdy things for 20 years. PM if you want to know even more!

I try not to just disappear but clearly have failed in this before. Real life gets the better of me and depression+diabetes+anxiety have a tendency to sap time away. Best way to reach me is Discord, touch base if you notice I haven't responded. I truly appreciate those who have helped keep me interested through OOC conversation!

I am also:
• Working Full-Time and struggling to maintain decent blood sugars
• Female, poly, demi/pan, and typically very difficult to offend
• A video gamer (primarily WoW, STO, ESO, Fallout4, 40k:Inquisitor - PC & XB1)
• A rennie (two guilds; First is Landscknecht group called Heiligensturm and the second is a Baroque French Privateer group called Clan Dark Sail)
• A Warhammer player/painter (gasp! 40k armies include Eldar/Ynnari and Thousand Sons::AoS Gloomspite Gitz *squee*)
• A seamstress (historical clothing and quilting primarily)
• A cook! Well, home cook. Recipes are more like guidelines anyways

Most Recent Posts

Been at work all day. I think having Aaranya be the one behind Danielle would work better than any NPC role I could vaguely pull together with a pounding headache going on.

Only an hour behind schedule ~ should anyone else join this adventure before you all leave Sarlano, I'll figure out how to work them in. Since DraconiWarlord never got back to me on his CS, his character is not present.

With post timing expectations being a constant theme in the side/status bar, I would like to remind everyone that this will not be a daily post type game. My goal is to get one story-progression post done per week with perhaps smaller character interaction posts more often. Again, this is a goal and there will be times when things lull. It is not going to die unless I come here and declare it dead myself.

You all arrive in Sarlano, either by ship or caravan, and take in the sight of the palisade built of hamada and the abundance of colorful canvas covers beyond. A steady flow of camel-led caravans pass through the arches set within the palisade and even from the harbor the hustle and bustle of a city full of trade can be heard.

Each of you are approached by one of Itylara’s assistants adorn in similar thwab attire as the other inhabitants of the lands. Somehow the assistant knows exactly who among the crowds to approach and all but Aseir are smart enough to figure out that the invitation stored upon your person has been enchanted with a locator spell.

Although each of you are in separate locations and greeted by separate assistants, the practiced speech is the same.

“Welcome to Sarlano and thank you for traveling such great distances to be here. Itylara sent me to see that you make it to her without issue, so please follow me and stay close. The bazaar is not a kind place to get lost.”

The assistant addressing Jun turns his head, offering a nod of greeting to Tenria after speaking to the monk. “You as well, Captain, are to join us. Not only are you due your pay but the Arch-Wizard believes your sailing capabilities might serve well in the journey to come.”

Looking to you each expectantly, the assistant folds their hands together behind their backs casually. “Are there any questions at this time?”
Zeroth is up, putting final touches on the 1st official post then it'll be open to you guys
Running a tad behind schedule, do to the writers block that hit yesterday and an unforgiving work day.

I'll still get things started tonight though!!
writer's block. -sighs-

same :|
I'll get a post up hopefully by Wednesday this week :)
Working on Zeroth and First post today and it is coming along nicely, I think! Still waiting for @DraconiWarlord to PM me back on his CS but other than that, we should be good to go on the intended start date of tomorrow!
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