Avatar of Shu


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Ushi Saru Oo Ne E Tori Ushi Uma Tori Ne Tora Inu Tora Mee Ushi Hitsuji Me E Hitsuji Ne Genne Saru Tori Tatzu Tori Ushi Uma Hitsuji Tora Me Ne Saru Ooh E Tatzu Hitsuji Ne Ushi Hitsuji Tori Ge Ne E Tori
4 yrs ago
Well let’s see... an OP to finish, three 1x1’s to respond to, and two work related reports to fill out this afternoon. I’ll need some tea.
4 yrs ago
Someone took my Microsoft office and they will pay. You have my word.
4 yrs ago
Lavate las manos!
4 yrs ago
Nothing like a good night’s sleep and well brewed coffee to help you forget an unpleasant evening.


A little about me…

• Female (She/Her) (Cisgender)
• Pansexual
• Twenty-eight years old.
• An America-born Eurasian. (Of Han Chinese and Dutch descent.)
• US Central Time Zone
• Casual & Advanced are my vibes.
• My writing interests are manifold in genre.
• I tend to prefer 1x1’s but I can never shy away from a great group RP.
• Ask for the Discord.

Current Roleplays…

Her Wrestling Dream A wrestling career 1x1 roleplay with @Shoopuf.

STAR WARS : Throne of Cathar A Star Wars 1x1 roleplay with @LanaStorm.

FORGOTTEN REALMS : Gambit of Scoundrels A Forgotten Realms roleplay with @Herald.

2100 ☢️ BADLAND REPUBLIC A post-apocalyptic group roleplay.

Extra bits…

My 1x1 Index.

My catalogue of characters. (The new one.)

My old/original catalogue of characters.

SANDSTRIDERS world and lore.

A Thousand Legends world and lore.

Group Roleplays that I have GM’d;

Most Recent Posts

“Firoz and Willory are casing the estate as we speak,” Elthel replied, “if anyone can find a way inside that place it is Willory. As for this Jadarl himself… well, I am most interested in what we will find inside his abode. If we have an opportunity to kill him then we shall take it. That said I would not mind questioning him if we could. But I’m not counting on that.”

Elthel gave Leon a sideways smile, “As for your payment, you will get a fair share of any treasures we might find inside Jadarl’s estate. And I have more precious gemstones that I think you would all like.”

“I assume we are going to break in tonight?” Iliskra asked.

“Yes,” Elthel said, “but if it is all the same I very much want you two to come with me now and have a look at estate.”

“I take it you are staying here then?” Iliskra asked Ibdur, indicative that she planned to oblige Elthel.

Ibdur groaned quite loudly as he planted his backside on his bed, “Of course I am. I… will re-rent our rooms.”

“I apologize Ibdur,” Iliskra said in a meaningful tone, “I…”


Iliskra gave Leon a curious sideways look, keeping her eyes upward of course.
“As much as the latter might please me in your case that is not why I am here,” Elthel said, turning away from Leon as she spoke with obvious annoyance at him, “I do in fact have a job for the three of you. Or at least you and your elven companion.”

“Half-elf.” came the expected input from Iliskra.

“Yes, pardon me.” came a rather genuine response from Elthel.

“More skulking about I take it.” Ibdur said with obvious disdain as he slid on his breastplate.

“Yes,” Elthel said with a smirk, “hence my admitted preference for your two comrades over a dwarven berserker.”

Ibdur opened his mouth to retort when Iliskra interjected asking pointedly what the job was exactly. Elthel went straight into the details - she and Iliskra both avoiding looking at Leon and focusing on each other.
“Last night Firoz and I tracked someone we believe to be a very high ranking lieutenant of Shagarm’s to a particularly prominent estate on this side of the river. We had seen the man before but never had the opportunity to follow him to his place of residence. He usually is accompanied by a heavily armed contingent and all of Shagarm’s men seem to answer to him. He may even be Shagarm’s right hand, but we cannot say for absolute certain.”

“How did you finally have an opportunity to follow him?” Iliskra asked.

“Well, we had originally followed a close associate of his that Firoz had marked. He frequents this district. The associate in question is a mage and seemed to have some standing among Shagarm’s men out in the streets. He met with the aforementioned man yesterday morning before parting his company. Realizing we had been lead to a ‘bigger catch’ as they say we shadowed this man to his estate which is heavily guarded. By armed patrols and magic alike.”

“This ‘associate’ - the mage - is he a human man of average size with thick, golden hair?” Iliskra immediately questioned.

“Yes,” Elthel replied with raised brows, “you have seen him then?”

“He is staying at this very tavern in fact,” Iliskra grinned, “I eavesdropped on he and some of his men yesterday afternoon. They mentioned serving a ‘Jadarl’ who apparently tasked Gunalar with wiping out the last of your guild in exchange for being allowed to join Shagarm’s ranks.”

“I see.” Elthel nodded slowly, her blue eyes lighting up with consideration even as a glower tugged at her brow. “So… this Jadarl was the one approached who Gunalar… or perhaps it was the other way round. Either way, between having the position to bring people on for Shagarm’s forces and holding authority over so many of Shagarm’s men I dare say that we indeed know now who Shagarm’s right hand is. This Jadarl that Firoz and I followed last night.”

“I take it then that the job in question is that you wish Leo and I to partake in infiltrating Jadarl’s estate.” Iliskra queried.

“Yes indeed.”

“I know what we must do.” Josiah repeated with a louder tone, sensing that he was losing the ear of some among the gathered crowd. Josiah felt a familiar anger welling up within him however he quickly suppressed it. Many of the folk of Havenwood were weary, while others were too content with themselves or uncaring about the community as a whole. He understood of course, but did not concur with nor condone such attitudes. There was the individual of course, but individualism was not what Havenwood stood for. Certainly it was not what was needed.

”We must prepare ourselves.” A pause and stray mumbling among those who listened. ”We will continue to shore up our defenses here. We will continue to gather food and supplies and salvage weapons and equipment to defend Havenwood. And we must continue to foster relations between us and the other good people of the region. The towns and trading posts. Rafeton was not the only place that could be relied us on to call us friends.”

“Which means that nothing will be done about Rafeton and more of our kind will die without any worry among those who oppress us! All you have for us is to tell us to sit here and do the same damned things we have been doing for years now?” shouted the same green-skinned woman. “Hoarding away scraps and waiting for the day Republic gunships begin strafing the forest while the Blackwatch pick us off like fleeing hares? Not doing more to secure a position for ourselves?”

”What would you have us do then?” Josiah demanded over the once again growing cacophony.

“We can’t face the Republic directly, but there are other ways to fight them! Poison their water supply, burn the fields around their precious city, and harass their soldiers for every step they take into the wastes! Just as a start!”

”Such rash, foolish actions have been brought up before and my answer then is the same as now.”

“We are all sick of this, Josiah! Your message of peace is running its course to the end! The New Republic and the Blackwatch would see us all killed and everything we’ve all built here destroyed. I saw we fight! We fight for what is ours!”

”No!” Josiah’s hand came down a third time on the railing, the hardest strike of the three, but his cry was drowned in the wash of agreement behind the mutant females’ words as fists were raised and blades and gun barrels were waved about in the air. Those who had distanced themselves from the assembly were taking more notice now, a growing agitation filled the room. A single shot rang out followed by several yelps of surprise and near total silence after. One of the volunteer guards up on the scaffolding had fired his revolver into the air to silence the uproar.

”I will condone no courses of aggression against the New Republic of Sevara,” Josiah barked, ”we can - and will - defend ourselves but there will be no war. If you all wish to contribute - to make a difference - then you all know what the collective needs are. As a matter of fact another expedition is being organized as I speak now. Rather than rabble rousing here in the mine make yourselves useful. I have lead you for years and you have all trusted me this long. You must continue to trust me, to believe that what I do I do for us all and that I am considering much that it seems that many among you are not. I will get Havenwood through this long, dark tunnel in which we find ourselves - I just need time and support. From all of you. And make no mistake; if I hear so much as another fleeting rumor about action against the New Republic I will launch a full investigation and any who decide it their place to apply consequential effort at Havenwood’s expense will be disciplined. Heed my words.”

And with this final scathing promise Josiah turned away from the gathered citizens of Havenwood and clomped off towards his personal quarters, the rusted metal girders beneath his thin boots rattling in tune with his departure.

Pete heard it first. The unmistakable buzzing roar of dune racer engines, at least a dozen of them if not more. At first no one thought anything of it, vehicles of all sorts regularly come to Sully’s Rest. From rusted out racers to rebuilt high-end sports cars salvaged from a metro lockup. The sounds drew closer, and it quickly became clear that the racers were not coming from any one direction but all around. Stella looked over her shoulder from where she stood at the frier, Tony the repairman stepped out from his shop with a curious look on his face, and up atop the wall Pete impulsively brought his old rifle up at the ready - the young watchman next to him following in suit sensing a dreadful aurora that hung in the air.

“Is it those damned Striders again?” someone down at the Dine-Out yelled in an annoyed tone.

“Sounds like it.” Pete called down, his right index finger tapping lightly against the trigger. The watchman saw a motion to his right, whipping his head around to see a single dune racer bike come zooming out between two small croppings of rock, speeding across the sands towards Sully’ Rest. The figure aback it wore the telltale dirty mismatched set of a jump suit and ragged wastelander clothing that marked the Striders. At first Pete thought the rider was coming in for a stop and relaxed somewhat, however as they drew closer and did not make a turn towards the gate his angst just as quickly returned.

“What’s he doing?”

Pete’s mouth parted though he had no reply for the man at his side, watching as the rider pulled up just twenty feet from the corner of the wall. Pete saw their left hand come up suddenly and a flash of metal in the sun. As the word “Down!” tore from between his lips there was a burst of automatic gunfire. Pete stumbled to his right as his fellow watchman fell back and hurtled down onto the sands below crashing into the ground just inside the gate. There were shouts of panic as a group of customers near the store lay eyes on the fallen watchman, blood pooling across his still chest. Stella stood frozen behind the counter, eyes wide and mouth agape at the sudden gunning down of the man. The roar of engines now surrounded the entire trading post as more automatic gunfire could be heard, another of the watchmen tumbled down from his post atop the small inn - riddled with bullet holes.

“Pete, the gate!” someone screamed.

Pete reached for the red button on the grimy panel nearby, slapping his palm against it and taking cover as the heavy gate swung shut with a harsh grinding of rusty gears and cable. Pete raised his head up again only to be forced to duck back low by another drive-by that peppered splinters onto his head and shoulders. Down below Tony rushed back inside his garage while Stella and other patrons and visitors alike dove for cover. Bullets began tearing through the tin walls and ricocheting all around as Sully’s Rest came under a surprise assault.

“The Striders are attacking us!”
“I say we wait until morning.”


NIGHTAL 5, 1372 DR

After a second passable supper at the Dragon’s Tail, Iliskra, Leon, and Ibdur paid for their rooms and bedded down. Iliskra decided it best to wait and see what would come of the next day, if Elthel or some contact of hers either would indeed seek out the three at the tavern. If Elthel followed up it would show her to be reliable to her word and that the Talons still had some resourcefulness about them. If she did not then the human, dwarf, and half-elf could decide on their next move using what information they had. After supper before retiring to bed Iliskra had gave a once over of the four men she had been eavesdropping on earlier in the day. While they had no room two of the four were passed out drunk at their table and the mage with the golden mane had made himself quite comfortable near the fire for the night. Iliskra imagined that the men would not leave particularly early given that they took it upon themselves to drink so heartily here in the tavern - if they left at all in the morrow. She would try and keep an eye on them, perhaps making the Talons aware of them and what she had heard if she did not simply follow them around herself.

Iliskra had some trouble resting through the night as her mind was aflutter with the possibilities to come, and when the half-elf finally settled into a deep sleep it was short-lived as she was awakened by a rapping on the bedroom door. On hearing the sound Iliskra snapped upward in bed and tossed back the covers despite the chill in her room and reached for her blade. Just as her fingers wrapped around the hilt a familiar voice could be heard from out in the hallway.

“It’s me, from the grocer.”

Iliskra felt a small wave of relief, setting her weapon aside and calling through the door that she needed a moment. As Iliskra slipped on her garments and armor she could hear more knocking and the voice repeating the same line further across the hall. The morning sun was peeking over the snowcapped rooftops outside casting a bright golden glow into Iliskra’s room. It was just after dawn. Once ready Iliskra opened the door and there in the midst of the hallway stood Elthel, alone and fully armed and armored with her hood concealing most of her face. Iliskra called over Elthel’s shoulder to Leon and Ibdur, assuring them it was fine to come out - Ibdur’s bleary curses audible through the opposite door.

“Let us speak up here,” Elthel stated, her tone level and firm, “I snuck in through a window.”

Iliskra nodded, closing her bedroom door and waiting until Leon and Ibdur’s bedroom door finally opened. Elthel immediately barged in, forcing Ibdur to step back with a grumble as Iliskra followed in tow and closed and locked the door behind her.

Iliskra sat at the same table she had that morning in the same chair with her back to the wall. Much like her companions had found her that morning Iliskra had a plate of food, however instead of a cup of milk to drink she had a tall flagon of ale. The tavern was as crowded now as it had been just after daybreak and was also as noisy though the customers seemed to be a bit rougher. Fewer farmers and sailors and more mercenary and hooded sorts.

“Well, tis good to see that the town did not claim you two!” Iliskra grinned with a raising of her drink.

“You smell like an elf.” Ibdur said rather randomly which only made Iliskra beam that much more.

“Oh, well, thank you. That would be vanilla, lavender, and rose.”

Iliskra gave her head a slight shake, her shiny shoulder-length ebony hair swooping about like a silky black veil that brought out the features of her attractive visage.

“Did you find out anything of use to us?” Ibdur grumbled as he took his seat.

“I did actually,” Iliskra smiled over her flagon, “our mysterious ‘J’ is a man, a wizard I believe. Jadarl.

“How did you discover this?” Ibdur demanded.

Iliskra replied with a nod of her head toward the fireplace across the establishment, four men sat huddled together at a small table near it. Three wore heavy suits of armor like those of the men out in the streets while the fourth had the unmistakable flamboyant robes and staff of a mage. The latter man’s most distinguishing feature however was the thick, blonde curls that draped down around his head.
“Those four spoke of this Jadarl, though unfortunately for them not quietly enough. Jadarl is apparently overseeing the eradication of the Ashaba Talons and had employed Gunalar to do the job. From what I overheard Jadarl is getting impatient and plans to pay a visit to Gunalar very soon.”

The implication was obvious enough. Hopefully the corpses of Gunalar and his band were disposed of well enough. If so it would buy some time though there was no real say on how much time. Once it became clear that Gunalar and his men were out of the picture Jadarl would most likely come after the Talons directly which could prove as either an opportunity or a problem. This was to be considered.

“Another thing,” Iliskra added after a long drink, “it sounded like Jadarl has some other scheme in the works on Shagarm’s behalf. Something about ‘finalizing things with underground friends.’” Iliskra set her ale down with a sharp clunk and looked between Leon and Ibdur.
“Hmmmm…” Iliskra mumbled, her chin resting on clasped hands, “Those are very good points, Leon.”

Sensing that her words may not have been taken as genuine the half-elf added, “No, seriously. As you have clarified we know too little about Shagarm and plenty about the Talons. And even in their… near broken state… the Talons prove to be resourceful - for the most part. We should remember after all that their misfortunes go back to the plague that ravaged this city as well as the war. The fact that after that they still persist when standing against the likes of Shagarm, the Red Wizards, and the remnants of the guard is naught to be dismissed.”

Ibdur seemed lost in thought. Or perhaps the dwarf was just sore at the idea of continuing to work with a guild of thieves. His brow was furrowed and thin lines pulled at the corners of his eyes.

“I am with Leon,” Iliskra said firmly, “we stay with the Ashaba Talons for now.”

Ibdur grunted causing Iliskra to frown, the dwarf then nodding slowly, “Very well… I will stay with the Talons with the two of you. For now.

Iliskra felt a slight uneasiness at the dwarf’s emphasis on “for now” but her frown faded and she nodded in affirmation. She imagined being a follower of Tempus that it was very hard for Ibdur to spend his days slinking around in the shadows rather than serving his war god on the frontline with the rest of Breck’s force. This was something Iliskra tried to be sympathetic to. Even so there was a part of her that was worried. Worried that a warmongering mercenary force like Shagarm’s would be tempting for Ibdur, so tempting that he might turn on she and Leon and possibly make Shagarm aware of Breck and Lord Hastlon’s plotting. Iliskra knew little of the Tempuran ways other than their fanatic call to war. And right now she and Leon were not offering a war for Ibdur to fight. At least not openly blade-to-blade as he so wished.

Iliskra decided for now to push these thoughts from her head and follow through with her plans for today. Namely bathing, drinking, and listening in wherever she went. If Leon wanted to take Ibdur “shopping” with him then Iliskra welcomed it as both to avoid drawing any attention to herself as well as perhaps distracting the dwarf for a short time.
“Hold a moment.” Ibdur snapped, narrowed eyes moving between Iliskra and Leon, “Those washouts were the Ashaba Talons?”

Iliskra quickly remembered that Ibdur had not yet seen the letter she had found and that Elthel had not openly confessed that her band was of the Talons in front of any of them. Leaning in close Iliskra hurriedly revealed the letter to the dwarf and explained the current state of matters. Though Ibdur seemed surprised he was not - as they say - “knocked over” by the revelation. In fact he seemed quite amused by it.

“Breck did tell us that the thieves guild were near to being wiped out.” Iliskra added as she sat back upright in her seat.

“If that is all that remains of them I do wonder if we should not consider changing sides.” Ibdur said rather suddenly.

“What?” Iliskra asked sharply, looking to Leon with a raised eyebrow and then back to the dwarf who was now grinning darkly.
“Remember, dear elf, we are to dismantle those that oppose our employer - and that includes these thieves. We can easily be done with their pitiful remnants and then focus on taking down this beast that is ‘Shagarm’.”

Iliskra sat back in her chair, admittedly floored, and crossed her arms over her chest. She chewed the inside of her right cheek and her brow was furrowed hard, the half-elf deep in thought for a moment. She raised her head and looked to Leon again, wanting his input on this sudden suggestion by the Tempuran. The three of them could earn the trust of the Talons and then when the moment is right cut them down one by one. But then again what if the Talons could help them against Shagarm? Even if the three of them killed every one of the Talons this very day they still, as Ibdur put it, had a great beast in the form of this armed faction lead by this enigmatic Shagarm. There was no way the three of them all alone could handle such a task with no help at all. They could possibly look to Breck’s men for help but even then the Talons were locals and had knowledge of the city that Breck’s men did not. And yet the possibility of so quickly being done with one of two obstacles was tempting.
“Well,” Iliskra began in a lighthearted tone of voice, setting her now half empty glass of milk aside, “I for one will start today with a nice bath and a good washing of these garments.” The half-elf smiled and then spoke more seriously, “After that, I think I will spend the better part of the day here.”

“Sitting on your laurels?” Ibdur smirked over his tankard at her.

“Sitting and listening and asking. We have a whole day before our dear new acquaintances call upon us, and this is quite the bustling establishment. I have been in enough bars and inns to know that there are plenty of secrets traded in this place throughout the days and nights. One must simply listen.”

“And the asking?” Ibdur raised a bushy brow.

“I may take it upon myself to innocently ask the patron of this place about Shagarm and the Talons, presenting myself under an appropriate enough ruse.” Iliskra set back to her plate.

“Is that wise?” Ibdur questioned, looking between his two companions.

“I have done this plenty of times before, Ibdur,” Iliskra’s tone turned to one of slight annoyance, “I know what I am doing.”

She looked to Leon, added words of assurance, “I have no intention of making myself or the two of you known to every corner of this place. I will simply be eavesdropping and perhaps asking the owner of the Dragon’s Tail a question or two. Once more, I know what I am doing. Anything we can learn about this part of the city, the Talons, Shagarm or anything or anyone else will be of some use.”

“Wait…” Ibdur’s head raised up in full, rounded eyes darted between Iliskra and Leon, “the Talons you said? Our acquaintances?”
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