Avatar of Naril


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current Two is for discipline, heedless of trial; three for the gleam of a jewel or a smile...
6 yrs ago
To absent friends, lost loves, old gods, and the season of mists; and may each and every one of us always give the Devil his due.
7 yrs ago
And when you said hi, I forgot my dang name.
8 yrs ago
Everything beautiful is math! Everything beautiful is a problem.
8 yrs ago
But whatever they offer you, don't feed the plants!
1 like


Hi! I'm Naril. I write, build things, and I'm incredibly busy, all the time. I'm probably older than you. I'm not interested in isekai, school settings, sandboxes, excessively grimdark settings, or invitation-only threads; I'm very picky about militaria, I don't care for A Song of Ice and Fire, Nation roleplay bores me to tears, most fandom doesn't really catch my attention, and though I prefer Advanced-level writing, I'm not going to help you write your book (Unless you feel like paying my day rate) - which almost certainly means I'm not here. Some day, maybe. Probably not, though!

I am interested in science fiction, cyberpunk, space operas, and stories of working together, uplift, and progress. You'll catch my attention with fantasy adventures in an interesting world, or with almost any modern fantasy. I have a soft spot for superhero stories, and you might find me in the occasional Star Wars or Star Trek fandom.

My standards are high for myself and mild for everyone else; I love writing dialogue and making you feel like you can taste the place I'm creating. I write in the style I like to read, which is the part I find fun. If you want an example of the authors I enjoy, look at Ann Leckie, Tamsyn Muir, N.K. Jemisin, Martha Wells, Terry Pratchett, and Neil Gaiman.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, I have an idea. :3
I...will not have a character ready tonight, but I should tomorrow. That is definitely past the cutoff, however. :3
*falls in through the ceiling*


Every year I forget how bad Q4 is for...what I do, but I'm here! And I have a free evening! WRITING.
I'll have a character up on Sunday. :3


Hi. <3
I'm quite interested. :3
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