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    1. Natty 10 yrs ago
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I believe that's my CS all done! Let me know what you think.

This is so fun, especially with Kamala as Shazam!

Apologies if i just missed it within you sheet, but how old is Billy? I get that he's been around since the 1929, but he's not an old man right? Did Whitemane stop him from physically aging?
While it may not be as impressive as the man in blue, after doing some talking with @Jareth i decided to whip a lil' something up. Shall finish this up tomorrow.

Well I said I was interested in doing something with mutants, so I gathered a bunch of characters I like as a team.

Damn, looks like you're using the Magik origin for Pixie, looks like that's my idea out as there's no way I'm getting a competing sheet up in time! Nor would I want to as this idea looks fun!

Shall have a think about something else!
Calling all angels friends from UOU;

@Eddie Brock

Just in case you hadn't seen this thread and since I'm shameless.

I'm tempted and have a few ideas, but i'll give it a few days to mull things over and see what's needed in this world.

I'm toying with something based on What If? Magik from last year, but i'm trying to work out how i could do her completely separate from the X-men.

“Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Dr Kavita Rao, and as of right now Benetech is working to bring peace to this world. Benetech is working to bring a mutant cure.”

The flash of cameras erupted around Dr Rao as she spoke, the reporters accompanying them whispering eagerly among themselves. The press conference was taking place at one of Benetech’s industrial facilities, a place which had been closed to the public since the company formed many years ago. Being allowed here now was a miracle in itself, however that fact was now clearly overshadowed by Dr Rao’s statement. In the months since mutantkind had been introduced to the world, nothing like this had ever happened until now.

“You may be wondering, why mutants? Why must mutants be cured of their powers and abilities, when beings like Superman, like the Flash, exist?” She paused, letting the question sink in. “Mutants are different. They are the future of humanity; Mutants are changing the human race every day, and they may not even know it. You can't tell them apart by looking at them, you'll never know if your best friend, child, or partner is a mutant unless they tell you or you catch them in the act of using their powers, and with every generation, more and more of the human population will be comprised of mutants.”

The room seemed to become smaller as she spoke, as the reality of the world around the reporters seemed to dawn on them. The whispers had stopped and now they stood in awe, an eerie silence filling the demo area in which they stood, save for Rao’s words.

The only other sound was the ever continuing sound of cameras. The flashes continued as she spoke. However now they seemed different.

“And each one could be a walking weapon of mass destruction.”

The camera flashes seemed to grow more frantic. The lights on the ceiling seemed to flicker as well.

“They’re dangerous.”


“The unpredictability of these abilities is dangerous.”

Larger. The men and women wielding them had noticed now. They moved the cameras away from their faces, yet the light kept coming. Ever so brighter.

“And what more…”

That was the final straw. Before she could finish, screams and shouts filled the air, as the camera’s seemed to explode into a flash of colour. The lights coating the ceiling and stage followed suit. It seared into everyone’s vision. Seeing was impossible. All there was was light. A bright white blinding light that seemed to last forever.

Then as quick as it started, it was over. The white died down. The world returned to normal, as everyone clutched their faces in pain. As they regained their senses and their struggling eyes made their way back to the stage, they saw that to Dr Rao's horror, she was no longer alone up there. A man in black stood omniously behind her, flanked by a group of all shapes and sizes.

“Dangerous you say? You’ve not seen anything dangerous yet.”

The figure in black stepped forward, an insidious smile forming across his face. He wore a suit of dark spandex, adorned by a cape nearly as bright and as difficult to look at as the previous surge of light.

”My name is Arthur Light, and this is my Brotherhood of Mutants.”

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application


Full Name

Scott Summers


Scott has the ability to project a powerful beam of concussive force from his eyes. As a result of injuries caused by falling from the plane during his childhood, Scott is unable to control his optic blasts, relying on his lenses of ruby-quartz to be able to see normally.

Origin and Backstory

Scott Summers did not have the world’s best childhood. Scott was on a flight with his parents and little brother Alex when their plane suddenly found itself erupting into flames. His father, Christopher Summers, knew they only had one parachute onboard and did what any father would do. He strapped Alex and the parachute to Scott and pushed them to safety. The landing was rough, but Scott escaped with just a concussion. However, the sight of seeing his parents plane go up in flames left an even deeper scar. Things only worsened when the boys became wards of the state and were separated when Alex was adopted, and Scott sent to an orphanage in Nebraska.

It was during this time that his mutant abilities manifested. After bumping into a wall, Scott's eyes began to hurt. Although he was able to see fine at first, he was unable to control it, and unaware of what he was doing, Scott opened his eyes. The blast of energy that erupted from them cut through the walls of his school, obliterating anything that fell into its path. It was a miracle that no one was hurt. That's when he came across one of the two men that would change his life forever; Charlies Xavier. Xavier Institute for Gifted Children became Scott's new home over the next few years. He excelled at his studies, and soon learnt how to control his abilities, using a lens of ruby-quartz to keep his optic blasts at bay. That was when he met Jean. Scott found himself falling in love with Jean Grey from the moment he laid eyes on her. In time the two grew close to one another, forming a relationship.

Things weren’t all smooth sailing though. During his time at the Institute, Scott watched first hand the hatred that the rest of the world had for his kind, and he absolutely hated it. At first, he had held strongly to the dream of a better world that Charles had described to him; a world of mutants and humans living together in peace. However, the more he watched on the news of bigotry and racism that mutants received merely for existing, the more his belief in that dream faded. These thoughts were brought forward upon the arrival of Max Eisenhardt, otherwise known as Magneto. An old friend of Charles, Magneto was a firm believer in fighting back against the enemies of Mutantkind, and while Scott may not have agreed with his methods, he couldn’t disagree with the reasons.

Scott leaped at the chance to do his part upon the creation of X-Force. Taking the name of Cyclops, he fought for the position of the team’s leader, a position Charles’ had been steering him towards for years. Unfortunately, Magneto, the team’s supervisor, had other plans, placing his own son Pietro as the head of the group. This only made Scott more determined to do better, however, did little to solve the ongoing ideological struggle within his head.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:

In recent years in the Marvel Universe, after years of tragedy for mutantkind, Scott Summer’s found himself moving away from Xavier’s ideology of humans and mutants living in peace, becoming a revolutionary (or terrorist), akin to Magneto. I want to see what would happen if Scott found himself succumbing to these thoughts at an earlier stage in his life, and how that would affect the X-men. With both Xavier and Magneto acting as mentors to the X-men (or X-force) in season 1, I feel it would be interesting to see how’d Scott would interact in such an environment.

Supporting Cast

Charles Xavier: Founder and current head of Xavier Institute for Gifted Children. Charles has acted as a father figure to Scott during his time at the institute, however as tensions have escalated within the mutant community, Scott finds himself slipping away from Charles' ideology.

Max Eisenhardt AKA Magneto: The current supervisor of X-Force, Scott was initially hesitant of the mysterious Magneto. Now he's starting to agree with him more and more.

Jean Grey AKA Marvel Girl: An incredibly powerful telepath, Jean is both Scott's best friend, as well as his girlfriend.

Pietro Maximoff AKA Quicksilver: Speedster and son of Magneto, Pietro leads X-Force. He and Scott do not get along.

Tara Markov AKA Terra: As hot-headed as she is powerful, Terra can manipulate the earth. In recent months she has come to idolize Magneto.

Garfield Logan AKA Beast Boy: The youngest of the team, the green-skinned Beast Boy is able to turn into any creature in the animal kingdom.

Jubilation Lee AKA Jubilee: The living firework, Jubilee found the school just as her powers began showing. She has big dreams of becoming a superhero.

Henry McCoy AKA Beast: Close friend of Charles Xavier, the blue-furred Beast has a genius-level intellect and develops the team’s tools and gadgets.

Danny the Brick: The Sentient Brick that makes up Xavier's Institute.


@Morden Man Have you had a chance to see my sheet yet?
Shame really, was looking forward to getting in on this
I'm assuming i'll need to continue on from where Nib left off, so i took that into account when starting my sheet. Shall get to work on the sample post shortly and should have that done just before christmas!

All done. Let me know what you think.

Also i need a new colour for Jean, i'm not feeling pink
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