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8 yrs ago
Current All work and no play, makes these old bones dry.


Work, work, work. Rain, work, work.

Giant mutant chicken-sandwich.

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@Red Helix

Attack on Titan. PM me?

Post up...damn have I been away for a long time.
(Collan done with @bloonewb)

Leaving behind his brother, William climbed up the hatch and beheld horror on the other end. A horde right on the deck of the ship, growing ever larger as bloodthirsty marauders swung onto the deck from the neighboring ships. William drew his sword from his belt and crept up to the sides, occasionally stabbing distracted pirates in the back of the head and cursing at those he could be sure were on his own side.

Merebelle Gray soon arrived on the deck as well - having heard the fighting from down below the deck. She soon emerged in her decked out Hawk Armor - the trimming visible on the armor. While normally fighting in full armor onboard a ship was grounds for being thrown around - due to the weight and movement of a ship, Miri was far more than a simple knight. Alot of her youth had been spent in addition to her usual life in travelling the rivers of Riverland.

While they weren't the same - it helped build one' sea-legs all the same. As such Merebelle easily charged into the fray, swinging her longsword and bashing away pirates with her force. Their cutlasses not much use when their opponent was decked in armor and able to move easily in it.

Skill was no match for numbers. William could see that the battle was not turning out positively for the loyalists. He skirted the edge of the battle, trying to avoid tiring himself out by getting into conflict. If the pirates were to capture the ship, he didn't want to be caught in the center of battle, where he can't negotiate a betrayal. Worse still, he was completely without armor, so being cut down was all the more likely. This, combined with the strong smell of wine on him, meant he looked just like the pirates he was doing battle against, and occasionally had to dodge out of the way of loyalist blades. He was going to complain about this for the rest of the trip for sure.

As the fighting continued and a group of five of the best Westerosi warriors went to capture the Last Rite the rest of the crew was left to keep their own vessel afloat. Slowly but surely, the men that remained onboard - rallied around a certain woman. Surprisingly - she was the most armored one amongst the group yet despite that, also one whom managed to move on the ship - like she wore nothing.

The pirates had difficulty taking her on - despite their likely stronger strength - the woman knew her capabilites. Never fighting directly and using her armor as both a method of defense as well as a weapon for offense. "With me! Push these flea-rotted savages back into the sea!" roared Merebelle.

Another blade flashed in the sun out of the corner of his vision. William ducked, and found the wielder to be yet another loyalist. That was the last straw. He was sick of shouting at his own side to keep their pointy things away from him, so he instead raised his fist and decked the other in his exposed face. He reeled back, crashing into a woman he was serving under.

"Oi! Put some actual discipline into your whelps!" he shouted at the woman.

Crashing into an armed knight - be they male or female, in the middle of a fight seemed a bad thing to do - especially with his tone. As he'd soon feel an armored gauntlet grab him by his shirt - somebody sweeping his legs from under him, with a rather strong and painful force. Before William would find himself on his back - a blade poised at his neck and an armored boot on his chest.

Before it was luckily withdrawn and not stabbed forward - since his complete appearance looked that of a drunkard. "Bloody Seven. You have a death-wish or something," she replied, pulling her armored boot off him and quickly deflecting an attack from an attacking pirate and cutting the man in half. "Get up and get fighting! And get a fucking change - you look like the enemy...." she spoke, quickly pulling up the shield of a dead loyalist and handing it to William. Followed by a makeshift helmet being slammed onto his head - it wasn't much, but atleast he had the appearance of a drunk loyalist now.

William was about to say something scathing, but something stopped him. His eyes widened, and suddenly he couldn't make a witty retort.

"Eyes on the battle!" he shouted, pointing in the other direction. A large insurgent was about to bring his sword down upon both their heads. William ducked, and covered his head with his arms, expecting the blood spatter from a gruesome end.

Merebelle reacted to that strike - bringing up her blade rather quickly and bouncing the large insurgents sword off her own blade. Before she slashed with all her strength across the man' chest from one side to the other. Almost cutting the man in half, but for now simply killing him in a rather messy way. As blood was soon splattered onto her armor.

He soon felt a hand pick him up once more - namely that of Merebelle. "You bloody coward...grow a pair and get fighting...or if you lost yours...get below deck and start praying to the Seven like a little boy..." she spoke, before letting go of his shirt. Soon rallying the others and pushing back against the pirates. Using their less numbers and more skilled soldiers to set up choke-points - so their numbers wouldn't be much use - unless they were willing to take large casulaties.

"Infidel," William muttered, as soon as she was gone. He grabbed the helmet she gave him and tossed it at a pirate. It bounced off of the unsuspecting sap's head, knocking him down. Then, he took the shield and bashed into the chest of another. "Here, hold this," he said. The pirate instinctively grabbed the shield, and William slashed with his sword on the unprotected side. Once again, he was armorless. He heard stories of sailors who drowned because their clothes weighed them down. Metal would not be a more effective flotation device.

Merebelle saw William act as stubbornly and stupidly as usual. She merely shook her head and decided not to bother him at that - if he planned to get himself accidentally killed, then that was his choice. But she better not find any of their own dead amongst the casulties - due to his lack of wearing identifying clothing. As she handed command of maintaining their ranks to some Reachmen, whom looked decent enough captain to hold several important choke-holds on their ship.

As she gathered quickly five other soldiers - not bothering to check the marks of their House. Since the sea would claim all in equality, no matter their status or blood. "COME ON! Our people need help! Follow me! For WESTEROS!" yelled Merebelle, as she soon charged in aid to the others - namely Ellion, Lyvia, Aerion and the others.

Trying something out with bloonewb.


I can try.

Well that is hard, when you don't know how to even start.

Bottom-line being, I don't know much about your character/s.

Dont know how, since I had mostly kept interaction between Ellion and Merebelle.

I am on the boat with Ellion. Heading to the Stepstones.

Well....I am stuck. Nobody wants to play with me.
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