Avatar of NecroKnight


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8 yrs ago
Current All work and no play, makes these old bones dry.


Work, work, work. Rain, work, work.

Giant mutant chicken-sandwich.

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Phantom for her part, almost seemed to be playing around with the snake-men. If anyone was to look at her fighting and the enemies trying to hit her, it would almost look like some sort of cartoon. As they tried get, claw or even bite her - usually ending up missing, hitting their brethren or crashing into a nearby car. They even tried and failed to dog-pile her, only ending with them all in one neat pile.

"Thanks for doing that. I won't need to put an effort," she replied, snapping her fingers. To the unknown it seemed like she was doing magic, instead she used that moment of confusion for them - to hack into the controls of the nearby cement-mixer. The truck soon backing up and dumping liquid cement onto the snake-men.

Then returned her focus to what the others were up to. Fate as usual, telling them of what to do - while a few others remained to help Fate. Phantom for her part, wasn't eager to run into some dark cave - where her skills weren't much use. This wide and open expanse of traffic was much better at that. Plus without any people around, she could really play around with her powers.

"Yo! Polymer! Incoming!" she replied, using her powers to hack into the cars surrounding them. While many were the old type, some had the newer features, like dashboard computers or wireless locking systems. All ways that she could hack into the car and use them like some kid toys. Thus one motorcycle soon ran over seven snake-men that tried to sneak up on the elastic superhero.

As she soon jumped next to him, her hands up like some puppet-master - while an array of cars behind her, slowly revved-up their engines. "You ever played Death Race before? I wonder, how many snakes I can flatten with one car..."

Dunno. Never been a fan of stats. Since eventually people go off their limits anyways.

So great host. When we starting?

Lordaeron, worse than a barnhouse of plague infected monkeys set fire.
Poking this up once more.

Interesting idea. I do think we can keep it in Lordaeron if need be. Don't want to get too divided apart.

Plus this being Warcraft anything is possible. Perhaps. Is it possible to persay reform the Kingdom of Alterac even?
Bumping up. Looking.

"Ugh. Crazy people," replied Kary, seeing some of the beasts focus on her. "Alright. If I have to get my hands dirty, then so be it. You guys sadly aren't on the endangered list of animals. So, except a good ass-kicking to commence."

Compared to her team-mates who might hold back or simply charge into the fray - Phantom started doing something else. Namely, she simply soon activated something on her PDA and soon enough the fight had some music going on it. Although, despite this - it acted both as a confusion and a measuring stick for Kary. Namely, which beat to keep.

As she appeared to start becoming almost hyperactive, jumping from one foot to the other, constantly. Then beckoning the snake-guys to attack her, which they didn't waste time doing. Even outnumbered, Karoline had the perfect style of fighting - not to mention, amplified by her already other martial art and her body' natural talents.

Thus, when the Snake Cultists tried to attack her, they would miss. Then again and again and again, even with two of them trying to hit her - they failed. Both because she was twice as fast as an ordinary human and able to react faster than that. But the type of fighting style she used, was built around evasion and dodging - even when dealing with multiple opponents. Although, it didn't mean she didn't hit back.

When Phantom counter-attacked it was meant to do damage, hurt and struck without warning - before Kary returned to her evasive stance, being as unhittable as the wind. This kind of tactic, was her way of doing things. Evade and counter-attack, thus even outnumbered - she was able to outmatch the Cultists. But not having much time to focus, how her other teammates were doing.

Phantom groaned, when she half-way landed on top of everyone. The Justice League really needed to upgrade their software, or otherwise - they might not land upside down, they might accidentally 'land' inside each other or worse. Although, that wasn't as bad as when she expected that to be the worse thing.

As since she was the top one, Kary ended up being the one to 'receive' Robotman - when she suddenly felt the man land ontop of her. "AEHH! Off you big ox!" she groaned, getting off and cracking her back. Making sure that nothing was broken. "I'd hit you for that, but you've done enough damage already."

Once her words had been spoken, Phantom calmed down herself - and refrained from punching the man of metal. Since that would do nothing good, beyond damage herself even more. As she soon enough, rolled up her sleeve and activated her wrist-PDA. Already starting to get some contact with the local area network. The woman soon followed after Knight and Polymer up the ladder, without even looking - simply kicked up, then pulled herself up one bar and landed outside.

"Sure. Fun enough of running into the den of literal snakes, whom are likely waiting in ambush. Then people wonder, how a King Cobra can kill an elephant. Cause they don't watch, where they are going," she replied at Polymer. Before she soon managed to piggy-back into a weather satellite and get some covering over the area of their targets. "Alright. Now, we got something useful. Like overview of what we are going to be facing."

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